Kickoff for Love (5 page)

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Authors: Amelia Whitmore

BOOK: Kickoff for Love
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Ashley's POV

The next day at school, Lindsey caught up with me. "So,” she trailed off. 

"So?" I asked, not positive about what she was getting at. 

"I have a favor to ask of you.” I glanced at her. It wasn't like Lindsey to look so nervous. 

"What?" I asked warily. 

"Will you go out on a date with me and Bryan?" She asked quickly. The look I gave her made her continue. "My Mom found out that Bryan isn't Catholic.  She’s now convinced that I'm 'going to give him my purity' or something like that. I didn't have the heart to tell her that there was no purity to give.”

"Linds, she knows I'm not Catholic either.” I reminded her. 

"Yeah, but you're only a friend. You also don't have the required equipment to take my virginity away.”

I grimaced. 

"Where," I asked monotonously. 

She smiled. "We were going to go bowling.” She said excitedly. I laughed. 

"Bowling," she nodded. When it came to things like bowling or carnivals, Lindsey was similar to a child. 

"Yeah, I can't wait. I love to bowl and Bryan sucks at it, so it's cheap entertainment anyways.” I laughed. 

"I suppose I can go. Is it okay if I bring a date?" I asked. 

Her eyebrows shot up, "a date?"

I nodded shyly. "Yes, a date.” She rolled her eyes. 



She squealed. "Andy? As in the Andy?" She gripped my arm. 

"Yes, the Andy.” I rolled my eyes playfully. 

"When did you two start dating?" She asked. 

"Last night.” I couldn't stop the grin from growing on my face. 

"What happened last night? What's the point of me being your best friend if you don't tell me these things?!" She yelled. 

"I'm sorry.  Gosh, I was going to tell you. Last night, he took me to a park and told me that he wanted to know more about me. I told him about how I grew up with my Mom, but she got married and gave me to my Dad. I explained how I started playing football, and that was about it.” I said. 

"Oh, that's so adorable! What happened next?" She gave a girly giggle. 

"He explained how his parents and brother were killed in a car accident. I felt so sad for him, but he seemed okay, you know? Then, we started making out on the swing set and he pulled me onto his lap. Normally, I would have been embarrassed. With him, I was too distracted. He's such a good kisser, Linds." I groaned. 

"When we got to my house, he walked me to the door and hugged me. Then, as he was walking away, I was all "Will you tell me when this becomes more than just random kisses?" And he walked up to me, kissed me, and told me that I could call it dating.” I gushed. 

"Ashley, that's the most adorable story ever! Your grandchildren will love it.” I smacked her arm. 

"A little soon for that, isn't it?"

She shrugged. 

"It's never too soon to talk about anything. When Bryan and I went on our first date, I asked him if he'd ever had an STD.” I burst out laughing. "He started stuttering and saying that he always used protection. It was adorable really.”

"Sometimes you're too much Lindsey.” I was still chuckling, imagining Bryan's face when she asked him. 

"So, you're bringing Andy?" She asked. 

"I don't know. I'll ask, but that doesn't mean anything.” I said. I had no idea what he liked doing on Friday nights, or any night for that matter. He was a college student. 

"Call me and let me know.” She said before running to her last class. I had Spanish just a few doors down from her French class. 

The class went by quickly; and the next thing I knew I was climbing into Dad's truck. "How was your day?" I asked after we burned rubber leaving the school building. 

Dad just grunted, telling me it was busy. 

"Sounds nice." I said sarcastically. He gave me a look from where he sat. I shrugged my shoulders. 

"So, you and Richmond?" He asked after a couple minutes. I glanced at him. 

"Yup,” I popped the 'p'. 

"Don't 'yup' me.” He said with a grin. 

"What do you want me to say?" I asked with a laugh. 

"Did the kid talk to you?" He asked. 

"Yeah, he talked to me.” I nodded. 

"Ashley,” Dad warned. I blushed. 

"When I asked him, he said that we were dating." I admitted. 

"And you're good with that?" He checked. 

I blushed harder. "Yeah, I'm good with that.” I couldn't help but smile. "But don't tell him anything. He knows I like him, and that I want to date him. He doesn't need to know I told you.” I warned him quickly. 

"Okay, okay. Don't worry.” Dad was having trouble not laughing at me. 

"Oh, knock it off.” I groaned. He burst out laughing as we pulled into the stadium. 

When we walked in together, he was still laughing while I was blushed like a tomato. I pushed him away from me as I jogged up to the seat I usually sat in.  Before I could get there, I was swept into a pair of masculine arms. I let out a surprised scream, and then burst out laughing. "Hello.” Andy kissed my temple. 

"Hello. How are you today?" I asked as I turned towards him. 

"I'm pretty good, you?" He gave me a little squeeze. 

"I'm great. I need to ask you something after practice.” I told him before Dad blew the whistle and gave us a pointed look. Andy chuckled and gave me a little kiss on the lips before running over to the team. Somehow, this practice went by faster than the rest. It felt good to see Andy playing so well. He looked happy, like he was enjoying himself. 

I waited by the locker room doors for him to come out after practice. When I saw him, I smiled and said. "Nice practice.” He shrugged. 

"Hopefully, we'll play well in the game tomorrow. Are you coming to that?" He asked. 

I shrugged. "I don't really know. I don't usually go to games.”

"Why? I thought you loved to watch football.” He said, taking my hand as we walked across the field. 

"I do, but watching football isn't as fun when you're alone. Dad's always on the field, doing his job. My step-mom can't go because of my brothers. There's not really anybody else to bring.” I explained. 

"Couldn't you bring Lindsey or something?" He asked. 

I nodded. "I could, but I don't think she actually likes football. Oh well, I'll ask, though. Anyways, speaking of Lindsey, I have a question.”

"Um, okay?" He said confused as to why Lindsey would lead to a question for him. 

"Well, it's kind of a long story, but I have to go on a date with Lindsey and her boyfriend. I was kind of hoping if you're not busy of course if you'd go with me? We're going bowling apparently.” I said quickly. 

"When is this?" He asked. 

"Tonight, Lindsey really likes throwing last minute plans at people. I understand if you have something planned, or just don't want to go. I wouldn't go, but." He cut me off with a laugh. 

"Ashley, calm down. I'd love to go.” He said as I blushed. 

"Really? You don't have to. I'm not going to think you don't like me or something if you don't want to spend your Friday night with a group of teenagers.” He pulled me to him and kissed me. His lips were warmer than I remembered them, and if it was even possible, softer. 

When he pulled away, he kept his arms around me. "I told you last night that I consider us dating. I realize that Lindsey and her boyfriend are part of your life. That means they'll be part of mine too.” I smiled brightly at that. 

"Thank you!" I kissed him again. "Then, you can invite Lindsey to the game tomorrow. She'll be more willing to say yes if a hot guy asks.” I explained. 

"Oh really?" He asked. I nodded. 

"Yeah, and um, don't be surprised if she flirts with you. She flirts with anybody who has a pulse. Don't worry about Bryan though. He knows she'd never cheat on him. She just throws people off course sometimes.” I warned him. It was humorous sometimes when she'd flirt with a guy in front of Bryan; and the guy gave him a look like 'Dude, I'm so not asking for this, don't kick my ass'. 

"That's alright. I'm used to people flirting with me.” He said arrogantly. I scoffed and smacked his arm. 


Soon after, he left. I waited for my Dad to take me home so I could change. At 6:30, I was still looking for the perfect outfit. My hair was straightened and I had a little more makeup than usual on. I still couldn't decide what to wear. I ended up pulling out a pair of skinny jeans, a tank top, and matching pair of flip flops. I remembered to put a pair of socks into my purse. Just as I was finishing, I heard the doorbell ring. Before I could make it downstairs, my Dad opened up the door. 'Crap' I groaned to myself. 

"Richmond." Dad said stiffly. I rolled my eyes. He was totally acting. 

"Sir." Andy said uncomfortably. 

"Dad, knock it off and say goodnight.” I sighed. 

He chuckled. "Have her home before two.” He said before going back into the living room to watch the news. 

"Ready?" I asked. Andy smiled as he looked me up and down. 

"You look gorgeous.” He said before wrapping his arms around me and kissing my forehead. 

When we got into the car, he leaned over and kissed me properly. "Sorry, but I didn't want to do that in front of your father.” He said with a smile as he pulled away. 

"It's fine. I think he would have been happy to see it, though.” I said with a grimace. "He was creepily happy when he heard who I was going out with tonight. I think I even heard him saying something about 'I knew he wasn't after kinky sex games.' I really hope I heard wrong.” I shuddered at the memory. 

Andy laughed. "Coach mentioned that to me the other day. I really don't want to know what kind of stuff they did at college in his day.” I laughed. 

"I hope I never find out.”





Andy's POV

When I pulled up to Ashley’s house, I was more nervous than I realized. I hadn't spoken to Coach about me and Ashley since the other day. I had no idea how he felt about it. "Richmond.” He said slowly as he answered the door. I about puked. 

"Sir." I said gruffly. I had no idea how this was going to turn out. 

Ashley saved the day and made me realize that Coach was only joking around. I felt like about four hundred pounds of pressure had been lifted from my body. 

In the car, I just had to kiss Ashley properly. She looked beautiful tonight, well a little more so than usual, that is. 

"Alright, go straight up this road until the stop sign. Then, take a left and I'll tell you where to go from there.” She said when I pulled away from the curb.  We pulled up to a huge house. She turned to me. "We have to go inside so you can meet Lindsey's parents. They're overprotective and not only need to make sure I'll be there but they want to make sure you won't murder us all.” I laughed and turned the engine off. 

"Alright,” I walked around and took her hand as we walked up. She just opened the door and walked in. "Good evening Mrs. West." Ashley greeted politely.  "This is Andy Richmond. He's my date for the evening. He's on my father's football team, so we know he doesn't do drugs, or drink heavily. My father seems very fond of him.” She said, getting straight to business. 

The woman looked me up and down. "Do you have any history with the law?" She asked sternly. 

"No ma'am.” I was almost scared for my life. For a tiny woman, she had the maternal look down. 

She glanced at Ashley.  You've spent time with him?"

"Yes, ma'am.”

"And he's treated you right those times?"

Ashley got a light blush on her cheeks as she said "Yes ma'am,” softly. I almost laughed, but the woman shot me a glare and I straightened further. 

"I'll go get Lindsey.” She said before leaving me and Ashley in the foyer by ourselves. 

I turned to her. "Oh my god, she's so scary!" I whispered. 

Ashley burst out laughing. "She's not normally like that, but I know what you mean.”

I pulled her to my side, wrapping my arm around her shoulders. "Why? I mean, four years really isn't that much.”

She shrugged. "I don't think it was so much about you as it was Bryan.”

I looked down at her, confused. "Why doesn't she like Bryan?" I asked. 

Ashley smirked. "She did until she realized he could impregnate her daughter. Since then, things have been tighter than prison around here.”

"What do you mean 'she just realized'? Isn't it obvious? I mean, he is a guy, right?" I asked. 

"Yeah, he is, but he's not Catholic, and she only just discovered that.” We heard footsteps growing closer and I whispered into Ashley’s ear. 

"Catholics have sex too.” She tried not to laugh but still managed a chuckle. 

I watched a girl with tanned skin and long brown hair, except for the parts that were shaved, walk around the corner. "Hey chica!" She said loudly before throwing herself at Ashley. 

Ashley grunted but hugged her back. 

"Hey." she laughed. 

Lindsey stepped around her to stand in front of me. "You must be the football player.” She crossed her arms and walked in a circle around me. I stood stiff as a board. Why was it that I was getting the third degree tonight? She glanced back at Ashley. "He'll do.” They both burst out laughing. 

I didn't know how to react. I must have looked like I was upset by it because Ashley wrapped her arms around me and kissed my cheek. "She's only teasing.” Lindsey came around my other side, putting her arm across my back and running a finger down my chest. "Yeah, only teasing," she whispered seductively in my ear. I looked down at Ashley worriedly, trying to say something but failing. 

"Lindsey, knock it off. He's not prepared for your teasing yet.” Ashley said. I looked at her in shock. I hope that nobody ever "teases" Ashley like that because I won't be so calm. Lindsey's cell phone beeped. "OOH! Bry's here!" She squealed excitedly and ran out the door. We followed slowly behind. 

"I did warn you." Ashley said with a smirk. 

"Yeah, but I wasn't expecting that. I was thinking something more along the lines of 'oh Andy, you're so cute!” I said in a girly voice. Ashley burst out laughing. 

I pouted out my lower lip "hey, I am cute." I said as I batted my eyelashes. 

"Adorable,” Ashley rolled her eyes. I opened the backseat door to Bryan's car for Ashley and kissed her quickly before running around to my side. 

"Hey man, I'm Bryan.” I heard a man's voice from the front. 

"Andy," I said as we took off. 

About five minutes later, we pulled up to a bowling alley and walked in. It was filled with people of all different ages. While we were getting our shoes, a little boy came up to me. "Are you Andy Richmond?" He asked whimsically. 

"Yes I am. What's your name buddy?" I asked as I crouched down to his level. 

"I'm Jonah.” His eyes were wide. "Can I have your autograph?" He asked. 

I smiled, "of course. Where should I sign?" He thought about it for a minute before Ashley came up and said: "Hey Jonah, did you come here with your parents?" She asked. He looked at her unsurely at first but nodded. 

She held out her hand. "How about we go find them and see if Andy can sign your shirt. Then you can wear it to show your friends.” She offered. He looked at her like she was the most amazing person he'd ever met. 

"That would be so cool!" He exclaimed. Ashley and I laughed as he tugged her away. She quickly latched onto my hand and pulled me with her. We ended up at a couple probably about ten years older than me. 

"Excuse me Sir, ma'am. Is this your son?“ Ashley asked. 

"Jonah, what did you get yourself into?“ The woman asked angrily. 

"Oh, no, he's not in trouble. He was asking my date for his autograph, and we were wondering if he could sign his shirt. I've known a lot of parents who weren’t' okay with that. So I decided we should ask.” Ashley explained. His parents looked up at me, their eyes going wide with recognition. 

"You're Andy Richmond.” The husband said in awe. I stepped forward. "Nice to meet you Sir, Ma’am.” They both shook my hand. I ended up signing Jonah's shirt, his mom's receipt for something and the father's cap. 

We walked away and I looked down at Ashley. "That was really cool of you.”

She blushed. "I remember when I was little and every football player I met was my hero. I still have the t-shirt that was signed by the first player I ever met.” She shrugged. 

I turned her towards me and kissed her. I love how whenever I touch her lips, she melts under me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and squeezed lightly, kissing her forehead. 

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