Jax (Immortals of New Orleans Book 7) (27 page)

BOOK: Jax (Immortals of New Orleans Book 7)
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“You didn’t need to make such a mess.” Mick allowed Avery to wipe around the object, absorbing the fluid. “Well, this is interesting. A message from Ilsbeth.”

“How do you know?”

“Ilsbeth has a Nordic ancestry. She was always fond of tricking people with her use of other languages. While French is often spoken in the bayou, Swedish is less known.”

“What does it say?” Katrina pressed.

“Där de döda lögnen och vattnet stiger vi möter. Dolda men sett, hitta förtrollningen som du söker. Of course this is much more of a rhyme in English. Where the dead lie and the water rises, we meet. Hidden but seen, find the spell you seek.”

“Seriously?” Jake rose and rubbed his eyes. “This whole damn area is filled with water.”

“Lake Ponchartrain?” Katrina guessed. “It can be dangerous.”

“True, but so can the river,” Jax countered.

“The river?” Jake asked.

“Yes. The river,” Jax repeated. “The last time I was down in New Orleans I was in this bar having a drink.”

“You and half the world,” Mick commented.

“Are you going to listen? Because I’m in no mood.”

“Proceed.” Mick gave a broad gesture with his palm outstretched.

“It was around Mardi Gras. I’m sitting there, and the bartender starts telling me about how once a year people are allowed to dump the remains of their loved ones in the river. That people wait all year long.”

“Start with the Quarter,” Katrina suggested.

“How the hell are we supposed to find something down there? We don’t even know what it is or where it could be. I guess we could start with the river banks, but some are covered with hundreds of stones. Are we planning on looking under every one? Not to mention the steps, docks, boats. It could be any damn place,” Jake pointed out.

“We do it the same way we did it at Ilsbeth’s. Look, I’m not even sure how or why, but she wants me to find this. I think there is something about this ring, maybe this knife…we’re supposed to do something with them,” Katrina asserted.

“Destroy the demons?” Mick suggested, wearing an impassive expression.

“Maybe. Maybe not. We shouldn’t assume Ilsbeth is trying to help us. For all we know we’re bringing these assholes some kind of gift. But whatever it is, Kat’s right. We need to go find what Ilsbeth wanted us to find. We’ll figure it out from there,” Jax told them.

“Before you leave, I’d like to have a moment with my little Kitty Kat.” Mick bowed to Jax, bending his arm over his stomach. “Please, indulge me, Alpha.”

“I’ll be all right,” Katrina assured Jax.

“Are you sure about this? I think maybe I should…” Jax began, but hesitated as Katrina nodded, her expression tense but certain. Before turning toward the door, he collected the items they’d brought off the desk and shot Mick a glare. “Let me be clear. While I appreciate your input today, I’d better not find out you’re lying. You get five minutes. You hurt my mate and you’re dead.” Jax reached for Katrina, and squeezed her hand. “I’ll be right here in the hallway. He does anything and I’ll know.”

“Thanks. I promise I’ll be okay,” she responded.

“You’re just going to leave her alone with the magick man?” Jake asked.

“I’m not going anywhere. The door stays open. Understand?” Jax growled.

“But of course I will maintain the fine lady’s reputation.” Mick gave a furtive smile and turned to Avery. “Sorry, darling, but this is private. Please see to all the needs of the Alpha and his friend.”

“I’d absolutely love to,” she mewled, her palms adjusting her cleavage. She licked her lips and reached for the crook of Jax’s arm.

Katrina clutched at the desk, restraining her urge to attack the flirty witch. Her wolf scratched and whined, warning her not to let him go alone. Hearing voices in the hallway, she was assured that Jax had not gone far, but it did little to assuage her beast.

A hand tugged at her palm, uncurling her fingers. She stared up into icy eyes that appeared to swirl into infinity. The limitless depth of the warlock’s pupils caught her focus, and she wondered if he wore contact lenses.

“Look at how well you heal, even without shifting.” Mick uncapped a bottle of water and poured it onto a clean tissue. “May I?”

“Um, what?” Katrina averted her gaze, afraid he possessed some sort of hypnotic power. “Oh yes, sorry. Yeah. My hand’s fine, really.”

“Beautiful skin. Such a shame you are to be mated. Had we met in another time, perhaps we would have celebrated life’s pleasures,” he drawled. “But alas, I fear it is not to be.”

“Mr. Germaine…”

“Mick…please. We’re almost family.” He carefully stroked her skin dry.

“Not exactly, but…” Katrina gasped as her palm came into view. No scar or line remained; the cut had completely disappeared. “How did you…”

“Magick. I’m not the high priest for nothing. You may think me peculiar, but I assure you my intentions are altruistic.”

“How do I know that?” Despite Mick’s statement to the contrary, she didn’t trust his motives for helping them.

“Conjuring demons is a messy business.” He ignored her question. “You see, demons aren’t content to stay in the netherworld. They seek the life they cannot have. The devil has long possessed humans. This world,” he paused and lifted her hand in his, bringing it inches from his lips, “it must have balance. This is one point on which Ilsbeth and I agreed. Imbalance brings chaos. Turmoil. Imagine the implications if demons have the power to become wolves? To create their own pack? The very existence of wolves is at stake.”

With an ethereal presence, waves of energy radiated off the mystical warlock. He lifted her hand and kissed the back of it, startling Katrina. Disturbed by his words and actions, she tugged away and crossed her arms, feigning confidence. No matter how much she wanted to run from his office, she forced herself to listen to his oration, gleaning every last bit of information he shared.

“Once your portals close, you may be able to save your own magick, but the witchcraft imposed on you will forever leave its mark. You’ve been branded by the demon. I’m afraid you cannot remove what has been done. Ilsbeth, she is neither all saint nor all sinner. But I believe she has touched you. Somewhere along the line, she gifted you with a sliver of her power, and now my dear, you must go use it. Find what she wishes you to find.”

Awestruck, Katrina stared at Mick, her body relaxing into the trance he’d evoked. She vacillated between believing every single word he spoke and dismissing the entire evening as a hallucination. He smiled at her, his effervescent laughter erupted, and she blinked, woken from her dream.

“I, um, thank you.” Katrina flexed her fingers as the suggestive laugh of a female caught her attention. Her Alpha’s voice followed, sparking a hot wave of jealousy in her chest. “I have to go.”

Without saying goodbye, Katrina took off out of Mick’s office into the dark hallway. As promised, Jax had not gone far, but nor had the seductive witch. Her Alpha stood backed against a wall, his hands wrapped around her wrists. The sight of Avery’s palms flattened on Jax’s shoulders incited her beast into a rage.

“You! Get the hell off of him, now!” Katrina stalked toward them.

“Hmm….why won’t you share?” A wicked smile crossed Avery’s face and she waggled her eyebrows at Katrina. “He’s delicious. I can feel every last hard ridge.” As she attempted to slide her hands lower, Jax lifted her arms away.

“Hey, sorry, Kat, I…this,” he stuttered, swiveling his head. “I’m telling you this isn’t what it looks like. Where the hell did Jake go?”

“You have three little precious seconds to get away from Jax before I shift and rip out your throat,” Katrina growled. She kicked off her shoes and tore off her dress, readying to shift. “One. Two. Three.”

Avery threw her hands up and spun in circles away from Jax. With an evil laugh, she reached into her pocket and blew purple and silver sparkles up into the air. “You need happy dust.”

Katrina glared at Avery, who continued to smile at them. Her beast threatened to shift, urging her to kill the witch. “You touch him again, and it will be the last thing you ever do with those pretty little nails of yours.”

“It’s okay, Katrina,” Jax coaxed, his voice calm. “Believe me, I get what’s going on here. Your wolf, you’ve been holding her back for a long time and she’s not happy. You need to leave the witch alone, though. No matter what your wolf is telling you, you can’t just kill her.”

Katrina sniffed into the air and grazed her nose into his chest, scenting the witch on his clothing, and growled. Her hand reached between his legs and grabbed his half-hard dick. Although a sliver of her humanity registered the fact that they were inside of a coven, her wolf inside demanded she claim him. Feral, she ignored logic, which told her to wait until they returned home.

Jax gave a small chuckle as Katrina grabbed his wrist and kicked open a door with her foot. She slammed it behind her, paying little attention to the room she’d entered. Set in a seventies theme, plastic beads covered the walls. Prismatic light splintered from a spinning mirrored ball overhead. A kaleidoscope of colors mottled over the shag carpet and furniture.

Katrina stared up into his blue eyes, her gorgeous Alpha looming over her. Stabbing her fingers into Jax’s chest, she directed him backward until his calves touched the mattress. She fisted his shirt at the collar, holding it out from his neck. Jax made no move to stop her as she clawed at the fabric with her nails. Tearing it apart at the seams, she discarded it on the floor. With her gaze locked on his, she dragged her tongue over his flat nipple. As he went to embrace her, she bit him hard in warning.

“Don’t move,” she growled. Wild, her beast ran free. She’d have her way with her Alpha and by the time she was done, no one would ever have him again.

Jax hissed as Katrina raked her fingernails down his chest, marking his skin with fine red trails. Her hands drifted to his belt, and she unbuckled it. With a swift tug, she whipped it out and dangled it from her fingers. As she unzipped his pants and tugged down the denim, Katrina caught the glint of excitement as his eyes went to the leather.

“Off,” she ordered, her eyes intense as he complied, kicking off the jeans.

Katrina smiled, soaking in the spectacular sight of her mate. From the hard lines of his masculine form to his hardened arousal, she sought to own every inch of him. She reached for his dick and stroked it, gliding her thumb over his weeping slit.

“Ah…what are you doing with that belt, Kat?” he groaned, not making an attempt to move.

“This?” She held it up in the air, giving a small smile. Katrina had never indulged as a dominant yet she’d detected his curiosity to explore the unknown. In the split second that she sensed his interest, she fell into her role, determined to push his limits.
Pain. Pleasure.
Her Alpha had sexual tastes that ran the gamut, and she was about to discover how far he’d go. “Is this what you want? You’ve been a very bad Alpha.”

“I’m warning you, you best not go there,” he breathed.

“Why’s that? Because you might like it?” Katrina released him and reached behind her back, unsnapping her bra. She cupped a firm breast, teasing its tip into a taut peak. “Remember our little deal? Honesty. We’re mates, after all.”

“You haven’t claimed me yet,” he baited her.

Katrina gave a small chuckle, cognizant he’d challenged her on purpose. She was well aware that although he indulged her, allowing her to dominate, her submission to her Alpha was imminent. Feral with sexual energy, Katrina proceeded to tease him.

Standing at a distance from her mate, she smiled as he patiently waited, hunger flaring in his eyes. Holding the strap, she hooked a thumb into the side of her panties and tugged them away. As if her lover’s hands were on her body, her fingers glided over her breasts and traveled slowly down her stomach. Slipping them through her slippery folds, she cried out in pleasure as she brushed over her clit.

With his eyes locked on hers, Jax stood perfectly still as Katrina approached. She lifted her hand to his mouth and dragged her cream along his lips. He sucked her fingers, and her pussy dampened. She studied her beautiful mate, his teeth nipping at her thumb. A small grin emerged on his face, and her heart pounded against her ribs. This man would break her, and the whole time she’d beg for more.

Jax’s eyes went to the leather in her hand, reminding her of her intent. His sexy smile, wrapped around her like an embrace, had distracted her from her task. She moved to his side and widened her stance. Taking his steel-hard cock into her hand, she gripped him. With each stroke, her hips tilted forward. Her wet folds grazed his thigh and she bit her lip. Holding the strap, her eyes went to his and he nodded.

“This is happening now. I’m going to mark you tonight. And do you know why, Alpha? Because you’re mine.” Wielding the leather, she slapped it across his ass and he grunted in arousal. “My mate.”

Jax fisted his hands as his head lolled back. “Again,” he begged.

Katrina’s breath caught at the sight of her Alpha embracing the stinging punishment. She swatted him again and he began to furiously thrust his stiffened cock into her hand.

“Don’t you dare come,” she demanded. Jax panted, sweat beading across his brow, but did as Katrina instructed. “On the bed now. After tonight there will be no doubt who you belong to.”

Jax fell back into bed, grinning up at her, and her heart melted. A true dominatrix she was not. But as he let her direct him, she suspected, like everything else he did in his life, he’d done it on purpose. He’d given her the confidence she needed, her wolf needed. Years of being out of control were erased as she descended onto her Alpha. She climbed atop him, straddling his waist and gave him a smile. “Your hands.”

She stifled a laugh as he put his wrists out to her, but quickly resumed her work. Binding him with only a buckle, she knew he’d quickly escape. But the act was symbolic of his trust in her. She gently slid her hands up his hardened abs, admiring every little ridge under her fingertips. When she reached his chest, she gently lifted underneath his arms, brushing her palms up along the sensitive inner skin.

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