JAX: MC Biker Romance (New Adult Contemporary Bad Boy Romance) (44 page)

BOOK: JAX: MC Biker Romance (New Adult Contemporary Bad Boy Romance)
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A silence came over the girls, as they were in quiet contemplation of the past.

“I just miss him so much,” Samantha said at last, with a sniff.

“You two were always special,” Julie commiserated with her friend. “I always hated my brother.”

It was then that the phone rang and shocked the girls out of their tears.

“It’ll be the police probably or some random aunt. I tell you, you wouldn’t believe the amount of people that come out the woodwork at a time like this.”

Samantha hurried to the phone expecting a pleasant voice on the end.

“Bitch” came the first word and she stood frozen to the spot with her heart racing. “Your brother might be dead, but the debt’s not. It’s your problem now,” the voice snarled before the click of the phone sounded, as the caller hung up.

For a few seconds, Samantha stood numb with the phone still clutched to her head. She was staring into space, barely believing what she just heard.

“Sammy, you ok?” Jules craned her neck over the back of the couch. “Everything ok?”

“No…. everything’s not ok.”

Samantha was huddled under her coat with her hands clutching at a paper cup of coffee. The smell was bitter and it distracted her for a few seconds, as she looked through the window of the double doors ahead of her. Detective Brooke was talking to Julie in the corridor and the conversation looked heated. She furrowed her brows, as she guessed what they were talking about, and she figured they must have been arguing over her.

Her vision was blocked when detective Cooper came into view with a pad of paper in his hand.

“Sorry about that, had to make a call. So, tell me again. You’ve never heard from this person before?”

“No. This was the first time.”

“And he spoke of a debt that your brother owed?”


“Any distinguishing characteristics?”

“Like what?” Samantha was becoming agitated and eager to get home.

“Like an accent? Or maybe even a stutter or speech impediment?”

“No, nothing like that.”

She sipped on her drink and tried to catch a peek around him to see Julie.

“Oh don’t worry about them,” Cooper said, as he followed her gaze. “They’re just arguing over football.”


“Yeah… Brooke never keeps his mouth shut once the beautiful game comes up in conversation.”

For most of the day, Cooper had done his best not to think about her, but then, she had to turn up at the station with that cute, tearful face of hers. He tried to act as professionally as possible, even when he wanted to wrap his arms around her and kiss the tears off her cheeks.

As he pretended to scribble on his pad, he looked into her hazel eyes and felt as though he was swooning. All she’d have to do was look at him the right way and he’d be all hers. Of course, she’d shown no interest in him at all and it irked him. He’d never had to work hard to impress a woman. All he had to do was stand there with his broad, muscular frame and cheeky face and they’d be all smiles and batting eyelashes. Samantha though, she was different.

“Are you finished?” Her words interrupted his thoughts, as she nodded to the pad on his desk. “I need to get home.”

“Oh sorry. Yeah, I think we’re all done here. If he calls again, you phone me right away.”

“But, that’s it? What if he turns up at my apartment?”

“We’ll have a car stationed at the entrance to your building for the next twenty four hours. Don’t worry, no one will be getting anywhere near you.”

Samantha’s shoulders slumped in relief.

“Thank God,” she smiled. “But anyway…. I better get goin’.”

“How about I drive you home?” He didn’t mean to sound so forward, but the words tumbled out before he could stop them.

“Actually, that would be great. Thanks.” That smile again, the one that gave him butterflies.

On the walk to the parking lot, they remained silent until they reached the car. Once inside with the warmth of the vehicle with the doors slamming shut, Samantha began to relax. Without realizing, she found herself looking at his hand, as it rested on the steering wheel. There was no wedding band, so maybe he was single. She shook away the thought and looked out the window, as they pulled out onto the busy street. She felt ashamed for thinking such a thing at such a terrible time.

Meanwhile, Cooper was sensing some tension from her and he glanced over to see her perfect profile framed in the window. He wanted to tell her how beautiful she looked, but turned back to the road instead.

“You must have so much on your mind,” he asked to make conversation.

“Like you wouldn’t believe,” she started to chew on her coat sleeve, as her wide eyes stayed fixed on the sidewalk.

“And your parents, how are they coping?”

“Not well,” Samantha’s voice became croaky, as she held in the tears. “My Mom keeps calling me up at all hours of the night wanting answers. She keeps wanting to know what she could have done differently. Thinks it’s all her fault. My Dad though, he’s just quiet. Hasn’t said a thing.”

Cooper then pulled the car into a nearby space, as they reached Samantha’s apartment. Without thinking, he placed a hand on her knee and looked into her eyes.

“We’ll catch him. I promise.”

Samantha didn’t flinch at his touch. but rather, felt comforted by his warmth and the protection of his strong fingers. Without knowing what to say, she nodded and then pulled open the door.

“Phone me anytime,” Cooper called after her, as she closed the door and walked away.

She turned round one last time to make sure he was still looking at her, then she smiled and waved before disappearing inside. Cooper couldn’t stop the wide grin that was spreading across his face.




Three long days and nights had passed since the terror of that anonymous call. Samantha had sat on edge just staring at the telephone, as though it could hurt her at any moment. Although the caller seemed so frightful and mysterious, it did answer one thing. Anthony was in drug debt and maybe that’s why he’d been killed. In fact, it was the most likely train of thought and that’s what the detectives were also running with.

There weren’t many things that had calmed her mind since the passing of her brother. At times, when the insomnia became too much of a burden, she’d pad through to the kitchen and make herself a hot chocolate or pour a glass of wine. Those precious few minutes would take her away from all the mental torture just long enough to ground herself. Other times, Julie would be there with a big hug, and she’d feel her troubles dissolve, as the two shared stories from their childhood.

Yet, there was another small indulgence that she’d been enjoying too. Cooper wasn’t far from her thoughts and she’d be lying if she said she hadn’t imagined him, as she lay awake staring at the ceiling.

She was only human after all, and the man was gorgeous. There was only problem, he knew how hot he was and guys like that were always arrogant and aloof. But then again, Samantha liked an arrogant alpha male.

As she sat on the sofa with Julie beside her and a tub of ice cream between them, she felt her thoughts slide away to sexy ideas of what the detective would look like in uniform.

“What are you thinking about, you devil?” Julie nudged her in the arm.

“Eh? What?”

“You’ve got a weird smirk on your face.”

“No I haven’t.”

“Er…. I know a dirty day dream when I see one.”

They both laughed.

“It’s that detective again, isn’t it?”

“Maybe,” Samantha blushed. “But anyway, I saw you and that Brooke.”

“Oh God, forget about him. Not my type.”

“Sure about that?”


And, they resumed eating their ice cream with the canned laughter of a sitcom between them. But, Julie wasn’t falling for Samantha’s dismissive words, and she kept making furtive glances over the sofa.

“I don’t…. think I believe you,” she said with a cheeky glint in her eyes. “I bet you’d love to get inside a pair of his handcuffs.”

“Jules!” Samantha flung a cushion at her. “How dare you.” She burst out laughing. “Ok you’re right. I do like him, but only a little bit.”

“Yeah right,” Julie rolled her eyes with a mouthful of ice cream. You like him a heck of a lot.”

“Ok... I like him loads!”

“I knew it!”

They were both shrieking in laughter, but their fun was soon put to a stop by the sound of knocking on the front door.

“Who is it?” Samantha called, expecting it to be one of her neighbors.

The person wasn’t speaking. Again, a knock sounded three times. The manner was cold and precise with the sound of the wood piercing the air.

“I wonder who that could be.”

Samantha dropped her spoon and jumped up to investigate. She reached a few steps into the hallway when the knock sounded again. Except on the third rap, it reached a frightening crescendo, as the knocks turned to bangs. They were frantic and angry and the girls screamed as they ran to each other.

“Quick! Dial 911!”

Julie sprinted for the phone while Samantha clutched at her face in horror.

“Who are you?” she screamed.

The banging stopped for a moment with only the sound of her heavy breathing filling the space around her. Then, somewhere behind her, Julie was heard talking into the phone, desperately pleading for help.

“I said who are you?” Samantha tried to get a response one last time, as she edged her way to the door.

She was eager to see who it was and, as she leaned against the door, her eye against the peephole, she felt her heart begin to thud. A man in a ski mask stood with a machete held up high over his head, as if ready to rain down a fatal blow. He knew she was there, he could tell by the way the peephole clouded over with her movement. He looked up into the glass, his eyes gazing menacingly into the door.

“It’s the boogeyman,” his voice was singing.

Samantha held her breath in fear and felt Julie’s hand rest on her shoulder, as she stood by her side.

“The cops are on their way,” Julie whispered.

It was the last thing she heard before she felt the sharp pain across her face as the door was kicked in.




When Samantha awoke, she felt a terrible pain radiating through her skull. There was the taste of copper in her mouth and she winced at the sourness that was running over her teeth. Her nose, though miraculously not broken, was bleeding as a result of the door hitting it and she grimaced in pain, as she got her bearings.


The voice was coming from her left. She turned to see Julie tied up beside her with sheer terror in her eyes.


“Shhhhh…” He’s still here.

“What’s going on?” Samantha began to cry, as she suddenly felt the despair of the situation.

She wriggled her wrists behind her, but there was no use in trying to free herself The rope was wound so tightly around her that it burned her skin with the slightest of friction.

“You were knocked out,” Julies explained. “Then, he tied us both up. He’s been ransacking the place ever since. God knows where the cops are.”

Sounds were coming from the bedroom signaling he was pulling all her belongings apart.

“He must be looking for money,” Samantha bit her lip. “But, he won’t find anything.”

Suddenly, the noises stopped and footsteps were heard approaching. The girls felt their blood pressure rise the closer they got and, before they knew it, he was standing in front of them. The machete was still clutched inside his gloved hand, the blade dangling by his side as a sinister warning.

Samantha tried to look into his face, but flinched at the sight of the ski mask. Who knew what monster was hiding behind it. He noticed her expression and approached her slowly, step by creaking step, until his face was up close to hers. His hot and sour breath was pushing out the mask and making its way to Samantha’s face.

She turned her head to escape his stare, but he grabbed her by the chin and pulled her back, his bony fingers hurting her delicate face.

“Just tell me where the money is and I’ll let you live,” he snarled.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she sobbed. “I haven’t seen Anthony in months. I don’t know anything about any money.”

The intruder lost his patience and slapped her hard across the face.

“Don’t lie to me!”

“I’m not lying,” she cried harder, as a red whelp began to protrude from her fair skin. “I don’t know anything, but you can take what you want. Take it all, I don’t care. Just don’t hurt us!”

“Oh…. It’s like that is it? So, you’re in the mood for bargaining?”

The two girls looked at each other confused.

“I mean…. What would you two girls like to do for me? What would it take?”

Again, the girls exchanged panicked glances, as they tried to decipher his question.

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