Read Kiss of the Dragon Online

Authors: Christina James

Kiss of the Dragon (31 page)

BOOK: Kiss of the Dragon
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Her gaze flew to his on hearing her name. He waited for her
to make the decision about whether she wanted to continue. Without hesitation,
she raised her arms and silently invited him to come to her. A sigh of relief
escaped his lips. The bed dipped beneath his great weight as he came down next
her, gathering her close against the hard length of him.

Bianca moved willingly into his touch, rubbing her legs
restlessly against his as her hands clutched his shoulders to bring him closer.
She wanted him to kiss her, deep and thrillingly as he had done before. She
loved his kisses. With a sigh of contentment, she eagerly welcomed his lips,
opening her mouth to his invasion. She buried her hands in his short black hair
and held him captive, silently telling him what she wanted by flicking out her
tongue and licking his lips. With a groan of pleasure, Draco opened his lips
and welcomed her in, sucking on her tongue before following it back into her
mouth where his dueled with hers in hot love play.

The melding of their lips and tongues was long and deep
until they were panting and breathless. When he paused to catch his breath,
Draco found her looking up at him with eyes darkened by passion. In the light
of the tapers set in a candelabrum on a table next to the bed, he had a
magnificent view of her lovely body. Wanting to savor the moment, he raised
himself slightly and let his gaze roam over the exquisite creature sharing the
bed with him. Her hair spread over the pillow, fanned out around her head in a
cloud of dark silk. Lifting a lock to his nose, he inhaled the scent of the
delicate perfume she used. Even as he savored the silky texture against his
cheek, his eyes moved over her body taking in the high, full breasts, her
narrow waist and the curve of her hips. Long legs tapered to slender calves,
shapely ankles and small feet. She was perfection.

“What are you doing?”

He tore his eyes from her luscious body to focus on her
lovely face and the puzzled look in her wide, passion-filled gaze. She lifted
her arms in invitation. He shook his head.

“I do not want to rush through this. I would drink my fill
of your loveliness, sweet lady.” The rosy blush that stole over her entire body
at his outrageous words was a joy to behold. His heated gaze became even hotter
and his manhood jerked appreciatively as he took his time studying her.

It was then that Draco wished it were broad daylight so that
he could see the beauty in all of her splendor, perhaps laid out on a bed of
green grass or a field of daisies. In his mind, he painted a vision of how he
would ravage her lips as he thrust deep within her soft, giving body. Yea, it
was a notion worth pursuing in the near future.

But for now, he would hold his thoughts to himself, keeping
in mind her innocence. He did not want to shock her with his ravenous male
appetite. He eased off the bed, hiding his wide grin as he did so. Moving about
the room he put out the flames of the candles Bianca had lit earlier, only
leaving the tranquil glow of the fire for light. By the time he turned back to
the bed he had his lust under control.

A smile lifted the corners of his mouth as he gazed upon the
innocent expression his little lady gave him. He would have laughed aloud, but
for the knowledge that he might offend her. She would not understand that he
was not laughing at her, but at himself. He felt so much like an untried youth
about to sample his first woman. His knees were even a bit shaky.

Her eyes never left him all the time he moved around the
room. Bianca devoured his naked body, searing his skin like no fire could ever
do. His hard, war-torn looks had intimidated many a maid, but she did not seem
to mind the scars that crisscrossed his large, sun-bronzed body. And this
knowledge made him want her even more

The unexpected wink that he gave her caused an immediate
suffusion of color into her cheeks, and her lashes lowered over her inquisitive
eyes. But her modesty was short-lived. Draco watched her eyes grow wide with
astonishment and doubt as they came to rest on his manhood, which was rampant
in his arousal. He was a large man. And that part of him was in perfect
proportion to the rest of him. It had always been one of his greatest assets
when it came to bedding a wench. Now he was almost sorry he was so large. His
gaze dropped to the dark triangle of curls between her legs and wondered if she
was perhaps too small to accept him fully? But then he had bedded small women
before and he had no problem pleasing them. He would have to make sure that she
was more than ready for him when he finally entered her.


As he came toward Bianca, he moved with the grace and
stealth of a large cat. His bronzed, hard muscles rippled with every move. His
arousal was the most powerful thing she had ever seen. Having never before seen
a man in such a state, it took her breath away that he was in that condition
because of her.

Sudden trepidation stole over her as she stared at him. She
had only a little notion of what was to come. And that knowledge came from the
gossip she happened to overhear from maidservants who whispered of kisses
stolen from this young knave or the dirty deed they did with that one. From
what she witnessed of these conversations, they always ended up leaving a great
deal out of the story and they ended up giggling behind their hands. It was
very frustrating to be so ignorant. She had thought about asking her stepmother
about such things but as soon as the thought crossed her mind, she rejected it.
Still she wondered at some of the claims that some of the maidservants made.

What she had shared with Draco last evening had been most
enjoyable, but now she was a bit apprehensive. She would just have to put her
complete trust in Draco and believe that he would never do anything to hurt


Draco stopped short seeing her trembling lips and the panic
in her eyes. The last thing that he wanted was for her to be afraid of him or
what they would share this night. He wanted her relaxed when he finally took
her. Draco took a deep breath, determined to control his raging desire. He
needed to overpower her misgivings and change her fears into a fire of passion
that burned as hot as his own.

Dark, smoldering eyes locked with passionate violet ones.

“You are so beautiful, sweet Bianca.” Low and thick with
desire, Draco barely recognized his own voice. He brought his mouth a breath’s
distance from hers and then his lips touched hers in a feathering kiss.

His lips never leaving hers, Draco slowly eased down on to
the bed beside her and gathered her slender body close. His mouth moved more
purposely over hers, deepening the kiss that was meant to push all else from
her mind. What started as a slow, tender joining turned into a long, hot, wet
kiss that had them both trembling with need.

“God, I need you, I want you desperately,” Draco whispered
hoarsely against her mouth. Even as his mouth captured hers again, his hands
stroked down her body, exploring every dip and curve, slowly, thoroughly. It
was not long before she was moaning, arching into his touch, wanting more. Her
hands clutched at his shoulders as she held on for dear life.

“Ah, sweet, trust me to take the utmost care that you find
pleasure in this joining,” he murmured against her lips before his mouth moved
lower to caress the soft skin at the curve of her shoulder. Lower and lower, he
kissed and licked his way across her tender flesh to the swell of her white breasts.
The rose-colored nipples peaked beneath his caress and when his tongue swept
across the crest of one, she moaned low and long, arching to get closer.

“Oh my lord! I…” The words died on her lips as her head
dropped back and a keening sound rose in her throat as his mouth covered her
nipple and he suckled her long and hard. She clasped his head with her hands
and held him there, arching up to offer more of herself. When he moved to
lavish the same pleasure on her other breast, Bianca writhed beneath his hands.

“Please, Draco, please…!” Even as she begged for something
more, he raised his head to kiss her on the mouth hard.

“Do you trust me, Bianca?” Draco whispered against her
trembling lips.

At the moment, Bianca was so lost in her passion that she
could not put two words together to save her life. She managed only to nod as
his lips moved down her jaw to the sensitive spot just behind her ear. His
teeth nipped and his tongue swirled to take the sting from the love bite he
placed there drawing a whimper from her.

“Tell me,” he commanded roughly as his lips continued to
travel lower. “Tell me what pleases you.” Even as the words left his mouth, his
hand moved slowly, methodically down over her stomach and lower, entranced by
the shudders he felt beneath his fingertips.

“‘Tis hard…to put into…words, my lord…Dragon.” Her voice,
low and sultry as her words were wrenched from her in short, panting gasps.

“Tell me,” he reiterated. He needed to know how she felt
about what he was doing to her.

“Hot! I feel like I am on fire.” She gasped as his hand
moved even lower over her abdomen. “Ah, you have surely scorched me with your
fiery touch.”

“I have not even begun, my Beauty.” The promise in his voice
elicited a sound very much like the purr of a contented cat, as he stole her
breath completely with a passionate, tongue dueling kiss to seal his pledge.

Bianca grew restless beneath his assault. She wanted to
touch him as he was touching her. Her hands itched to explore his body as
intimately as his did hers. Timidly at first, she smoothed her palms over his
hard, muscled chest feeling the crisp curls that covered him. Her fingertips
glazed the flat disks of his nipples and following his lead she raised her head
and pressed her lips to it and then her tongue swept over it, dragging a harsh
groan from him. Her hand moved up over his massive shoulders and down his arms
feeling the corded muscles flex beneath her touch. She slid her hands around
his sides to touch the solid planes of muscles that rippled over his back. Her exploration
brought her hands down over the hard, lean curve of his hip. She reveled in the
fact that such a powerful giant could be so gentle with her. The exploration of
his body added tinder to the rising flame of her desire. Her blood turned
molten and seemed to pool in that most private part of her body causing
moisture to gather there and she moved restlessly against him.

But even so, she nearly came off the bed when his fingers
slipped through the tight black curls and lightly touched the secret place between
her legs. He took her gasp of shock into his mouth as he kissed her
passionately trying to distract her while he caressed her delicate tissues,
seeking that sensitive nub buried there. After a moment, her body softened and
yielded to him. He thrust one long finger into her, testing her readiness. She
was wet but so tight that he feared he would hurt her if he could not stretch
her somewhat. When he replaced one long finger with two, she whimpered with the
discomfort of it.

“Hush, dearling. I have to stretch you a little. God, you
are so tight!”

“Perhaps we should wait, Draco. I do not want to do this if
it is going to hurt.” Her whispered plea nearly made him stop. But he knew that
waiting would not help. Ridding her of her maidenhead was a task he did not
relish, but under the circumstances, one that could not be avoided. That he
would be the one honored with the duty pleased him greatly, but at the same
time left him little joy. He would be the first, but that another would follow
left him in a rage of jealousy.

Draco forced any thought of the future out of his mind. Here
and now was not the time to contemplate such matters. For now, she was his and
he would do his utmost to bring her pleasure. Once the thin barrier of her
maidenhood was removed, he would make sure that she had nothing but pleasure at
their joining.

“Trust me in this, Bianca. I will try to be as gentle as I
can.” His large fingers buried deep within her stretched her for several more
moments as he kissed her deeply, thrusting his tongue in and out of her sweet
mouth in the manner in which he anticipated thrusting his turgid manhood deep
into her soft, tight flesh. When he decided that she was well distracted his
lips moved over her face and neck, drawing sighs of pleasure.

Draco took his time paying homage to her with his hungry
lips and eager hands. As he kissed her deeply and passionately, he caressed and
manipulated that most sensitive spot between her legs, thrusting his fingers
deeper and faster, wringing cries of passion as her hips rose to move
rhythmically against his hand. The burning need that raged through them when
they had first started kissing was nothing compared to the inferno that now
blazed hot and wild between them now.

“Spread your legs, dearling. Let me in.”

Lost in the passion of the moment, Bianca did as she was
asked without hesitation. Draco shifted his position to move between her legs,
covering her with his large body to hold her still while he accomplished her
deflowering. It was not until she felt the proof of his own arousal nestled
where his hand had been just moments before that she realized what was about to
happen. The feel of his velvety tip of his manhood pressing slowly into her,
filling her was most amazing. She was surprised that there was no pain. There
was only a pleasant fullness as he pressed slowly, moving a little at a time.

Draco was sweating by the time he felt the resistance of her
maidenhead. He paused for a moment and looked down into her passion-flushed
face. Brushing the hair back from her forehead, he said, “I am sorry, love.”
Before she could say a word, he covered her mouth with his and kissed her
deeply as he quickly buried himself fully inside her, with one great thrust,
making sure the pain was swift and over quickly.

The pain swept through her like a crashing wave. It washed
away what pleasure and passion she had been feeling to be replaced by burning
discomfort. Her scream was muffled beneath his mouth as he kissed her, holding
her still beneath him as she tried to wriggle away.

BOOK: Kiss of the Dragon
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