Kickoff for Love (14 page)

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Authors: Amelia Whitmore

BOOK: Kickoff for Love
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Ashley’s POV

Through the black of my dreams, I felt something touching my neck. My eyes slowly drifted open only to see Andy's dark mop of hair under my chin. He was pecking little kisses along my collar bone. "Morning,” I whispered, my voice deep from sleeping. 

His head tilted up and his smile was nearly blinding, "Merry Christmas, fiancé.”

I grinned and leaned up to kiss his lips. "Merry Christmas,” I said when we pulled apart. "What time is it?" I asked, rubbing my eyes and pushing my hair away from my face. 

"About seven o'clock. My sisters usually wake everybody up around six thirty. I'm not sure what's going on.” He looked a little disappointed, which only proved to me that Andy truly was a kid at heart. 

I ruffled his hair, which made him wrinkle his nose and smirk. "Let's go see.” I said, pulling him up from the bed. Andy and I were both wearing matching red boxers that had little skis on them and snowman heads. It had been an early gift from him. He said it'd be cool to be matching. I'd called him a dork and said it was cheesy. I was secretly thrilled that so many women complained about how inconsiderate their guys were. Mine did things every day that melted my heart. 

We tiptoed to Khloe's room and I peeked in. She was snoring in her bed. I giggled and told Andy to go wake up Katy while I woke up Khloe. He nodded and kissed my cheek before walking away. I snuck deeper into her room and carefully crawled onto the bed with her. I poked her arm softly, wondering how much it would take to wake her. Her snoring slowed for a moment before picking back up again. I stifled my giggles and poked her harder. She moaned lightly and turned away from me. "Khloe,” I whispered loudly. She didn't do anything and I started laughing. "KHLOE!" I shouted, making her jump up and smack me in her shock. I fell to the ground laughing hysterically, despite my stinging cheek. 

"Oh god, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to Ashley.” She sounded so panicked. I held up my hand and tried telling her, but I was laughing to hard. Finally, I gasped "Laughing.” Then a little later, I said "Not.  .  .  Crying.” I rolled around on the floor a little more. The memory of her shocked face refreshing my laughter each time it died down. 

"Alright, it wasn't that funny.” She put her hands on her hips. 

I nodded. "Yes, it was. You should have seen your face.” She grinned and helped me up. 

There was a knock on the door and Andy's head peaked in. I walked over to him and watched as his eyes widened. He looked at Khloe. "What the hell did you do to her?" He lightly cupped the cheek she slapped. 

"I didn't do it on purpose!" Khloe protested. 

I shrugged. "I'm fine. She really didn't mean to. It was like the 'Who Der?' moment from Bringing Down the House. You know, the one with Steve Martin and Queen Latifah?" He nodded reluctantly and half-heartedly glared at Khloe. I elbowed him in the gut. "Knock it off. It was funnier than it was painful.”

"Maybe you should ice it. It's puffy and starting to bruise in the shape of a hand. Your father is going to kill me.” I grinned and leaned up to kiss him lightly. "Stop worrying. Let's go watch your sisters open their gifts.” I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the living room where everybody was waiting for us. 

"Merry Christmas.” I said leaning down to hug Sonya who was sitting on the loveseat with Peter. 

"Merry Christmas dearie. Aren't you two a pair, matchin' and all.” I grinned down at the boxers. "Your nephew is quite the sweetheart.” I informed her. 

"Of course, he is, gets it from me, he does.” Her accent was much heavier in the morning. At least it was this morning. 

"Yeah, whatever. Can we get on with it?" Katy asked. 

I laughed and sat down next to Andy. They passed out presents to each other. I grinned at the girls. Their laps were completely filled with gifts. Andy had two or three, which he made me hold. Telling me I had to be good for something. I smacked his arm but took them anyways. When they were all done opening their gifts, I told Andy to go into our room and get me a small brown bag I had in a side zipper. He gave me a weird look but went anyways. When he came back, I took the bag and started talking. 

"I know we've just met, but I love giving gifts. You guys have all been so wonderful to me, but I got you these before I came here.” I passed out medium sized black cases to each of the girls and told them to open them. They both gasped. I'd gotten Khloe and Katy matching necklaces and earrings. Well, they were a little different. Katy's was green and Khloe's was blue. Sonya had been tricky to buy for. I ended up spending more money on her necklace than I had for the twins' combined. Hers was a necklace that had turquoise and brass beads. It was fairly simple, but after knowing her, I know it's perfect. 

"I hope they're okay. They're handmade, not by me of course. The lady who made the twins' is a friend of my Dad's.” I felt like rambling but made myself shut up. I was really nervous. 

"They're beautiful Ash, thank you,” Katy said. Hearing her use my nickname felt really good. 

"I love it, wow. I don't even know what to say,” Khloe whispered. 

I looked over at Sonya and saw tears in her eyes "Oh, come 'ere love.” She pulled me into her arms from the other sofa, making me stumble, but land against her. "Thank you.” The way she said it, I could tell there was more than appreciation for the necklace. I'd guess it was mostly about Andy. 

I turned to Peter. "I'm sorry, but you're a guy. I don't know how to shop for guys. Even ask Andy, I still haven't given him anything.” I felt so bad that I couldn't find anything for him. 

"Don't worry dear. I prefer it that way, actually. I hate getting gifts. I'd much rather give them.” I nodded my head, knowing exactly what he meant. 

"Okay, now for your present,” Sonya began. I sat back and looked at her like she was crazy. She handed me an envelope and I narrowed my eyes at her. "Don't give me that look. Now open it.” I grinned. My own mother didn't even have this much control over me. 

"Yes, ma'am,” I said with a giggle. It was addressed to both me and Andy. I sat back as he put his arm around me, tucking me into his side. I pulled out the card and read it. Grinning from ear to ear at what it said.
'Happy Christmas and many warm wishes for every good thing this wonderful season can possibly bring'. 
The inside brought tears to my eyes
. ‘Welcome to the family’
a check floated down to my lap. I picked it up, nearly gagging when I saw the amount. 

"Are you crazy?" I asked, hoping I didn't sound rude. 

Sonya and Peter laughed. "It's to get you started on the wedding.” She explained. 

I glanced back down at the check, making sure my eyes weren't fooling me. 

"Three thousand dollars is way too much. We can't accept this.” I said, barely able to form words. 

"You can and you will.” Sonya said, leaving no room for argument. 

I turned to Andy. "Tell her no.” I said. 

He smirked and looked at his aunt. "No.” I punched his arm hard. I leaned close to whisper to him. "Andy, this would have been like two years of rent when I was little. It's too much for them to spend on our wedding.” He leaned down slightly and kissed my nose. 

"You're a part of my family now Ashley. Look, I'm not saying that we're rich. Investing three thousand dollars for our wedding isn't going to hurt them.”

I turned to Sonya and Peter who looked concerned. "Thank you so much for this, but I really can't accept it.” I said softly before standing up and walking away, getting to my room before I let my tears fall. A few minutes later, there was a light knocking on the door  Sonya slowly walked in, joining me on the bed and pulling me into her arms. I started sobbing. Other than my dad, Lindsey and Andy, nobody had ever held me when I cried. Angie and I were close, but not that close. My mom was never home enough to see me cry, and I didn't have anybody else. 

"This isn't about the money, is it?" She asked. I shook my head, trying futilely to wipe my tears away. "You guys treat me better than my own mother ever did. It's not that you gave me money. It's that you gave me anything. I don't know how to handle this.”

She kissed the top of my head and said something I'll never forget. "Ashley, in life there'll be people who want to bring ya down so they can go up. I believe your mother is like that. Despite the odds, you've become the amazing woman, who I'd be proud to call my daughter.“ I cried even harder. 

"I'm sorry,” I cried. 

"No saying sorry for this. This is real, it's what's needed to happen for a while now, I'm guessing.” She rubbed my back until I calmed down. When I was finally breathing normally again, she spoke.” Now, tomorrow on the way to the airport, we'll stop at the bank and get that deposited into an account for you. No questions or buts.” She stood up and walked out, leaving me speechless. 

In a moment, Andy came walking in with an incredibly concerned look on his face. "You okay baby?" He asked, crawling up beside me and pulling me tightly into his arms. I rested my head on his shoulder, nuzzling into his neck. "I'm okay,” I said. After crying so much, I was sleepy. 

"Okay," he whispered. 


The next day, Andy and I got back home safely after a very long and hard goodbye. My Dad met us at the airport and immediately asked to see the ring, eventually giving it his approval. 

Back at the house, I squeezed Louis and Perry like there was no tomorrow. Santa apparently brought them Legos to play with. My Dad and Angela bought them plenty more things, but they were more excited about the fact that Santa came. 

"Andy and I will be up in my room if you need me.” I said, grabbing Andy's hand and pulling him up the stairs. We sat down on my bed, facing each other. "So, what are you thinking about that's got you so serious looking?" He asked, trying to cheer me up. 

I looked into his eyes. "I've been thinking that, if my Dad will pay for it. I'll get a tutor and do what I can to get my grades up. That way, I can apply for the spring semester at Notre Dame. Live with you for the fall semester, maybe working or something.” I said, watching his eyes light up. 

"Really, because if what you want is to be here, then you can do that,” he said. I heard the excitement in his voice, whether he was trying to be supportive or not. It made me smile. 

"I'm sure that I want you in my life. When I'm not sure of what I want to do in the future, it seems like the only option is to go with you. From there, I can figure out my own things. Being separated or asking you to stay just doesn't seem right,” I explained. He pulled me onto his lap and squeezed me into a hug. 

"You know how much I love you, right?" He asked. 

I smirked. "If I didn't, I wouldn't be doing this.” He chuckled then turned me to kiss my lips. 

"I love you, Ashley, so much.” He whispered. 

I kissed his lips softly before saying "I think we should get married this summer.”

He pulled back and studied my face. "You what," He asked. 

"I said we should get married this summer. I'll be eighteen and graduated from high school. You'll have finished a semester at Notre Dame, and be about to start your senior year of college. It just seems like a good time before things get crazy,” I explained. "Also, the more I think about being your wife, the more excited I get. I can't help it.” As I finished, Andy pulled me into a long kiss, silently telling me he agreed. 



Andy’s POV


"Where's Ashley? Is she okay? Where is she?" I yelled as I entered the hospital. 

"Sir, you need to calm down and tell me what you need?” A nurse who sat behind the desk spoke calmly. 

I took a deep breath and rested my hands against the desktop. "My wife went into labor and I need to know where she is,” I said, trying to keep my voice as steady as possible. 

"What's her name again, sir?" She asked, ready to type on the computer. 

"Ashley Richmond,” I said quickly. 

After a few moments and a lot of obnoxious clicking noises, the nurse smiled brightly and told me to go to the fifth floor, room 513. "Thank you!" I yelled on my way up to see me. 


Ashley’s POV

I was laying in the bed, tears flowing from my eyes, gripping the side rails on each side of me, trying to keep this baby inside of me for as long as possible when Andy ran into the room. "Oh thank god!" I cried out. 

He moved to me and kissed my forehead, removing my right hand from the rail and replacing it with his own. 

"Oh thank god, I can leave,” Bryan said sounding relieved before he quickly made his way out of the room. 

"Okay Ashley, no more arguing. It's time to push or this baby could have some health issues,” My doctor told me sternly. For the past hour and a half, she'd been trying to get me to push, but I couldn't. It wasn't even like I was trying to be difficult, but I wasn't going to have my first child without Andy right beside me. There was just no way in hell that was happening. 

I pushed once, holding for ten seconds that seemed to last an eternity. Andy's hand brushed back my hair as I squeezed the life out of his other one. 

"Again,” Dr. Holden said. I pushed with everything I had. "That's great. We need one more Ashley and the baby should be out,” She said urgently. I took the deepest breath I could and pushed with everything I had in me. The wailing I heard moments later was more perfect than anything I could have ever imagined. 

I couldn't see what she was doing, but soon, she was pointing the baby towards Andy. "Well, Daddy, what do you think?" She asked. 

Tears were falling from Andy's eyes as he whispered: "It’s a boy,” He looked down at me, smiling like he was the day we were married, and he said "Baby, we have a boy. We have a baby boy,” I laughed and nodded my head, trying to control tears of my own. Dr.  Holden set the precious baby boy in my arms and I held him close to me. He stopped crying as soon as he touched my chest, making me feel far more proud than I probably should. 

It felt like too soon when a nurse came and took him from me, saying they had to run mandatory tests and wash him. The room cleared fairly quickly after everything happened and it was only me and Andy in the room. I'd moved enough for him to lie beside me. I was tired, yet couldn't sleep. I was a Mom now. 

Resting my head against my husband’s chest, I couldn't help but think about everything that's happened since I met him. 

I actually managed to graduate high school with a decent GPA, making it easy to get into college when I tried. However, when it came down to deciding which college I'd actually go to, I took some time and thought about what I really wanted to do. It finally hit me one night when I was emailing Reggie. I realized that I wanted to help people. With Andy's salary, I knew I didn't need to worry about making money, so I decided to do as much volunteer work as possible at local homeless shelters. 

I also run a website dedicated to children who grew up with alcohol/drug addicted parents. Between donations and sponsorships, I get paid for running it and the website isn't going to be shutting down anytime soon. 

Andy has been a godsend through all of this. He never doubted me or told me it wasn't likely to happen. In fact, he came with me to every meeting I had with corporate managers about funding. 

Andy was VIP for the football team his senior year of college. Quite the accomplishment for a newbie. He's now on the Indianapolis Colts, and loving it. 

We did get married the summer after I graduated high school. It was more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. We had looked and looked for places to have it, and just when we were about to give up hope, my Dad blindfolded us and took us on a little road trip. We ended up at a football field. It was deserted, as though it hadn't been used in years. The goal posts were a little rusty, but when wrapped up in twinkling lights, they looked perfect. 

Everything was perfect, and the fact that it was a football field meant the world to Andy and me. Some of our guests didn't quite understand the magic in it, claiming that it was just 'a dirty field', but we just smiled and loved it even more. 

My dress was white and hugged my body until it reached my hips when it flowed softly to the ground. It was simple, but elegant and just felt right. 

Andy wore a black tux with a white calla lily that matched the one I wore in my hair. My hair was pulled into a loose chignon with the flower hanging out of the side. 

Our wedding was simple but perfect. 

I thought about the honeymoon, which brought me back to reality. I doubt it was purely coincidence that our baby's due date was nearly nine months, to the day, after our wedding. 

I looked up at Andy, who had a blissful smile on his face, and asked the question I'm sure we were both wondering. "What will we name him?"

During the pregnancy, I'd been one of those overly paranoid women who didn't want to jinx anything. We didn't find out the sex of the baby or talk about names. 

He smiled and shrugged. "What do you want to name him?" He asked. 

"I was thinking about Noah,” I told him. "What about you?"

"I like Ryan, but Noah's good too,” He said. I thought about it. 

"What about Noah Ryan Richmond? Then, for our next one, you could pick the first name and I'll do the middle. We can just take turns until we decide to stop,” He grinned, clearly thinking about how many children we'd have. 

Not too long after our discussion, we signed the papers, officially making our son Noah Ryan. 


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