Kiljorn Commander (10 page)

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Authors: K. D. Jones

BOOK: Kiljorn Commander
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“Please call me Lizzie.”

“Well I am Lindsey and I think we are going to have fun with such similar names.”

“My best friend is Lola and it is fun when our names get mixed up.” Both women laughed while the men stare in confusion.

“So, you are a doctor?” Lindsey rubbed her very pregnant belly.

“Yes, but not that kind of doctor. I specialize in language and cultures.”

“Oh wait, you were one of the instructors on the Katieran transport coming from Earth that taught the Katieran Culture classes.”


“I enjoyed those classes very much. Especially your parts. You are a great teacher,” Lindsey told her with a warm smile.

Lizzie blushed. “Thank you. I love teaching.”

“We weren’t expecting you. But I think we have an available suite we can put you in.” Lindsey looked at KadEN.

“Actually, she is going to be in my suite.” TylOR turned her to face him. “I have to go to a debriefing. You will be okay while I am gone?”

Lizzie nodded her head. “I’ll be fine.”

“You’ll stay with the security detail?”


“Then I will see you in a couple of hours.” He gave her a quick kiss on her lips.

“Come, I’ll take you to Commander TylOR’s suite.” Prima Lindsey motioned for Lizzie to follow her to the lift. The males watched the women and the security detail as both of them left.

“A mate?” KadEN asked once the females were out of sight.

“A bond mate.” TylOR smiled at KadEN. They weren’t just Prime Leader and Commander, they were best friends, as close to brothers as either of them had, at least until TylOR found out he actually had a half-brother.

“When did this happen?” KadEN and TylOR walked over to the railing to the rooftop-landing platform.

“I met her months ago when the Morins had attacked the Katieran transport ship. I felt something for her then but did not act on it. Not until now.”

“So it is a recent mating?” KadEN asked.

“Yes, very recent. I am attempting to convince her to stay with me. I am evidently…difficult.”

KadEN laughed. “My friend, we are males. There isn’t anything in this solar system that is more difficult than us to deal with.”

TylOR joined in the laughter. “You are right, my friend.” They both looked up as the next shuttle prepared to land on the rooftop-landing platform.

“Come, let’s greet your brother,” KadEN said.

TylOR grunted, “Half-brother.”


Lindsey stood by the door as she allowed Lizzie into TylOR’s personal suite. His home. Lizzie wasn’t sure what to expect. She imagined a bachelor pad with dirty clothes laying on the floor and his bed unmade. But it was well kept and organized. He even had the items in his cabinets organized. She was evidently going to be the slob in this relationship. Which will probably drive him crazy. Then he’ll leave her and she’ll be heartbroken.

Maybe getting involved with TylOR wasn’t such a smart idea. She needed to work on some personal issues before she could be ready for a relationship with someone else. But she knew it was too late now. They were involved—
they were mated. It was as close to being married as the Kiljorns and Katierans could get. Oh God, what had she gotten herself into?

“Prima Lindsey, do you know if there is a therapist here on Kiljorn from Earth?”

“Yes, there are several. They have been helping our people deal with the attack. Why?”

“I am looking for Dr. Garrett. Is she one of them?”

“Yes. I can give you her direct line.”

“Thank you. I appreciate it.”

“Is there anything else I can get for you?” Lindsey asked with concern. The other woman was suddenly very pale looking. “I can have a meal brought to you if you are hungry?”

Lizzie didn’t think she could hold anything down at that moment. She was feeling suddenly very anxious. “No thanks. I’ll just get some rest.”

Realizing that she was being politely dismissed, Lindsey quickly wrote down the therapist's contact line. “I will see you this evening then. We are having a private dinner in our suite.”

“Yes, tonight.” Lizzie waited until Lindsey left before she went over to the couch to sit down.
Breathe, Lizzie, do not have a panic attack. Breathe
. She grabbed a comm link and the number Lindsey left for her. She needed to get this under control before seeing TylOR again. How would he feel if he knew all her issues?


KadEN and TylOR stood when Commander AshOR walked into the command center. KadEN greeted him first. “Welcome back to Kiljor, Commander AshOR.” They clasped forearms.

“Thank you, Prime Leader. I am sorry it couldn’t be under better circumstances.” AshOR looked over at his older brother, TylOR, and they just nod at one another. “Commander TylOR.”

“Commander AshOR.”

KadEN frowned. They were brothers but obviously they were not bonding as such. The tension could not be good for their relationship. He knew his friend could be stubborn but it looked like he may have met his match in his younger brother.

“So should we get started with this debrief so I can be on my way?” AshOR wanted to get back to the other side of the wormhole to continue his search for the Morin transport.

“I want to wait a few minutes more. The interrogator should arrive any moment. I want him updated on what has been done with the possible bombers so far.”

AshOR nodded and took his seat. Though Prime Leader KadEN was not his Leader, he was the Prime Leader of Kiljor and was in an alliance with the other three nations of Katiera, the Colony, and Earth. He was basically calling the shots when the others weren’t around.

KadEN needed to break the awkward silence that somehow filled the room. “I have thanked Leader LarIS for his and the Colony’s generosity toward my people. I want to extend my appreciation to you for helping to return my people to their home.”

AshOR shrugged. “It was no trouble. Your females were very appreciate on the way here.” He smiled a mischievous smile.

TylOR frowned at his brother. “They were not there for your enjoyment.”

“There were no complaints about the hospitality I extended on a personal note. Are you saying that you have to give your females permission before they can choose for themselves who they spend time with?” AshOR asked him in challenge.

“If they are being taken advantage of, we will step in on their behalf,” TylOR growled from across the table.

“Are you accusing me of doing harm to your females?” AshOR sat up straight in his chair as if he was ready to leap at TylOR.

“Are you?”

“Enough!” KadEN yelled at both men making them cringe. He turned his icy stare at TylOR. “Stop trying to create a problem where none exists.” Then he turned to AshOR. “Stop antagonizing your brother. You aren’t a young anymore. Act your age.” He wasn’t done, “If you don’t get your differences worked out, I will have you both shipped to a penal colony and kept in the same holding cell until you do.” Both males turned a slight shade of red.

“It looks like my skills may not be needed after all,” a male’s voice said from the doorway.

All three turned at the same time. They had not heard anyone come into the room. Prime Leader KadEN stood and addressed the new male.

“StrykER, welcome back to Kiljorn Prime City.”

“Tell me what I need to know,” StrykER said with an all business tone.


Dr. Garrett had come by TylOR’s suite. Lizzie let her in against the security guard’s wishes. She told them to call TylOR if they had a problem with it.

“So, how are things going with you?” Dr. Garrett asked. She had planned to contact Miss Connell as soon as she arrived on Kiljor anyway. Leader LarIS from the Colonial Planet had requested it of her. But it worked out better that Miss Connell was the one that sought her out.

Lizzie held back for a moment before she let it all spill out quickly. “I just visited Lola and LarIS. I am going to be heading on another Katieran transport to Earth for more classes. There was a bombing on the Colonial Planet. I somehow mated Commander TylOR without knowing it. And I can’t eat.”

“Okaaay. Let’s talk about them in order, shall we? First, your visit with Prima Lola.”

“She and LarIS are really happy. I think they are trying to start a family. She asked me to move there to live.”

“Would you want to live there?”

“Not sure. I miss Lola and I like to visit her. But it doesn’t feel like

“Isn’t home where you make it?” Dr. Garrett asked.

“Yeah, I guess. In that case it would be onboard the Katieran transports. But I can be there the whole time. I have to take breaks in between trips. It’s more of a requirement for all those who work on the transports so they don’t get space sickness and burned out.”

“That’s a good and responsible requirement. So then Katiera would be your alternate home?”

Lizzie shrugged. “I don’t feel at home there either.”

“Where do you feel at home?”

In TylOR’s arms. “I am not sure.”

“I am very honest with you. I would hope that you feel you could be the same way with me.”

Lizzie felt guilty. “I don’t have a specific place that makes me feel at home, but there is a person that makes me feel that way when I am with him.”

“Commander TylOR?” Dr. Garrett asked, relieved that Lizzie was beginning to open up.


“Can you tell me a little about your relationship?”

“What do you want to know?”

“Start with the beginning. How did you two meet?”

Lizzie spent the next fifteen minutes telling the therapist about how she met TylOR. She told her about each of their encounters leaving out some of the more intimate details. Then she told her about how she found out TylOR mated her without her permission.

“From my understanding, a male would lose a lot of his control when he is dealing with a true bond mate. Their thinking is more primitive, not logical at all. It becomes about claiming their mate, ensuring their happiness, and about protecting them from harm,” Dr. Garrett commented.

“Yes. That’s how their culture has always been about true mates. But are you saying he is excused for making a serious decision like that and not including me?”

“No, I’m not saying that. However, we come from a different world completely. We chose to come here. We have to learn their culture and adapt. He claimed you. Would you want anyone else to claim you?”

“No!” Just the thought of another man touching her made her sick.

“Then you have to decide whether you want to forgive his overeager claiming and embrace it. Or you can hold it against him and make both of you miserable.”

“Wow, those are my only two options, huh?” Lizzie sighed. She knew the therapist was right. She could continue to be miserable about not getting a choice or she could choose to embrace her mating and let herself be happy.

“Now, let’s talk about you not eating,” Dr. Garrett said with concern. She could see the tremendous weight loss and understood why her friends were concerned.


Chapter Twelve


The male named StrykER hadn’t said a word while Prime Leader KadEN explained to him what happened on the Colonial Planet. TylOR watched the other male with suspicion.

Stryker was average height for a Kiljorn at six feet eight inches. He had a military cut blond hair and cold dark blue eyes. His eyes were what bothered TylOR. No emotions showed in their depths.

He was almost like a machine. He was self-contained and analyzed situations much like a computer looking for the logical course. When he was in the interrogation process his personality would flip. He became a predator, stalking his prey. He was thorough and relentless and people feared him. TylOR didn’t like the male but if he could find the bomber then he would deal with him.

StrykER finally spoke, “So you believe the bomber is involved with the Purists?”

“Yes. It’s the only thing that makes sense,” Prime Leader KadEN said.

“Are you bringing the prisoners down for questioning or did you want me to go to the transports and do the questioning there?” StrykER asked.

KadEN looked at TylOR. TylOR spoke up, “For the safety of the rest of the Kiljorn people, I believe it’s best not to bring them to the planet. Leave them on the transports for questioning.”

StrykER nodded his head. “I agree. It gives them less of a chance of escape. I will go to Commander AshOR’s transport first to interrogate the prisoners. Then I will go to the Kiljorn transport and interrogate the rest.”

Commander AshOR grunted his disapproval. KadEN noticed and questioned him. “Is there something wrong, Commander AshOR?”

“I need to get to the wormhole. I have this feeling the bombing was a diversion to delay us from returning,” AshOR said with concern.

StrykER spoke up, “I agree. There was very little damage done to the Colonial buildings. This could be a diversion. I can do the interrogation while the transports continue on their route to the wormhole. When I am ready I can fly in between transports with a shuttle.”

“The decision is made then. Commander AshOR, when do you want to leave for the wormhole?” KadEN asked.

“I plan to leave tomorrow morning. I need to send communications to Leader LarIS.”

“Will your transport and crew be ready to leave tomorrow morning, Commander TylOR?” KadEN turned to his friend.


“Tomorrow is decided. StrykER, I would like to invite over to a private dinner at my suite with me and my mate, Lindsey, and a few others.”

“I respectfully decline. I have things I need to do to prepare for tomorrow.”

“I insist.” KadEN gave him a glare that said his leader was giving an order not a request.

StrykER sighed with resignation. “Very well.”

“Eight this evening. Commander TylOR and Commander AshOR, I will see you both this evening as well.”

“Yes, sir.” Both brothers spoke at the same time then glared at one another.


Lizzie glared at the therapist. “I don’t have an eating disorder!”

“I never said that you did. I simply stated there were many stresses and traumas that could result in an eating disorder,” Dr. Garrett repeated calmly. But she noted on her digital tablet that Lizzie responded too vehemently.

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