Killer Love (7 page)

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Authors: Alicia Dean

Tags: #romance,suspense,anthology,sensual

BOOK: Killer Love
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“Sometimes extreme trauma can cause us to imagine things. We assure you, we’re looking for anyone who may have been involved in this operation with DiMarco but there was no one like you described with you last night.”

“Then who helped me?” she demanded. “Who called the ambulance?”

“A neighbor was outside. He heard something and when he went to investigate, your husband escaped out the window. The neighbor called 911 and held a towel to your throat until the ambulance arrived.”

She looked from one agent to the other. Why were they lying to her? She was certain about El Lobo. She remembered. Didn’t she? Maybe she had imagined him helping her. But she hadn’t imagined seeing him with Bryce the night before. “No, he’s real. He was at my house. I'm telling you, he was involved in this and you need to find him.”

“Don’t worry, we'll check into it. Thank you for the information.”

"When is the trial?"

"We don't know yet. Sometime next week, there will be a bail hearing and the judge will set the date for the trial. When you’re released, we’ll take you to a safe house and keep you there under federal protection until the trial is over."

"A safe house? Why?"

"Your husband is a very dangerous man with a lot of connections. We don't want to frighten you, but your life could be in danger. The FBI will make sure you’re safe until all of this is over."

They may not have been trying to frighten her, but that is exactly what they did. She didn't want to stay at a safe house but neither did she want to go back to the home she'd shared with Bryce.


Luke stood at the back of the crowded courtroom, directly behind the defense table. Almost as if equipped with built in radar, DiMarco swiveled and locked eyes with him. Tension gathered between Luke’s shoulder blades. His hatred of the man was almost a physical thing. He must have conveyed some of what he was feeling in the look he gave because DiMarco was the first to turn away.

Judge White shuffled through a stack of papers. He looked at the defense table over his glasses. “These are serious charges. Would you like to state them?”

“We waive formal reading, Your Honor.”

“How does your client plead?”

Parker Williams stood with DiMarco then smiled at the judge. “Not guilty, Your Honor. We’d like to request minimum bail.”

“On what grounds?”

“Your Honor, my client is a respected businessman and an upstanding member of this community. He has no prior record and these charges are outrageous and unsubstantiated.”

The district attorney spoke before Williams finished. “Your Honor, Mr. DiMarco is charged with attempted murder, racketeering, pandering, trafficking, and transporting a minor for prostitution. He is also the main suspect in the disappearance and possible murder of a federal agent. He has the financial resources to flee and we have no doubt that is exactly what he will do if granted bail. He’s a danger to society and should be kept behind bars.”

The judge removed his glasses as he addressed Parker Williams. “I will hold you personally responsible if Mr. DiMarco is not available to answer the charges, Mr. Williams. I am granting bail in the amount of one million dollars. No contact with the victims in this case.”

Bryce DiMarco stood and shook hands with his attorney, grinning like he’d just won the lottery. Luke clenched and unclenched his fists, fighting an urge to leap across the benches. He wanted to wipe the smile from the bastard’s face. He wanted to wrap his hands around his throat and squeeze until his eyeballs popped from his skull.

DiMarco looked back at Luke and winked. Black spots danced at the corner of Luke’s vision...his rage almost blinding in its intensity. He could actually feel his body moving toward DiMarco, as if by a force that was beyond his control. Then he stopped. He couldn’t do this, couldn’t blow the chance of making DiMarco pay for what he’d done.

Luke glared at him, then turned away, The visions of beating the motherfucker to a bloody pulp were way too real and way too tempting. He quickly left the courtroom before he did something he and DiMarco would both regret.


The phone on Luke’s desk was ringing as he walked into the station after the hearing. “Butler,” Luke barked into the receiver.

“This is Anne at the front desk. There’s a young lady here who says she needs to speak with you.”

“Who is she?”

“She won’t give her name but she said it’s urgent. She said to tell you it's about Delia.”

Luke’s stomach clenched. A tingle that was part hope, part dread traveled through him. “Send her back.”

A young girl with several facial piercings and spiky purple hair walked through the door. Luke rose to meet her. She looked no older than fifteen but the eyes that met his were those of a forty-year-old woman. Luke had seen that look before in the faces of young people on the streets. Most of them had seen enough to age them three lifetimes.

“I’m Agent Butler. Can I help you?”

“Can we talk somewhere private?” the girl glanced around warily. Luke guessed it had been difficult for her to come here. She probably didn’t have a lot of trust in law enforcement.

“Come with me.” He led her into an empty office and offered her a seat. She perched hesitantly on the edge of the chair. She looked up at him, tears brimming in her eyes.

“What can I do for you, Miss...”

“I can’t tell you my name but I got some information for you.”

“You mentioned Delia. What do you know about her?”

“Me and some other girls was kidnapped and held at a warehouse.” Her lip trembled and her voice cracked as she continued. “Delia found us. She snuck us out and told me to call the FBI. I took her car and was going to a phone. Then I got scared. I figured, you know, I’m street people, I could be accused of stealing a car. Some shit like that. Plus, she had a gun so I figured she’d be okay.” Her voice broke. “I didn’t call. I just left her car in a Wal Mart parking lot and took off.”

The air left his body in a rush. “Do you know where she is? Do you know what happened to her?”

The girl shook her head. “I heard about her on the news. That the cops was looking for her. Those assholes might’ve got her. She saved my life and now she’s prob’ly dead. It’ll be my fault cause I didn’t call.” The girl began to sob and Luke automatically offered her his handkerchief. She wiped her eyes and blew her nose. “I can tell you where the warehouse is. That’s why I came.”

Luke tamped down his anger and squelched the urge to berate the girl for her stupidity. After all, she’d come through now. And, he could understand her fear. Nonetheless, they had a lead. Hope sprang like a burst of sunlight. It wasn’t everything they needed, but it was a start. It was damn sure more than they’d had. He took the address from the girl and told her to wait there, then headed for the door.

“Wait, there’s more.” The girl stopped him. Luke forced himself to turn and listen, even though he was anxious to follow up on the one slim lead they’d gotten on Delia. “She asked me to find you and give you a message. She said to tell you she was trying to fix her mistakes, but maybe she screwed up even more.” The girl’s forehead scrunched in concentration as if she were trying to make sure she got everything just right. “She said, ‘Tell Luke no matter what happens, it wasn’t his fault and he did the right thing.’ She said to tell you if something happens to her, don't blame yourself.”

Guilt settled in his heart like a stone. “ did good,” he told her, the words ending on a ragged breath.

“You gotta find her.” The girl pleaded.

He nodded, then bolted from the room. He shouted at Marci, one of the female agents, “Take care of the girl. Find her some place to stay.”

Wayne grabbed his jacket and followed Luke to the door. “What the hell’s going on?”

“I know where the warehouse is,” Luke spoke over his shoulder, not bothering to see if Wayne kept up.

“The girl was one of DiMarco’s victims.” Luke told him as they climbed into the car. Speeding from the parking lot, he deftly navigated through the downtown St. Louis traffic. “She gave me the address of the warehouse where the victims were held.”

“I’ll be damned.”

“Delia got them out but the girl doesn’t know what happened to her after that.”

Luke knew from Wayne’s silence that he feared the worst but Luke wasn’t giving up hope. Not yet. He gave Wayne the rest of the details he’d gotten from the girl, leaving out the personal message from Delia. He wasn’t sure he could say the words without tears.

A heavy downpour was in full swing by the time they reached the warehouse and pulled into the empty parking lot. Although every indication told them the darkened building was abandoned, they approached with caution.

Ducking into a crouch, guns drawn, they sidled along the wall of the warehouse until they reached a window facing the docks. Luke carefully rose and peered through the grimy glass, barely able to see through the smudges.

The lights from the marina illuminated the inside of the building just enough for Luke to confirm that it was indeed abandoned. He made his way to the door with Wayne following closely behind.

Luke reached out a hand and pushed against the door, relieved when it swung open. Cautiously, they entered the warehouse. Luke pulled the flashlight from his belt and shone it around the interior. The beam danced across the empty room, revealing nothing more than a few piles of trash and half a dozen folding chairs.

A door at the back of the warehouse stood open. With their backs to the wall, they crept toward the doorway. A quick look inside the darkened room told them that no one waited to ambush them but what they found confirmed their suspicions.

Lining the walls were cots covered in thin, dirty mattresses. On another wall were a toilet and rusty sink with a cracked mirror hanging above them. The stench of sweat and urine permeated the air. This was where the girls had been held.

Confident they had seen everything, they went outside and around to the back of the warehouse. As they rounded the corner, Luke’s flashlight beam caught something that appeared to be a pile of clothing.

The rain had lessened but the ground was thick with mud that snatched at their shoes like a hungry crocodile as they stumbled through the muck.

Even before he reached the heap, Luke recognized Delia's copper hair and black leather jacket. Her crumpled form lay in the mud like a discarded rag doll.

A strangled cry escaped his throat. Chest heaving, in a voice he didn’t recognize as his own, he moaned. “No, no, no...” as he dropped to his knees, pulling Delia onto his lap. He placed his fingers along the side of her neck and confirmed what he’d known the moment he saw her.

Holding her tightly against his chest, he rocked her gently, his tears mingling with the rain that fell onto her lifeless form.

Chapter Five

The drive to DiMarco’s took an eternity. The scenery passed in a blur, but to Luke, it felt as if they were going in slow motion. He gripped the armrest, scowling at Wayne from the passenger seat. “Can’t you drive any faster?”

“Not without killing us both.” Wayne took his eyes off the road long enough to glance at Luke. “You’re cool, right?”

Luke laughed harshly and clenched his hands into fists, imagining Bryce DiMarco’s neck between them. “Cool as a cucumber, partner.”

“Yeah, right. Promise me you won’t do anything stupid.”

“DiMarco’s the one that did something stupid,” Luke said. “And he’s going to pay for it.”

“We’re taking him in by the book, right?” Wayne’s tone held a warning. “You with me on that?”

Luke didn’t reply. He wasn’t sure what he had in mind. He just knew that he wanted DiMarco to suffer for what he’d done to Delia. The judicial system was too slow and not always effective. DiMarco deserved the ultimate punishment and Luke knew that if given the opportunity, he would make sure the punishment was carried out.

They drove through the gates of DiMarco’s mansion. Two more FBI teams and two squad cars surrounded the perimeter of the property. The idea was not to converge on him and cause him to bolt, but in case he did, they’d be ready.

Before the Chevy came to a complete stop, Luke was out and heading toward the front door. Wayne came up behind him, attempting to match his frenzied pace.

“Take it easy, man.”

Luke ignored him, taking the steps two at a time. Still in motion, he pounded on the large oak door. There was no reply. The house was dark and Luke had a gut feeling DiMarco wasn’t there. The bastard had skipped bail.

Luke pulled out his .9 mm and fired into the lock.

“Aw come on, man,” Wayne said, coming up behind him. Luke didn’t bother to acknowledge his partner’s protests. He kicked the wood until the door swung open. Wayne followed him through the shattered door.

“FBI! Show me your hands you sonofabitch!” Luke shouted. No response.

They searched the entire estate, room by room. The place had an empty feel, like it hadn’t been lived in for a while. DiMarco had been released on bail yesterday. He’d probably taken off as soon as they cut him loose.

“He’s gone,” Wayne said when they returned to the foyer.

“Yeah.” Luke suddenly felt as empty as the house. His burning anger, the seething rage he’d felt since finding Delia’s body, slowly left him like air escaping a balloon. All that remained was a sense of helplessness, and the overwhelming realization that once again, he’d failed someone he loved.


“Here you go, dear.” Rosalyn smiled as she entered the hospital room with a wheelchair. Agents Connor and Miller followed behind. “I bet you’re happy to be going home.”

Jade looked up at the agents. They all knew she would not be going home, not ever again. She forced a smile for the nurse who had been so kind to her during her hospital stay, one that had proven much lengthier than her injury warranted. The truth was, they hadn’t been sure what to do with her. She couldn’t go home, and the FBI hadn’t yet readied a safe house for her. They’d gone to the mansion and asked Berta to gather Jade’s belongings, which almost certainly infuriated the housekeeper. She probably wasn’t pleased at doing a favor for the woman who’d destroyed her beloved master. “Yes, I am. Thank you for everything.”

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