Jigsaw Lovers (19 page)

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Authors: William Shenton

BOOK: Jigsaw Lovers
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Lengthy discussions took place after dark in the dorms, with juicy snippets coming from those who had older brothers or sisters, who all seemed to be doing ‘it’ all the time. Diana had determined that at the first possible opportunity she was going to find out for herself what ‘it’ was actually like.

Diana’s parents lived on the outskirts of Camberley, in a big Victorian house that was set back from the road, in extensive grounds, behind high box-wood hedges and tall oak trees. Many years ago the house had been divided in two, such was its size. At the back there was a wooden verandah
that ran the length of the house at first floor level. French doors led out onto this verandah from Diana’s bedroom.

Their neighbour’s eldest son, Rupert, was almost two years older than Diana. His family had moved in next door whilst Diana had been away at school. He was tall, fresh-faced and good-looking. His body was muscular from rowing and tennis. He was popular with all the girls and had a reputation for having his way with whichever of them he cared to choose.

He met Diana for the first time when she came home for the summer holidays. He was taken by her beauty. She was far prettier than any of his other girlfriends, and he decided in the first instant that he was going to have her. It shouldn’t be too difficult. No girl had yet been able to resist him when he was charming them to get his wicked way.

Diana felt her pulse quicken when she was first introduced to Rupert. His body looked firm and strong and he was quite handsome. However, she didn’t like the way he looked at her. It was almost as though he were undressing her with his eyes. He was far too smug and sure of himself.

Later that day she went to find her friends to catch up on all the local gossip.

`Diana, you’re so lucky.’

‘Why’s that?’ she asked.

‘Rupert’s living next door to you,’ exclaimed her age-old friend Liz. ‘He’s such a dish.’

‘Is he? I didn’t think he was that special,’ she said with feigned indifference.

‘And, what’s more, according to my brother Paul, he’s done it with at least ten different girls, including, and you’ll never believe this, Jennifer
her sister Tracy.’

So she was right in her initial assessment of him. He was obviously used to getting his own way without too much effort. And that explained the way he looked at her. It was almost as though he knew that there was no doubt that he was going to have her.

She actually had no objection to the idea, in fact she found the thought of having sex with Rupert rather pleasant. It was something she had been meaning to do for some time and it was just a question of finding a suitable person. Rupert would be ideal. By all accounts he had some experience so he should know what he was doing, and he was definitely interested in her. They both wanted the same thing, so it shouldn’t be too difficult. However, it was going to be at her instigation, when he least expected it. She was not going to be another one of his easy conquests. He was going to be the first of hers.

Diana had been back from school for almost two weeks. During that time she had made a conscious effort to ignore Rupert.
He had asked her on several occasions if she would like to play tennis, but she had politely declined pleading a prior engagement. She was always polite to him and gave him a big smile, but it was never anything more than that.

For his part he couldn’t understand what was wrong with her. Girls always wanted to play tennis with him. He had never been turned down before. Normally they would cancel their arrangements in order to be with him. The more she turned him down the more he wanted her. It had never been like this.

On her birthday he knocked on her front door, card in hand. Her mother answered it and called Diana. She walked into the hallway wearing a white t-shirt and tight fitting shorts. He couldn’t take his eyes off her slender brown legs.

‘Happy birthday,’ he said, proffering the card with a grin on his face.

‘Thank you.’ she took the card and opened it. On the front was a picture of a cat with a red ribbon around its neck. The legend inside said ‘

‘How nice, what a sweet picture. Here mummy, look.’ She handed the card to her mother. Rupert nearly died. He felt his face flushing and wished he were gone.

Her mother looked at Diana and was relieved. Her face was a picture of innocence. She obviously didn’t understand the vulgarity of the card. Her expensive schooling was proving a worthwhile investment.

‘Yes dear, very nice,’ she put an arm around her daughter’s shoulder, and gave Rupert a disdainful glance.

‘I’ll be off then. Just thought I’d say happy birthday,’ he mumbled as he backed towards the door desperate to escape the mother’s withering look.

‘Thank you for the card. Good-bye,’ Diana said with a wide-eyed smile.

That evening the mother invited a number of Diana’s friends around for a birthday supper. As a special treat they were all allowed a couple of glasses of champagne, which made them even more chatty and giggly than usual. After they had eaten Diana’s parents made themselves scarce in the television room, so that the girls could enjoy themselves.

There was great amusement when Diana showed Rupert’s birthday card around and retold the story of his embarrassment in front of her mother.

‘He can stroke mine any day,’ said Liz. ‘Mine too,’ said another.

‘Next time I see him, I’ll give him your telephone numbers,’ volunteered Diana.

‘Oh, please do, but don’t make it seem too obvious.’

The conversation revolved around boys, on and off, for the rest of the evening, until the last of the parents had collected their daughters, and Diana said good-night to her parents and went up to bed.

She locked her bedroom door and went over and opened one of the French doors. The night air was cool and refreshing, and the scent of the honeysuckle bush below filled the room. She undressed and stood naked in front of the full-length mirror on the wardrobe. She slid her hands, fingers out-stretched over her firm, pert breasts, over her flat stomach, around to her tight buttocks, and finally into her silky pubic hairs. She felt herself. She was warm and moist.

Now for her birthday treat.

She slipped the silk knee-length, loose-fitting night gown over her head, and walked out onto the verandah.

When the house had been divided a low fence had been added to separate the two parts of the verandah. Diana lent on it and put first one then the other leg over it. In three steps she was standing outside Rupert’s open bedroom window. In the dim light she could see him lying on his side, back towards her, asleep in his bed. Silently she climbed through the window and moved noiselessly over to his bed. Lifting the sheet which covered his muscular body she gently slid in underneath it. He continued to sleep. Very carefully she inched herself towards him, until she was snuggling up to him. She slowly put her arm around his chest and lifted her head so that her mouth was near his ear.

‘Would you like to stroke my pussy?’ she whispered.

Rupert murmured. She repeated the question and this time he awoke with a start. He was totally disorientated and thought he was dreaming, but he suddenly realised that it wasn’t a dream. Diana was lying next to him in his bed.

‘I didn’t really get a chance to thank you properly for my birthday card, what with mummy standing there,’ she explained quietly, a grin on her face. ‘I thought it was very funny.’

‘Then why did you show it to your mother. I was so embarrassed.’ He rolled over to face her.

‘To make her think I’m more innocent than I am. And to teach you a lesson. You think you can do what you like with the girls around here, so I thought I’d make it uncomfortable for you.’ She giggled. ‘I’m different from all the others you know.’

‘What are you doing here?’

‘I don’t believe what I’m hearing.’ She laughed. ‘I’ll give you three guesses, but here’s a clue.’ She took his hand and placed it between her thighs, lifting one leg over his. She touched his erect penis, it was hot and pulsing.

‘I want you to put this in me. Now.’ Her voice was hoarse, and she rolled onto her back. She opened her legs as he climbed on top of her. An instant later she felt him inside her. It was wonderful. She put her legs around his bottom and kissed him violently on his mouth trying not to cry out, as she reached orgasm. Seconds later she felt him shudder and his warm moisture enter her.

They lay joined together for a while and then she felt him hardening again inside her. Gently they fell into a slow rhythm that seemed to last for hours, and showed her levels of pleasure that she hadn’t even dreamed about.

When it was over, she whispered in his ear. ‘Rupert, please don’t tell anyone about us and what we’ve just done.’

‘Of course not.’ They were all the same he thought, although she was by far the best, worried about their reputations.

‘Can I come to you tomorrow night?’ she asked coyly.

‘Every night.’

‘You promise you won’t tell anyone?’ she asked again.

‘Yes I do.’ He’d only tell Paul.

‘I’ll never forgive you if you do, and then you’ll be in big trouble.’

‘I promise,’ he said wearily. He had to tell Paul because that would put him three points ahead in the competition they had to see who could have the most girls each month.

She hugged him, gave him a big kiss and went back to her room.

For the next four weeks of the school holidays Diana went to Rupert’s room most nights. During the days she ignored him if she ever saw him, much to her mother’s relief.

She had tremendous fun. In that short time she learnt much about the pleasures and joys of sex. Although she quite liked Rupert she really only liked his body. He on the other hand was convinced he had fallen in love with her. He was to be the first of many to suffer from this affliction.

A week before she was due to return to school she met Liz for coffee in town. In the course of their chatting, something came up that disturbed her greatly.

‘So I hear you and Rupert have got it together,’ Liz said with a knowing look.

Diana was shocked, but maybe her friend was just probing, as she had done on many occasions, trying to connect her with many different boys.

‘Don’t be silly. Unlike you I don’t fancy him at all.’

‘That’s not what I hear,’ Liz persisted.

‘And what do you hear, exactly,’ grinned Diana.

‘That you go to his bedroom every night, which is next to yours on the verandah, and have your brains fucked out.’

‘That’s not true. I hardly know him.’ So he did tell someone. ‘Who told you that anyway?’

‘My brother Paul.’

‘Well he must be making it up. That’s all I can say.’

That evening Diana lay in her bed thinking about what her friend had told her. Later when she lay in Rupert’s arms after a very pleasant session she asked him if he had told anyone. He denied that he had and she didn’t pursue the matter.

Rupert had broken his promise and lied to her, therefore she was going to make him suffer, and clear her name.

Two nights before she was due to leave for school she asked him if he would come into her room for their last night together, so it would be more special and they would remember it more clearly when they were apart. She was just like all the others, he thought, what a silly romantic idea.

On the last night he climbed along the verandah and entered her room. He got into bed and began to kiss her. She was hungry for him. As he entered her she whispered in his ear,

‘You remember I said you’d be in trouble if you told anyone about us?’

He nodded and thrust deeply.

‘You’re in trouble.’

She locked her legs tightly around him and began to scream at the top of her voice.

He was terrified. He thought he had hurt her. He tried to withdraw but she held him firmly with her legs, only releasing him as she heard the door open, and a moment before the lights came on.

‘Mummy, daddy, help … . I woke up and he was on top of me,’ she sobbed and began to scream hysterically. ‘It was horrible. He was touching me, and he wouldn’t stop.’

Her father grabbed him, punching him in the face, pushing him across the room and throwing him off the verandah into the garden below.

Later when they had established that Diana was only a little shaken due to her father’s timely intervention, and that Rupert’s broken nose and leg would heal, the respective parents agreed that maybe the authorities shouldn’t be involved.

As Diana went to sleep that evening she reflected on the fact that the orgasm she had reached, just before her father arrived on the scene, was the most exhilarating she had ever had.

At university Diana studied Fren
ch and German. She gained first-class honours, without too much effort, but just to make certain of the result, and for the fun of it, she slept with each of her tutors. In addition to these she had many lovers amongst her contemporaries.

The only thing they all had in common, apart from a great time with Diana, was their respect for her request, which she asked of them all.

She asked them, as she had done with Rupert on that first occasion, not to discuss their activities together. She asked in such a way, as though it were a matter of no consequence, but because she asked in this manner, all felt as though they were granting her a favour by not speaking of their mutual pleasures, and all felt that they, thereby, were privileged to share a secret with her. Of all the woman they may have had and no matter how they felt, none of them felt the urge to brag about the fact that they may or may not have slept with her, even though she was by far the most beautiful woman any of them had had the pleasure of knowing. Such was her charm and the spell she was able to cast over men.

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