Judging June (Downtown)

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Authors: T J West

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Judging June

Copyright © 2015 by:
Tiffany J West

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and resemblance to persons; living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved.

Cover art by:
Cover to Cover Designs

Photographed by:
6:12 Photography by Eric McKinney

Edited by:
Kendra Johnson

Cover model:
Matt Palumbo

Back photo:

Back cover model: 
Derienne Briggs

eBook and Paperback format:
Champagne Formats



This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material or artwork herein is prohibited without the express written permission of the author.

Table of Contents

Title Page


Other series written by T.J.West



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9


Changed by Heather Dahlgren

Websites/Facebook pages/Author pages

About the Author


Other books by the author


The Rain Series

November Rain book 1

Purple Rain book 2

Rain Street book 3


Downtown Series

orbidden Faith, book 1


To my readers, bloggers, family, friends, photographers, models, designers—-Thank you for all the support!

This novella is for you.

I WAS NEVER GOING TO let Faith know I saw Lucky Jones fucking her from behind on that terrace, the night of the bands party. I have always known she was infatuated, in lust and in love with someone with the last name of Jones. Gordon Montgomery told me about him. He told me to get inside his daughters heart, make her see who would be better for her, even though he knew she would always hold a flame for Jones. I tried everything to make her see differently, to feel differently, to make her sweat that punk away by fucking me. It didn’t work. No matter how many times I sucked her clit, ate her cream, she still thought about him. To get her back, I fucked her best friend, June. I got drunk, got June drunk and made that sexy little thing scream for mercy.

The next morning when I woke up, I found her in my bed, naked—naked with a bunch of tattoos that I can’t stand. I don’t know what the hell I was thinking? She’s a very sexy woman, but no way would I ever be attracted by those pictures engraved on her skin. What kind of person would want to do that to their bodies? It’s there permanently! Yet, I fucked June anyways. She felt good, tasted good, pumped my dick nice and hard, but that’s it. Even though I feel guilty about taking advantage of her, she was still a good, hard lay.

I got out of bed and pulled on a pair of boxers. June stirs awake when I slam my dresser drawer shut; my way of telling her to wake up and get out. I know I’m not being myself. I’m pissed that I let last night get as far as it did, even though fucking her was my intention.

I lean up against my dresser, cross my arms and watch her fumble for the sheet; she’s butt naked and exposed. She moans while she wakes up and finally figures out where she’s at. She wraps the sheet around her body; her short blonde/black disheveled hair covers her face, blocking her view of me. She wipes it out of her eyes and gasps when she finally sees me. “God, what did we do?” She groans.

I buck myself away from the dresser and walk toward her. “We fucked,” I bluntly reply.

She looks up at me, scrunching her nose. “Well, thanks for putting it so mildly.”

I shrug, “What did you want me to say?”

“Nothing, I guess,” she mumbles, then shouts out, “Shit! I can’t believe I would do this to my best friend!”

As I look around my modern, gray painted room, and king sized black canopy bed, I find her clothing, scattered on the floor. I keep my space very clean and get annoyed when I see anything out of place or things lying everywhere. So while she is pouting on the bed I pick up a few of her items and place them next to her. “You should leave.” She slowly looks up at me with disgust on her face. “What?” I ask.

“Don’t you feel
Guilt, hunger?”

I fold my arms together, completely confused. “Hunger?”

“Yeah, cuz I’m starving.” She puts her gold tube top over her head.

This girl is a trip.
I leave the room while June puts her clothes back on. I search through my cupboards and fridge for something to eat, but find nothing appetizing—well, I do have bread. June comes out of my bedroom fixing her hair and checking her face with her compact mirror case. She sits on a bar stool and places her purse on the counter, still checking her face, wiping away the makeup from underneath her eyes. She mumbles to herself saying how horrid her eyes look. I think she looks rather beautiful without all that black eyeliner around her bright blue eyes. Yet you won’t hear me saying that.

I clear my throat. “I have nothing to eat.”

“Take me to breakfast then. We need to figure out what we’re going to do.”

I let out a breath and lean my elbows on the counter, facing her. “We’re not going to do anything. It happened—I feel like shit, you feel like shit, and we should try to move past it.”

Her eyes widen when she raises her voice, “You’ve got to be kidding me! You’re her boyfriend! How can you just move past it?”

Have I ever really been her boyfriend when her feelings have always been with someone else? I’ve done everything I can to make her forget him. After last night? I know it’s over—although I still have hopes of her choosing me.
How fucking pathetic.

In the beginning I was just doing what her father asked me to do—win her over. Gordon was a client of my fathers and I met him a couple times while I was in college. So, when he discovered I was going to be Faith’s architect he flew to San Diego and convinced me to date his daughter. I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea; I didn’t think it was right to date a client. However, one look at her and I was a complete goner. Her deep blue eyes and amazing full lips, I’ll never forget sucking on them for the first time—they were intoxicating, luscious and sexy.

I really thought we worked well together; we had great chemistry and had a lot in common, but something was always off with Faith. She never let me inside her heart, never gave me a chance at breaking down her wall. The sex was always a good thing though. That was something we both accomplished and succeeded, never a dull moment in bed.

I’m not proud of what went down with June, it was an ass thing to do—still, I’m not regretting it. Faith used me for her own good will. I was her bandaid to patch up whatever wounds she had bleeding out. I had enough of being her first aid kit; seeing her with Lucky just sent me over the edge, and I took it to a place I shouldn’t have. June was the only way to get her back, to hurt her. Although her body and icy blue eyes were killer, I never gave June any indications I was attracted to her. We only met a few times within the last six months and not once did I glance at her twice. I was too wrapped up in Faith.
What a fucking douche I became.

Furthermore if Faith ever finds out about the rendezvous. . . . well . . . I’ll have to deal with it when that time comes.

After taking Faith home from the party, I called June over to my place. This was my insane chance to get her into bed. I always had this vibe from her; she wanted me. Every time we were in each other’s presence I could see her hands twisting with nerves, she was anxious. Her behavior never made me uncomfortable, I was flattered, in fact. So when I decided I was going to use her toward my own sick advantages I knew June would come over because she was worried about Faith, and I pretended to be as well. It was the perfect plan. The moment she walked inside my condo I immediately handed her a drink. This, I knew, would calm her nerves. I never expected for us to get drunk, it just happened. We were drunk out of our minds when I took it to the next level and kissed her; she didn’t even try pushing me away. Damn, that first kiss was an explosion. She tasted like vanilla, smelled like coconut—I became moonstruck. The lust we felt for one another was unlike anything I ever experienced. I couldn’t believe what I felt for this woman. Where the fuck was my head? How could I possibly want this woman so much? I was way in over my head and I didn’t know how to stop it. I enjoyed our night so much I wanted her back in bed, but I knew that was impossible. I didn’t date women like June. She’s not my type, period.

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