Just Dreams (Brooks Sisters Dreams Series Book 1) (24 page)

BOOK: Just Dreams (Brooks Sisters Dreams Series Book 1)
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“Hey,” Tyler said, “put me down!  I’m dizzy enough from the explosion.”   

Mr. Morgan walked up to Tyler and gave him a hug.  “I’ll never forget what you did for me, son.”

“It’s my pleasure Mr. Morgan.  It was the least I could do after all you and Mama Morgan have done for me,” Tyler said.


Two weeks later, Annette showed Charles into Kathy’s office. He held a large bouquet of red roses. 

“Oh Charles, they’re beautiful,” Kathy said.

“Special delivery for a special lady,” he said.  He kissed her on the cheek.

Annette stood there watching them, a goofy smile on her face.  Kathy cleared her throat.

“Thank you Annette,” she said.

“You are welcome.” Annette wiggled her eyebrows at Kathy over Charles’ shoulder before leaving the office and closing the door behind her.

Kathy shook her head.

“What?” Charles asked.

“Thank God your case is now completely over.  You could have gotten me into a lot of trouble bringing that big ole bunch of flowers to my office. Anyone with two eyes could figure out we’re still seeing each other.”

“Yeah, it’s pretty amazing how fast Peachtree’s board of directors consented to a judgment against the company and dismissed the Bar complaint when their criminal attorneys saw how much evidence the F.B.I. had against them,” Charles said. 

“Even with the deal the company cut, Peachtree is finished as a defense contractor and Donald Peachtree’s going to have to do a lot of prison time if they ever find him,” Kathy said.  “So, now that you’ve gotten your revenge and are a very rich man, what brings you here?”

“You do.  I miss you.”  He walked over to her, pulled her into his arms and kissed her lightly on the lips.  She felt a thrill travel down her spine.  She always did when he kissed her.

“I miss you too. You’ve been pretty scarce these past two weeks.”

“I had some thinking to do and some things I had to take care of,” he said.

“Yeah?  Like what?”

“Well for starters, I had to get this.”  He extracted a small box from his inner jacket pocket.  He opened it to reveal a platinum engagement ring with a large pear-shaped solitaire diamond.  He dropped to one knee.

Kathy’s mouth fell open.  Charles’ amused gaze told her that she probably looked like a fish gasping for its last breath.  She managed to close her mouth, but couldn’t quite wipe the huge smile off her face.

“Kathy Brooks, I love you.  I want to spend the rest of my life with you, to grow old with you. Will you marry me?”

“Yes,” she said.  “Oh yes.”  She got down on her knees, threw her arms around Charles’ neck and kissed him.  Then she pulled back and looked him in the eye.  “By the way, I love you too.”

He stared into her eyes.  She could see the emotion swimming in his. 

“Say it again,” he said.

“I love you.” 

He pulled her to him and kissed her more deeply this time.  She felt the thrill all the way down to her toes. 

“Why don’t we leave this joint and go somewhere a little more private to celebrate?” she asked.

“Sounds great.  But first I have to go see Bill and tell him that I’m officially firing GRH.”

“Sounds good to me.  We’ll stop by his office on the way out.”  She grabbed her purse, powered down her computer and followed Charles out of the office.

* * *

Giada carefully peeled the poisoned lip covers off her lips.  She threw them and the disposable gloves she wore into the toilet and flushed.  She extracted another pair of disposable gloves from her purse, put them on and wiped down any surfaces in the hotel room she might have touched. 

She carefully applied lipstick and made a small adjustment to the wig she was wearing.  Satisfied, she walked over to the desk and unplugged the laptop she had used to transfer funds from Peachtree’s secret account into one of her own.  She packed it into its case and took it with her.  After all she had endured, the money and the laptop were the least Peachtree owed her.

She looked at his naked corpse sprawled across the bed and blew it a kiss.  She then walked out of the hotel room and into her new life.

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About the Author

The oldest of six children, I grew up in New York City. As a child, I escaped my noisy siblings by voraciously reading every book in my parents' collection and every romance novel I could check out of the public library. My tastes later expanded to include classics, spy novels, and thrillers. Inspired by the stories I read, I began writing poetry and song lyrics and even tried to write a fantasy novel at the tender age of 13. I began writing novels as an adult during National November Writing Month in 2007 and have been chugging along ever since. When I’m not writing, I practice law in Miami, Florida.

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This book is dedicated to my mother whom I miss very much.




I’m going to keep this short and sweet and general for fear of leaving anyone out.  First, I want to thank God for giving me the opportunity, the skills and the perseverance necessary to write this book.  Next, I want to thank my friends and family for believing in and supporting me throughout this process.

I want to extend a special thanks to my beta readers – Courtney Green, Ericka Turk-Moore, and Anna Sarabia - for reading numerous drafts of this book and others and giving me honest (and sometimes hard to take) feedback.

I want to thank Valerie and Eric Valdes and all of the members of my writers group for encouraging me to keep my considerable behind in a chair and finish writing and editing this novel.  I also want thank my outside editor for helping me to whip it into shape for publication.

Finally, I want to thank my significant other for his love and support, and his design of the cover.



Just Dreams

Waterview Publishing, LLC

ISBN 978-1-941778-01-2

©2014 by L.J. Taylor


All rights reserved.  No part of this book may be reproduced, transmitted or used in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means now known or hereafter invented, including but not limited to xerography, photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the express written permission of Waterview Publishing, LLC.

This book is a work of fiction.  The names, characters, dialogue, incidents, and places, except for incidental references to public figures, products or services, are the product of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real.  No character in this book is based on an actual person.  Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons living or dead is entirely coincidental and unintentional.  The author and publisher have made every effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information contained in this book and assume no responsibility for any errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or inconsistencies contained herein.

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Waterview Publishing, LLC

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Dreams Deferred

The Brooks Sisters Dreams Series Book 2

By L.J. Taylor


to buy.


If you enjoyed Just Dreams then check out baby sister Ivy Brook’s story in Dreams Deferred:

Ivy Brooks was always attracted to the bad boys until one day, she met the worst of them all and landed in prison as a result.  Now, three years later, more mature and the mother of a beautiful little boy, she’s determined to make a better life for herself and her son. She’s also determined to make better choices when it comes to men and she’s not sure her former cellmate’s drop dead gorgeous brother Luke – a former bad boy who professes to have turned over a new leaf – is the right choice.

Just when she believes she’s made a fresh start, her son’s father, Zeke, finds out about him and sues for full custody.  She kept her mouth shut when the police found jewelry from the heist committed by Zeke in her apartment.  But now, to save her son from a life of misery, Ivy has no choice but to testify against Zeke.  Luke is determined to protect Ivy and her son at any cost.  Will she stay alive long enough to testify? And can she trust Luke to stand by her side without being drawn back into a life of violence?




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