Khan (24 page)

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Authors: Kathi S. Barton

BOOK: Khan
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No words were needed between them. It
was as if they had been together forever. And Khan wanted forever with her. He
pressed her down with his weight and felt her respond to him. As soon as she
moved for him, he entered her deep and sank his teeth into her to hold her down.

Christ, he was so close already. He
quickened his pace, knowing that as soon as he came in her, he was going to
shift and take her again, this time as himself. As soon as she reared up and
pressed back against him, he came. His cat snarled against her throat, and she
back at him. Still, he wanted more of her.

,” he commanded her, and
watched as her body went from cat to human in one fluid motion. He nearly
forgot to shift himself and was glad he waited when she lay before him naked. He
buried his muzzle in her pussy and tasted her.

“Yes,” she screamed at him as he lay
down and drank more from her. He could taste her cream mixed with his cum and
he wanted more. He flicked his tongue in her sheath and moaned. He wanted her
to come this way, come in his mouth and let his cat taste all of her.

His cock was hurting, but he knew she
was going to give him what he wanted. Her body was soaking him and the more he
drank, he found he wanted more. When she screamed out her release, Khan lapped
at her until he couldn’t take it anymore. As soon as he pulled from her, he
shifted and fell on top of her.

His cock entered her hard and when she
wrapped her legs around him, he reached beneath her and tilted her more. He was
as deep as he’d ever been. When she buried her nose in his shoulder, he felt
his balls tighten. When she bit him, and he knew she would, he was going to
come hard.

Her tongue teased him; her body heated
him. Khan cupped her ass even as her teeth scraped along his throat. She was
killing him, and he was more than willing to go this way. When her teeth sank
deep in him, he slid his finger into her ass and felt his cock explode.

When her body tightened around him, his
finger in her ass moved almost of its own accord. He felt her scream around his
throat, her release as powerful as his own. Khan emptied himself in her over
and over until he could feel his body drained. When he dropped over her, she
came again, a small tremor that left him limp. Closing his eyes for a moment,
he heard her giggle.

“You’re wonderfully warm, but my ass is
getting cold.” He looked around and grinned at her. “Can you please roll to
your back for a little while so I can thaw out?”

He stood up, pulling from her body
reluctantly. Helping her to stand, he held her in his arms, rubbing his hands
up and down her back to warm her. She looked up at him and he kissed her nose.

“I didn’t think about the cold when I
was deep inside of you. We should have brought a blanket.” She snorted. “Okay,
we should have brought two, but I’ve never wanted you like that before.”

“Nor I you.” She pulled away and started
walking back to where they’d left their clothes. “Do you suppose we should have
undressed here and then ended up here again? Might have saved us from walking
through the forest—hey.”

He shifted and ran past her. She came up
behind him as her cat a few seconds later. They played a sort of tag all the
way back to the spot where they’d started. As they dressed, he couldn’t seem to
stop touching her. They went into the house just when breakfast was being

Chapter Twenty

“Push, Caitlynne. Push and we’ll have
our baby.”

Caitlynne glared at the doctor, then
looked up at Walker. He was going to pay for this, he knew. He kissed her nose.

“I’m so not ever having another baby. You
want them, you have it.” She pushed through another contraction, and he handed
her a teaspoon full of ice for her efforts. “And when this is over, if it ever
is, I want dinner. A steak with all the trimmings.”

He nodded. “Anything else? Maybe a pie
for dessert? Or would you like a cake or two?”

She glared and pushed again when Doctor
Edgar Hailing told her to. Walker was baiting her. He had to. She pushed better
when she was pissed, and he was worried about how long this had been taking. So
was Edgar.

“One more, darling, and you’ll have your
son. Big one too, I’d say.” Caitlynne looked at him, and he put his hand over
her mouth before she could blast the poor man again.

“Behave or you won’t get anything but a
peanut butter and jelly sandwich.” She growled low, startling the doctor. “Behave.”

Once more she pushed, and delivered
their son. All ten pounds and four ounces of him. When Edgar laid him at her
breast, the baby began rooting around looking for his lunch. As soon as he
found her nipple, he latched onto it as if he’d been doing it for years instead
of this being his first time.

Caitlynne looked up at him, and Walker
fell in love with his wife all over again. He kissed her mouth as the baby
continued to eat. Touching his little head, he looked at his father and their
bond was established. Father and son would be able to communicate even at his
age. He sent his son his love.

“You going out to tell them about our

He was holding him now and didn’t want
to give him up just yet. He shook his head.

“Walker, give me our son and go and tell
your family that he’s okay. They’re going to stampede this place if you don’t.”

She was right, and he handed him back to
her. He kissed them both again and left the room. He was nearly to the waiting
room when he saw his brother and his wife. Khan and Monica were going to have a
baby too in a few more months.

He hugged his brother and kissed Monica.
She was radiant. He walked with them to the room filled to overflowing with
people there for his first child. He grinned at them all. “They’re both fine.
All his fingers and toes and weighed a little over ten pounds. Started nursing
as soon as he found her breast. I think he’s going to be hard to keep full.” They
all congratulated him, and he looked at his dad. “Wanna know his name now?”

“You know I do. I’ve been waiting on
pins and needles for nearly five months on you. Shame on you for making an old
man wait on such a monumental occasion. What if I had of died without knowing?
What would you have done then?”

“Buried it on a sheet of paper for you. And
we both know you weren’t going to die with all these new babies coming around. You’d
be making bargains with the Devil himself if you had to. That is if you’re not
already.” Walker looked over at his mom. “Is he?”

“Hush up and tell us what his name is. I
want to call him something besides Baby Bowen. You said when he was born you’d
tell me.” His father looked around the room. “Ain’t that what he said?”

“What was said, you old fool, is that
they would tell us all.” His mom smiled at him as she continued. “How is our
lovely Caitlynne? She didn’t kill the doctor, did she? She can be a mite
high-strung when she’s upset.”

Walker kissed his mom. “She’s wonderful.
And you’re right, we both tell you. I came out to tell you we had a son and
that we’re all fine. As soon as she gets in her room, I’ll be out to get you. He
should be in the nursery by now.”

Kissing her again on the cheek, Walker
went back to his wife. She was alone and lying in the bed with her eyes closed.
He quietly sat in the chair next to the bed. She looked over at him.

“Did he try to get the name?” He nodded
with a laugh. “Old buzzard. Come here and kiss me. And where is my dinner?”

He’d had Khan order it as soon as they
knew this was it. “It will be here at six. It’s a quarter till now, so soon.”

Walker climbed into the bed with her and
held her. She was warm and soft, and he loved her very much. She soon dozed,
and when the nurse came in, she smiled at him and told him that she had to
check her. As soon as he moved, Caitlynne woke.

“I want to go home soon. Do you think
you can arrange that? I want to be with you and our son at home. Please,

He nodded and went to find the doctor.

Edgar was a were himself and knew that
Caitlynne would get as good of care at home as she would here, and he allowed
it. Within five hours, they were loading her up, and his dad was fussing at him
the whole time.

He was really going to enjoy telling him
when they got home. Walker was going to let the man hold his grandson and then
tell him. He couldn’t wait to let him know that he and Caitlynne were naming
the baby, George, after him.


Khan drove to Walker’s home with Monica
beside him. Her belly was beginning to show now and he reached over and rubbed
his hand over the small mound. She put her hand over his and held it there.

“You know what it is, don’t you?” She
nodded at him. “Don’t tell me. I don’t want to know. He’s probably a boy. There
haven’t been anything but boys for nearly many generations.”

She didn’t say anything, but laid her
head back against the seat. She looked so peaceful that when he stopped the car,
he didn’t want to wake her. She had been so tired lately.

“I love you.” She woke and smiled at
him. “I do more every day.”

“And I love you too. This is going to be
exciting for Walker and Caitlynne. I’m not surprised she didn’t tell anyone,
but Walker must have been about to bust knowing he knew something your dad didn’t.”

“Dad is pissed. He felt that instead of
moving her, they should have told him the baby’s name and then packed them up. He’s
going to have a brick if they wait much longer.” Khan went around to the other
side of the car to help her out. Even this early in the pregnancy, she was a
little off balance. Just the first day of May and they had six and a half
months to go. He could hardly wait.

When she fell asleep as soon as she sat
down, he covered her up with a blanket. He smiled at Dylan when he said he’d
sit with her. Khan went to get her some juice for when she woke up. When he
returned, the two of them were laughing.

“Dylan said that I should tell you. He
said you were worried.”

Khan sat down hard.

“It’s okay Khan. I swear it.”

“Is it a girl or a boy?”

She nodded.

“I mean the baby we’re having. Is it a
girl or a boy?”

Dylan laughed and stood. “Think about it,
big brother. I’m sure you’ll get it soon.”

Khan looked at Monica when he left them.
She looked so happy that he wanted to—

“Shit. It’s one of each.”

She laughed and nodded again. Holy hell,
they were having twins. Khan was suddenly very tired himself.

About the Author


Kathi Barton, author of the bestselling
series Force of Nature, lives in Nashport, Ohio with her husband Paul. In
addition to writing full time, Kathi likes to spend time with her eight
grandkids, three children, and three children-in-laws. She writes to relax and
have fun.

Her muse, a cross between Jimmy Stewart
and Hugh Jackman, brings them to life for her readers in a way that has them
coming back time and again for more. Her favorite genre is paranormal romance
with a great deal of spice. You can visit Kathi on line and drop her an email
if you’d like. She loves hearing from her fans.
[email protected]


Kathi on her blog:

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