Joshua Healy (Mitchell Healy Book 10)

BOOK: Joshua Healy (Mitchell Healy Book 10)
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A Mitchell-Healy Book #10

2016 Jennifer Foor

All Rights Reserved

Cover Art: Wicked Cool Designs

This book is a written act of fiction. Any places, characters, or similarities are purely coincidence. If certain places or characters are referenced it is for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. This book is not allowed to be offered for sale, discounted, or free on any sites by anyone other than JENNIFER FOOR. To reiterate: This book may ONLY be distributed by Jennifer Foor, the owner and Author of this series.



Chapter 1



She’s exquisite, from her molded, curvaceous frame, to the way she handles when pushed to extremes. I’ve dreamed of this day for years, and as I stand and watch as she’s turned on, I know there’s no way I’m walking out of this establishment without taking her for a ride.

I hear the sound of the salesmen revving the engine, almost being able to arouse me as she purrs. “Okay, I’m convinced,” I declare to the two men I’m in the company of, while running my hands alongside her rear bumper. The cherry red color of the Shelby captured my attention from the moment she arrived on the lot. I’d been contemplating looking into a new purchase, against my father’s advice of waiting until I had a place of my own. Everything I do is the opposite of what he suggests. At the end of the day, this buy is my choice.

The man, looking to be around my dad’s age, steps out of the car, leaving me to stare at the dark ebony leather material. She’s sleek and furious all at the same time, exactly what I look for in my cars, but also my women.

Then my brother-in-law, and longtime best friend, taps me on the shoulder. “Keep dreaming, Josh. You’re here to be my wingman, remember?”

I snicker, though undoubtedly keep my eyes on the prize. “I could be in the market.”

Just as I make the assumption, I hear the clank of high heels coming in our direction. Not sure if Wes is following my lead, I get a glimpse of something equally attractive. Her hair is long, platinum curls hanging down the front of her chest, her body slender, waist tiny, but breasts nice and perky. It takes me a few seconds to look at her face, especially when the rest is so appealing. “Can I interest you in a test drive as well, sir?”

“Can you ever,” I reply with sarcasm in my voice. “I’d like to take you…” I feel the slap upside of my head.

“Cut the crap, bro. I’m trying to do business here.”

I wink at the female to let her know I’m still game if she’s up for it.

She flashes an ornery grin, looks away, and then bats her eyes back in my direction. I watch as she drags her white teeth across her bottom lip. “Perhaps you’d like to see our other inventory?” I’m in. She wants to be alone.

I peer at Wes, who in turn motions for me to knock it off, or go away, I’m not real sure what the gesture actually means, then follow the beautiful woman like I’m a dog chasing after a juicy, scrumptious, T-bone.

We round the corner and come upon a cobalt Mustang Cobra with racing stripes on the hood. The chrome wheels have been detailed, and almost hold a reflection as she nears the vehicle. Her manicured fingernails drag along the window frame. “We just got this one in last week. Are you familiar with this model?”

I lean on the car beside her and stare into her deep blue eyes. “Even if I was, I think I’d like to hear about it out of those pretty lips.”

An air-filled laugh escapes her. She draws her hand to her mouth, only to move it away when she gathers composure.

“Don’t be shy, darlin’. I’m a fast learner. Give it to me straight. Do I have shot at taking you home, or not?”

She crosses her arms, as if it will ward me off. “Probably not. I like my men a little less desperate.”

After a guffaw, I snicker. “Desperate. Shit. I’ve never had to beg a woman for a ride.”

“Are you interested in the car or not?” She’s serious, and it only takes me a second to realize why. A gentleman in a pair of khakis and a polo shirt is coming in our direction. I take it as a chance to get under her skin some more.

“Of course I’m interested, Miss…” I wait for her to introduce herself formally.

“Tamsyn Ebling.”

“Nice to meet you, Tamsyn. I’m Josh.” I wait for the manager to leave before continuing. “What’s with the old man? Is he the big boss?”

“He’s my father, and he’s not too convinced I have the skills to sell cars.”

“Your father?”

“Yeah, the owner of the dealership,” she adds.

“Interesting,” I mumble while rubbing my chin. “So, does this mean I have to buy the car?”

She taps her index finger on the roof while staring into my eyes. “Are you serious?”

I shrug.

“I think I can make it worth your while,” she assures, but reiterates her statement. “The car, I mean.”

“What do you say we get out of here and take her on the road?”

She thinks about it for a second, knowing damn well what I’m implying. I catch Wes giving me that look of disapproval he always seems to toss in my direction. Ever since marrying my sister he acts like a little bitch. He’s jealous that I’m single and available for opportunities like this one. She doesn’t know I probably won’t be purchasing the car, but I’ll make sure she thinks I am.

“I’ll get the keys. All I need is your driver’s license and proof of insurance.”

I pull my wallet from the back pocket of my ripped Buckle jeans and hand her the cards. She hurries in the direction of an office, surfacing a few seconds later with a dealer tag and a set of keys with a horse charm. When she gets into the passenger side she’s acting differently, smiling and carrying on with herself.
“What?” I ask while starting the engine.

“I should have recognized you.”

“Recognized me?”

“Healy. Your name. I know who you are.”

This doesn’t deter me. Most women would jump on the chance to become involved with one of the most well known cattle ranchers in the state. “And?”

“You used to date Livvy.”

The mere mention of her name makes the hair stand at attention on my arms. It’s like a sharp knife cutting through my thick skin.

Olivia Parrish; my first – everything.

Our friendship was forbidden from the start, her being Wes’ younger naïve sister. They’d moved to another town, us running into each other at a party by chance when I was thirteen and she was twelve. The moment I set eyes on her I knew I wanted her, and so it began, the chase that is. She made me work for every single kiss, each embrace, and everything else that came after.

What started as a crush, blossomed into something neither of us has ever been willing to label. Olivia is too good for me; her words not mine. She’s made it clear I’m not mature enough to live in her world. An artist by choice, she lives an eclectic lifestyle. She’s weird. She dresses like a hippy, drinks weird teas, wears flowers in her hair, and listens to the most absurd music I’ve ever heard. We have nothing in common except for the way we fuck. She knows parts of me no other has had the opportunity. She can read me, but more than anything she can seduce me by simply coming into the room. Her tantric eyes make me want things I know I shouldn’t ask for, and when she willingly obliges, I’m a mess for weeks at a time. It never failed, if I was with someone else she’d show up just to prove she could have me, and it was the same when I learned she was dating another guy. I’d make my presence known and take what I wanted with little effort. We’re toxic around each other.

I’ve tried to be with her in a real relationship, to straighten my act up enough to get her attention, but it’s never to her standards. Olivia doesn’t want me as a boyfriend. She never has. She wants someone she can walk all over. She likes knowing she has full control over where we stand, and sometimes I hate it, but other times I admit my addiction to the little bits she allows me to have.

What I feel for her is one-sided. She’s the only woman to ever rip my heart into shreds. She’s the only woman I’d gladly allow to do it again. I can’t resist her, and that’s why hearing her name really digs deep into my gut. She’s forbidden fruit, my best friend’s kin. I can’t fight for her. I won’t humiliate myself. She’s made it clear we’re not going to see each other again. She’s back in New York living her life to the fullest. Whatever we had for the past years on and off is just that. The past.

“Hello? Are you still with me?”

I realize I’m staring off into the abyss, while this beautiful woman tries to gather my attention. “Yeah, sorry. So, you know, Liv?” I’ve never been one to call her Livvy. She prefers it, so I do it to get a rise out of her whenever I have the opportunity.

“She was my best friend in middle school. I mean, we haven’t talked in years, but I remember the mention of your name quite a few times.”

“Then you’ll be glad to know we’re not an item and haven’t been for a while. If you don’t believe me you can call and ask her yourself. Liv is in New York. As far as I can tell she’s never coming back.”

She shakes her head and peers out the opposite window. “It doesn’t matter. It’s not like I’m going to sleep with you so you’ll buy a car. I’m not that desperate. I can get another job somewhere else.”

She’s to the point. I like that, but it doesn’t mean the challenge is over. I don’t give up so easily.

Waiting until we pull out from the parking lot, I turn on some country tunes and focus on the road. “Are you seeing anyone?”

“What does that have to do with buying a car?”

There’s a cackle before a response. “It’s a personal question. Small talk.”

“I’d hardly consider that small.”

“It’s not like it matters. I could give a shit if you have a boyfriend. If I want something I usually get it.”

“Not happening,” she attests.

I glance in her direction. “You’re quick to say that, but I beg to differ. I’m pretty certain I can get at least a date out of you.”

“I’m engaged.”

A check of her left hand tells me she’s lying. “What’s his name? I’ll ask if he minds.”

This causes her to laugh. “Wow.”

“How’s tonight at six?”

“I have plans,” she tells me.

“Seven then. Better yet, I’ll pick you up from work.”

“Do you have a hearing problem?” 

“Nope, I just refuse to take no for an answer, especially when I know the two of us could have a damn good time together.”

She’s unwilling, simply assuming that if she gives it enough time I’ll back off.

“Come on? What do you have to lose? I don’t bite, unless it’s what you’re into. I’m not asking you to move in with me, just dinner and late night romp in my sheets. You’re an adult. We have chemistry.”

“Says who? What gives you the impression that I’d be interested in someone as cocky and arrogant as you are?”

I shrug. “Everyone is. I can’t help who I am.”

“We should head back,” she insists. “I’m interested in dating you as much as you’re actually wanting to buy this car. Let’s not waste anymore of our time today.”

My jaw clenches as I make a turn and begin heading back to the dealership. I’m not giving up, but this one is going to take a lot more than a smart mouth to convince her otherwise. I’ll let her stew for a while. She’ll come around, and when it happens she’ll kick herself for playing hard to get.









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