Kiss Of Twilight (21 page)

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Authors: Loribelle Hunt

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Paranormal, #Fantasy

BOOK: Kiss Of Twilight
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She followed him off the porch and turned back to stare at the forlorn white house. Wasn't this his home?

Chapter Twenty-One

I've never known fear like this, not even the night my family was taken from me. The idea of losing paralyzes me.

--From the notes of Dupree Jackson

Dupree had no idea what had possessed him--because surely he was possessed--to take Kara to his old home and tell her his story. It was even more shocking than telling her about Liza, and it made him feel desperate, caged. His demon side battered at his mind trying to get free. It hated feeling like this as much as Dupree.

Something was riding him hard. More than lust or need. He couldn't describe it, but it was a fever. He knew she'd let him touch her, seduce her, but he wasn't convinced she was ready for this yet. There would be no going back. Not ever. Had it only been a day since they'd come home? Only a day since he'd last loved her?

He teleported them back to the nightwalker's mansion, and kept her hand in his, thankful when no one appeared to slow their ascent up the central stairs. Forcing himself to not hurry, he considered his destination. His room? It was dark and austere and unwelcoming. Hers it was then. She'd be more comfortable there and if she wasn't in his space hopefully he'd have more control.

They reached the landing on the second floor and he kept going. Kara was silent at his side and he glanced down at her before they continued. She was thoughtful but he couldn't read anything beyond that. On the third floor, they went down the long hall and stopped before her door. He dropped her hand. She pushed the door open and stepped inside, and...he was unsure what to do. He gripped the doorframe over his head to keep from grabbing her. She looked too damned sweet and sexy, a killer combo, looking back at him.

"Invite me in, baby."

Her breath caught and her eyes widened. Oh yeah. She was all his. She stepped back deeper into the room and he followed, kicking the door shut behind him. She kept up her retreat and he pursued until her back was pressed against the wall and his body pressed against hers. He didn't resist the temptation of her smooth skin and leaned down to nibble her neck. She trembled when his lips contacted her skin.

"Nervous?" he whispered.

"Maybe. A little. Dupree?"

"Hmm," he murmured, moving down her neck to explore the soft skin of her shoulder. She gave him a little nudge and she giggled when he didn't move. The giggle soon turned to a laugh. This was not going quite the way he'd anticipated.


"We spent two hours in the sewer, Dupree. We're a little ripe."

Damn, but he was far gone. He hadn't even noticed until she pointed it out. He still didn't much care but she did. Reluctantly, he stepped back and waved her on.

"Shower quick, while you have the chance."

She took the order as an invitation. With a saucy wink, she turned her back on him, pulling her shirt over her head as she walked the few feet to the bathroom. Pausing at the door she looked over her shoulder at him, one brow arched as if to ask what he was waiting for, and reached behind her to unsnap her bra. It slid down her arms and she stepped inside the small room, out of view. He didn't budge until he heard the water turn on.

She was naked when he walked in, glaring down at her boots. "Those are gonna be a bitch to clean," she said.

He had to laugh, didn't he? Here he was calculating the amount of time it would take to get clean and balls deep inside her and she was worried about her boots?

"Not funny, Dupree."

Hell no, not when she'd turned that glare on him. But it was one hell of a turn on. Her hands were on her hips, hair flaming around her shoulders and down her back, and her lush body was exposed to his greedy gaze.

"Get in the shower," he growled. Her eyes narrowed as he sat on the vanity stool, unlaced and pulled his boots off. He picked up both sets.

"I'll put these on the balcony. They can be cleaned later." Still, she didn't move. "Shower?"

He expected a protest. She still had that irritated gleam in her eyes, but she complied with a haughty look. That was fine. He'd thaw her out soon enough. He didn't dawdle setting the boots outside or dumping his clothes on top of hers in the hamper, but he stopped to take several deep breaths before entering. And held it when he stepped in behind her.

She faced the spray, head tilted back to allow the water to rain over her. He put his hands on her hips, slid them up her sides and around her front to cup her breasts. With a soft moan, she leaned back against him. So willing, so trusting. He was filled with euphoria as he continued to softly explore her. Her skin was smooth and supple, warm and inviting. Fragile. She would be too easy to break. He felt a moment's misgiving, but in truth it was much too late for that.

He released her, the desire to lavish her with attention impossible to risk. Soaping a soft washcloth, he turned her to face him and knelt. He started with her toes, planning to take his time as he explored her body. He'd seen her naked before, but never like this, never so open while not denying himself. There were things he still needed to say, warnings he needed to give but he found he couldn't. He didn't think he would survive her coming to her senses now.

So he washed her instead, which was only a feeble excuse to touch her, but he did it slowly and thoroughly. By the time the soft cloth reached her thighs, she was panting. It took only a gentle nudge to get her to widen her stance. The cloth brushed over her sex and returned to cup her. Even with a layer of fabric between them he could feel her heat on his finger. He abandoned the cloth and spread her lips to his gaze. Soft, pink skin teased him and he leaned forward for a taste. When his tongue found and circled the small nub hidden in her folds, she leaned closer and cried out. It was the sweetest sound he'd ever heard, and he wanted more. He wanted her hoarse from begging, from crying his name, from screaming her pleasure.

His tongue entered her sex. Thrust back and forth, mimicking the actions his aching cock demanded. Her breathing grew more labored, her little mewling cries more desperate. He moved his tongue back to her clitoris and thrust first one finger, then two into her channel. She began to move with him and her hands lowered to grip his shoulders. He looked up and saw her head thrown back, eyes squeezed shut. He wanted her to watch him. He wanted to see her eyes when she came, but he didn't want to stop to order her to do it either.

So he let her be and closed his teeth over her clit. It was a soft touch at first but as he sucked it into his mouth and she responded with a low moan he increased the pressure. His fingers continued to fuck her, faster and harder, and her sweet cries filled his ears as her orgasm took over her body. She tensed, frozen for several long seconds, then began to tremble as it faded away.

He was on his feet in an instant, yanking her close, bending his mouth to hers in a heated rush. Her taste was still on his tongue and he couldn't get enough of her. He wanted more. He wanted to lock her away with him for days. Weeks. A lifetime.

Squad meeting in one hour.

He jerked at Winter's intrusion into his mind, his head connecting to the shower wall with a hard crack. Thankfully, it was a general notice to the whole squad that didn't require her to touch anyone's mind. She had no idea she was interrupting. Again. Was it too much to ask for a couple hours alone with his woman? Apparently.

He didn't bother acknowledging. Kara looked dazed, pleasure still written clearly on her face, and he opened the stall door to carry her out. Pulling a towel off the nearby shelf, he handed it to her. She took it but her eyes were still clouded and he waited until they cleared and she wrapped the towel around her body.

"I'll just be a minute," Dupree said. His gaze swept over her. She was even sexier wearing nothing but a towel. "Don't get dressed, darlin'."

Back in the shower, he picked up the discarded washcloth and hurried to clean himself. One hour. One very short and quickly used hour was not enough, but it would have to do for now and he wanted every second of it.

She was waiting for him in the bedroom. She'd discarded the towel and sat at the small desk, her email open. God. She was a worse workaholic than the rest of them. He stopped by the head of the bed and just watched her for a minute. Her skin was alabaster, made even more luminous by the dark red hair that cascaded down her back.

She was a fighter. Lean, strong muscles defined her but didn't detract from her femininity at all. She had the grace and strength of a dancer but she didn't deny her love of food and it showed in her graceful curves. She was so caught up in her computer she hadn't heard him come in and jumped when he spoke.


She turned, resting one arm across the low backed chair. Her wet hair fell around her like a curtain, giving him tantalizing glimpses of the flesh it hid. "Winter's called a meeting for your squad tonight."

"I know."

"That's why you smacked your head in the shower?"

He nodded and she laughed. Her happy amusement, even if it was at his expense, made his gut clench. "You may not find that so amusing in a few days," he pointed out.

She stood but didn't come to him. His demon side snarled at the denial of what they both wanted. "So you expect to be in that position again after my ceremony?"

This was it. There was a part of him still afraid of scaring her off, but he couldn't continue until she knew everything. He couldn't resist looking at the large king sized bed, though. He wanted to be there, not just this night but every night, enough that it hurt.

"Kara." He paused. He didn't know how to tell her about the intensity of his feelings.


He looked at the bed again and went for bluntness. "I want you. Here. Or in my bed. Anywhere. More than I can possibly make you understand."

His gaze returned to her face and he read her shock. It didn't make sense. She knew he wanted her. "What? This can't be a surprise to you."

She didn't move a muscle. "No. I just can't believe you admitted it."

Ah, that made sense. He couldn't believe he was admitting it either. Then again, he'd done nothing but act out of character since he was demon poisoned. He felt ridiculous and hunted standing here naked before her. Exposed. He should be beseeching her, promising to be what she needed him to be, but he couldn't force the lie out.

"This is a step that you, that
can't go back from," he said more harshly than he intended.

She cracked a smile. "What are you saying, Dupree? That you're possessive and jealous and protective?"

He wouldn't have put it that way. Well, maybe he would have. He nodded. She shrugged.

"That isn't news to me."

But did she really get it?

"I won't let you go," he said, allowing his voice to go stark and brutal.

She stepped forward, but not toward him. She went to the opposite side of the bed and pulled the blankets back. She spoke as she climbed in, "Who said I wanted you to?"

He had to tell her everything. He refused to let this go further without her truly knowing what she was getting. "When Liza died I came very close to giving in to the demon, even as young as I was."

God. It felt like that was a century ago. On the opposite side of the bed, Kara froze.

"But you didn't."

"No, but you mean a lot more to me, Kara. I wouldn't survive that kind of loss again."

"And you think I can't take care of myself," Kara said in a voice devoid of all emotion.

He cringed knowing that she thought his excuse would be that he lost one woman who couldn't defend herself, so why not another? But he had to be honest with himself if no one else. He'd made damned sure Kara could take on any challengers. Liza hadn't been half the fighter Kara was.

"I know you can, darlin'," he answered, but he could see she didn't believe him. "You deserve so much better than me."

So be it. He'd given her all the warning he could. But when he got in the bed he rolled to his side, propped up on one elbow and stared down her. "I really mean that, Kara."

She sat up and glared down at him. "Would you stop this crap already? I know who you are, Dupree. I know what you are. And I choose you

"That isn't what you told Mike."

She rolled her eyes. "I was having a weak moment."

He moved, pushing her onto her back and leaning over her, holding her still with the weight of his body. "Neither one of us can afford to be weak now."

She shoved at him till he rolled off of her onto his back. Then, God help him, she straddled him. There were no barriers between them anymore and very little in the way of inhibitions.

"I thought you wanted me weak. I thought you wanted me sweet and innocent and helpless."

Had he? He'd been an idiot if he had. He wanted this warrior woman bitching him out more than anything else. "A guy can't change his mind?"

She smirked. "You think I'll let you leave if you come to your senses later? Think again, bubba."

He growled, wrapped a hand around the back of her neck and pulled her down for a kiss. He meant it to be a commanding, take charge kind of kiss, but when did his plans ever go right? She met his mouth softly, yielding to him, and it tamed the beast within him. Suddenly he was less urgent. He wanted to take the time to savor her. To drown in her.

But that was not destined to last. She lowered her body to lay flush against him. Her hot feminine heat rubbing over his cock. She slid up and down, not taking him inside her, but teasing him with the promise of heaven. He fought her allure and the demon's lust, but it was a losing battle and he lost it with a snarl.

He rolled over, pushing her into the plush bedding, and loomed over her. Her legs opened for him and he found himself cradled between her thighs. Shit. He wanted to go slow. He wanted to stay in control. She lifted her hands to cup his face.

"I'm tougher than I look. I want you inside me. Baby, please."

Oh God, how could he ignore that? He reached between them and positioned himself, but he didn't give into the urge to plunge into her. He wanted to watch her eyes as he entered her and he did. Slowly. One inch at a time. He was big and she was tight, but she was ready for him. He didn't see any hint of pain, only desire. Only love.

Then he was seated inside her and he didn't want to move. He wanted to stay there forever, not moving, clasped in her body, finally home. She didn't let him. She took his face in her hands again and whispered, "Move, baby." Then her lips fused to his.

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