Keeping My Pack (25 page)

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Authors: Lane Whitt

Tags: #Romance, #New Adult & College, #Paranormal, #Werewolves & Shifters

BOOK: Keeping My Pack
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I glance around at the others, knowing they can hear everything we’re saying, but they’re pretending not to. “Of course it affects me,” I mutter. “How could it not? I don’t want to be sad or angry about it, but sometimes I am anyway. The point is, I’m trying to be happy with where I am now.”

Kellan nods slowly. “I understand that I do. You can talk to me, to any of us, about anything at any time, though. We like to see you happy, but we are here for you no matter what you may be feeling and sometimes talking about what doesn’t make you happy can actually make you feel better.”

I will keep that in mind, thanks, Kellan,” I smile brightly at him. “But I want you all, no, need you all, to understand something. Being locked in that basement, at the mercy of the merciless, changed something in me. I can’t explain it, not really, but I don’t want to be weak anymore. I don’t want to ignore the world because it ignored me. I want…more than that. Does that make sense?”

It does,” Finn answers from the other side of Kellan. My eyes flash to his. “You’ve found something worth fighting for. You were worth it all along, but you never realized that. Now, you have a family, and you are willing to do things to keep it that you would never have considered before.”

I blink at him a few times in disbelief. I’ve wondered a few times if Finn could actually be a mind reader, but how is it possible that he understands my feelings more clearly than I do? I swallow thickly at the surge of overwhelming emotion that courses through me and nod my head.

A hand on my chin brings my focus back to Kellan. “It’s okay, Kitten. We’ve all been there, one way or another. We feel the same way about you, and about each other. It’s not a wolf thing; it’s a family thing.” He bends his head to lightly kiss my lips, and I sigh at the much-needed contact.

But why am I only feeling it now?” I ask.

To my surprise, it’s Ash that answers me. “Because we came for you. You’re unsure of your place with us, but actions speak more to you than words. We came for you and now you know we always will. That’s what family means.”

Logan lets out a shocked gasp that has me frantically looking out every window, waiting for the truck to hit us. “Oh my God! It has feelings!” He draws out dramatically, hand clutching his chest over his heart. A swift punch from Ash to his stomach has him gasping for air and trying to laugh at the same time. I raise a brow at Ash, questioning the sudden violence, and he just shrugs a shoulder in response.

Way to ruin a moment, bro.” Reed rolls his eyes at Logan before turning and winking at me. My increased heart rate from my near panic slows and I relax back into Kellan’s side.

The plane is one of the smaller ones I’ve seen flying overhead in the sky, the kind that makes lots of noise. Finn called it a jet. It has plenty of room to move around in though and even a bathroom and a small bedroom in the back of the plane. The seats are cream colored leather and the long couch near the rear is too. A flat screen tv gets Mikey’s attention quickly, and Remy tells him that we have to sit in the seats with buckles for the takeoff.

I take a moment to wonder what it must have been like for people when these huge pieces of machinery first took to the sky, and what the sky must have looked like without planes dotting the view. As the guys find seats, I realize that there are people who would know those answers. The thought makes me giddy with excitement.

Kitten?” Remy says my name like he’s said it more than once already. My cheeks heat when I look over at him, but he continues like he doesn’t notice. “Finn wants to talk to you about a few things; then I’m going to go over the itinerary Albert sent over so we’re all on the same page about the next few days.”

Okay, Rem.” I wave my fingers at him before pouncing on the seat next to Finn. The one without his computer.

You want to talk to me?” I say with a grin.

He smiles back. “I always want to talk to you, Beautiful. But I thought we could use this time to talk about Mike’s education. He was enrolled in public school before, but with being bounced around, he was falling a bit behind.”

I look over to the little guy, smiling sadly at him as Remy give the go ahead to watch his movie. He’s such a special kid, and it makes me sad to know he was slipping through the cracks.

Now, I’m sure there’s a public school available to him in Colorado, maybe even some private ones, but I’d like you to think about possibly homeschooling him, in light of our, well, lifestyle I guess. I could teach him myself, and it might be the better option if only so we don’t have to make him a new identity.”

If you’re sure that’s what is best for him, then let’s do that. I know you’re more than capable.” I kiss his cheek for being so thoughtful.

Thank you.” He replies, finding my lips with his own for a quick peck. “After things get settled at the new place, I’ll begin my lessons with him.”

Sounds good,” I tell him.

I shoo Logan’s hand away from my hair as he tries in vain to tuck a flyaway strand of hair into the updo he has created. He meticulously braided the hair on either side of my face and pinned them in a circle around my head, while making an almost too tight bun with the hair in the back. I sense his nervousness and in turn, it’s making me nervous.

Stop picking at your dress; there’s no lint there, not even the imaginary kind,” Jace says as he saunters up behind me, placing a light kiss behind my ear. I shiver in delight.

I’m not picking. I just like the feel of it.” I tell him, though my voice sounds strange.

He takes one of my hands and has me do a slow twirl for him. My skirts flare out, but not so much so that it would be indecent. “Yes, silk does have that effect.” He whispers lowly. “You, my love, are a vision to behold.”

My face heats in a blush, but I can’t help the smile that comes over my face. I feel pretty and knowing Logan made this dress just for me, makes me feel special. The bodice is snug against my chest and waist and has a lace overlay that shimmers. My shoulders are bare because there are no straps, but Logan assured me that it would stay in place. The silky skirt that hangs to my knees is my favorite part. It feels like air brushing over my skin as I walk. Logan called the color a nude-blush, but it looks like light pink to me. I was supposed to wear the uncomfortable high-heels, but I managed to get Ash on my side by pointing out that I could run better in the slipper shoes if we were in danger. Once Ash sets his mind to something, it’s almost impossible to change.

I must have taken longer getting ready than I realized because the guys are all dressed and ready when Logan, Jace and I step out of the bedroom on the back of the plane. Little Mikey is in a white dress shirt with a black vest over it, pulling on his red tie. Oh, he looks so adorable.

Remy is in a nice black suit with a black button-down under his jacket, and it both manages to hide his bulk and accentuate his muscles. Kellan and Finn have both chosen light gray suits, with Kellan wearing a silky-looking dress shirt and Finn wearing a white one under their jackets. Reed decided not to wear a jacket, but just a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up his forearms and the top button undone. Jace is dressed in a suit of white with a piece of fabric in gold in his pocket sticking out and his shiny gold watch on his wrist. Ash and Tristan must not have cared to dress up because Ash is wearing his signature black t-shirt that shows off his massive arms and pair of black dress pants with his scuffed up boots, while Tristan is wearing a red t-shirt under a leather jacket and dark washed jeans with white sneakers.

I take my time looking over my mates, and the pit of my tummy is filled with fluttering. Tristan takes a step forward and uses a long finger to close my mouth. I let out a squeak of mortification, not knowing that I was gaping at them, and briefly wonder if I was drooling too.

That’s how we feel about you in that dress, Sweet girl.” He tells me before taking my lips in a searing kiss. I grip the sides of his jacket to bring him closer. Will I ever get enough of these amazing men?

A throat clearing loudly breaks me away from Tristan. “You haven’t even seen the best yet. I saved myself for last.” Logan says with a wink. I blink a few times at him, completely mesmerized. He too is in a suit. Black pinstripes making him seem even taller, the blue shirt matching his eyes perfectly, but it’s the way the suit fits him that has me drooling all over again. It’s unexplainable, but Logan looks like he was born to wear that suit. His new hairstyle, with the sides and back cut short, and the top left long enough to comb back, as it is now, makes him appear as if he walked right out of an ad for pricey clothing. Only no model could ever hold a candle to the man in front of me.

Oh, I love making you look at me like this Kitten. I wish we had time to act out every dirty thought going through your mind, but sadly, we do not.” Logan says playfully with another wink. I shake my head at him, somewhat for his antics but mostly to try and clear my thoughts, so I don’t pounce and attack any of the gorgeous males. Because that’s exactly what I feel like doing right now.

The door lowers and people outside work to get the stairs lined up correctly. The fluttering in my tummy ceases and is replaced with a feeling of dread. Grandfather climbs the steps and greets the guys before turning to me. A flash of emotion lights up his eyes as he takes me in. He clears his throat and approaches me with a fond smile on his lips.

I have something for you, Kitten. Your mates will be crowned publicly, but this was yours all along.” With that, he carefully unlatches the wooden case he carries in his hands. He motions for Remy to hold the case while he lifts the lid.

I suck in a breath as a silver tiara comes into view. With its stones of jade, sapphire, and rubies, it’s the most beautiful piece of jewelry I have ever seen. I watch as Grandfather lifts it from its velvet home and steps closer to me.

My eyes go wide in panic. “What?! No, you can’t mean…It can’t be mine. I’ll lose it, or drop it, or break it.” I protest.

Grandfather chuckles deeply, along with a few of my mates. “It is already yours. Yours to lose, break and drop. It can always be repaired, Dear girl. You should wear it today, so as to leave no doubt as to who you truly are.”

I swallow thickly, shooting a glance at Ash. He nods his head once, with a grave expression on his face. I allow Grandfather to place it on my head and take a deep breath once it’s in place, and he steps back to look me over once more. A look of pride that I recognize from Remy shines through him, and my emotions go haywire. From Grandfather, my only family, the look seems to mean something different to me than when it comes from the guys. It’s not more or less, just different.

I don’t know how to react to this new knowledge, so I quickly turn to Logan, pleading with my eyes for something, but even I don’t know what. His blue eyes search mine for a moment before he pulls me with him back to the bedroom, telling the others that he wants to secure the tiara better. Once he closes the door, his arms come around me, and he pulls me to him. We don’t speak, just hold onto one another like we’re caught in a windstorm, and it’s trying to break us apart. It may be an hour or mere minutes, but eventually, I’m able to rein in my emotions, and we meet everyone else back in the seating area.

Mikey and I must have the same thought because we both pause at the exit and share a look.

Can we come in to the out now?” We chorus, before laughing hysterically. That was such a great movie. Grandfather looks confused, but the guys chuckle at us, and the mood lightens up a bit.

Stepping from the plane was scary. I was expecting a crowd of angry wolves or a mob of villagers carrying lit torches. In actuality, it was just Albert and two drivers waiting by more long cars. Talk about getting worked up for nothing. When they see us coming, all three of them bow deeply at the waist and stay that way, as if they are stuck.

Finn elbows me lightly before leaning down to speak in my ear. “You’re the highest ranking royalty right now; you must acknowledge them or dismiss them.” He informs me.

Oh!” Why didn’t anyone tell me? “Hello, Albert, hello…sir and sir.” I greet them all quickly. It would help to know their names.

Princess Ivaskov.” The chime together.

I move closer to Remy, slightly hiding behind his shoulder. I already messed up once, maybe if I stick with him, he’ll know what to do. We pile into the cars, me safely tucked between Remy and Ash, and the uncomfortable silence is nearly unbearable. With some of my mates in the other car and with Grandfather with us in ours, it seems no one has anything to say. Even Mikey is quiet.

Thankfully there are plenty of new things to take in outside of the windows. There’s snow covering the ground everywhere, the sun high in the sky, casting down rays of light through the clouds, making this new world glitter prettily. Holiday decorations fill the shop windows and skyscrapers stand tall as if they are fingers stretched out and begging the sun to shine on them

It’s not long before the city falls behind us, along with the suburban areas, small towns, and occasional rural houses. The cars keep on going, though, reaching the base of a mountain and steadily climbing around it. The road was a constant gentle curve, and the higher we went, the more isolated everything felt.

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