Joni (18 page)

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Authors: Joni Eareckson Tada

BOOK: Joni
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The author of more than twenty-nine books, her best-selling and award-winning works cover topics ranging from disability outreach and encouragement to reaching out to God. Mrs. Tada and her husband, Ken, reside in Calabasas, California, and both serve as members of the board of directors of Joni and Friends. Joni and Ken remain closely associated with Dr. John MacArthur’s Grace Community Church. They regularly attend a PCA congregation, Church in the Canyon, situated closer to their home.


Since its inception in 1979, Joni and Friends (JAF) has been dedicated to extending the love and message of Christ to people who are affected by disability, whether it is the disabled person,
a family member, or a friend. JAF’s objective is to meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of this group of people in practical ways.

JAF is committed to recruiting, training, and motivating a new generation of people with disabilities to become leaders in their churches and communities. In addition, JAF seeks to equip and mobilize churches to carry out the work of disability ministry. The team does this by providing churches with effective programs, training, and materials.

From local neighborhoods to the far reaches of the world, Joni and Friends is striving to demonstrate to disabled people in tangible ways that God has not abandoned them.


“When a diving accident in 1967 robbed me of the use of my hands and legs, I found myself strapped to a Stryker frame in a hospital ward, wondering if I would ever smile and be hopeful again. I had become a statistic in the burgeoning population of people affected by disability. I was dangerously close to becoming another statistic among the lists of the clinically depressed.

“The darkness was lifted when friends from my church rallied around my family, offering help, hope, and ascribing positive meaning to my affliction. It was the church that kept us connected to reality, opening doors of possibilities and paving the way for me to re-enter the mainstream of life. They made all the difference.

“Unfortunately, my story is unique. This is why, after all these years, I am pleased to labor alongside a staff of skilled and gifted individuals at Joni and Friends who are committed to accelerating Christian outreach into disability communities around the globe. We are energized by the mandate of Jesus in Luke 14:13, 23, ‘But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind and you will be blessed…make them come in, so that my house will be full.’

“Yes, we’re convinced that people with disabilities of all types will be blessed, but the key is that ‘you will be blessed.’ When we reach beyond our comfort zones and embrace the unlikely, people are blessed by the realization that we are all richer when we recognize our poverty, we are stronger when we see our weaknesses, and we are recipients of God’s grace when we understand our desperate need of Him. Joni and Friends is all about advancing disability ministry. It’s also about changing the church and our communities. It’s about a change in you—for as you partner with us through our programs or support us with your gifts and prayers, I am confident that you, too, ‘will be blessed.’”


Uncovering the hidden needs of a vast disabled community and training the local church for effective outreach and ministry to this overlooked mission field is the vision that drives Joni and Friends’
Area Ministries.
Local offices are able to provide disability ministry on a personal level. Charlotte, NC; Chicago, IL; Dallas/Fort Worth, TX; Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN; Northern Ohio; Eastern Pennsylvania; Greater Phoenix, AZ; the San Francisco Bay Area, CA; and Greater Sacramento, CA are among the growing number of strategic locations where
Area Ministry
offices have been established.

Area Ministry
teams get “in the trenches” within their communities. The
program trains and equips volunteers to effectively minister to disabled people on a personal basis. The JAF
Area Ministries
provide churches with program materials, training, curriculum, and special projects designed to implement effective disability outreach within their communities.

One of the most effective outreaches
Area Ministries
carry out is the
Special Delivery
program. Church groups and individuals prepare and deliver beautiful packages containing spiritually uplifting materials to children and adults living in long-term care or rehabilitation facilities. Each year thousands of lives are touched with hope and encouragement because of local believers who
extend their hearts and their hands through the ministry of
Special Delivery.
In addition,
Area Ministries
play major roles in the staffing and implementation of
Family Retreats
Wheels for the World

Area Ministries
are the local expressions of a global commitment to identify and meet the needs of those touched by disability.


The radio program
“Joni and Friends”
is a five-minute broadcast hosted by Joni herself, airing on weekdays. The program is carried by over 450 stations worldwide, with over 850 outlets airing over 1000 releases each day.

“Joni and Friends”
is an inspirational program covering a wide range of topics with a biblical perspective. As she tackles issues relating to disability awareness, Joni provides uniquely personal, biblically-inspired insight into some of life’s tougher questions. Her contagious joy and unwavering faith have provided hope for thousands who find themselves faced with life’s crippling blows.

Over 800 letters, e-mail messages, and phone calls find their way to the JAF
Correspondence & Resource Department
each month. Many are from disabled people seeking encouragement and pertinent resources; some are seeking information because a friend or family member is newly disabled; others share that they have read Joni’s books, listened to her radio broadcast, or heard her speak at a conference. Some of the most exciting contacts are from people interested in launching a disability ministry within their home church or community. For these and the myriad of requests processed through Correspondence, JAF provides up-to-date resources and/or serves to link those in need with churches, agencies, or one of our own
Area Ministries for
personal follow-up.


Statistics indicate that families with a disabled member have extraordinarily high rates of strained relationships, stress, and divorce.
It is therefore imperative that effective disability ministry seek to embrace the needs of entire families. JAF’s
Family Retreats
do this by providing an exciting summer program. Held in nine locations throughout the country each summer,
Family Retreats
offer a full range of activities in a supportive environment where families affected by disability feel welcomed, understood, and accepted. Here they can relax, have fun, attempt new experiences, and explore their relationship with God. It is also a great opportunity for networking and building relationships with others who know both the joys and relentless demands of life with a disability.

Each summer hundreds of families enjoy the renewal and respite of a
Family Retreat
because of the work of our Servants Team volunteers, who are paired with families during the week. Each volunteer is trained to provide friendship and assistance so family members can have time to enjoy much-needed rest, recreation, and reflection. Professionals in a variety of related areas are also available to offer practical help and information to the families.

families experience a respite from the everyday challenges they face. It is an enriching and inspiring interval where families build lasting memories, new friendships, and an enduring strength grounded in faith.


The explosive growth of
Wheels for the World
testifies to the critical need for wheelchair distributions in developing countries where the cost of a chair can equal a year’s wages. The World Health Organization estimates a worldwide need of 18 million wheelchairs. Living in isolation, lacking simple mobility, and cut off from society, many disabled people are also tragically cut off from the local church and have never heard the gospel message or experienced the love of Christ.

The beauty of the
Wheels for the World
program lies in its teamwork approach: local communities collect used wheelchairs destined to be transformed into a life-changing opportunity for
someone overseas. The meticulous restoration takes place in the U.S. by carefully trained inmates in correctional facilities located in various parts of the country.

The wheelchairs are shipped overseas, where short-term mission teams, made up of professional disability specialists and wheelchair mechanics, work diligently to achieve the best fit possible for each person receiving this precious gift of mobility. Skillful training in wheelchair use and upkeep is provided for both recipient and family. Along with every wheelchair comes a Bible in one’s own language and the Good News that Jesus Christ loves and values each one of us regardless of our abilities or disabilities. This joyous message drives
Wheels for the World
from start to finish.

Wheels for the World
has delivered over 8,500 wheelchairs to over forty developing countries. By increasing output capabilities at existing restoration sites, and opening additional centers, JAF is aggressively addressing the staggering need worldwide.

In a partnership with Echoing Hills, JAF is assisting in the development of the National Center on Disability in Ghana. Plans for the Center include a residential and job training facility for the disabled, a disability ministry training institute, and a wheelchair repair and modification center. This Center will serve as a model for establishing permanent ministry in countries around the world.


In the year 2000, Joni and Friends expanded its involvement in international ministry by chartering like-minded, Christ-centered ministries abroad who are committed to heighten disability awareness within the church and community, to equip and train leaders, and to assist in and carry out disability ministry.

Since the end of the Cold War and the unification of Europe, the political and ethnic unrest in Eastern Europe has brought the needs of Europe’s disability population into sharp focus. In wartorn regions such as Kosovo, the number of disabled persons climbs steadily due to injury and war, while little political or
governmental attention is devoted to those whose lives and bodies have been torn apart as a consequence.

Today, Joni and Friends’ Chartered Ministries, such as Through the Roof in the UK, are recognized as leaders in Christian service in the disability community. Ministry programs include the sponsorship of Disability Awareness Seminars, leadership conferences,
Family Retreats,
Wheels for the World
distributions. Wheelchair restoration sites are located in The Netherlands and the United Kingdom. To date, Joni and Friends maintains a presence in twenty European countries by assisting local disability organizations. Ministry in India and Latin America takes place via local missionaries, while in China, JAF cooperates with government agencies to educate and provide tangible assistance. Future plans include continuing efforts to cultivate relationships with government and missionary agencies around the world in a prayerful effort to meet the compelling needs of disabled people worldwide.


If you’re looking for exciting short-term ministry experiences, we’ve got some great opportunities waiting for you! Here are a couple of examples:

Family Retreats
—Every summer, we need hundreds of volunteers to staff our disability focused
Family Retreats
held in various locations across the country.
Servants Team
members are assigned to families as helpers. We provide training, and will match you up with a family appropriate to your skill level. We also need leaders and teachers with expertise in a broad range of practical subjects helpful to families living with disability. Our volunteers frequently comment that they were blessed by their experiences far beyond what they’d imagined possible.

Phone: (818) 707-5664

E-mail: [email protected]

Wheels for the World
—If you’re looking for adventure overseas in places like Ghana, Romania, Cuba, or China, just to name a few,
Wheels for the World
outreach may be the answer. We’re seeking disability specialists, such as physical and occupational therapists and wheelchair mechanics. We also need support staff, disability ministry instructors, and people with construction expertise. Together, these people make up the
teams we send around the world for life-changing experiences. Be ready for hard work and overwhelming blessings.

Phone: (818) 707-5664

E-mail: [email protected]

We even provide a kit with tools and tips on how to raise the necessary support for your adventure!

Disability Resources
—Joni and Friends’ Correspondence and Resource Department exists to offer encouragement and practical resources to help individuals and families affected by disability. Our center provides resources covering various physical/mental illnesses, diseases, and other disability-related concerns, with new information and additional categories being continuously added and updated. Each list includes an average of fifteen agencies along with their descriptions and provides a starting place for connecting with specific, helpful services.

All our resources are available on the Joni and Friends website at under “Helpful Disability Links and Resources.” Here are just a few:


Prison Ministries

Financial Assistance

Spinal Cord Injury

Caregiver and Independent Living

Disability Ministry Resources

Parents of Children with Disabilities

Invisible Disabilities

Multiple Sclerosis

Building Accessibility

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