Jealousy (34 page)

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Authors: Lili St. Crow

BOOK: Jealousy
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Kir actually stumbled back and collapsed in his chair. “I did. I swear to God, Reynard, she told me we had to protect the—”
“What about Dru?” Christophe was pitiless. “Did you sign the directives to keep her in a reform Schola, unprotected and vulnerable? Did you?”
“No.” Marcus stood straight and defiant. “I signed those. The Head told me they were for a troublesome new Kouroi, not a
. And when I went back later to check them, after Milady Dru told us her tale, I found they had vanished.”
Well, that answered that question. It wasn’t like I was surprised, but I was happy to know. Kind of.
Now if I could just keep my stomach from unloading itself all over the floor, I’d be peachy.
An avenue had opened in the crowd. I let out a breathless little cry. It was a
I knew, his blond hair mussed and his eyes blazing. He was crusted with dried blood. His standard uniform of white tank top, red flannel shirt, and jeans was tattered and torn. Bruising marched up his familiar face on one side, and he held—of all things—a red collapsible file folder. “I can prove it!” he yelled again. And he held himself ramrod-straight, the same shoulder holster under his arm and the familiar gun butt peeking out as he moved.
“Augie—” It was barely a whisper. My mouth wouldn’t work right.
Oh my God, it’s him. It’s really him.
“I barely escaped Sergej himself.” The name made everyone wince and sent a glass spike of pain through my head. I finally shook away from Leon’s hand and made it to my feet. “It’s all here. The original transcript and a recording. Treachery so unspeakably vile it would steal the heart of any who heard it. Copies of the directives, signed by each member of the Council, altered after the signing.” August gasped in a breath, and Christophe stepped aside, deftly focusing every eye on him. I saw it, even though I didn’t believe it. The relief was . . . Jesus.
Indescribable. That was the only word that applied.
August never once used the
that month I stayed in his Brooklyn apartment. He went out almost every night, hunting, and came back battered sometimes. I’d cooked him dinners. I’d helped him bandage himself, and I hadn’t thought much about how fast he healed. In the Real World, anything goes. I didn’t have any gift for healing; that was Gran’s thing.
Still, seeing him, even as beat up and bloody as he was, was like Christmas.

” I yelled and slipped my arms out of my hoodie as Leon grabbed at its back. I was over the wooden railing in a second, and I hurled myself at him. “

“Eh, Dru.” Half-Bronx, half-Brooklyn, all Augie. “Never thought I’d see you again.”
I shoved past Christophe and threw my arms around August. Hugged,
. He smelled horrible, but I caught the familiar tang of cigarette smoke. August could make a thin yellow flame spring up on his index finger.
He was real, and he was here, and he was a piece of the life I thought was gone for good. I forgot everything else, even the tangle that was Graves missing and Anna lurking somewhere, in the flood of scalding relief.
Hot tears slicked my cheeks. I just kept saying his name over and over. He winced, and I eased up on the hug a little.
“Dru—” Christophe said, trying to pull me away.
But I clung to Augie. I wouldn’t let go. He wrapped one arm around me. “Easy there,
. Break my ribs, eh?”
“Augie!” The sickness went away. I hugged him even harder, forgetting again that he was hurt. And the smell of dried blood on him didn’t make the
rise. I was too goddamn happy. “Jesus! Augie!”
“Pick one,” he said. “Now be quiet, Dru. Got work to do.”
I shut up. But I still kept hugging him.
“I got here in time.” He lifted the large red file with his free hand. It was spattered with blood, both black and crusty drying red. “It’s in here. Christophe?”
“I did not doubt you, Augustine.” Christophe subtracted it from his fingers. Opened the accordion file and pulled out, of all things, a mini tape recorder. The papers inside made a whispering sound as he closed the file with its rubber band, then tossed it. A passionless, accurate throw, flying in a perfect arc to land at Bruce’s feet.
“I require the Council to view—and hear—the evidence,” Christophe said and held the recorder up.
He pushed the “play” button. It was an old-fashioned model, and the hiss of magnetic tape filled the expectant, watery silence. I might’ve worried about nobody being able to hear it in this cavernous space, but the
were all utterly quiet.
I’d read the transcript when Dylan dug it up. Still, I wasn’t prepared for the shock. The first voice was cold and male, with a funny lisping tone because the fangs made it hard to enunciate. It was a sucker’s voice, chill and final as the grave, rasping with hate.

Do you have it?

The other voice . . . God. “
The information’s well-guarded
The sucker sounded like he was losing patience. “
That’s none of our concern. Where is she? We are prepared to pay for the information

Keep your money,
” Anna said. “
I just want the bitch dead
The sucker laughed, a horrible silk-soft, rotting sound. “
I can arrange that
Kir let out a high-pitched moan. Nobody paid any attention.

How can we be sure?
” the sucker continued. “He
will need some guarantee.

Anna made a short, dismissive sound. You could just see her waving her hand, waving it away like it was no big deal. “
Oh, that’s easy. I’ll take care of that. A prearranged signal, from the very location. You take care of
and I . . .

Static filled the tape then. My mouth was desert-dry.

the sucker hissed. I was cold all over, wet with sweat under my T-shirt. Aching as I held onto Augie. He had his arm around me. But Christophe had turned, and he was staring directly at me.
Do you see?
his cold eyes asked me.
Do you see now, Dru?
And I did. But I didn’t
. How could you sell someone to the vampires? And if Anna was with the Order, she would know what the suckers could do. How they savaged
, not stopping until the body was reduced to rags of flesh and splinters of bone.
And I heard her again, from the vault in my memory where the really bad stuff hid. The stuff I didn’t ever want to think of again, the things the
showed me that I didn’t want to see.
Don’t let the
bite. A prearranged signal from the very location.
It meant our house. My mother’s house. The house where I lay asleep upstairs until she woke me up. The yellow house with the oak tree in front, its branches twisted and blackened by whatever Sergej had done to my mother’s body.
How could Anna betray another
, even one she hated? How could anyone do that?

Keep your commentary to yourself and pass along the message,
” Anna said calmly. And the sound of a phone being laid down in a cradle clicked through, right before Christophe hit the stop button. He still stared right at me, his mouth a thin line, and I got the feeling he was trying to tell me something.
I didn’t know what. I couldn’t even begin to guess. But it was like he’d thrown me a line, and the thin cord that stretched between us poured a flood of heat into me. It ran up into my cheeks, and I closed my eyes and leaned against Augie. He swayed a little.
“You should look elsewhere for your traitor, Kouroi. Not at me.” Christophe’s heel scraped the floor as he turned away.
Murmurs raced through the crowd. I wished I could open up the ground and crawl into it. I felt sick all over. It was Anna. Anna had done it, betrayed my mother to the vampires.
Don’t let the
But I knew why. The horrible shape under the blanket in my head twitched.
Where is he . . . if you’re hiding him . . .
“Dru.” Christophe was very close now. “You have something to tell us. Something you remember.”
I shook my head.
No. God, no.
I didn’t want to remember anything about that night. I didn’t want to remember what happened after I went to bed. I didn’t want to remember Anna’s visit or my mother hiding me before she went out to fight.
The only thing I wanted to remember was Dad’s face when he opened up the hidey-hole in the closet and collected me. He’d told me I was safe and taken me out to the car, and we’d driven for days to Gran’s house.
There was nothing else I wanted to remember.
. Not even my mother’s face, or her perfume, or—
But Christophe was pitiless. “That was why Anna came to see you at the reform Schola.” Patient and calm, like a teacher with a slow student. “You were so close, Dru. So close to remembering. But you didn’t, not yet. It was so long ago, and you were so young.”
I did remember, but I wasn’t going to tell him. “Shut up,” I whispered.
“This isn’t necessary,” Bruce said. “The evidence—”
necessary.” Christophe’s words cut across his as if he was the one in charge here. For all I knew, he probably was. It certainly looked like he was from here. “You won’t believe me. You may even hide the evidence or lie about it. But the word of a
. . . who can stand against that?” The words were nasty, each one a ragged bullet of rage. They scraped against the inside of my skull like a
’s glassine hatred.
Did Christophe have any idea how he sounded? He sounded like his father.
I wanted no part of any of this. I just wanted to be left alone, so I could figure out how to escape this place. “Shut up,” I whispered again. “Shut up.”
“You’ve made your point, Chris.” Augie’s arm tightened around me.
Christophe whirled away, the fury around him smelling of burnt insulation, broken glass, pain, and the colorless fume of fury. His boot heel made a black mark against the marble floor. “I don’t think I have. How many years has it been since the Order has been able to save a
? We find them, certainly. We even find them before they bloom. But the
snatch them, sometimes mere hours, a
, before we do. Why? Why is that?”
Kir moaned again. “God in Heaven. I didn’t know.
I didn’t know
I wondered if he was trying to convince them or himself.
“Shut up, Kir,” Hiro said quietly. “Or I will kill you myself.”
He sounded like he meant it, too.
Sounds of papers being shuffled. “These are legitimate.” Alton sounded as sick as I felt. August swayed again.
I opened my eyes and tried to brace him. Under the bruising, blood, and dirt, he looked gray. It wasn’t good. “Augie?” I sounded as small as I felt. “You okay?”
“Marvelous.” His split lip leered as he tried to give me a smile. “It’s been a rough week, Dru. Been chased by every
on the planet, feels like, since my pad was blown. Was a real trick to get to the dropoff and get the information Dylan—”
“Dylan?” The breath left me. “He’s alive?”
“I hope so.” August’s pained expression told me everything I needed to know. “He sent it ’fore the other Schola was broken, Dru. Figured he could trust me, I guess.”
“Of course they are legitimate,” Christophe snarled. “I ask again,
have you been unable to save other
“Wh-wh-why? Marcus actually reeled and dropped down into
seat. It creaked a little under him. “Dear God.
The assembled
whispered to each other.
I had a very bad feeling about this.
“Because,” Christophe said finally, as if he was answering a question in class, “the Red Queen thinks we only need one
Someone laughed. It was a high, feminine titter, bouncing and echoing off all the stone and glass. Every head tipped back, and there, high above everyone, on one of the carved stone railings girdling the bottom of the dome, stood Anna.

?” she yelled. “You want to know
? Ask Reynard! Ask him what he knows!
He made me do it!

The careening echoes made me feel even sicker. Between August and me, we were having a hard time standing up. Either he was swaying drunkenly, or I was, or the world was tilting underfoot like a carnival ride.

of this would have happened without him!” Anna screamed. Even as far up as she was, the hate contorting her face was visible. Her hair was a wildly curling mass of reddish-dark, and she wore red silk, too. Another one of those old-fashioned dresses, fluttering as she hung over the railing. “She
him from me! He was
and she
Christophe inhaled sharply. “
I never loved you!
” he yelled, and the force of the cry rocked me back on my heels. The
burned through him, his hair sleeking back, and he looked pissed enough to try to jump up to the dome.
I was betting he’d make it, too. I wouldn’t put anything past him right now.
A hideous, dark, burning laughter boiled up inside me. The butt of August’s gun was between us, and it wouldn’t take much to jerk it free from the holster. I’d have to pick my shot, and I knew just how fast she was now. My palm itched for the gun, and my fingers curled. “You would have, if not for that
” Anna’s face contorted again. “
You would have loved me!
” Was she crying? It was hard to tell. The nausea crested, the sound of wings filling my ears, and I gasped.

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