Kiss of Darkness (13 page)

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Authors: Loribelle Hunt

BOOK: Kiss of Darkness
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The other demons with him shrank back, cringing from his fury. All but the warlord. The members of the Alliance were wrong about demons. The lesser ones were stupid, little more than uncontrolled emotion with almost no ability to reason. But the strong soldiers and certainly the warlords were different. Very different.

The warlord leaned against the wall, cunning in his eyes, his lips turned up in a cruel smile. Amused. This one needed watching. He thought he was smarter and stronger than the beast before him that used to be human, then hybrid and now…something else. The warlord thought he was stronger, but he was careful to keep his distance. Wary of his new ally.

“Find them, halfling,” the warlord ordered with a growl and the beast’s rage dropped to a low simmer. He smiled, seeing the chink in the warlord’s armor, seeing the fear he couldn’t quite hide.

The warlord held his gaze, eyes glowing red, his fury and power a palpable thing in the air. The other demons shrank back from him, but he held his ground. He wasn’t fully one of them so he couldn’t show any weakness, wouldn’t be cowed like the rest. To do so would get him killed.

“Go!” The roar shook the house, but he kept his pose insolent, took his time leaving the room. Behind him he heard the warlord screaming, heard the sickening sound of teeth crunching into bone, and knew the warlord had reasserted his control by eating one of his own.

The beast smiled. He’d won this round.

Chapter Seventeen

He had left her dreams alone and she was so relieved at not meeting him there, she wasn’t prepared for him when she woke. Hadn’t shored up her defenses.
he whispered, his fingers stroking along her spine. He flattened his palm over the curve of her butt, lingered a moment and kneaded her flesh. Then his wicked fingers were on the move again. She arched her back against him as his feather-soft touch inched up her side, around her torso to her breasts. Her nipples tightened into hard painful points. She groaned. Not again.

She struggled to fully wake, determined she wasn’t going to open her eyes only to be horny as hell and alone. She couldn’t take another day like that. Not one damned more.

The fingers of one hand closed over her nipple. She groaned as he squeezed, then pinched. Felt the warmth and moisture flood her sex, her muscles contracting against the sensation. Or trying to hold it to her. She wasn’t sure which anymore. Only that she was on fire and only he could put out the flames. He rolled her to her back.

Open your eyes, Winter.

She didn’t want to, didn’t want the dream to end before she reached some kind of fulfillment at least. Just a little lessening of the tension, just a little easing of the craving. One tiny orgasm. Was that too much to ask?

Are you real?

A soft, sexy chuckle.
Now, Winter.

Apparently he was.

It was impossible to ignore his demand and sighing, feeling the dream slip through her fingers, she opened her eyes and held her breath for several long seconds. He was braced over her, his hands close to her body, his chest close enough to tease her nipples. She exhaled and he caught it, his mouth crushing hers. His hunger as strong as hers.

He lowered his body on top of her and his weight crushed her into the mattress but she didn’t complain. She gloried in it. She welcomed it, welcomed him, especially the hardness, the erection pressing against her entrance. Reaching between them, she wrapped her hand around the steely length of him. He moaned in pleasure and thrust back and forth in her grip. With her other hand she shoved at his shoulder but he didn’t budge.

I want to see you.
Had to see his flesh in her fingers, the pleasure on his face.


He carefully removed her hand, while moving down her body leaving a trail of soft kisses, little nips. He stopped eye-level with her breasts and stared with such avaricious greed she ached. Groaning, she lifted her hands to grab his shoulders, knowing her fingernails dug too deep but not caring. She needed him closer, needed his mouth on her with a yearning she’d never felt before and only he could assuage.

He sat up, pulled her hands away and lifted them over her head. Then he kissed her, soft and gentle this time, coaxing.

Wrap your fingers around the bars on the headboard, baby.

She tried to refuse, tried to shake her head no, but her fingers clenched the iron bars anyway. Protest was impossible with his lips fused to hers, with his tongue in her mouth and his fingers doing wicked, wicked things to her body. His hands moved back to her breasts.

Breaking the kiss, he slid back to his previous position, his hot gaze holding hers as he lowered his head. He flicked his tongue over her nipple. Returned for a second taste before sucking it into his mouth. It was scorching, the pleasure almost painful. She might have screamed and her hands flew back to his shoulders, trying to hold him close, silently begging for more.

She heard the growl in his tone even though he didn’t speak aloud. Slowly, she lifted her hands, wrapped them through the bars, but only because she felt the promise of completion in him. He wasn’t going to leave her wanting this time.

If you cooperate, so be good, baby.

She should have been pissed at his dictatorial tone, the implicit demand that she submit totally to him, but the burning in her blood, on her skin wouldn’t allow it. She felt something wrap around her hands and tugged, jerked when she couldn’t move. He stopped suckling her and sat back on his heels, a look of supreme satisfaction on his face. She pulled more forcefully this time. She wasn’t used to being tied down. Fantasized about it sure, but never trusted anyone enough to try it.

She looked up to see what he’d restrained her with and her stomach clenched when she saw nothing. He was holding her still with the strength of his mind. He was so powerful, too powerful, this nightwalker who’d claimed her. For the first time she felt a wisp of unease.

“Don’t. You trust me, Winter,” he said, fingers trailing lightly down her stomach. She shook her head even as her muscles seized up against her command. She didn’t. She didn’t trust anyone that much.

“Yes. You do, Winter.” He leaned forward, sucking her nipple back into his mouth, and she groaned. Went limp. All protest gone. He released her and sat back on his heels. Damn it, if he left her like this again she’d kill him. She swore she would. He laughed.

You can’t hurt me anymore than I could hurt you, Winter. Unless of course you wanted that. Or if your defiance is so bad I have to punish you. Don’t make me punish you, Winter. I’m not sure if I can do it.

“Leave me like this and you’re taking your life into your own hands, Marcus,” she snapped, struggling against his mental bonds.

His smile was slow, almost cruel but sexy as hell. She was a goner. Really. Could she resist him if she had to? He slid down her body, his mouth, his hot breath hovering just over her skin.

“I have no intention of leaving you like this, baby. You’re mine to take care of. And torment.”

His grin was sinful as he pushed one long finger into her core, slowly thrusting in and out. Her ability to think, to reason and complain, evaporated. He moved his thumb, rested it on her clitoris, and she caught her breath waiting and anticipating.

He leaned over slowly, holding her gaze while he took her nipple between his teeth, gently tugged it while finally applying pressure to her clit. Her body seized up as sensation immobilized her, as the orgasm rushed through her. Then his fingers were gone and his lips were on hers swallowing her cries as the long, hard length of him thrust inside her.

Marcus was enthralled. She responded so beautifully, no inhibition or hesitation. But she was holding a piece of herself back, not giving him her full surrender. He was confident that would come in time. After this the bond between them should snap into place. He surged deeper into her at the thought, harder and faster. Moaning, she wrapped her legs around his waist, digging her heels into his lower back and urging him on.

With a biting tug on her lower lip, he broke the kiss and moved along her jaw to her throat, tasting, reveling in her skin. She was creamy pale, blemish free and sweet. He explored the hollow between her nape and shoulder, sucking her tender flesh between his teeth hard enough to mark. A visible sign of his claim that she couldn’t deny. Her arousal grew, the lust, the desperation she felt spilling out of her mind. He lapped it up, savored it, felt his own powers expand and grow as he fed off her. Then she was coming again, her channel convulsing so hard around his cock that he couldn’t hold back and he came with her.

He pulled out of her reluctantly and rolled to his side. Releasing her hands, he rubbed her wrists to ease the sting then pulled her across his chest. She murmured in contentment and snuggled close already asleep again. He smiled as he drifted off. She was finally where she belonged and he wasn’t letting her go.

Chapter Eighteen

This time she was the only one to wake. She eased away, slow, careful not to disturb Marcus as she slipped from the bed. Her stomach rumbled and she clapped a hand over it, glancing over quickly, relieved to see he hadn’t budged. The empty feeling intensified as she pulled on her clothes, carrying her boots and weapons with her as she crept from the room. How long had she slept? She hadn’t noticed a clock in Marcus’s room and the windows were shuttered.

Keeping her steps light, she followed the hall to the stairway and made her way down searching for the kitchen. All the windows she passed were shuttered so she guessed it was still daylight. Nightwalkers could tolerate very little sun. It weakened them to the point of death in a matter of minutes. How long did she have until nightfall? How long before he could come after her? Because after that mind-blowing session in his bed, she was certain she had to get away while she still could. Before she became addicted to his touch. Before he used that addiction to take over her life.

At the bottom of the stairs she hesitated. The exit was straight ahead of her, the dining room they met in to her left, a hall continuing past it, and the open office door next to her right. The kitchen was probably down the hall, but she stepped forward, peeked into the office first. The nightwalker they called Kadall was sitting behind the desk reading something on a laptop. He looked up and met her gaze.

“Do you need something?” There was nothing in his tone to indicate how he felt about the hybrids now in the house, no emotions bled past his mental shields.


He smiled slightly. “At the end of the hall. It’s fully stocked. Help yourself.”


He shrugged. “Nothing to it. You all must be on the same clock. The other two are already in there.”

There was curiosity in his voice this time. She didn’t try to explain that she, Gia and Dupree had worked together so long, been friends so long that they sensed each other on a deeply instinctive level that went beyond what even most hybrids experienced.

“Something like that,” she responded, shrugging one shoulder and left to find them.

Dupree handed her a plate of bacon and fried eggs when she entered. She set it on the table and went straight for the coffee pot. After pouring a mug and adding a liberal dose of sugar, she returned to the table.

“What time is it?”

“Almost three,” Gia answered.

“Any reports yet?”

Gia shook her head no, looking down at the table. She’d pulled her hair back in a severe knot and actually put on makeup. She still looked like hell.

“You okay?” Winter asked her softly.

Gia’s head jerked up and her expression was closed. “Fine.” Her voice turned curt. “We’re supposed to meet the quad leaders in about thirty minutes and Mitchell called. He wants to organize some joint patrols.” Her smile was mocking. “Taking that task force thing seriously, I guess.”

Winter tilted her head to one side and studied her. What the hell was going on? It wasn’t like Gia to be so bitter and she felt the other woman’s demon closer to the surface than it had been in months. Trouble in paradise? God, she hoped not. They didn’t have time for that kind of crap now. Which is why she was getting the hell out of Dodge before it was too late.

She needed her computers before she took off, but she didn’t recall seeing them in Marcus’s room. Her other bag was in there, but there wasn’t anything in it that couldn’t be replaced. “Do y’all have the computers?”

“I do,” Dupree said, the first words he’d spoken since she came in. Was that disapproval she heard in his voice? She turned to study him. His expression was as inscrutable as it always was.

“Good.” She turned back to Gia. “Do we have someplace to stay yet?”

“Working on it,” she answered as her phone rang. She walked away and spoke softly to whoever was on the other end.

“I’m not sure if we should leave here,” Dupree said while they waited for Gia to finish. She was floored. He couldn’t have surprised her more.

“Are you nuts?”

“No way,” Gia said at the same time, her phone now closed and clenched in her hand.

“It’s secure. No one knows we’re here so whoever’s telling the demons how to find us won’t be able to.” He shrugged when they both glared at him. “Just sayin’.”

Damn it. She scowled at the ceiling. And damn the man upstairs who, after having sex with her, left her in more knots than before. She was willing to take a foolish risk just to get away from him. She should be fine now after expending the sexual tension. She tried to get mad, angry enough to walk away without a backward glance. It should have been easy—the demon was all about rage—but it wasn’t and that’s when she remembered, that’s when another change finally registered.

He’d fed from her, leaching off the dangerous excess energy the demon had been generating. Physically and mentally, she felt really good, better than she had in years. She wished the emotional part of her
working so well though.

“What’s it going to be then?” Dupree asked.

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