Justice (20 page)

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Authors: S.J. Bryant

Tags: #space opera, #female protagonist, #space western, #science fiction mystery, #science fiction action adventure, #womens adventure, #science fiction female hero

BOOK: Justice
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She turned the
volume up and lifted it to her face.

Jack, I need all the men you’ve got down at the shipping bay
now. Zorka’s gathered a private army and they’re coming

Damned Inner Galaxy sots,” Jack said as way of

I know; just get your arse down here,” Nova said. She clicked
off her communicator and looked at Jimmy. “We have to slow them
down until the others get here. If they get in, they’ll go straight
to the ships and we won’t be able to stop them.”

Jimmy nodded
up at her. “What if we break their ships?”


Their ships, if we break them they won’t be able to

Nova’s brow
furrowed. It was a good plan, why hadn’t she thought of it? Lack of
sleep and overworked mind, that’s why. Still, would it work? She
was pretty sure it was an intergalactic offense to damage
Confederacy ships but then again, they were breaching intergalactic
law by trying to leave. The two would probably cancel each other

You get the ships,” she said. “Their shields should be off
seeing as they’re sitting in here. I’ll stop them coming

Jimmy nodded
and scurried to the nearest Confederacy ship. He grabbed a bigger
gun from a nearby crate, his arms shaking under the weight, and
aimed it at the main engine line. He fired and a blast of purple
energy lit up the landing bay. The engine went up in a ball of
flames followed by a loud boom.

Nova couldn’t
stay and watch him destroy the rest. The attackers had blasted the
hole in the door wider and it was nearly big enough to fit a
person. She had no doubt the invaders would pour through as soon as
they were able. She knelt behind a crate and levelled her gun at
the door, careful to aim through the hole. The last thing she
wanted to do was make it easier for them.

She squeezed
her trigger and a red bolt of energy shot out and through the

A single
scream emanated from the other side of the door and the guns
withdrew from the hole. There was commotion on the other side;
raised voices argued back and forth.

Nova took the
time to catch her breath. As if this damned planet hadn’t caused
her enough trouble. She had the investigation to look forward to
and now there were people shooting at her. If she’d wanted all this
hassle she could have signed up for a better paid mission. There
were tonnes of them out there if you were willing to take the risk,
and walking out into the jungles of Drigoon would have topped them

She fired
another shot through the doorway to keep the attackers on their
toes. It seemed to work; no more guns appeared.

Nova, I assume that’s you?” Zorka’s voice echoed through the
broken door. Her sentence was highlighted by another boom as a
second Confederacy engine exploded.

You know it is, Zorka.”

What are you doing to my ships?” Zorka said, her voice

Just an insurance plan. In case you got the crazy idea to

Leave? Why would I leave?” Zorka asked.

You tell me. You’re the one with a bunch of goons trying to
break down the door.”

I’m sure there’s been a misunderstanding.”

I’m sure,” replied Nova. She didn’t lower her gun from the
doorway. At the first sign of a new attack she’d be

I have places to be. The Pleasure District isn’t going to run
itself you know.”

I’m sure that’s true but for the moment you’re stuck

Look. I’ve been patient. But this sham of an investigation
you’ve got going is a joke. It shouldn’t take this long. One simple
memory retrieval and you’d have your answers.”

I’m sure a member of the Confederacy wouldn’t suggest a
forced retrieval process. Knowing how deadly it is, and how

Did I say retrieval?” Zorka purred. “Perhaps I should have
said ‘let my people take over the investigation’. We’ll have it
sorted in no time and we can all get off of this

Thank you for the offer, but I don’t need any

Of course not. Well, it can’t be said I didn’t try. Go

At her command
the attack on the door resumed with twice the ferocity. Nova fired
shots into the hole, but the attackers were cleverer than that.
They stayed well out of the way of the hole and blasted new gaps in
the thick metal. It buckled under the power of their weapons and
threatened to collapse inwards at any moment.

communicator buzzed.

Sorry to interrupt the party, but I believe you should all be
somewhere else,” Jack said. His voice echoed through the broken
door from the corridor beyond, as well as through Nova’s

Zorka. In the name of the late President Feders, I demand you
and your people put down your weapons. Otherwise you will be
charged with interrupting an intergalactic investigation and you
will be held in contempt of the Confederacy. I’m sure you’ve
sentenced enough people to know what that would mean,” Jack said,
his voice quiet.

You will all pay for this,” Zorka hissed.

Maybe, but not today,” Jack said. “Take their weapons and
escort them all back to their rooms. Take a note of their security
numbers, in case there’s any more trouble.”

The sounds of
guns being handed over and of dragging feet echoed from outside.
Nova stood up and lowered her gun. She let out a sigh of relief.
That was a close call. She glanced over her shoulder at Jimmy. He
stood at attention next to a Confederacy vehicle.

One left,” he said.

Best leave it, maybe we can plead that it wasn’t us. The
others spontaneously combusted, or were hit by their shots,” Nova
said with a chuckle.

Jimmy grinned,
his teeth poking out from behind his lips.

Get some of the other Hunters to help you rebuild that door,”
Nova said. “Or at least get a defendable blockade up. Then you’ve
earned a night off.”

Yes ma’am,” Jimmy said, saluting.

She smiled and
headed for the door. She weaved her way through the corridors to
her make-shift office with wary steps. She could easily imagine
Zorka planting a trap for her. Without Nova, the investigation and
the ban on travel would probably fall apart.

She stepped
inside and sat down at her desk. Cal was already there.

You missed the fireworks this morning, Cal,” Nova

Crusader filled me in,” Cal said.

I guess I could only use that as a distraction for so long,”
Nova said, lifting her communicator. “Jack.”

Yes, oh gracious commander?”

Bring me Meaghan Feders. I want to have another chat with

Aye, aye.”

A few minutes
later, Meaghan stormed into the room with her hands on her hips.
She had obviously taken the time to groom herself since their last
meeting. Her hair curled up in an immaculate bun and her makeup was
precise. She wore a black dress. Nova wondered if she had been
wearing it that morning or if she’d put it on especially for Nova’s

What am I doing back here?” she asked, her voice seething
with anger.

I just want to ask you a few more questions,” Nova said,
gesturing towards the chair opposite her desk.

I prefer to stand,” Meaghan replied in a terse

Suit yourself,” Nova shrugged, leaning back to regard

The woman
looked refreshed compared to the haggard expression she’d worn at
their last interview. Strength had returned to her demeanour and
she stood with her feet firmly planted on the ground.

Did Geron confront you about your faked pregnancy?” Nova

Meaghan face
flushed red. “We went through this before.”

We did, but you avoided the question. At the time I let you
have some space, but now I need an answer.”

lower lip trembled. Nova suspected it was more from anger than

Did Geron confront you?” Nova stared up at Meaghan,

Yes.” Meaghan’s reply ground out of her mouth like

Did you worry that he was going to denounce you?”

Meaghan didn’t
respond for some time. Her hard gaze remained fixed on Nova.

The thought never occurred to me.”

Never?” Nova raised an eyebrow and her tone made it clear
exactly what she thought of Meaghan’s response.


Maybe it should have. Did you know he cut you out of his
will? You’ll get nothing,” Nova said.


You heard me. You’ll get nothing now that he’s dead. You’re
on your own. Maybe you found out about it and decided to take
matters into your own hands?”

How dare you try to pin this on me!” Meaghan’s calm exterior
crumbled. “He was a lying, cheating, scumbag, but I didn’t kill

Who’d he cheat on you with?”

What?” Meaghan’s tirade stopped short.

You said he was a cheating scumbag.” Nova held out her hands
as if it was obvious.

It was just a- a figure of speech,” Meaghan replied. Her eyes
flicked around the room.


nodded, lips pursed.

You know, a case as high profile as this… the truths will
come out. All of them.” Nova gazed up at Meaghan with a meaningful

I’ve got nothing to hide,” Meaghan said. She lifted her chin
in defiance.

Not even a security guard?” Nova asked, her voice

What exactly are you suggesting?” Meaghan replied, eyes

I think it’s pretty clear what I’m suggesting.”

How dare you!” Meaghan stepped toward Nova’s desk, arms

Nova leapt to
her feet. “Why did you say cheating?”

Because of that- that commoner!” Meaghan replied.

She collapsed
into the chair which was thankfully waiting just behind her.

Commoner?” Nova asked with a softer tone, returning to her
own seat.

Rose, Rachael, whatever her name is. Can you believe he put
her in the room just two doors away from mine?” Meaghan’s anger
faded and she spoke in defeated tones. “Like I wouldn’t notice! He
got everything he deserved--”

Meaghan’s eyes
widened and her mouth snapped shut.

Nova nodded
and smiled at Meaghan without saying a word. Meaghan sprung to her
feet and ran from the small room as fast as she could.

That solves that,” Nova said, shaking her head.

What?” Cal asked, confusion in his robotic voice.

Ah, I wouldn’t expect you to understand. Robotics haven’t
quite come that far,” Nova replied with a sad smile on her

You know the murderer?” Cal asked.

Yes, but I need you to do something for me first.” Nova
turned to Cal and leant close to his hovering robotic










Nova couldn’t
do anything until Cal finished his mission, so she headed to the
bar. She had hoped that Jack would be around, but instead she found
Jimmy with his elbows up on the counter staring into a glass of
beer. She sat down on the red stool next to him.

How you going, hero?” she asked.

Oh, hey,” Jimmy said, smiling at her before returning to his

The corners of
his mouth turned down and his usual fearful expression had been
replaced with something else; sadness perhaps.

Nova waved to
the barman and he brought her a glass of black liquid. It bubbled
and fizzed in front of her. When she took a mouthful it burned its
way down her throat. Delicious.

What’s on your mind?” she asked.

Jimmy glanced
at her out of the corner of his eye and then stared back at his
glass. His shoulders slumped forward and he sighed.

That good, huh?” Nova said. “If it helps, my time here hasn’t
been that good either. You know, nearly getting eaten by a giant
plant, nearly getting shot by Confederacy goons. Not my idea of an
easy pay check.”

Nah, it’s not that,” said Jimmy.

Nova didn’t
say anything. She owed the kid one, but she wasn’t going to push
him to release his gooey feelings. The last thing she wanted to do
after playing the role of justice all day was to take on the role
of councillor as well.

Congratulations on the space-race,” Jimmy said.

What? Oh, thank you.” She frowned and took another

You know you’re pretty much a legend. When I saw you were
working this gig I nearly fell over with excitement.”

Nova snorted
and nearly spit out her mouthful of drink. She managed to choke it
down, her eyes burning with the fizz. “A legend? What are you
talking about? You must have me confused with someone else.”

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