King Tomb (Forever Evermore) (19 page)

BOOK: King Tomb (Forever Evermore)
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And Lord have mercy, the air felt damn heavy in the room as I zipped my duffle closed and carefully picked up the file I had been previously reading, setting it in my lap. “Let me know if you have any questions and what your decision is on the Elementals and Mages.”

Deliberately slowly, Ezra leaned forward, flicking the folders forward with a single finger so he could rest his elbows on the table, and steepled his hands in front of his mouth. And he continued his silence as he stared at me, while I pretended to ignore him and re-read my file.

I heard him inhale heavily before murmuring softly, “In the future, Queen Ruckler, I would appreciate more advance notice than a few hours when new Shifters, Commanders or not, are being brought in to King Shadow.” A pause, and he stated steadily, evenly, but with a touch of bite to his tone, “And you can take your folders of possible new Elemental and Mage Commanders…and shove them up your devious, perfect ass.”

Well…that hadn’t been so bad.

A single finger landed on the second folder I had pointed to, my almost sexual partner. “And even though I don’t have the right to stop you from hiring Shifters into the commanding ranks,” he toyed with the folder, brushing it along with the first folder, the one I had been sexually active with, aside into their own little pile, “I sure as fuck can fire them if I find them doing anything they shouldn’t, minor or not…and it goes without saying that if they are caught in the act of anything I deem illegal, I will eliminate them.”

Never mind.

I blinked slowly up at him. “You stated you wouldn’t assume anymore and speak with me before harming a Shifter again.”

Cold eyes stared back at me. “If I only have assumptions, I will.” A pause as he leaned back onto his chair. “The rest is fair game.”


My jaw clenched, but I flipped the sheet on file on my lap, peering back down to it. “If you kill any Shifter without a Lawful excuse you won’t have only Elder Merrick to deal with.”

Ezra hummed softly. “I do so enjoy a challenge.”

Me, too…me, too.

Chapter Nine

The scent of black bear attacked me right before I froze, muscled arms enveloping me from behind and warm lips landing on the side of my throat, followed by a deep rumble. “Hello, Lily.”

Yep…Finn, my previous lover, was here, live and in person.

I sucked in a harsh breath and quickly broke his hold, spinning to face him. “Hello, Finn,” I countered, stepping back when he took a step forward, a sexy grin gracing his rugged, handsome features. I held out a stopping hand, but I had to quickly jerk it back when he went to grab it. “Finn, I didn’t ask you to King Shadow to resume our intimate relationship.”

His grin only increased. “I know why you brought me here.” He took another step toward me, and I started to step back again, but I stopped myself, holding my ground against him. “But, Commander position aside, I sure as hell wouldn’t mind that sweet little mouth of yours around my—”

I slapped a hand over his own mouth before he got himself killed. We were inside the red tent in the buffet line, and not too far away in the crowd were Antonio and his crew, plus Ezra, sitting at the table we had sat at before, having arrived before me. And I was fairly positive Ezra could hear this conversation. “Finn, I don’t need a walk down memory lane. And I’m sorry if you were wanting something more, but I’m not interested in anything other than having a powerful and skilled group of Shifter Commanders here.” I lowered my hand, seeing his expression had carefully blanked. “And you’ll need to address me as Queen Ruckler in the future…not Lily.”

His bear growled softly as he glanced to the side, clearly irritated to be turned down. I felt my lips pinch, and I was seriously hoping he wasn’t planning to refuse my offer here at King Shadow because of this. A few moments hung in silence as other Mysticals passed us in line, seeing we weren’t moving even as they politely ignored our private discussion. Finn ran his hand through his black hair, brown eyes coming back to mine. “I have to admit this is a bit of a surprise.”

My cold persona melted some at his honesty, and I brushed my hand across his cheek. “We had fun together, but things have changed. I’m not that woman you knew at King Cave.” I smiled at him softly. “Besides, we were a bit on-again, off-again when we were together. You can find someone to treat you better than that here.”

He brushed my hair back from my face, reading me. “You’re taken, aren’t you?” He was always a quick study.

My lips pursed, and I stuffed my hands in my pockets. “Yes.” And that was the answer.

Finn’s lips lifted and he bent, laying a gentle kiss on my forehead, murmuring, “If it ends, since that doesn’t appear to be happiness on your face, my door’s still open.” He pulled back, putting space between us. “Felix sent me in here to tell you the other Shifters have also arrived. He’s showing everyone to their tents.”

I nodded once, letting the iciness enter my veins again with the work discussion. “I’ll meet everyone on the training field in an hour. Tell them to bring their Cizanos and guns and be prepared to shift.”

Finn started walking backward as a grin etched his features. “A little friendly competition?”

I shrugged a shoulder. “I gotta see what you five are made of.”

His lips twitched. “Queen Ruckler…don’t leave yourself open like that if you’re taken.”

I opened my mouth…then snapped it shut, giving a nod. “Right.”

He winked at me then turned on his heel, heading toward the exit. I stared at his retreating back, remembering some of the few memories I had of us at King Cave: that he was not only excellent in the sack, he was also a laid-back, good man…so unlike the King Vampire I had married, which I couldn’t remember doing. Running a hand through my hair, I sighed and turned to resume waiting in line, even further confused after seeing Finn with his easygoing personality, knowing I had chosen Ezra over him and locked myself into a situation I saw no end to.

After filling my plate, I debated heading back to my tent to eat and spend time with Isa, but after this morning’s event with John and Ezra, and add in the fact I was bringing in new alpha Shifters…well, I didn’t want the factions here to think Ezra and I were fighting. That could cause even more headaches later on, so I strode to their table, taking a seat next to Antonio.

Grinning happily, Antonio leaned over and kissed my temple. “Thank you for eating with us.”

Realizing this was one of the first meals I had deliberately eaten with him in a very long time, I squeezed his hand gently, murmuring, “You’re welcome.” I didn’t mention that the choice had been business related, not wanting to hurt his feelings after the hell I had put him through.

Elder Merrick’s lips twitched as he bit into his hamburger. “I haven’t seen Finn in some time. I take it he’s one of the Commanders you’ve brought in to King Shadow?”

I nodded once, placing my napkin in my lap. “Yes.” My stomach was beginning to churn, and oddly I was starting to feel unwell, which had to be from the multitude of confusing and stressful events that had pounced on my life within the past week.

“He looked good,” Elder Merrick stated happily, even though his eyes held an evil glint. “Healthy. Strong. Capable.” He nodded once, setting his burger down. “You chose well.”

“Yes.” It came out the barest breath, and I cleared my throat, swallowing hard against the sudden nausea. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to talk about something else.” Not to mention I hadn’t even chanced a glance at Ezra, who was sitting silently to my left and absolutely reeking of possessiveness, the smell so heady it was all I could scent. Honestly, I didn’t want to push his buttons right now, feeling as I did.

Elder Merrick nodded, leaning forward halfway across the table, his expression suddenly fierce and pissed. “All right.” Navy blue eyes glowed, and I felt a pulse of his power surround me, whispering against me like a warm blanket…and suddenly, I could breathe easier and my stomach stopped twisting in knots. I sighed, feeling peace within my Core I hadn’t felt in ages. “How about we talk about the fact,” another pulse of power hit me, soothing and heated, “you’re going through shift withdrawal and you’re fucking hiding it.”

Everyone at our table froze, including me.

Elder Jacobs snapped his fingers. “That’s why her hand was shaking.”

My gaze snapped to him, and I hissed, “Mind your own damn business.”

Elder Merrick’s hand snaked across the table, and he jerked my chin around to face him. “I saw it, too.” I jerked my chin away, but he continued. “Not to mention, your damn wolf is calling out to mine, you’re suffocating her so badly.” His head cocked, a completely animalistic motion, eyes still glowing. “How long has been?”

My lips pursed, and I kept my mouth shut, not wanting to discuss this here.

“Lil,” Antonio growled softly next to me, tilting so he was in my line of sight, “you’ve shifted in the past three months, haven’t you?”

Everyone at the table knew I hadn’t shifted while I was pregnant because a Shifter’s magic kept them from doing so to protect the baby, so the last three months would have been the only time I could have. My eyes met and held Antonio’s. And it must have shown that I had not, in fact, shifted for the last three months, because he started cursing up a storm.

Elder Merrick’s wolf growled quietly, earning my attention, especially when his comforting power pulled back and I was suddenly sick to my stomach again. So much so, I put a hand to my mouth instantly to keep from puking, and damn, if it didn’t involuntarily start shaking. I fisted it against my clamped mouth, swallowing hard and feeling the blood drain from my face, and I quickly twisted so my back was to them, staring at the ground. I let my hair cover my face until I could get better control of myself, not wanting them to see me weak like this. Antonio cursed again, but quietly this time, threading his hand under my hair to massage the back of my neck, hissing to Elder Merrick, “Dammit, give it back to her.”

“No,” Elder Merrick stated gruffly behind me. “She needed to see what she’s doing to herself, but I won’t fix this for her.” A pause. “I mean, fuck, Lily, why the hell would you not shift?”

I knew the second Antonio figured it out by the way he stiffened next to me. He cleared his throat, same as I was doing, but for a different reason — me to keep the bile down, he probably did it from a hit to his pride for me. “Ah, Lil.” He sighed heavily then kissed my head, and I felt a swarm of Mage calming power surround me. It didn’t feel as good as the Shifter power, feeling more of mystical dreams, but I was able to breathe better and I didn’t feel quite so nauseated. I rolled my neck around on my shoulders and peered up at him. Golden eyes stared at me with worry and understanding and love, no condemnation like I was afraid might be there.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered, shaking my head, feeling guilt and…the fear I normally tried to hide.

“Enough of this shit,” Ezra whispered harshly, “She’s ill when she shouldn’t be…and now she’s scared.” I froze, realizing he was scenting my emotions. “What the fuck is going on? Did someone do this to her? Put a spell on her or scare her into not shifting?”

I turned to face him, squaring my shoulders as I pushed back my underlying emotions. I was a bit startled to see he appeared as furious as he had earlier. “No one did this to me but myself.” My brows furrowed as I whispered very softly so no others nearby would hear me. “My wolf…is small.” Clearly no one at the table other than Antonio understood, and I realized I had never shifted in front Elder Merrick, so even he didn’t understand. I inhaled heavily, leaning toward Antonio, where the soothing power was coming from, while I continued speaking barely above a whisper, “As in, my wolf is the size of a…fox.”

I was pretty sure no one at the table moved or breathed except for Antonio, who put an arm around my shoulder, giving me a squeeze. “I don’t want word to get out about my size in shifted form.” I left it at that, and they could take it from there. When I had been challenged back at King Cave, I had been extremely lucky the two who had initiated it hadn’t picked for the challenge to be done in shifted form. My wolf was mean and cunning and wily, but she was still extremely small. If I was ever challenged in shifted form, the odds would honestly be against me. Big time. So I had been keeping my small size under wraps once reality had crashed down on me with an actual challenge, and I let others think I would be easier to take on in my tiny, regular form, rather than the possibility of a ‘brute’ of a wolf.

Ezra blinked and his eyes scanned the tables around us. “I think that’s enough of this particular conversation.”

Elder Merrick’s eyes were huge on his face, but he nodded once. “Definitely.” He cleared his throat and ran a hand over his face, before he pointed at me absently while staring down at his half-eaten burger, whispering quietly, “You still need to shift sometime soon and go for a long run before you become any more ill.” Again he ran a hand over his face. “Fuck, and all that time I should have been training you…” He shook his head, not finishing.

I lifted my drink from the table, taking a sip with a steady hand thanks to Antonio. “Elder Kincaid did train me. And I’m not bad, but…” Well, there was still the size difference.

He snorted, blinked, then started grinning evilly. “Queen Ruckler, I do believe you just signed yourself up for more training with me.”

I glared. “There’s no place to do it safely.”

Elder Zeller held up a hand. “Actually, there is. King Shadow has an underground training area. It’s completely private.”

Now I glared at him, but I was mute this time. He had just guaranteed I would be getting my ass kicked regularly again by Elder Merrick. Not exactly how I enjoyed my mornings.

Antonio patted my shoulder. “Maybe it won’t be so bad.”

I snorted and finally started eating my food. “You weren’t the one lying on your back all the time staring at his damn smelly tennis shoes.”

“Hey,” Elder Merrick muttered, “they don’t smell.” A pause. “And I enjoyed you on your back.”

I paused, ignoring the sexual overtone, my gaze flicking to him. “Please don’t tell me you still own them.”

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