Just the Way You Are (13 page)

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Authors: Lynsey James

BOOK: Just the Way You Are
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‘It was love at first sight when I saw her dressed as a zombie bride. I knew right there and then I had to marry her,’ said Dean.

‘Aww Wolf Man!’ His new wife pulled him over and kissed him.

I took that as my cue to leave ‘Right, well that just about wraps up everything! I’ll call if I need any more information for my article!’

I made as hasty an exit as I could and went back to the dance floor. Nate was nowhere to be seen; I assumed he was off somewhere taking photographs of guests or decorations. I slowly cut a path through the crowd, hoping to reach the bar and grab myself a well-deserved drink. As I squeezed past a group of zombies and vampires, an arm snaked round my waist and drew me backwards.

‘Nate, stop mucking about!’ I laughed.

I tried to push the arm away but whoever was holding me wasn’t letting go that easily. They spun me round and I found myself standing face to face with a man dressed as Frankenstein’s monster.

‘Hey gorgeous, fancy having some fun?’ he slurred. His hands moved from my waist to my bum. ‘Ooh very nice, like two peaches in a bag.’

‘Get off me!’

I tried to get free but his grip was too strong. I frantically scanned the crowd for Nate but couldn’t see him. People milled in and out of the packed hall, some just joining the party and others going outside to the terrace for a smoke. I saw heads bobbing up and down, ducking under the low door to go outside, but no Nate. Just then, a vaguely familiar head appeared at the door. A little bubble of hope rose in me until the head disappeared out of sight.

Where is he?

Frankenstein grinned nastily, the lurid green face paint cracking slightly as he did. His eyes looked as though they were sunken into his head; they weren’t kind like Max’s.

Where’s Nate?

He grabbed my wrists so I couldn’t run away and dragged me over to a secluded corner of the room. I prayed one of the guests would help me but they didn’t. They were all too busy making the most of the free bar. Frankenstein used his weight to pin me to the wall and held my wrists down by my sides. Every part of me urged me to scream but I was too terrified to make any noise. His face was just inches from mine. I felt sick; what was going to happen to me?

‘Now, where were we?’

His head tilted to the side and edged closer, his awful breath making me gag. I struggled to work my hands free but he held onto them tighter.

‘Please… Please let go of me!’

‘Come on love, don’t be like that. I bet you’re an animal in bed, aren’t you? I can’t wait to find out.’

I struggled again but my wrists stayed where they were. My heart hammered in my chest as I frantically searched for a way out. I looked down at my feet and a lightbulb went off in my head. I took the opportunity and thrust my knee straight into his crown jewels. He folded like a birthday card, cursing loudly. I ran out of the hall as fast as I could, tears streaming down my face and my legs shaking.

There was a fleet of taxis outside, waiting to take the guests home. I jumped into the first one I saw.

‘Where to, love?’ asked the driver.

‘17 Church Street please,’ I wept.

There was only one person I wanted to see right now.

Chapter 13

I rang the buzzer to Max’s flat, praying he was up and not round at Amira’s listening to her bullshit apologies.

Hello?’ He sounded like he’d just woken up.

‘It’s Ava, can I come up?’ My voice and body trembled as I struggled to compose myself.

Moments later, the door opened and I rushed inside. A little part of me was scared that Frankenstein’s monster had somehow managed to follow me, though I knew it was daft. I was on the third flight of stairs when I saw Max running down to get me.

‘Ava, what’s happened? Are you all right?’

I shook my head, every inch of me shaking. I couldn’t remember a time where I’d ever felt so scared.

‘I-I was at the Halloween wedding and there was this bloke dressed as Frankenstein’s monster. A-At first he put his arm around my waist but when I tried to walk away, he got nasty. H-He dragged me off into this really dark corner and I-I thought he was going to hurt me. I tried to get away but he grabbed my hands and…’

Max bounded down the last few steps and cupped my face with his hands, searching it with his large dark eyes.

‘Did he hurt you?’ His voice was soft and gentle.

I shook my head ‘No. I-I managed to kick him in the balls and run away, but Christ knows what he would’ve done to me!’

‘Oh God, come here.’

Max wrapped his arms tightly around me; we stood on the second-floor landing while he stroked my hair and held me close.

‘It’s OK you’re safe now. I’ve got you,’ he whispered in my ear.

I breathed him in; he smelled like freshly laundered bed linen. Gradually, my racing heart slowed down and I began to feel safe again.

‘Come on; let’s get you a coffee or something.’ Keeping a protective arm round my shoulders, Max led me up the remaining flights of stairs to his flat. The door was wide open but he shut it and locked it once we were inside.

‘How come you left the door open?’ I asked.

‘I was more interested in checking you were OK than remembering to close a bloody door!’ he replied with a smile. ‘You look freezing, d’you want a jumper or something?’

‘Please.’ I rubbed my icy arms to warm them up and silently cursed myself for not wearing a coat with my flapper dress.

‘No problem; wait here a sec.’

Max disappeared into his bedroom and came back a few seconds later with his favourite red sweatshirt. He chucked it over to me and I slipped it on, loving how soft and cosy it was. Around the neck, his signature scent lingered.

‘Fancy that coffee now?’ His hand slipped into mine and our fingers gently laced together. He gave it an affectionate squeeze; the small gesture meant a lot after what I’d been through that night.

‘Yeah, that’d be brilliant thanks.’

We went into the kitchen and he began preparing some strong coffee in his fancy percolator. Max absolutely loved his gadgets.

‘I’ve never known how to work that thing!’ I chuckled weakly and allowed myself to fall back against the black granite counter.

He left the coffee to do its thing in the percolator and came over to stand beside me.

‘What’s happening with you and Amira then?’ The words were out before I could check or edit them. I hadn’t wanted to ask about his relationship status but a part of me was dying to know.

Max shrugged. ‘No idea, she phoned again tonight but I told her I didn’t know what I wanted to happen yet. I thought about what you said; living your life wondering when things are gonna end isn’t a way to live my life. If I get back with her then no matter what I do, it’ll never be enough for her and I’ll always be wondering when she’s going to leave me for someone better. Anyway, enough about her; are you OK?’

I felt a fresh well of tears brew as horrific images of what could’ve happened crossed my mind.

‘No… no I’m not OK!’ I admitted. My voice cracked and, despite my best efforts, I started to cry again.

Without hesitation, he pulled me close to him and lightly kissed the top of my head.

‘I wish I’d been there,’ he said, his voice heavy with regret. ‘I’d have kicked the living shit out of him. The thought of someone hurting you…’

‘Don’t, it was my own fault. I went off on my own to do that bloody interview and told Nate I’d meet him later.’

‘Oh Nate was there, was he? Fat lot of good he was, letting that happen to you! I knew there was a reason I didn’t like him.’

‘He was taking photos for the feature we’re running on the wedding. Like I said, it was completely my fault…’

Max shook his head and hugged me tighter. ‘No it’s not. He should’ve been looking out for you and now look what’s happened! And as for the piece of scum who tried to hurt you; if you ever see him again, point him out to me and I’ll sort him out.’

‘That’ll be easy, he was dressed as Frankenstein’s monster!’

‘I can’t make him much uglier then!’

I giggled and buried my face in his chest. I felt so much calmer being beside Max. He had a unique way of making any fear I had melt away. Just then, the percolator pinged to let us know the coffee was done. Max pulled away from me and poured two cups for us then reached into the cupboard just above him.

‘Are dark chocolate digestives OK?’ he asked, offering the packet to me.

‘They’re perfect!’ I gladly took them and followed him to the living room.

Max turned on one of the large chrome floor lamps and pulled the thick cream blanket off the back of the couch. He stretched out along the length of it and patted a space on the inside for me to join him. I climbed over his long legs and made myself at home snuggled up in his arms with my head resting on his chest. He pulled the throw over us and tucked it in at my back. Our coffee mugs stood side by side on the table and the packet of biscuits towered over them.

‘Why do I get the feeling I’ve made that coffee for nothing?’ he asked with a smile.

‘Because I’ll probably fall asleep before I get a chance to drink it? Listen, thanks for looking after me; you’ve been brilliant as usual.’

He turned round onto his left-hand side and cuddled into me. ‘It was nothing; I’m just glad you’re all right. You sounded so scared when you buzzed to get in; I didn’t know what had happened to you. You don’t half know how to give a guy a fright!’

‘I’m sorry,’ I replied with a little chuckle. ‘You got down the stairs pretty sharpish! I just can’t stop thinking about what could’ve happened…’

My chest began to constrict and a lump formed at the base of my throat. The whole experience had shaken me up more than I’d thought. Max began caressing my cheek and held me in a warm, secure embrace. I allowed myself to curl into him and cried into his rumpled white T-shirt. I held onto it like I was clinging on for dear life.

‘Don’t think about that,’ he said gently. ‘I’m here and I won’t let anything happen to you.’

I drew back a little bit and became very aware of just how close Max’s face was to mine. A million thoughts raced through my mind as the atmosphere between us shifted. It reminded me of when we’d stood outside my flat the night I’d bought my costume. Max licked his lips and let out a loud sigh. The tension between us was unbearable.

‘Ava, I…’

‘Don’t,’ I whispered.

I sat up and wiped away some stray tears from my face, grabbing my coffee mug to give my hands something to do. This was the second time someone real had presented themselves as a replacement for Mr Writer and made me wonder what the hell I was doing pinning all my hopes on him.

Max sat up as well. ‘Look, I didn’t mean for things to get weird between us. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but that’s been happening a lot lately.’

I nodded. ‘Yeah, something’s definitely changed hasn’t it? I don’t like it; why can’t things just stay the bloody same for a while?! Everything has to change just when I’m getting used to it. I’d gotten used to living with Dave when he buggered off, I was starting to be OK with having feelings for Mr Writer till Nate decided to ask me out and now I’m losing my best friend too.’

He reached over to wipe another tear away with his thumb. His touch was so light and delicate; I knew he’d never hurt me. Although he looked OK, I could see a sadness behind his eyes. He must be missing Amira a lot, I thought.

‘You’re never going to lose me Ava, I promise. Who was it that came up to me on my first day at school and gave me her bar of Caramac? I’ll never forget that; I was six years old and me and my mum had just moved here from Leeds. I was so bloody terrified till I saw you with your bunches and that gap in your teeth. You were so kind to me that day and no amount of weirdness is going to change that.’

‘I don’t know what I’d do without you sometimes. My hero.’

‘I should have a costume or something!’ he said with a chuckle.

‘Yeah, you’d look good in Lycra!’

‘Well I can’t deny that.’

He looked at me and my insides began to churn. I felt all warm and fuzzy, and feelings I couldn’t pin down began to whizz through every part of me.

‘What is it?’ he asked, laughing softly.

‘N-nothing…’ I dropped my gaze away from him; I’d obviously been staring too long.

Max put a finger under my chin and brought my face level with his. His eyes stared deeply into mine with an intensity I still wasn’t used to. He put a hand on the base of my neck and brought my face closer, like there was a minute detail he wanted to inspect. Electricity crackled and sizzled in the air, which terrified and thrilled me in equal measure as I tried to anticipate what would happen next.

‘What?’ I asked, swallowing hard.

‘Nothing. You’re… you’re perfect.’

What the hell is going on here?

I didn’t have to wait too long to find out. Max leaned over and kissed me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and waist to pull me closer to him. I felt his fingers dance in my hair and he gave a low moan of pleasure.

‘You have no idea how long I’ve waited to do that,’ he said, drawing his face away from mine.

‘Really?’ I cocked my head to one side as I tried to process the idea of my best friend secretly wanting to kiss me.

He nodded and wrapped me up in his arms. This was quickly becoming my favourite place to be.

‘Yeah, so bloody long you wouldn’t believe.’

He stroked my hair and kissed every part of my face he could reach. His kisses moved in a sleek curve along my jawline then down to my neck and shoulder. My skin tingled with joy at the new sensation; why hadn’t this ever happened before? Over the course of our friendship, a tiny part of me had always secretly wondered what it would be like to push the boundaries with him; to feel his touch, his kiss, his hands wandering all over my body. Now it was actually happening and it was better than I could’ve ever imagined.

His lips crashed into mine once more and my entire body sang. All other thoughts vanished from my mind: Mr Writer, Nate and the awful encounter with Frankenstein’s monster. The only thing I was thinking about was the feeling of Max’s lips dancing with mine. It seemed like the most natural thing in the world, which I definitely hadn’t expected. The kiss wasn’t like the awkward noses-bumping, teeth-clashing mess you hear about when best friends take it further – or the lost-our-heads, heat-of-the-moment stuff that had happened with us in the past. Our lips were moving in perfect sync and I felt like I’d never wanted anything more.

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