Just Another Sucker (25 page)

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Authors: James Hadley Chase

BOOK: Just Another Sucker
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I remained in the cell for two days, then Renick visited me.

‘You’ve got a break, Harry,’ he told me. ‘Meadows’s only hope of nailing this woman is for you to turn State evidence. He is willing to fix it with the judge for you to go free if you’ll do it. She’s got a battery of attorneys who could get her off unless you come in for us. Will you do it?’

I didn’t hesitate.

‘Of course I’ll do it.’

‘I knew you would. I’ve seen Nina. She is putting the bungalow in the market. When it’s sold, you two had better get out of town and try to make a fresh start some place else.’

‘You don’t have to tell me,’ I said. ‘I’ll get out fast enough. Can I see Nina?’

‘She’ll be along this afternoon.’

But why go on?

After a terrific legal battle, Rhea drew fifteen years. If it hadn’t been for my evidence she could have beaten this rap. Then I came up before the judge.

He told me what he thought of me. It didn’t amount to much, but he was wasting time: I didn’t think much of myself either. He said he would give me a suspended sentence of five years. If ever I got into any more trouble, the five years would have to be worked off before I began a sentence any other judge might hand out to me. But that was also a waste of time for I was through with trouble.

All I wanted now was Nina and the chance of a fresh start.

Nina was waiting for me as I left court.

She put her hand in mine and smiled at me.

Right at that moment, I felt the fresh start would take care of itself.


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