Jaxie's Menage (8 page)

Read Jaxie's Menage Online

Authors: Jan Springer

Tags: #romance mnage erotic romance mnage contemporary erotica romance the key club series jan springer spunky girl publishing

BOOK: Jaxie's Menage
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The tables were decked
out in white linen, glass vases and white flowers. The ceiling was
dark blue, draped with sheer white material that hung like fishing
nets and light-blue strobe lights shone against it, giving the room
a wedding-like appearance.

People were dressed in a
sea of costumes — Robin Hood, vampires, Bugs Bunny, gypsies and
their favorite talk show hosts. Most talked with their hands,
gesturing in comical ways as they tried to follow the club rule of
remaining silent. Luckily, Royce and himself only had a short wait
before two stools became available.

Once seated, Royce
ordered them beers. When the bartender placed the items in front of
them, Royce broke the rule of silence.

Have you seen
anyone you’d like to hook up with?” His voice was barely above a
whisper and Ewan had some trouble making out what he was saying
above the rock ’n roll music blaring from the three-man live band
set up in a dark corner.

Ewan laughed.

Patience, my
man. We just got here. Give me a chance to scout around. When I see
the woman I want, you’ll be the first to know. And you just let me
know when you see one you want.”

Royce nodded.

His friend had mentioned
he wanted to rig it with Rachel to use the trick hat that Jaxie
had, but Rachel had told him the hat was just a rumor. He’d even
tried to pry it out of Royce if he knew about the trick hat, but
he’d feigned ignorance. Despite what was going on between Jaxie and
himself, he was not about to divulge one of her club secrets. She’d
worked too hard to make this place a huge success and he wasn’t
going to ruin it for her, even if this club had ruined their

Ewan gazed into the bar
mirror in front of him and carefully watched his friend nurse his
beer. He didn’t appear to be checking out the chicks in the
costumes, and there were plenty of beauties. It appeared ménages
were a hot topic around here.

Jaxie had pegged it right
when she’d told him one of the top fantasies for a woman was to
have sex with two or more men, in a safe environment. She’d tapped
into the market with her themed Ménage nights.

And he’d been faulting
her for being a good businesswoman, instead of being proud of her

Man, he
an idiot. He’d done
everything wrong, including protecting his heart. Maybe all she’d
needed was time.

Hot chick at
six o’clock,” Royce murmured. His friend’s eyes were sparkling with
interest as he stared into the bar mirror at Ewan. Well, actually
not at him, but behind him.

Ewan had been so deep in
thought that he hadn’t noticed the glitter girl dancing with two
other girls not more than ten feet behind them. One was dressed as
a sexy nurse, and the other woman was dressed in a red and black
Canadian Mountie uniform.

But his attention was for
glitter girl. She wore a shiny silver full-face mask that matched a
hot dress that fit her like a glove and showed off her sexy curves.
Silver threads had been woven through her raven-black hair and she
wore it in a fancy updo with cute little ringlets along the sides
of her mask. She looked like a delicate princess, waiting for her

He liked the way she
moved. Sexy. Sultry. Confident. Her hips were nice and wide. Easy
to hold onto her when he fucked her.

Ewan swallowed as his
cock hardened. Yeah, glitter girl was the one he wanted.

He nodded to Royce, who
quickly eased off the stool.

I’ll get our
names on the list and talk to Rachel about that top hat,” he

In a split second, Royce
rushed off.

you do
talk to Rachel
hat or not, glitter girl
belongs to us

In the meantime, he was
going to sit right here and watch her dance. And he would make love
to her with his mind, until the time came to do her for

* * * * *

Some guy has
been watching us for a few minutes.” Ava’s whisper rocked Jaxie out
of the rhythmic dance that she’d been totally absorbed

She glanced around, her
gaze flickering over the crush of bodies on the dance floor, but
didn’t see anyone watching.

What guy?”
she asked her friend, who’d come to the Masquerade Ball dressed
like a nurse. Ava owned one of the local restaurants where Jaxie,
Rachel and their friend Jewel had their business meetings when
Jaxie wanted to buy adult toys from Jewel.

The one
dressed like a gladiator. He was sitting with another gladiator. I
suspect they’re here for a ménage,” Ava said and nodded toward the
bar area.

Jaxie followed her gaze
and spotted him immediately. He sat on a barstool, his back to
them. But she noticed how his eyes were glued to the mirror and to

He wore tight black
pants, a black Zorro-style mask with the rest of his head buried
beneath a black executioner style hood.

Oh la la his back was
bare and big muscles laced his shoulders and arms.

The man exuded
testosterone. Something wicked stirred inside of her as she stared
at the man who continued to stare at her in the bar mirror.
Usually, this fluttery feeling was reserved for Ewan. And lately
for Royce.

Oh great. Now she was
starting to get hot for a complete stranger?

He’s cute,”
her other friend, Chloe, giggled.

Chloe was the town’s
female cobbler and Jaxie loved how Chloe could revive a pair of
Jaxie’s old favorite shoes. Jaxie had become fast friends with the
easygoing young woman, who’d confessed she actually had a shoe

Oh shit, he’s
getting up,” Chloe whispered.

Both women tensed on each
side of her and stopped dancing, but Jaxie opted to keep doing what
she was doing. Dancing made her feel sexy and free and very much

Let him
look,” she said.

To her surprise, he
strolled toward them. His gaze was hidden behind the thin dark
slits in the cloth mask, but in the tense way he stalked toward
her, she knew instinctively he wanted her.

Suddenly it seemed as if
he was the only man in the room.

His mouth drew her
attention. His lips were full and red in a very seductive

I think he
wants you, Jax,” Ava echoed her thoughts.

Shh, no
names,” Chloe reminded her.

Thankfully, the gladiator
was out of earshot and hadn’t heard her name. As he drew nearer,
her gaze dropped to his chest. Fake red welts and scars had been
placed there. Her gaze lowered and she swallowed tightly as a rush
of moisture and desire pulsed between her thighs as she spied the
thick erection pressing against his tight pants.

This is crazy. Why was
she reacting so much to this stranger?

Maybe because
he reminds me of Ewan

She hadn’t even noticed
that Chloe and Ava had abandoned her until the gladiator was
standing in front of her. Muscles flexed in his right arm as he
held out his large hand to her.

As if on cue, the music
dropped into a slow dance.

He pulled her gently
against him.

He smelled nice. She
detected a scent of lavender and freshness. His body was big, like
Ewan’s. He was silent as he placed his other hand on her hip, his
palm branding her through her dress.

He moved closer and she
inhaled as his big erection pressed against her lower belly. Her
breaths came faster and her pussy quivered.

Although his entire face
was hidden behind a black mask, and he wore a dark hood to conceal
his hair, there was something familiar about him. Did she know him?
Was he a patron of her club?

He danced like a pro.
Never stepping on her feet, as Ewan had always done.

A shard of pain shimmered
through her at the thought of Ewan. Was she betraying him by
dancing with this man, after fucking Ewan just the other

! her mind shouted.

! her heart cried.

made it
clear. It was over between them. How many times would she allow him
to stomp on her heart before she got the message? It was over.
to be

She needed to move
forward. Needed to start living, and crazy as it seemed, tonight
was number one on her list of things to do.

If she died tomorrow, at
least she’d been able to make one of her fantasies come true. And
she could do it with a guy built like Ewan. She would pretend it
was him, that’s what she could do.

No more guilt. No more
living through her work. She was going to live. It could be fun. It
would be fun. Now all she had to do was keep her identity a secret
and let Rachel know she wanted this hottie in her ménage

* * * * *

Royce grinned as he
watched the gladiator and the princess bride dancing on the dance
floor. They moved like they were made for each other, thanks to the
dance lessons he’d been giving Ewan over the last few

They make a
lovely couple,” Rachel said as she stepped up beside

Funny, I was
just thinking that same thing.” He gazed over at her and did a
double take.

Rachel was dressed to the
nines tonight. Pink-and-black eyeshadow illuminated her big brown
eyes. She wore black cat ears tucked in her dark-brown hair, and
she wore a sexy black cat outfit that hugged all her generous
curves. She even had whiskers drawn on her cheeks.

Sexy hot
catwoman outfit,” Royce complimented. She looked hot!

A cute pink blush spread
over Rachel’s cheeks. He liked it when she blushed. It made her
lose the look of stress she carried with her.

Actually, I
am a jewel thief. I skulk like a cat in the night, scrambling up
the sides of luxury penthouses and breaking into rich people’s
homes, stealing their jewels.”

Royce chuckled. “Well, I
wouldn’t have guessed you were such a naughty girl.”

Rachel blinked prettily.
The pink on her cheeks deepened.

You don’t
know the half of it, Royce.”

Hmm, I’m
thinking I wouldn’t mind finding out just how naughty you can

She shyly averted his
gaze and he reined in another laugh. The last thing he wanted to do
was embarrass Rachel any further tonight, especially when he needed
that trick hat she denied existed.

Maybe another
time, gladiator. Tonight belongs to Jaxie.”

He nodded.

Are you all
set with the top hat?” he said in a low enough voice so that only
she could hear.

She shook her head and
said nothing. He didn’t miss a secretive smile cross her

Okay, I get
it. Rumors. All rumors.”

catching on, big guy,” she said with a wink.

To his surprise,
something cool touched his right palm.

Don’t look
down,” she said without looking at him. “Just take it. Show no one.
It’s the key to your room.”

He accepted the key and
held it tight.

you’ll get what you’re looking for tonight.”

Rachel quickly
disappeared back into the crowd.

His gut
What did she mean by that?

Unless what she’d been
saying all along about the trick hat. It didn’t exist.


Rachel swore her nerves
were going to be the death of her. Jaxie had shown her how to work
the trick hat, but she only got the right key to pop out about
seventy-five percent of the time. The other times, the key fell
onto the key pile inside the hat instead of sticking out sideways.
Earlier, when Jaxie had asked her how good she’d gotten with the
hat, she’d lied and told her she got it right almost all of the

Rachel just hadn’t wanted
to disappoint her friend with the truth. She gazed at her

Shoot! Almost
show time
. She needed to hurry and get that
top hat and do a couple more practice runs.

* * * * *

So, this is how it felt
on the other side of the fence, so to speak, Jaxie thought. She’d
watched the excitement in the ladies eyes as they waited to pick
their key from the top hat. Sometimes, Jaxie would arrange for
certain women to be matched with certain men.

Tonight it was her turn.
She’d already informed Rachel of the two hunks she wanted. That
gladiator she’d danced with and his friend. They had nice muscles.
They could hold her down with their powerful hands while they
fucked her.

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