Read Kiss Me at Midnight (Entangled Flaunt) Online
Authors: Diane Alberts
Tags: #Jen McLaughlin, #what-if guy, #Entangled Publishing, #reunited lovers, #novella, #short story, #Christmas Eve, #romance, #Flaunt, #holiday romance, #Diane Alberts
Ethan clenched his fists. The fucker didn’t even recognize him. And he was actually thinking about moving
to this place? Man, the things love did to a guy. “I’ll have two fingers of Makers Mark
, please.”
“The same,” Alex said, leaning an elbow on the bar and turning to scope out the bar behind him. “Do you recognize who’s with me, Brad?”
Brad poured their drinks then turned back to them, his lips pursed. “Kind of. I know you, don’t I?”
Well, there was no avoiding it now. Time to fess up. “Yeah. Ethan Pierce, Alex’s little brother.”
“Oh, shit.” He set the drink in front of Ethan, then added some more. “I’m Brad. Do you remember me?”
“It’s hard to forget the guy who shoved me into lockers,” Ethan replied dryly, lifting his glass in salute. “How you been, man?”
Brad’s cheeks heated. “I’m good. And yeah, sorry about that.”
Ethan blinked at him. “Uh, okay. Thanks.”
“See?” Alex murmured, kicking him in the shin. “Change.”
“I’m serious.” Brad leaned on the bar and met Ethan’s eyes. “I have kids now, and the things I did to you? Not fucking cool. I guess fatherhood gives you a new perspective on things.”
Ethan couldn’t believe it. Ashley had been right, and so had Alex. They kept insisting that people change and that he might not find the people he’d hated quite so hateful anymore. And now one of his biggest tormentors was being nice to him? Unbelievable.
“It’s fine. We grew up, right?” Ethan shrugged. “People move on.”
“Or leave all together,” Alex muttered.
“Dude, I get it,” Ethan snapped. “Chill.”
Brad grinned, ignoring Alex all together. “Right. I hear you’re doing IT work now?”
“I am.” Ethan took another drink.
Alex leaned in. “Yeah, but he might be coming back to town, though. What do you think about that?”
,” Ethan growled. “I’m not.”
“That would be awesome if you did, though.” He swiped the bar clean. “The town always talks about you, you know. How much you’ve done with your life, how much you’ve seen.”
Ethan choked on his drink. “Seriously?”
“Yeah, you’re one of the only ones who actually left this place. Went out and saw the world.”
Ethan swallowed hard. “Thanks, man.”
Ashley was right. The world had changed. But he hadn’t.
Ethan downed the last of his drink. “I have to go finish packing, then I have a flight to catch. You coming or staying, bro?”
“I’m staying—which is what you should be doing.” Alex spun his drink in his hand, not lifting his head. “But, hey. Have a great life in Cali.”
Ethan scowled at the back of his brother’s head. “I will.”
“Good,” Alex said, sipping his drink as if he didn’t have a care in the world. “Don’t run away so fast that you trip and fall on your face.”
Ethan clenched his fists, not bothering to reply. Then he turned on his heel, stalked to the door, and pushed out in to the sunlight. He finished packing, then drove his rental truck down Rehoboth Avenue. He hesitated at the street that led to Ashley’s house, but then stepped on the gas forcefully.
As he watched her house disappear in his rearview mirror, instead of feeling relief, he felt…
, he didn’t know what he was feeling. All he knew was he didn’t feel the same freedom he usually felt as he drove away from home. This trip had fucked with his head, big time. Everything was all messed up now.
He hated this feeling. Wanted to forget all about this whole fucking town. His brother. His mother. Hell, even
. All of those things had become entwined in some confusing, emotional, tangled web. And it kept trying to pull him back under. But he wouldn’t give in.
It was time to leave this godforsaken town and everyone in it behind him...
Chapter Eleven
Ashley took a long drink of her wine, leaning against the bar and sighing. There was no use denying it anymore. She might have entered this weekend planning to keep her heart safe and her legs spread, but along the way, something had happened.
She’d wanted more from Ethan…
And he’d done what he does best. He’d walked away.
She was trying not to be hurt, angry, or bitter…but right now? She felt all three of those things, which wasn’t fair. He’d given her what she’d asked for. He hadn’t done anything wrong or unjust. She just hadn’t expected to be served a side of heartache with her carefree, fun weekend of sex.
Go figure.
The first guy that made her want to settle down and be serious wanted
to do with her or the town she lived in. She knew they had something special—he knew it, too—but it wasn’t enough to make him want to be with her.
And she had to accept that.
She took another sip of her wine, cringing when the person singing karaoke hit a particularly high note. How could she have forgotten it was karaoke night when she’d agreed to come here with Rhiannon? “This sucks.”
“Yeah, but at least she’s trying,” Rhiannon said, rubbing her ear. “You’ve gotta give her props for that, right?”
“Not the karaoke,” Ashley said. Then she cocked her head at another shrill note. “Okay, maybe the karaoke, too. But I meant the way I’m feeling right now.”
“I’d like to remind you I went down in the record books that this was a bad idea,” Rhiannon said, her voice soft even with the woman caterwauling in the background. “But now that I reminded you of that, I’ll hug you close and kiss it better.”
Ashley rolled her eyes when Rhiannon kissed the top of her head. “What am I? Four?”
“Kisses make anything better,” Rhiannon said, sighing with relief when the woman stopped singing. They both clapped half-assedly and then turned back to the bar. “Maybe that’s what you need. A kiss from a new, hotter guy. One that will make you forget all about Ethan.”
Ashley sighed. Even the thought of moving on felt…
. As if she’d be betraying him or something. What the heck was up with that? “Yeah, I don’t think so.”
“Not ready to hop back up on that man saddle yet?”
“Not yet.” She took another sip, then held her empty glass up to Brad, the bartender. He didn’t notice her, and another girl got up on the stage and sang about moving on from a sick, twisted love. “But I’ll recover. I mean, it was only a weekend, right? How long can such a short time affect me so much? We didn’t even really do anything besides have sex, talk, cuddle, and laugh. And when he held me, I felt safe, happy, and yet on edge at the same time, which doesn’t make much sense unless…” She drifted off, her eyes going wide before she flopped her forehead forward onto her folded arms. “Okay, yeah. I’m fucked.”
“Finally figured it out, huh?” Rhiannon asked, rubbing her back in slow circles.
“Yeah, I think I did.” She lifted her head. “I fell in love with him, didn’t I? That’s why I feel all weepy and shaky now that he’s gone. I miss him because I
Rhiannon nodded. “I think so, yeah.”
Well, crap. She hadn’t wanted this. Hadn’t wanted to be left behind feeling empty and confused. But it’s what she’d gotten. And here she’d thought she just missed him. No, she freaking
the guy. “What am I supposed to do with that?”
“You could go after him.”
She stiffened and shook her head. “I can’t. I chased after him back in high school and the rejection nearly crushed me. And what I felt then wasn’t nearly as intense as what I feel now. I refuse to be that girl. If he wanted to be with me, he would have stayed.”
“Maybe he just needs a good kick in the ass to make him see how stupid he’d being?”
Ashley snorted. “I don’t think that’ll do anything.” Ashley watched Brad closely. He still hadn’t brought her more wine and man…she needed it, like, yesterday. “I’m not forcing anyone to do what they don’t want to do. He doesn’t want to be with me.”
“Did you tell him you loved him?” Rhiannon asked.
“No, because I just figured it out.” Ashley played with her empty glass, glowering down at it. “And even if I had the chance, I wouldn’t tell him. He wanted a string-free weekend. I’m not tying him down with my stupid feelings.”
Ashley shook her head. “No buts. It’s over, and he’s gone.”
“But—” Rhiannon broke off. “Uh, never mind.”
Ashley waved Brad over, and he held a finger up to her. She rested her chin on her hand. “Realized you’re beating a dead horse?”
“Uh, yeah. Something like that,” Rhiannon mumbled, fishing in her purse until she brandished a red lip gloss. “Here, put this on. You look like hell warmed over.”
“Gee, thanks. I love you, too.”
“Put it
,” Rhiannon snapped, shoving it closer.
“God. Fine.” Ashley blinked at her but took the gloss. “But why the hurry?”
“Just do something without arguing for once?” Rhiannon pleaded. “And be quick about it, for the love of God.”
Ashley narrowed her eyes on her best friend and twisted the lid off. “I’ll be your wingman if you want, but I’m
going home with anyone tonight.”
“Are you so sure about that?” A deep voice asked. A voice Ashley recognized better than her own. “Because I’ve been watching you, and I was hoping I could buy you a drink.”
Ashley froze with the lip gloss pressed to the middle of her lower lip, not turning around to face him. What the hell was he still doing here, and what did he want? Another few days with her, maybe?
Well, she wasn’t interested. Not anymore.
She swallowed hard and closed the lip gloss with shaking hands, blotting her lips together and tilting her head at Rhiannon. She took the hint and buzzed off, leaving her and Ethan alone. “You
realize you’re hitting on me again, right? Or is this another accidental flirtation, where I reminded you of me?”
He chuckled. “I know who you are, Ashley. This time, anyway.”
“Lucky me,” she drawled. But her heart was racing at light speed. She still didn’t face him. If she looked at him, she’d be lost. “I thought you left.”
He shifted closer. So close she could feel his heat behind her. She closed her eyes, forcing herself not to lean back on him. “I was going to. I almost did. I even made it all the way to the airport. But then…well, I didn’t board my flight. I’m not ready to leave yet.”
She clenched her teeth, the pain piercing her chest. So her suspicions were right, then. He wanted a little bit more time with her, and she wanted forever. Not freaking fair. “I don’t need a drink. As a matter of fact, I just might go home now.
“Wait.” He caught her hand, squeezing her fingers tight. “Don’t leave.”
“I’m done listening to crappy karaoke,” Ashley said, her voice ringing out way too loud because the girl that had been singing just finished. Ashley’s cheeks heated when a few people turned at her and glared. “Sorry. So sorry,” she said to the couple closest to her. “Yeah. I’m so leaving.”
She grabbed her purse and stood, but Ethan stepped in her way. And she
looked at him. Big mistake. He wore a green sweater and a pair of khakis, and his dark brown hair was a mess—as if he’d been running his fingers through it all day long. His chocolate eyes were locked on hers, softer than usual, and he had bags under his eyes.
“Don’t leave me. I need to talk to you. I have to tell you why I didn’t get on the plane. Let’s get a drink and find a table to chat at.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” She crossed her arms. “We both know how this ends. We both know you’ll stay for a few more days, maybe blow my world a little bit more. And I’ll love every second of it, because you’re you, and I’m me.” She shrugged, twisting her lips a little bit. “But then you’ll run away
, and I’ll be left behind
. I’m done being that girl, Ethan.”
He shook his head and pressed his lips together. “I don’t want you to be that girl, Ash.”
“But yet…I will be.” She lifted her chin. “Why would it be any different than every other time before this? Give me one good reason.”
He caught her hand again. “B-Because I’m different. I don’t want to run away this time. I want to be here with you.”
“For now.” She pulled free. “Look, I care about you, but we already said everything there is to say. You’re not staying, and I’m not going. End of story.”
He rubbed the back of his neck. “What if I stayed? Would you give me a chance, then?”
“Why would you want to do that?” Her heart picked up speed. “You hate it here. You’d be miserable.”
He dragged his hand through his hair. “I did, but I realized you’re right. This place isn’t as bad as I thought it was. Now, I want to be here. I want to be with you. I’m not scared anymore. I’m not running.”
She wanted to believe him so damned bad. But how could he have come to this conclusion so fast? It seemed way too fast and sure for a man who spent his life avoiding this town and everyone in it. She shook her head. “I don’t believe you. I’m sorry.”
“Well, believe it. I can prove it, too. I’m not scared of this town anymore, or what they say about me. I’m not scared of anything, if you’re by my side.” He looked over his shoulder and then started backing up toward the stage, crooking his finger at her. “There’s a lot of people from high school in this room. The same people that tormented me. Agreed?”
She followed him despite the warning bells screaming in her head. He said all the right things, but would he follow through with these promises? That was the question. “Yeah…?”
“The old me never would have drawn attention to myself in front of them. The old me would’ve faded into a corner, or left as soon as he saw the people he hated so much.” He grinned at her. “But the new me? The one you brought to life with only a few short days at your disposal? He says fuck it, I’m gonna prove to my girl that I’m not scared anymore.”
Her jaw dropped when he jumped up on the stage and whispered something to the DJ. “Ethan, get down from there,” she hissed, her cheeks heating. “You don’t have to—”
“Oh, but I do.” Ethan looked down at her, the mic in his hand tight, and cleared his throat. “Hello, everyone. I’m Ethan Pierce, which most of you will recognize. You may or may not have shoved me into a locker or a trash can at some point in my life…” He grinned and held his hands up. “…but don’t worry. That’s not why I’m up here. We don’t have a Carrie situation on our hands.”
Ashley buried her face in her hands, then motioned him down from the stage. “Oh my God, get down from there.”
“Nope.” He grinned down at her, but his eyes showed a different story. He was nervous, but he was doing this anyway. “Anyway, I’m up here because I love that girl down there, Ashley Hanes, and I was kind of a jerk to her…more than once. I refused to be myself and let her in, and in doing so, I pushed her too far away. So much so that she doesn’t want to let me back in. So, I’m going to prove she should give me a chance by singing her a song. But I apologize in advance, because I
Ashley held a hand over her mouth. Wait, he
her? What was he doing up there, then? He needed to come down here and kiss her and then she could—
He cleared his throat again. “And Ashley? When I’m done, if you can stand being with a man who sings like me, well then…” He pointed at the clock on the wall. It was
shy of midnight. “Kiss me at midnight. Show me you can maybe love me, too.”
He nodded to the DJ, and the music started up. She recognized the song right away as a Chris Daughtry song. Within seconds, Ethan was signing about being wrong and wanting to spend his life laughing with her by his side.
He was right.
He was
…but it was the most beautiful thing she’d ever heard.
She laughed when he held a long, off-key note, covering her mouth even as tears came down her face. This right here was love
. Someone clapped when he did a little dance move, right up on stage in front of everyone, and the whole bar erupted in applause. Ashley burst into laughter, shaking her head at him when he crooked his finger for her to join him on stage.
No way in hell she was getting up there. She wasn’t drunk enough.
“Kiss him, sweetie,” a man yelled from the far corner of the bar.
“Yeah, kiss him!” Rhiannon shouted.
“Put him out of his misery,” another guy yelled.
“He loves you,” another girl yelled.
Ashley laughed. “Okay, okay.”
She climbed the steps to the stage, her heart racing when the entire bar erupted into loud applause. She stopped right next to him, just as he held the last note in a pathetic imitation of Chris Daughtry, but it sounded perfect to her. More than perfect.
“Okay, enough torturing the bar,” she teased. She grinned at him, and he cupped her cheeks, the mic still in his right hand. As he swiped the tears away with his thumbs, she closed her hands around his wrists. “I can’t believe you did that.”
“But can you forgive me for being a coward?” he asked, his voice hoarse. “Because I love you so damned much, and I’m not running this time. I promise you this. I will not run or push you away or revert to being the man I’d become without you. My f-feet are firmly planted, and I won’t waver from my course.”
She grinned and nodded, tears blurring her vision even more. “I love you, too. And I believe you now.”
“Y-You love me?” he asked, his eyes wide. “Are you sure?”
She laughed. “Yes, I’m sure. It’s kind of something a girl knows, Ethan.”
“Holy shit.” His whole face lit up, and he practically vibrated with happiness, and well, the old Ethan was back. But he was even better. This Ethan was the sweet guy she’d once known, but he had confidence and a whole lot of life experience behind him now. And he
her. “I’m the luckiest guy on earth.”