Kingston, Sara - Grace's Final Submission [Locks and Chains] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (28 page)

BOOK: Kingston, Sara - Grace's Final Submission [Locks and Chains] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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“So let’s talk wedding, while I have you both trapped and I’m not collared.”

Jason looked at Michael. “Shit. You fool, it was your idea to take off her collar to be sure she made the decision not as our slave.”

“Okay, so I didn’t think the whole thing through. I forgot about a potential
being released. Quick, let’s eat and get home and get the collar back on.”

“Boys, calm down.” Grace chuckled. “I’m asking when we’re going to have this wedding of ours.”

“As soon as possible,” they both said at the same moment.

“Winner gets a blow job on the car ride home,” Michael hollered, excited as a schoolboy. Grace couldn’t remember the last time she’d seen him acting so childlike. She was used to Jason and his fun and games, but Michael was always so serious. It was as if this wedding had released him, relaxed him enough to let his inner child come out to play.

“Now, now, boys, have you forgotten my collar’s at home, and until you get it back on me there’s no ordering me around, no commands!” she replied, trying to hide her smile.

“You think we can’t convince you, hmm?” Jason
said with a wicked smile, which mirrored the one on Michael’s face as Jason’s plan dawned on him. They moved their chairs over next to Grace, and Michael pulled both her hands behind her back, anchoring them with one hand. Jason slid his hand from her knee up her thigh, pushing her dress up with it. Michael used his free hand to grab one of her thighs and gently pulled it toward him, spreading her legs. Jason quickly slid his hand down to her crotch and tickled her warm, wet lips, rubbing back and forth, pleased that she hadn’t worn underwear.

“Our girl’s very wet. She is drenching my fingers already.” Jason parted her and thrust two fingers into her pussy. She leaned back and arched her pelvis, giving him betters access. Jason fucked her with his fingers and used his thumb to swipe and roll her clit, which was so extended it was like a tiny cock.
This is so naughty doing this in a vanilla restaurant.
It really brought out her naughty inner child, too. She reveled in the thought that a waiter could come in any minute and see what her boys were doing to her. She had never felt so brazen in her life. She was zinging with the naughtiness. Her clit was pulsating with the need to be fucked. To fuck. To…something. She wanted to stand up and shout to the world, “I am their slave and they will be my husbands, and I’m proud of it. I’m going to be married to the best Masters in the universe. I’m going to have an orgasm in this restaurant and I don’t care.”

Michael moved his hand up to her breast. He molded it through her dress and pinched her nipple. “Okay, okay, you win, Masters. Let me come, and I’ll happily suck your cocks all the way home. Please, Masters, I need to come!” Both of them groaned at her pleading.

“Okay, slave, you are free to come, and make it quick. The waiter should be bringing our meals in at any moment.” Michael squeezed harder on her nipple and switched to the other one. Jason continued his assault on her pussy, adding a third figure within her and flicking her clit at the same time. She tried to muffle her moans by biting on her bottom lip as her orgasm hit her. Not satisfied with just one, they continued until she came twice more before they let her go.

“I told you a long time ago that you didn’t need a title or a name to know your place, you only needed our collar. But now you don’t need a collar as we hold your heart and you hold ours.” Grace processed his words. He was correct. Even without her collar she still submitted to them both. She still called them Master. Her submission was final. It was complete. She needed no title, no name, no collar. In her heart, she was and forever would be their slave, a slave to their love.

weeks later on a beautiful sunny day, both Jason and he stood in tuxedos in their back garden, which had been transformed into a wonderland. Next to them stood a celebrant from the club, ready to marry both of them to Grace, also they would combine the collaring ceremony as well. The music began, and they turned to watch Grace walked down the natural aisle sprinkled with rose petals toward them. She looked stunning in her simple strapless wedding gown of the softest satin, which molded her body to perfection. Her long hair was woven with flowers and tiny crystals which sparkled in the sunshine. She was the most beautiful woman he and Jason had ever seen. She was escorted to them on the arm of her sister Sophie. They stood on either side of her, as proud as any men could be. A normal wedding ceremony was performed first, except for the added, “do you take them to be your lawfully wedding husbands.” Then before they got to kiss the bride, the collaring ceremony was slotted in.

“Do you, Grace Sinclair, give yourself freely and willingly into the lifelong servitude of Michael and Jason Cooper? Do you give your body, your heart, your safety, and your well-being into their hands?” the celebrant asked.

“I do,” Grace replied. A smile a mile wide played on her lips.

“Do you, Michael and Jason Cooper, freely and willing accept the lifelong servitude of Grace Sinclair to be honor-bound to protect, care, and provide for her, her health and well-being yours solely to provide?.”

“We do,” they both answered.

“Now, you have all written a few words you’d like to say to each other?” the celebrant asked. Grace looked at both her men who were now her husbands, to see who would speak first.

“Grace, you have taught me humility, laughter, and brought happiness to my life. Your love and forgiveness still amazes me to this day. I cherish your submission and commitment, and I will strive to be the best Master and husband I can be. I won’t promise you that I won’t make mistakes or hurt you, but I can promise to love you till my dying breath.” Michael turned to face Jason. “Jason, you have been a friend, a brother, a partner, and coconspirator. We have suffered, succeeded, and adventured together. I am honored to be able to share our wife and family with you. We will stand side by side forever, my friend.”

“Ah…thanks, man…but I’m still not touching your junk,” Jason replied. “In seriousness, which is difficult for me, Michael, life without you would be no life at all. Since the day we met, I felt as though my twin soul had finally attached itself to me and me to it. Together we stand.” Jason turned to Grace. “Grace, you complete us. You are the softness, the compassion, the love, and the body that connects and completes us. You have shown me what love truly is. Michael said it best, I can’t promise not to make mistakes, I can’t promise not to hurt you in the future, but I can promise to love you till my dying breath.”

“Hey, I’m sure I could get you for breach of copyright,” Michael called out.

“God, how do I compete with you two? All I can say is that within your arms I found my true self. Within the chains, you bound me, I discovered true freedom. Within your love, I found true love, and within my servitude, I found true meaning. I submit myself to you both completely and wholly, my one true and final submission for life.”

Both Michael and Jason fixed her new and final collar to her neck. They locked the diamond-encrusted padlock and placed the matching necklaces holding the keys around their own necks. The crowd cheered as the wedding and collaring was complete. Michael took Grace’s face in his hands and brought her gently to him. His kiss was a feather-light grazing of her lips. He licked her bottom lip, waiting for Grace to open her mouth. Once she did, he swept his tongue into it and deepened the passionate embrace.

“Hey, stop hogging our wife,” Jason hollered. Michael broke off the kiss, staring into his wife’s eyes.

Jason swept Grace into his arms, bending her backward into a tight embrace, and he, too, plundered her mouth as she clung to him. “Love you,
,” he said as he straightened and deposited her back on her feet. They walked together down the aisle, Grace in the middle and, on either side of her, her Masters, her husbands.

stifled a laugh. They really were a fun couple, or actually a triple. He was amazed when Jason told him that he was legally changing his name to Cooper so all three would have the same surname. Michael looked like a cat with his cream. He was still an arrogant bastard, but he was no longer pompous. Grace beat that out of him when he was her submissive, also when he lost her. He still laughed at the memory of Michael as a sub. It was something he would remember and chuckle about for the rest of his life.

Craig sighed. He felt sad, old, and very lonely. What did he want?

The elusive Sophie Sinclair walked up beside him and halted his melancholy thoughts.

“Hello again, Craig. Still turning tricks?” she asked.

“Sweetheart, for you it would be no charge,” he responded.

“Business that slow you have to offer freebies?” she taunted.

“Ah…my dear Sophie, when are you going to admit that you’re creaming at the idea of kneeling at my feet,” he returned.

Back during the repair of Grace, Michael, and Jason’s relationship, he had run into Sophie a few times. He had well and truly discovered her bitter tongue, sharp wit, and killer body, not that she’d let him anywhere near it.

“Craig, it’ll be a cold day in hell before I kneel at anyone’s feet. Not my kink, I don’t judge any of you, but as Grace has taught me, I don’t just eat vanilla. I am vanilla, through and through.”

Craig burst out laughing. She was priceless. As he watched Michael, Jason, and Grace laughing and smiling with so much love for each other, he wondered what it would be like to have a true love, a wife, or whatever in his life.

“Honey, you’re anything but vanilla. You just haven’t had the right teacher to show you, yet. All the little boys you play with can’t handle you, I bet,” he replied.

“Let me guess, you’re the man to handle me. You’re the one to teach me about my kink,” she snarled. “Not in this lifetime, lover,” she added as she walked away.

Craig watched the swing of her hips and her tight ass as she disappeared into the crowd, enjoying the feel of his cock throbbing to the beat of his heart.


Grace slowly backed out of the nursery, praying that she’d made her escape without waking up Ben. At fourteen months, he’d begun demanding one of his parents stay in the room until he was sound asleep. Carrying the baby monitor with her, she began to strip off her clothes, strewing them along the hall as she walked her way to the playroom. Tonight Michael and Jason had planned something special for her. She knew they were suspicious, and they thought she was hiding something from them. She was, but she was going to hold out as long as she could before admitting she was pregnant again. Her pregnancy with Ben had been like a prison camp for her. Michael and Jason wouldn’t let her do a thing once she entered the second trimester. Once she’d hit the third and the doctor ordered bed rest, she was frightened she’d end up with bedsores, the way her men took the order. Chuckling to herself, she remembered a few days that they actually tied her to the bed to keep her there. It would have been good if they were making love to her, but for the last trimester they were all celibate. Ben was born safe and well four weeks premature by caesarean, with his daddies by her side. She hoped this baby was a girl, but she’d be happy with either as long as it was born safely and healthy.

Grace entered the playroom, put the baby monitor on the hook by the door, and walked to the center of the room, dropping to the greet position. “We have been waiting, slave.”

“I’m sorry, Masters. How may your slave serve you?”

Michael stepped forward. “Jason, my sub, collect our slave and put her in the chair. I believe we have some information we need from her. Once she’s in the chair, start licking her delectable pussy but don’t let her come.”

“Yes, sir.” Jason ushered Grace to the chair and strapped her in. Grace hoped she’d be able to hold out, but she always eventually gave in. Michael was just too creative in his methods. Jason dropped to the floor between Grace’s split legs and started slow, deep thrusts with his tongue. Grace moaned in delight. Out of the corner her eye, she saw Michael lean over her.

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