Kiss of the Dragon (19 page)

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Authors: Christina James

BOOK: Kiss of the Dragon
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Charles waited no more than a split second before he too
started forward with the company of men following him. He signaled them to
spread out and begin scouring the woods to flush out the culprits responsible
for this heinous assault on Lady Bianca and Lord Draco.

From his position beneath his lady, Draco moved tentatively
testing his limbs. In the heavy armor, he had not been able to fall as
gracefully as he would have wished. But his greatest concern was for the woman
who now lay sprawled across his chest.

“Are you hurt, Bianca?” His words sounded winded as he
fought to regain his breath. A small, mumbling groan was his only answer and
when she raised her head to look down at him he laughed a bit shakily when he
noticed she could not answer with the filthy gag in her mouth. He reached up
and pulled the offending rag from about her head and she spit out the gag.

“Oh, Draco. You should never have risked yourself like

“I could do no other than I did, sweet lady,” he whispered
hoarsely. His voice sounded so strange that Bianca looked down at him

“Are you in pain, my lord? Did the arrow hit you? Is there
something I can do for you?” She wriggled around searching for any injuries.
But her very movements brought another groan from his throat and he lay
breathing heavily beneath her.

“Do not move, sweet Bianca. I can stand no more. You…your
knee is…no, no do not move! Oooh, Mother of God! You are about to unman me,
woman. Please move away for a moment.” As his words were forced between
clenched teeth, Bianca realized that her leg and knee were pressed into his
crotch. Blushing red with embarrassment, Bianca rolled off his chest and lay at
his side wanting to bury her face in her hands, but unable to.

“I am so sorry, Draco. I did not realize.”

Draco came to his knees and removed his helm and gauntlets.
He glanced down the trail in the direction Charles and his men had disappeared
on the heels of the outlaws. From the fading sounds of shrieking men and
thundering hooves, it was obvious they would be alone for a while.

Kneeing for a moment or two, drawing in gulps of air, he
fought to regain his breath. He glanced at Bianca; his relief at rescuing her
was short-lived and his anger washed over him as he took in the bonds that
still held her captive.

“No one shall ever harm you while I have breath in my body,
Bianca.” His words were spoken a bit harshly as he drew his dagger and sliced
through the bonds around her wrists and ankles.

His hot defense of her life and honor warmed her heart and
as soon as her hands were freed, Bianca threw herself into his waiting arms.
Draco held her close, feeling her slight body trembling for delayed shock. He
silently rejoiced that he had been there to save his lady from the horrid
schemes of a madman.

His armor made it impossible to properly embrace him, so
Bianca settled for running her hands over his neck and arms. It was not until
she raised her hands to cup his face that she saw the fresh red blood that
covered her left hand, and she cried out in horror.

“Oh, dear God! You are hurt, Draco!”

“That arrow but grazed across my shoulder. A small slice,
nothing more.”

At his careless words, she practically climbed over him to
get to his back to see how badly he was wounded. The world wavered for a moment
between light and dark when she found the fresh blood oozing from a wound in
his shoulder. He had worn only his breastplate and leg armor over his chain
mail. His shoulder had been a vulnerable spot, unprotected. With all the blood
she had expected to find an arrow embedded in his back.

Frightened by the amount of blood that poured down his back,
soaking his tunic, Bianca frantically ripped the bottom of her kirtle for
bandages. As she worked to stanch the flow of blood with trembling hands, she
worried her bottom lip between her teeth. What would she have done it he had
been seriously injured? This was all her fault and she would never forgive
herself for his being so close to death. If she had not been so impetuous and
ventured from the safety of the castle, Lord Draco would never have had to
rescue her and risk his life in the process.

As if reading her thoughts, Draco took her trembling hands
in his and raised them to his lips to place a tender kiss within each palm. His
warm breath on her skin left her weak. She raised her violet gaze and found
that the Dragon watched her with eyes hot with his own desire. Her thoughts
flew back to the night before and what they had almost shared. Heat pooled in
her stomach and lower. Her gaze dropped to his lips and she heard him ask her,
“What are you doing this far from the castle?”

“I…I had a premonition that something horrible was about to
happen. I wanted to find you and warn you.” She dropped her gaze to her hands.
“I feel very foolish now. It seems that the only one in danger was me and
Jabulani….Oh, God!” Her words trailed off as she remembered the fate of her
beloved giant. “Oh, God, Draco! They killed him. They killed Jabulani! What
have I done? Oh, God, what have I done?”

She jumped to her feet, but before she could dash off, a
strong arm wrapped around her waist, halting her in her tracks. “Hush, love.”
He drew her slight, trembling body against him, surrounding her with his
warmth. “You are not responsible for your servant’s death, Bianca. It was a
plot thought out well ahead of time. You were the intended target of a ruthless
scheme and you are fortunate to have survived it. Jabulani died defending you,
did he not?” At her slight nod, he turned her in his arms and forced her head
up with his hand.

“He loved you, Bianca. He gave his life for you. Do not let
that sacrifice appear less than it was by blaming yourself for his death.”
Draco could not let her continue to take the blame for something that could not
be changed. He cupped her face between his calloused hands and lowered his head
and pressed his lips to her trembling mouth. It started as a tender sign of
peace, but she parted her lips and he found he could not refuse the open
invitation. Soon they were lost in a world of their own, in a passionate kiss
that left them breathless as a few moments later a discreet “ahem” brought them
back to their surroundings.

Charles had come back to the clearing and waited at a
discreet distance for the lovers to finish with their reunion before
interrupting them. It was Draco who first became aware of his presence.

“Did you find anything?”

“No. We swept the entire perimeter of the area, but found
nothing. It is as if the man simply vanished into thin air. He left no tracks
to follow.”

“Like the troublemakers last night,” Draco murmured. When he
felt Bianca attempt to move away he frowned down at her and captured her hand.
He led her to where Inferno had stopped to graze on a clump of grass and lifted
her up, gently setting her in the saddle. After glancing around the glade one
last time, he vaulted into the saddle behind her and lifted her onto his lap,
pressing her to rest against his chest. He turned his mount and joined Charles,
who mounted his great white steed as well. He stopped for a moment. “The rogues
that raided the croft vanished without a sign as well. Do you think there is a

“I have thought on the matter as well. It would not surprise
me if we were dealing with the same rogues.”

“Come, there is no use wasting time looking for a ghost. We
should be able to make it back to the castle before it grows dark. Have the men
keep a look out for the servant, Jabulani. Bianca informed me that he was
killed in the attack when she was taken. It could be that he managed to escape
with only a few injuries.”

“I will send a few men to search for him. The rest will
escort us safely back to Castle Neige. When we reach there, I will send more
men to help in the search.”

“Do you think he could still be alive?” Bianca asked, her
hand clutching at Draco’s arm.

“If he is, we will find him, Bianca. I swear it.” He turned
to give one last order to the men.

“If you find him I want to be the first to know, understand?”
Draco did not want word to reach Bianca’s ears if the man was found dead or
worse. She was distraught enough as it was, she did not need the added pressure
of hearing disturbing news of her servant. He wanted discretion concerning the

His men nodded their understanding before leaving the glade.
Not one of them would think to displease his liege lord. They respected the
great knight they had followed into many a battle. And feared him.

Chapter Ten


Bianca made her way to Galen’s tower room, her feet dragging
with reluctance as she thought of the task that awaited her. She had gone in
search of the elderly healer but had been unable to find him in the castle. Now
she realized that she could wait no longer. Bianca hesitated at the door, stifling
a nervous laugh when her gaze found the very large, very intimidating Lord
Draco d’Ensoleille standing at the window, waiting patiently for her to return.
He treated the blood that seeped from the deep gash in his shoulder with
callous disregard, but the sight made her stomach roil with queasiness.

“Have you decided to stitch me back together, perchance? I
promise not to scream out or faint dead away when the needle pricks my flesh.”
The amusement in his voice angered her. He had no right to enjoy her obvious

“I would hope a great warrior such as you would have more
stamina than that, my lord. I would find it most disappointing if it proved
otherwise.” Her sharp retort pulled a chuckle from him.

“I would hope that I could conduct myself with proper
decorum in this situation. It would not set well for my reputation if it got
out that I wept at a wound as trifle as a pin prick.” Coming away from the
window, he moved to the worktable in the center of the room where he sat on a
tall stool to await her pleasure.

Having no idea what was needed other than needle and thread
and perhaps some hot water, Bianca opened Galen’s medicinal cupboard to view
the kinds of herbs and extracts and distillations he had on hand.

There were all sorts of things that looked like they might
work, but having really no idea, Bianca decided to add a few good possibilities
to her hot water. A few drops from the blue bottle and then a touch of the
crushed yellow flower, a splash or two and dash of other concoctions, and Bianca
figured she had likely got at least one of the curatives Draco might need. And
if he suddenly found himself lacking an ailment that had bothered him before,
well then he had only her to thank for it.

The large knight gave an appraising look at the variety of
items Bianca placed on a fresh towel at his side. “I see you have done this
sort of thing before.”

“Well, as a matter of fact, no, I have not.” At his raised
brow, she rushed on. “But I have watched Galen many times as he stirred up a
potion or two for his patients.” Bianca’s hands trembled as she arranged and
rearranged the items on the table, stalling for time. She glanced at the
doorway, praying that Galen would make a sudden appearance. But finally, she
had to admit that it was not to be.

“Do not worry so, Bianca. If you are unsure about how to go
about it, I will instruct you. I have sewn up many cuts on the battlefield.
Trust me, you will do fine.”

Bianca could do no more than nod her head even as she
worried her lip with her teeth. He raised his hand and gripped her shoulder
encouragingly and said through clenched teeth, “Just remember to keep the
stitches small and even.” He then released her and caught the hem of his tunic
and pulled it up and over his head.

All of her former doubts were forgotten as Bianca watched
him remove his tunic, leaving his upper body bare. The sight of so much male
flesh had her heart fluttering as she stared unabashed at the broad shoulders
displayed before her. Several long scars crisscrossed the massive bronzed muscles
of his shoulders, one running down the length of his arm. It was clear that he
had not come away from battle unscathed. The thick sinew rippled beneath his
darkened skin with his every movement. It was not until he turned to face her
that she realized she had been holding her breath and she gasped for air. Her
curious eyes moved over his broad chest. It was covered in a black pelt of hair
that tapered to a narrow line, disappearing beneath the waistband of his

In the dim light of his chambers, she had caught only a
small glimpse of his bare chest. But now in broad daylight, the sight left her
yearning to run her hands over his large body, to explore the planes and angles
of his hard-hewn form. It was disconcerting to find that his nakedness had such
an effect on her.

“Are you ready to proceed, my lady?” A smile broke across
his face and Bianca wondered what amused him. Her tongue flicked out as she
licked her bottom lip. Bianca felt like a cat that had just found a bowl of
cream and was getting ready to feast. She could not seem to pull her gaze from
the broad expanse of skin before her. His eyes widened as she boldly stepped
between his thighs and placed her hands on his shoulders to splay her fingers
over his warm, smooth skin.

“You are so hard, so warm,” she murmured as she slowly moved
her hands down his arms, her eyes riveted on the hard brown discs that peeked
out from the mass of black hair on his chest. She had never seen anything so
beautiful as this man’s body. Tentatively she traced his nipple with her

A deep rumble started in his chest and a groan escaped his
throat at the feel of her small, soft hands moving over his skin. The sound
startled Bianca and she snatched her hand back as her gaze flew up to meet his.
“I am so sorry, my lord. I did not mean to hurt you. Please forgive me.”

“No!” Draco caught her about the waist when she attempted to
step back. He drew her soft body close and, lowering his head to her shoulder,
he nuzzled her neck.

“Do not stop,” he whispered hoarsely in her ear as he took
her hand and placed it back on his chest. “I want you to touch me.” Then he
cupped her head and captured her parted lips with his hot, hungry mouth. The
kiss he gave her turned into a passionate invasion of his tongue, thrusting in
and out as he sought to show her just how much he wanted her.

With a small sound of surrender, she threw her arms around
his neck and pressed her soft, round breasts to his hard chest, returning his
kiss eagerly, fervently. His hands moved to caress her back, and lower until he
cupped and kneaded her soft, round buttocks, drawing her closer until she could
feel the evidence of his desire for her.

Bianca was lost in a world of ardor and longing. Her body
burned with need. She wanted to climb into him and absorb his very being.


She was unaware of the small whimpering sounds that she made
as she returned kiss for kiss, caress for caress, but Draco was. Bianca was the
most passionate woman he had ever encountered in his life.

And he knew that he could have her then and there. But he
reluctantly told himself that he would not. She deserved better. After a moment
of fighting with his conscious, Draco drew back and placed a light kiss on the
tip of her nose and then her forehead.

“I think that we had better stop now,” he whispered hoarsely
against her soft hair. “It would be very uncomfortable for you if I took you on
this table or the cold stone floor.” He smiled at her whimper of denial as he
put her from him. “Make no mistake. I want you, Bianca, but I will wait.” His
words came out in a hoarse plea for understanding. “For now, it would be best
if you finished the task you set out to do.”

By the confused expression on her lovely face, he knew that
she was still recovering from their kisses. He reached out and caressed her
flush cheek with his knuckle. “I am bleeding, Bianca. You were about to take a
needle and sew my flesh back together, remember?”

“Yea, my lord,” Bianca murmured as she struggled to pull her
thoughts back together and ignore what had just happened between them. She
picked up the needle and made an attempt to thread it. Her hands trembled
slightly and it took two attempts to get the thread through the small eye of
the needle. Bianca had been a master at stitchery for years and had never had
such problems simply threading a needle. But then again, she had never had to
apply a needle to human flesh.

How did he expect her to sew him up when her mind was
otherwise distracted? Perhaps she should get a blanket and cover him up. But
the thought left her mind as soon as it entered. He would think her a complete
fool if she tried to do that. She would just have to concentrate on the task
before her.

Convincing herself that this was no different than plying
her needle on her tapestry, she placed a hand to Draco’s taut skin and gently
pressed the two ragged edges of his torn flesh together. Her stomach nearly
turned over and she had to fight back the bile that rose in the back of her
throat. She took several deep breaths to calm her stomach. Then she took one more
deep breath and stuck the point of the needle into his firm flesh for the first
time. She stared down at the small metal spear as it lay buried in flesh and
nearly lost the contents on her stomach. She gasped and tears filled her eyes,
spilling down her cheeks. She glanced up to see if he was in pain.

“It is fine, Bianca. You hurt me very little. I promised not
to cry out, did I not?” he said to comfort her when he heard a small groan
escape her lips and noticed her hands had stilled. “Please, continue. I am in
little pain. Finish the task.”

“Yea, indeed, my lord.” Her words were so low, barely spoken
aloud, but with trembling hands, she proceeded.

After the first stitch was complete and Bianca took a deep,
refreshing breath, she glanced up to see how he took her prodding. Her gaze
collided with his and for a breathtaking moment, neither one looked away. She
could feel his pulse throbbing beneath her fingertips and soon, hers mirrored

Bianca was the first to look away, but still she could feel
his dark eyes moving over her as if he were actually touching her. A rosy blush
stole over her snowy cheeks, heating her blood as she thought of the time they
spent together the night before and the embrace and kiss they shared just
moments ago.

“There is no reason for concern, Bianca,” he admonished, as
if he could read her very thoughts. “Nothing happened between us. We stopped
before you were compromised.”

Being compromised was the last consideration on her mind.
Her thoughts were on the secret pleasures they had shared the night before and
what she had been willing to give only moments before and he was worried that
she was upset and embarrassed by what happened. She wanted to curse him for his
misguided impressions. Her blush deepened as she came to understand what he
said and her cheeks turned so hot she feared that she had come down with a
fever. How dare he turn what she considered a precious moment into a dirty
little episode!

“Last night should have never happened. I blame myself for
letting things go as far as they did. We were fortunate to have been
interrupted when we were,” he murmured gruffly.

“Do not worry yourself, my lord. I am a grown woman and I
accept full responsibility for my actions both of last night and for what
happened just moments ago. I apologize if my forwardness has offended you. I
seem to have this portentous ability to get myself into the most alarming
situations. The fault was mine. I should never have come to your room.” She
kept the tremor from her voice, but just barely. It had never occurred to her
that he had not wanted her last night. That he had just been swept away by the
baser male urges.

Most men made it abundantly obvious that they desired her
the moment they set eyes upon her. She could have been married a dozen times over
by now if she had but said the words. But now when she found the one man she
truly loved and wanted to spend the rest of her life with, it was obvious that
his sentiments were not the same as hers. It was apparent that she had grossly
misinterpreted his intentions regarding her.

“It is in the past. Let us just leave it there,” he murmured
softly, his voice without expression.

It would have hurt no less had he taken a sharp dagger and
plunged it into her heart. With a jerky nod, Bianca agreed, although every
instinct told her to scream in denial. Tears filled her eyes and she had to
blink rapidly to clear them so that she could see what she did.

She did not want to leave what they had shared in the past,
locked away like some dirty secret. She loved this man, but he was too
mule-headed to see the truth. But for the life of her, she had no notion as to
what she should do to get through to him. The fear of his ultimate rejection
kept her from throwing herself in his arms and declaring her true feelings. He might
laugh, and her pride would be crushed.

“Ouch! Bianca, having my cheek sliced open in battle hurt
less. Take care.”

His sharp exclamation startled Bianca from her troubled
thoughts. She gulped back the need to break down and weep. Anger came to her
rescue and she took a shuddering breath and raised her head to glare at him.

“Then why do you not stitch yourself up!” she hissed at him,
dropping the needle, leaving it to hang at the end of the thread, which was
still connected to his shoulder. She hastily back away and then turned and fled
toward the door.

“So, the fairest of them all has a temper, does she?” The
dry rejoinder hit her in the back, stopping her neatly in her tracks.

Fire blazed in her heart as Bianca turned to face him. She
was more than ready to do battle with the great dragon. But as soon as she saw
the mocking gleam in his eyes, she realized that he teased her. He was being
gallant enough to give her an out for her disappointment of his rejection. Why
did he have to be so sensitive to her needs even when he refused to acknowledge
his own?

Perhaps it was up to her to bring him around. He was very
much attracted to her, how much more would it take to make him understand that
he could not live without her? She could be just as stubborn or more so than he
was, could she not? After all, she was a woman. Women were known for being
clever and devious when it came to getting what they wanted. She had had the
opportunity to learn from the best when it came to getting her man. Heloise de

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