Kiss Me If You Can (21 page)

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Authors: Carly Phillips

BOOK: Kiss Me If You Can
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But she'd tried to reach him after leaving her father's only to get his answering machine at home, the recording on his cell and his voice mail at work. Even if he didn't want to speak to her, he wouldn't avoid her. Which meant he was busy on a story.

She didn't leave a message because she wanted to hear his voice and gauge his reaction when she called. She didn't want him to have time to think or cover his feelings.

So she'd just have to keep trying.


missing, consuming the cops and the press for the better part of a week. By the time Coop found himself with downtime, he was dressing for the auction and he'd barely slept in days. He thought he'd been eating, but he couldn't remember. Though the child had been found alive, he didn't want to think about the psychological damage that had been done to her in the interim. He'd been living, breathing and eating that news for too long as it was.

At least the auction, as much as he was dreading it, would take him away from the horrific story he'd been covering. It helped that he wouldn't be alone there. He'd invited his family to the event. Matt and
his wife were busy, but his father had surprised him by agreeing. Not only had he gotten someone to cover the bar, he'd also invited a date. A widow he'd been seeing on the side.

Coop was happy for the old man. At least one of them had a love life that seemed to be on the upswing.

Coop also had a date. On speaking to the foundation people, they'd told him they were hiring guards to keep an eye on the items being sold. Charlotte's pieces were only a part of what was on the block and they needed at least two security guards. Knowing that Sara liked to take outside work, he'd tipped her off and she'd applied for the job. She'd extended the information to Rafe Mancuso, her ex-partner, and with Coop's recommendation and their references, they'd both been hired. Coop and Sara were going to the event together.

Coop showered and changed into a rented tuxedo, realizing only when he glanced in the mirror to do his tie that he'd forgotten to shave. He had a few days growth of beard covering his face, but a glance at his watch told him he had no time to worry about it now. The show couldn't start without him.


arrived half an hour early at the Upper East Side town house where the Lancaster Foundation was hosting the auction. It wasn't that she wanted her grandmother and Sylvia to have extra
time to drink, but she did want the opportunity to get Coop alone if she could.

The town house décor took her breath away, from the beautiful marble floors to the intricate pillars and mirrors around her. There was a large room for the showing of the auction items; that was where cocktails would be served. During the early hours, people could view the jewels and their tag number for identification during the auction. Invitations had gone out to the elite of Manhattan and Lexie recognized some impressive society people trickling in. Her grandmother and Sylvia were in the cocktail room, presumably on their best behavior.

Lexie waited in the main hall. For at least the third time in as many minutes, she smoothed the sparkly silver dress over her hips. She wasn't a woman comfortable in glitzy outfits and between the fitted dress that ended at the knee, and the high heels the salesgirl had talked her into, Lexie was way out of her comfort zone. Especially since the lady who'd helped her at the makeup counter at Bloomingdale's suggested she wear contacts to better show off her eyes.

Because the woman had been complimentary and not critical, and since she'd made so many other big steps this week, Lexie had taken the address of a store around the corner that specialized in contact lenses. She still wasn't used to not having her eyeglass frames to fiddle with from time to time.

All in all, she didn't feel like herself tonight, but at least she looked as if she belonged. That in itself was an accomplishment, Lexie thought.

She leaned against a large, marble pillar and sipped from a champagne glass, the bubbly liquid bypassing her empty stomach and going directly to her head. Minutes ticked by. If she stood here nursing this drink much longer, she'd be punch drunk before Coop even arrived.

Finally, just when she was about to give up and go looking for her grandmother, she caught sight of him. She'd never seen him in formal attire and the man in a well-fitting, elegantly cut black tuxedo, took her breath away. The exhaustion etching his features did nothing to detract from his sexy appearance and the razor stubble darkening his face merely enhanced it.

Then she realized he wasn't alone. A beautiful blonde wearing a loose yet extremely sexy three- quarter-length gown stood by his side.

Nausea washed over Lexie.

She wanted to turn and run, but the blonde noticed her first and treated Lexie to a brief wave and recognition finally took hold.

Lexie realized, nearly weak with relief.

The other woman tugged on Coop's arm. She whispered something in his ear, then pointed Lexie's way.

He glanced over and met her gaze, his eyes widening as awareness dawned.

She was still shaken and the nervous feeling in the pit of her stomach didn't disappear as the couple strode closer.

“Lexie,” he said, his voice gruff, devouring her with his darkened gaze.

“Coop.” She barely recognized her own voice.

“Lexie, I almost didn't recognize you!” Sara exclaimed, pulling her into a friendly hug.

“I definitely didn't recognize you!” Lexie stepped back and admired yet another change in the multi-faceted cop.

Sara leaned closer. “Don't tell anyone, but I'm working security.” She stepped back and subtly patted her thigh. “Gun beneath the dress,” she whispered.

Which explained the loose material, Lexie realized. And also clarified that she and Coop were not together on a date. Lexie's rapidly beating heart finally began to slow to a more normal pace.

Sara glanced back and forth between the two. “I am going to make myself scarce and check in with my employer. See you later.” She waved and disappeared, leaving Lexie and Coop staring into each other's eyes.

“Hi there,” she said, feeling ridiculously silly.

“Hi, yourself.”

She swallowed hard. “You're a hard man to track down.”

“I didn't know you were looking.” He never took his gaze from hers.

She shrugged. “I didn't leave a message, but… I'm here now. Early. For you.”

He braced his arm against the pillar behind her. “Really.”

She nodded.

“Why?” he asked. “What do you need to talk to me about, gorgeous?”

Her throat grew parched. With him so close, his familiar scent surrounding her, sensual awareness enveloped her completely. “We left things unsettled.”


He was putting this all on her, not that she blamed him. “I've done a lot of thinking since I saw you last. About things you've said and done. And about myself and what I've learned.” She licked her lips and tasted champagne. “I visited my father,” she blurted out.

His eyes opened wide. “Now that's a surprise.”

She couldn't agree more.

“What happened?”

“We made some headway, thanks to you.”

Silence descended between them. Lexie's head was swimming with words she wanted to say, but her feelings overwhelmed her and she couldn't get her thoughts straight.

“What else?” he finally asked, his voice deep and compelling.

“I missed you,” she admitted, the words costing her pride everything but her heart nothing.

Progress, Coop thought.

“I missed you, too.”

“And—” she began. Then paused.

His heart stopped completely as he waited.

“And I more than like you, too, Coop,” she said, drawing a deep breath. “I love you.”


He grinned. “I love you, too.”

He dipped his head and sealed his lips against hers. She separated from him only long enough to place her champagne glass on a nearby table before returning to wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him back.

And if he thought he'd imagined those three little words, she said them again, over and over with her mouth, her tongue, her lips until without warning, she eased back, resting her forehead against his.

“I'm not finished,” she said, her voice hoarse.

“Then don't stop.”

She laughed. “I meant I'm not finished talking.”

He placed his hands on her hips and nodded in understanding. “We can talk later.” Right now he needed to be alone with her, not standing here in a public place.

“There's a coat closet that's not in use during the summer,” she said, reading his mind.

“How did you know what I was thinking?” he asked, amused but not surprised that she knew him that well.

“I already told you I came here early. I had time to scout around,” she said, eyes gleaming in anticipation.

“Show me.” He glanced at his watch. “Quickly. There's only twenty minutes before I have to check in.”

And he intended to make good use of each and every one.


. She led him around the corner, through an empty hall to a two-part door that would open on top for a coat check. “This is it. I heard the staff say they'd leave it unlocked in case anyone needed to store things in here.” She turned the knob and the door swung open wide. “Voilà,” she said, stepping inside.

He flipped on the light, kicked the door closed, locked it and reached for Lexie once more.

He couldn't tear his gaze from her beautiful face as he pulled the hem of her dress high enough for him to cup her feminine heat in the palm of his hand.

Lexie leaned her head back and groaned. “God, I missed you.”

He pulled at her panties, helping them down her long, sexy legs and easing them over those fuck-me
high heels before tucking her underwear into the pocket of his jacket.

“You take my breath away,” he said, kissing her cheek, her jaw, her neck.

“You're pretty hot yourself. Especially this.” She rubbed his scruffy face with her palm.

Coop could look into her eyes forever, but he was aware of the minutes ticking by. He needed to finish this before they were missed. He slid his hand between their bodies and with his thumb, massaged her outer folds, finding her so good and wet. She arched into him, allowing him access and he eased one finger deep inside. Her body clenched around him, surrounding him in slick heat.

Lexie cried out, so he sealed his lips over hers, silencing her as he aroused her further, sliding his finger in and out of her slick passage. She panted in his ear, urging him harder, deeper and he complied, while also drawing circles over her clit with his thumb. Her body shook and he pressed harder against just the right spot until she was bucking against his hand.

Lexie impatiently reached for his trousers, her hands shaking as she attempted to open them.

“Easy,” he whispered. “Let me.” He released the button, yanked down the zipper and when the pants fell to the floor, he freed one foot, giving himself leverage.

He placed his hands on her hips, about to lift her onto him when reality set in and he muttered a raw curse.

“What's wrong?” Lexie asked, surprised.

He met her gaze and she saw regret and real pain in his eyes.

“No protection.”

At one time, Lexie would have called a halt. But this was Coop, the man she loved. Trusted.

She felt an unexpected smile curve her lips. “Well, you're in luck because I'm on the pill.” Fully aware of how huge her words were, she cupped his erection, teasing him until he let out a groan.

“Lexie…” The words sounded like part warning, part plea.

“I'm safe, Coop. Tested yearly. The last time just happened to be when I was home in June. There's been nobody else for a long time.”

“That's not it. If you're suggesting it, I trust you.”

“Same here, so what's the problem?” she asked.

His curious eyes stared into hers. “I'm wondering why I'm just hearing about the pill now.”

Always the journalist, questions came out even at the most inopportune times, Lexie thought, loving him even more for it.

But she shook her head, drawing her hand up and down his hard shaft. “Do you really want me to
answer now?” She spread his come over the head of his penis with the pad of her thumb.

He grasped her hips, lifting her into the air until she locked her legs around his waist. Once she anchored herself, Coop backed her against the wall and Lexie closed her eyes, guiding him with her hand, helping him lower her body onto his rigid shaft.

She was hot for him. Wet. So wet and so horny. She'd missed him, wanted him and she'd just admitted she loved him. Now she needed him, too.

He seemed to know it, staring at her as he filled her slowly, lovingly, completely. And she felt him, naked, bare inside her body.

Really felt him—unlike anyone who'd come before. And she couldn't imagine anyone coming after. She grabbed his hair in her hands and pulled his face to her, kissing him hard. He kissed her back, but he was multitalented and he tilted his hips and thrust harder. Deeper than he'd ever been before.

Lexie moaned, rocking her body against him, grinding together. He eased out and thrust back in deep, in and out, in and out, taking her higher with every slick stroke until her legs began to slip.

Before she could right herself, the change in position rubbed her body against his, bringing her suddenly closer to orgasm. She shuddered and let out a raw moan.

“Hang on,” Coop said, shifting so she could rewrap her legs around his waist.

But he also must have understood what the last position did to her because the next time he drove deep, he tilted his hips to match that last angle of penetration. His body connected with hers in that perfect way and the stars collided behind her eyes. He repeated the motion over and over as his body rocked hard against hers, taking her higher. And higher.

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