Just Another Job (25 page)

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Authors: Casey Peterson

Tags: #superherocomic bookjob satisfaction

BOOK: Just Another Job
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Their twin decisions garnered the attention
Chris had hoped as he felt bullets pounding into the metal against
his back. Klaus didn't look at Chris or motion any kind of courtesy
for taking the weapon. He waited for the break in fire and then,
like any good soldier, popped up from the cover to shoot back into
the trees. The enemy stayed concealed as Chris took the smallest of
glances to find out. The invisible shooters were much more
effective. Like Frank, Klaus had been grazed across his bicep.
Chris couldn't tell if it just happened but was sure it hurt. While
under cover, Klaus's hand touched the wound and instantly he ground
his teeth in pain.

“Give me the gun,” said Chris. He was
unscathed so far and thought was in a better position to fight.

“The fuck? Stay down,” said Klaus, who
obviously thought differently.

Chris kept down, but without the gun there
was no point in staying here. The warehouse was safe. He could see
Alan inside yelling into his radio. But he couldn’t leave Klaus
there either. The gun fire did nothing. Chris grabbed Klaus’s good
arm and pointed to the warehouse. Klaus shook off Chris’s grasp and
moved above the cover to fire into the trees again.

This was the moment to run to the warehouse;
Chris could see the SUVs coming out of the dark to pick up Alan.
Other Supers saw the same thing and made a run for it. Chris
hesitated. Klaus needed a way out too. The SUVs would never be able
to get to where they were with the masses of sharp metal and
splintered wood set all around them.

Chris waited for Klaus to finish his round
of useless firing. He would drag Klaus with him if necessary.
That's what it came down to. A bullet hit Klaus above the collar
bone, tearing the sleek black uniform and flesh away. The force
turned him to the side where his gun became even more useless in
its aim. Another shot went into his exposed ribcage. Chris's mind
thought to yell, but nothing came out. Instead the older idea of
dragging took over and Chris hooked his arms underneath Klaus's
shoulders. Klaus looked up at Chris. But then Klaus’s head lolled
forward into his chest.

The firing paused again. Chris didn't stop
to see if it was clear to move. He pulled the hulking frame of
Klaus as fast as possible to the opening of the warehouse door.
Chris heard the sound of gunfire again. He knew he couldn't stop.
Seemingly from nowhere, Frank popped out from cover to jump in
between Chris and the trees. Frank kept his finger pressed firmly
on the trigger in the hopes of doubling their chances of making it
to safety.

Their SUV was the last one waiting next to
the warehouse. Chris saw Jane keeping her head down in the driver’s
seat, but also frantically searching for them. She spotted Chris
still pulling Klaus while Frank covered them. The SUV lurched at
them and swung into a crate to block off the threat.

Jane leaped from the driver’s seat at the
sight of Klaus now being carried by Chris and Frank into the back.
There was nothing for her to help with, but she climbed into the
back with him still. Johnykin instinctively made her way from the
back into the front to be the new driver. She peeled them out of
harm’s way without hesitation.

Once they were moving, Chris squeezed
himself across from Johnykin. He looked back to see what he left
behind. Frank had jumped into the cargo area and tore through the
bags looking for medical supplies. Jane held down, the best she
could, the blood pumping out of Klaus’s shoulder and side.
Eventually, Frank found gauze and bandages. He stepped his way
carefully over Klaus’s body that stretched across the seats

Frank continued his cautious movements when
slipping the white bandages underneath Jane’s red fingers. Chris
watched everything. He couldn’t look away. Jane sobbed as Klaus’s
eyes opened and closed slowly but never taking their attention from
her own. Klaus’s breathing slowed down just as much too and then
stopped. Frank moved to the side and sat on the floor of the SUV.
Jane pinched her eyes shut and squeezed Klaus’s head against her

“My God,” said Chris.

Johnykin glanced back quickly but couldn’t
make out what happened and grabbed at the rear-view mirror. In the
reflection she saw it. The tears rolled out. She continued to

Chris's hands swept through his hair as he
tried to find an order for his emotions and thoughts. 'What the
fuck had happened' dominated his head space. The past hour or
however long, he wasn't sure, blurred across his eyes. Then they
focused on the bullets hitting Klaus, just like they would in a
movie or any regular person.

“What the fuck?” said Chris aloud this time.
Frank turned to him ready to shut him up for breaking the silence.
Jane was stuck in her own time still holding Klaus's head.

Johnykin answered, “Don’t, Chris.”

“I'm so sorry, but what the hell is all of
this? I… I can't see it, but I know something’s here. How could
he... how can Klaus... Why didn't you guys stop them?”

“Stop who? What did you expect us to do?”
said Johnykin.

“We tried,” said Frank.

“Not you,” said Chris to Frank. “The Supers.
Why didn't you jump or run super-fast and take out those guys? Why
did Klaus use the gun?”

“Seriously?” asked Johnykin. “You're fucking
asking that right now? Use your head Chris! Stop pretending. You
know the answer.”

A part of Chris knew it before she said it.
He wanted her to say it, though. He wanted her to admit it. In his
mind it was her fault, or everyone else that had lied's fault.

Frank knew what Chris expected. He'd seen
the child playing the adult before; believing it was more important
to admit wrongdoing than anything else.

“You're such a dick,” said Frank to

Chris turned to stare at the accusation. Out
of the corner he saw Jane still mourning. He was a dick.

“I'm sorry,” said Chris. “Just tell me. Has
it always been fake? I mean everything from the beginning.”

Johnykin cried again and didn't answer.

“Of course it was,” said Frank. He glowered
at Chris daring him to continue the conversation.

Chris treaded lightly. “How did you know?

Frank shook his head.

“Come on!” said Chris. “I thought, but not
really. Why didn't you tell me? I could've done more or done things

“Yeah, you would've left,” said Frank. “I'm
not talking about this here.”

“We're almost to the rally point,” said
Johnykin, as if nothing else was discussed.

Chris realized now he had to put his motives
and questions to the side. This wasn't the place to play any guilt
games or push for meaningless answers. Johnykin kept the SUV on
course. She had one headlight to see through the near pitch black
night and maneuvered with relentless skill. Chris silently admired

Sooner than Chris thought, the other SUVs
came into view. They were in a semi-circle that Johnykin completed
with a deft turn of the wheel and a hard stomp on the brake.
Johnykin slowly stepped out, Frank followed just as carefully, and
Chris took another look at the scene behind him before getting out

As reassurance that the rest of them went
through as tough a time, Chris checked out each of the SUVs for
damage. All of them had minor wear; a bullet hole, side mirror
broken, or dents in the body. Inside the circle of vehicles was
another circle of slightly damaged 'Supers' trying to gain answers
from Alan.

He spoke calmly and assured them with the
best knowledge he had of the situation. Johnykin and Frank were
already a part of the group when Chris joined in to hear what their
next plans were.

“We'll get a copter in the morning with
fresh supplies and weapons for everyone,” said Alan.

“Why? What the hell are the weapons going to
be good for?” asked Chris.

“Shut up, Chris,” said Frank.

“No! This is over. We paid the price for
this joke. Klaus is dead because he went along with this shit. What
do you have to show? A couple of dings and dents in your cars?”

Johnykin grabbed Chris's arm to pull him
away from his rant. “Look around you. Klaus isn't the only

The group waited silently for Chris to
realize. Jean and Hal were missing.

“Even more reason for this to end. I'm sorry
if I’m insensitive, difficult, whatever; but come on.” Chris looked
around the circle again. “Unless you can really prove to me you're
something incredible, someone who's not just like me, then we're
all going to end up like Jean, Hal, and Klaus.”

Everyone looked away and then almost
unanimously roared in rage at Chris. The force of their shouting
clicked a switch in Chris's mind that told him to give in. He saw
the imaginary flip and he saw himself following along with its
advice. His mind didn't stop there. It jumped forward to him
continuing on a mission or two, making it back finally home, barely
speaking to his family, then going back to the labs to get another
mission from Erik. This was not going to be his life.

“You're scared!” said Chris. Above the
name-calling and threats this caught the attention of most of

“Not as much as you are,” said Alan. The
group trailed off to listen. “This isn't your fight. No fight is
yours. Stop trying to bring us with you. Leave. There’s no reason
for you to be here especially if you're trying to tell us something
so obvious.”

“Then call it in or whatever military speak
it is. We're out of here,” said Chris. He raised his dark eyebrows
and softened the deep voice that caught everyone’s attention a
moment ago. Johnykin was next to him and her silence confirmed her
agreement. “Our team's not going to help you at this point. Get us
out of here before there's more damage.”

Johnykin walked away from the group back to
the SUV. Everyone watched her open the passenger door and sit down.
She turned away from their view. Frank stayed, but Chris knew it
was his turn to walk away too.

The group started up again while Alan did as
Chris told him and called in an evacuation. Chris slid into the
driver's seat across from Johnykin. His hands gripped the steering
wheel and he looked out into the night.

“I'm going with you,” said Jane from the
backseat. She hadn't moved from the spot but had stopped

Johnykin smiled at her through the rear-view

Chapter Twenty

They fell asleep in the seats. Except for Frank, he
found room in the cargo space in the back. At sunrise, the
helicopter landed in the middle of the camp. Alan was already
talking to the pilot when Chris opened his eyes to the dying roar
of the blades. Johnykin and the rest of the SUV woke up. Chris
leaned forward on the steering wheel to take in the full ending of
the camp fire story the helicopter brought with it.

Alan continued his conversation with the
pilot whose head just nodded in response. Then two long bags
containing Jean and Hal's bodies were carried over. Chris knew they
would be doing the same in just a few moments with Klaus. Jane
began to cry again as she brushed Klaus's hair.

In the back, Frank rummaged around and then
stepped out while discreetly holding the body bag for Klaus.
Johnykin followed him out and opened the door next to Jane to
quietly talk. Chris went to help Frank. They unfolded the thick
plastic together even though it was a one-man job. Frank unzipped
the top and they waited. Johnykin was still talking, her body
leaning into the vehicle with one hand on the open door and the
other holding Jane's hand.

Eventually Johnykin stepped away, which
Frank and Chris took as the signal to move forward. Jane saw the
bag and tore herself away from the seat and Klaus. She immediately
fell into Johnykin's arms and cried some more.

It was the most awkward pushing and pulling
Chris had ever done. Klaus's huge frame made the act of being
respectful impossible. Frank's impatience didn't help either, but
the job wrapped up and he and Chris carried Klaus's body to the
waiting helicopter.

With the help of the co-pilot, the three
bags were pushed to the back to make room for more passengers.

“You're leaving in ten,” said Alan. He
opened his mouth to say more, but stopped.

“Yeah,” said Chris.

“All of you,” said Alan looking at Frank.
Frank gaped at him with disbelief, but Alan continued, “Your group
is compromised. There’s no point in splitting you up either. We’ll
take care of things here.”

Chris looked over to watch the blowup from
Frank. It didn’t come. He just continued to stare at Alan who
paused for a response and then walked away from the silence. Chris
placed his hand on Frank’s shoulder, but Frank shrugged it off and
walked back to the SUV.

Johnykin and Jane carried the group’s bags
over to the helicopter. Jane kept her head bowed, but Johnykin
looked Chris in the eyes and gave him the smallest of smiles. Chris
stood there waiting for directions. Nothing came. Johnykin and Jane
finished loading and then made their way to the other SUVs to say
goodbye. Chris thought about that. Did he have anyone to talk to
one last time? The doubting turned quickly to regret. The ones that
cared were at home. The ones he truly cared for were at home plus
one more.

Chris stomped over to the SUV where Frank
sat in the driver’s seat. Chris wrenched the door open and pulled
him out by his shirt.

“Let’s go,” said Chris.

Frank was caught by surprise but once on his
feet outside he tore Chris’s hand away. “What the fuck?”

“Come on. We’re not waiting for the ten

“Oh, yeah? You going to tell me what to do
now? How in the fuck do you think you’re in charge here?”

“What makes me not? I can order your ass
around as much as I want because this is nothing. This is a big
fuckin’ lie. It’s all make believe and I’m ready to leave now. So,
let’s go.”

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