Kakadu Sunset (39 page)

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Authors: Annie Seaton

BOOK: Kakadu Sunset
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To the many, many friends I have made in the writing community, and who have supported me on this journey. Friends I have made through local writing groups, particularly Marie Miller, Fiona McArthur and the two ‘Js’ of Jenn J. McLeod; friends made through the Romance Writers Association of Australia, as well as both author and reader friends made through social media connections. I could fill another book with your names, but you know who you are – both in Australia and internationally.

A few special mentions:

To fellow author, Fiona McArthur, who encouraged me to submit this manuscript, and who was sitting beside me at Dubai Airport when I received the email from Haylee Nash saying she wanted to acquire
Kakadu Sunset
. The celebratory breakfast of Turkish bread, curry and Moët is a special memory that will stay with me for many years.

Eloisa James, professor of English Literature at Fordham University, who also writes best-selling Regency romance novels. Eloisa worked with me in a garden in Tuscany to polish the opening chapters. The friends I made at that writing workshop in Tuscany, who shared their dreams and supported each other as we explored our writing: Cajsa C. Baldini, Sandra Cutting, Bronwyn Jameson, Pamela Light, Fiona McArthur, Katrina Snow, Siobhan Sullivan, Sally Wiesenmayer Teets and Susan Williamson.

My critique partner, Susanne Bellamy. I value your friendship and your feedback.

Chief Flying Instructor Jenna Ryan at Helibiz Airlie Beach, who took me on a helicopter training flight and explained the technical terms and demonstrated the manoeuvres of flying ‘Ellie’s’ helicopter.

And finally to my wonderful family:

My husband, Ian, thank you for showing me that love and romance are real and lasting, and for your endless patience as I click away on the laptop in the lounge room, or on the front seat of the four-wheel drive as we travel and I disappear into my characters’ lives. For introducing me to the outback and inspiring me to dream up new stories while we explore the grandeur of this wonderful country in our trusty camper trailer.

To our children, Kate and Dane, their partners, and our grandchildren for loving me, no matter how ‘Grandma Daphne’ I can be. They know what I mean.

To my gorgeous sister and valued critique partner, Wendy Hamonet, who reads every word I write.

To my dear aunt, Maureen Smith, who has filled the emptiness left by the passing of my parents, and for being so proud of me. Thank you especially for reminding me how happy Mum and Dad would be that I achieved my dream.

And to you, the reader: Thank you for choosing this book. I hope when you read
Kakadu Sunset
that you love it and talk about it, and that maybe you will want to visit this wonderful part of Australia. Watch out for Emma and Drusilla’s stories which will follow soon. Drop me a line at
. I would love to hear from you.

Annie Seaton

About Annie Seaton

Annie Seaton lives near the beach on the mid-north coast of New South Wales. She is fulfilling her lifelong dream of writing and has been delighted to discover that readers love reading her stories as much as she loves writing them.

Her career and studies have spanned the education sector for most of her working life, with the completion of a Masters Degree in Education, and working as an academic research librarian, a high school principal and a university tutor until she took up a full-time writing career.

She is now published internationally in e-books across the romance genre, and in 2014 was voted Australian Author of the Year by romance readers in the
Readers’ Choice Awards.

Each winter, Annie and her husband leave the beach to roam the remote areas of Australia for story ideas and research.

Kakadu Sunset is her first full length novel and is the result of a research trip into Kakadu National Park in their trusty four wheel drive and camper trailer.

Readers can contact Annie through her website
or find her on Facebook and Twitter.




First published 2016 in Macmillan by Pan Macmillan Australia Pty Ltd

1 Market Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, 2000

Copyright © Annie Seaton 2016

The moral right of the author has been asserted.

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This ebook may not include illustrations and/or photographs that may have been in the print edition.

Cataloguing-in-Publication entry is available

from the National Library of Australia


EPUB format: 9781743535066

Cover design by Nada Backovic

Typeset by Midland Typesetters, Australia

The characters in this book are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

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