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Authors: Anya Bast

Jeweled (30 page)

BOOK: Jeweled
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And Gregorio Vikhin was just the man to help lead it there.
Just then the door opened and Gregorio stepped back into the room. “I have an odd request for you, Evangeline. Markoff has led the others to consider an idea I never dreamed I would hear voiced in that room.” The cuffs of his shirt were unbuttoned, as were the top few buttons of his shirt. His hair looked as if he’d pushed a hand through it in frustration a few times. All of it combined gave Evangeline the urge to muss his hair further, to continue to unbutton his shirt.
She sat up a little straighter in her chair, trying her best to push her suddenly lustful reaction away. Gregorio seemed flustered and uncertain, qualities he didn’t often display.
He fidgeted, glancing away from her. “This is probably not the best time to request this, Evangeline, but they are asking if you’ll sit in our meetings from time to time and help to direct the emotional currents in the room to a place where more work can be accomplished.”
She set the glass of water down on the table and frowned up at him. “What? You’re saying they actually
me to manipulate their emotions?”
He held up a hand. “No, not manipulate. They want you to act as a sort of peace-inducer. To engender calmness in them, since they fail to produce it themselves. We’re not getting much accomplished with emotions running so high. But considering your recent reaction to merely being in the room—”
Anatol held up a hand. “Gregorio, I don’t think—”
“I’ll try,” she answered quickly. “Although I’m not sure I can do what they’re suggesting. There must be calm in the room already for me to draw from.”
“Are you certain?”
She nodded. “If I can help to move things forward in Rylisk, I will. Even if it’s something so small.” She stood. “Shall I try now?”
Gregorio smiled at her and offered his arm. “You have no idea how much I want you right now.” His voice came out a low, aroused growl.
She took his arm and Anatol fell into step beside her. The feeling was quite mutual.
The day was beautiful. It was one of those warm spring days that borders summer and it bathed Rylisk in a cheery, bright glow that chased away the last of the winter chill from Evangeline’s body.
Her days were filled with work, either sitting in on meetings at Belai or finishing her dress designs. She’d taken to the stitching machine easily and often sat up into the late hours completing her gowns. Her next step was to find a shop that might take them on consignment, to see if they struck a chord with her intended market.
She had two of them wrapped in gown bags and draped over her arm as she made her way down to Madame Huey’s shop. She pushed open the door one-handed and entered the small, fragrant store. During the first days of the revolution the glass windows and doors had been smashed, but by now they’d been repaired. In fact, the shop looked just as it did when Evangeline had lived at Belai and had scraped every coin together she could to come here to have clothing made.
Staring around her as though she’d suddenly taken a trip backward in time, she made her way to the counter.
“Miss Bansdaughter!” a woman squealed.
Evangeline turned to find Madame Huey moving her considerable bulk around the edge of the counter toward her. She embraced her so tightly she crushed the gowns between them, then held her at arm’s length with an expression of awe on her face and looked her up and down. “You survived!”
Evangeline smiled. “Yes, I made it through.”
Madame Huey hugged her again.”I’m so happy to see you! So many of you didn’t, you know.” She wiped away a smile and stared at her with tremulous lips for a long moment, as though caught in a memory.
She didn’t quite know how to react. Madame Huey had never been so friendly toward her before. Of course, much had happened since then. Perhaps the times had changed Madame Huey as much as they’d changed her.
“You look well,” the madame said. “Healthier than you did before. You’ve put on a little weight and your color is good. You look . . .
. You never looked happy before.” She glanced down at Evangeline’s fine day gown, a gift, of course, from Gregorio. “Looks as though times haven’t been all that hard for you.”
“I’ve been lucky. Much luckier than many of my peers.”
Madame Huey patted her shoulder. “That’s for certain.” She walked around the counter again. “Now what can I help you with?”
Evangeline laid her creations on the counter and unzipped them. “I have recently begun to try my hand at dressmaking and wondered if you might consider taking these on consignment.”
Immediately the madame went into business mode. Pursing her lips, she unzipped the dresses the rest of the way and took them from their protective coverings, hanging them from a nearby hook. She stepped back from them both, putting a finger to her mouth. A frown of contemplation creased her fleshy face. Then she set to touching the dresses, testing their seams and buttons, the weight of the fabric.
Finally she turned back to Evangeline. “They’re very beautiful, but they’re also . . . unique. My customers will either love them or they’ll hate them.” She nodded and smiled. “I’m willing to try them out, however.”
Evangeline let out the breath she’d been holding. “Thank you.”
“It’s my pleasure to help out one of the few Jeweled left in Milzyr. Now, would you like some tea while we discuss the terms?”
Evangeline stayed for tea and also remained to help Madame Huey in the shop for the afternoon, since she was badly understaffed. By the time she returned home, Gregorio was already home for dinner and the evening chill had begun to sap the promise of summer from the air.
She hung her wrap up near the door and entered the sitting room, where she could hear Anatol and Gregorio talking in their low, rumbling male tones. The fires in the hearths warmed the town house and the cook’s efforts in the kitchen smelled delicious
. Ah, I’m home
. Comforting pleasure settled into her body, relaxing away all tension.
She went to Anatol and kissed him and then Gregorio. It was nice to have them both here and happy to see her. She wasn’t sure how she’d gotten so lucky to have snagged both of them, but she wasn’t going to complain about it.
She wasn’t going to fight it anymore, either. What woman in her right mind would do such a thing?
Gregorio pulled her down into his lap. She went with a sigh and nuzzled into the crook of his neck, inhaling the scent of his skin. Anatol watched them with heat flaring in his eyes.
Occasionally she felt flashes of jealousy from Anatol, though they were quickly suppressed. They came from Gregorio as well, though he seemed to have his emotions under control a little better. Evangeline assumed it was because she’d been with Anatol first and because Anatol had loved her from afar for so long. Yet, most of the time Anatol seemed happy that she was with Gregorio and the jealousy was the infrequent interruption of that steady emotion. Mostly when Evangeline tasted his emotions Anatol felt calm, contented, and confident.
And, perhaps Anatol had been right; with both of them she
have what she needed.
Gregorio’s strong arms came around her and held her close. He kissed the top of her head. “How did it go?”
“It went wonderfully. She remembered who I was and gave me a much warmer reception than I ever would have predicted. She’s taking two of my gowns on consignment and has asked me to bring more by for her to look at.”
“That’s fantastic,” said Anatol.
“I’m definitely pleased. It’s yet another step toward carving a new life for myself post-revolution.”
Now they had to get Anatol on track. He was still struggling despite his love for the new government of Rylisk. She looked up at Gregorio, who was studying Anatol fiercely. Was he thinking the same thing?
At dinner, over a baked chicken with peas and carrots, she discovered the answer to that question.
Gregorio raised his gaze to Anatol over the table. “I would appreciate your help at Belai, if you’d be willing.”
Anatol looked up from his plate. “With what?”
“I could use a go-between, an emissary of sorts between the government and the magicked.”
Anatol set his fork down and leaned back in his chair. “Yes, you will need a liaison, but why do you think I’m suitable?”
“Anatol, you’re perfect. You’re intelligent, magicked, devoted to the new order, and sensitive to your fellow former J’Edaeii. I couldn’t think of a better, more qualified person to ask.”
“I agree,” said Evangeline.
Anatol looked at them both in turn, then leaned back in his chair. “Ah. I get it. You two think that I need a new occupation, especially since Evangeline seems to be finding her footing now.”
“This is not charity. I do think that you need something to occupy your days, but that’s not why I’m asking you. I’m not lying when I say I can’t think of anyone more perfect than you to ask.”
Evangeline took a sip of wine and then set her glass on the table. “I think you’d be wonderful. Gregorio, did I ever tell you about the day of the revolution?”
“I was so wrapped up in my little life that I had no idea what was happening. Then Anatol was there, rescuing me, dragging me out of Belai to safety. Even though the mob was ransacking the palace, he was behind the revolution from the first day, even when I was still in a shocked haze.”
Gregorio had his heavy gaze leveled at Anatol. “I’m not surprised. That’s why I think he’s a good fit for this position. He is aligned with my vision for Rylisk and always has been.”
Anatol sighed, then took a long drink, as though stalling in his reply. He set his glass down and sighed. “All right, I can try it. It won’t be easy, seeing as most of the magicked have gone to ground, frightened for their lives. The government is going to have a hard time earning their trust. It would be better if it was someone they knew reaching out to them. Someone like me.” He touched the back of his neck, where he was scarred from the violent removal of his jewel. “The fact that I was nearly beheaded by the mob, yet I’m still behind the new government, may hold some sway with them.”
Gregorio smiled, raising his glass. “And those observations will be why you’ll excel at this job. Perhaps now that Evangeline has begun to help me at the meetings with the province representatives, she might eventually help you.”
Evangeline nodded. “I’d be happy to help draw the magicked back to Milzyr.” She paused. “At least in a capacity where I’m not using my magick to impinge upon their free will.”
A smile broke out over Anatol’s face. “You’ve changed so much, Evangeline.”
“For the better,” she answered, taking a sip of wine. “Definitely for the better.”
She woke to burning need in the dead of night. Opening her eyes blearily, she saw someone had pushed her nightgown up to her waist and her thighs were spread wide. She moaned at the pleasure coursing through her. She was hot and wet, like someone had been teasing her while she slept.
Gregorio loomed over her in the half light of the room, his hand stroking her clit softly and slowly in the quiet of the night, arousing her straight out of her dreams. Her breath hitched at the look of feral hunger on his face. On her other side, Anatol slept.
“Gregorio, what are you doing?” Her breath came out, as it so often did these days, breathy with arousal.
He speared a finger inside her, drew it back out, and added a second, drawing a low moan from her. “I wanted to see if I could make you orgasm in your sleep.”
Her hips rolled as she met the thrust of his hand. “You almost did,” she whispered. “I’m close.”
He stroked her clit with his thumb, nestling it down in her curls and applying just the right amount of pressure. “I love to watch you orgasm. Come for me.”
She shattered, a moan of pleasure ripping from her throat as it crashed over her. Before the tail end of it was gone, Gregorio was between her thighs, sliding his cock inside her. She lifted her hips, welcoming him into her body. He seated himself deep inside her and her teeth sank into her lower lip as the muscles of her sex stretched pleasurably to accommodate him.
His hand skated down over her hips to the back of her knee and lifted her leg as he pulled out and thrust back in, setting up a slow and steady rhythm.
Anatol woke and watched Gregorio take her for a couple of minutes before he reached out and stroked her clit. Evangeline shuddered. Anatol always knew exactly how to touch her there, either withholding her climax or bringing it forcefully. Now he withheld it, letting it build, making her mindless with need and passion. Then he yanked her nightgown up farther and leaned forward, sucking one of her nipples into his hot mouth and flicking the hard peak with his tongue.
Gregorio and Evangeline came at the same time, her back arching and her cry splitting the quiet air of the room while Gregorio groaned, releasing his seed deep within her.
BOOK: Jeweled
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