Kisses From My Cowboy Stepbrother, Part 2 (of 2) (3 page)

BOOK: Kisses From My Cowboy Stepbrother, Part 2 (of 2)
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“Okay, I’m going to have you ride Nelson,” Connor said, as he stepped next to one of the horses. “He’s a lot more relaxed than Willie. He shouldn’t give you any trouble.”

He held out his hand and helped me up into the Nelson's saddle. I slipped my feet into the stirrups and then took up the reins.

“So he’s not going to buck me off, is he?” I asked.

Connor shook his head. “No way. Nelson has never done anything like that in his life. He’ll pretty much just follow Willie around, so you don’t even need to give him any commands. Just relax and enjoy the ride.”

After speaking, he mounted the other horse. Then he whistled twice, and immediately after Willie started walking out of the barn. My horse followed closely behind placidly without being given a single order.

“This is so exciting!” I squealed.

Connor looked over his shoulder with a smile.

“I told you we were going to do something fun,” he responded. “I want to take you someplace special. It’s only a few minutes from here on horseback.”

The afternoon sun beat down on us as we turned onto a trail leading into the foothills. Connor rode in front of me, so we didn’t talk much on the ride. I found myself in a great mood, though. The warm sun, the gentle sounds of the horses, the smell of the fresh country air; it was all causing my spirits to lift.

We rode for a little while, and then the trail took us out of the fields and into a wooded area. The terrain suddenly got steeper and rockier. I felt my senses heighten.

“Is this safe?” I called out.

Connor looked back and responded, “Yeah, just let Nelson do his thing. You’ll be fine. This is the only trail that can take us to where I want to go.”

I held my breath as Nelson navigated the rocks below. The thought of Nelson losing his footing scared the crap out of me. Luckily, though, the rocky part of the trail didn’t last too long and within a few minutes we were at the top of the hill.

“Thank, God,” I whispered.

We rode out of the woods and into a clearing. I glanced behind me, surprised at how much elevation we had gained in just a few minutes.

“Well, this is it,” Connor said as he gently gathered up the reins, causing Willie to slow to a stop. “Come here, Nelson.”

Nelson obeyed Connor’s command and pulled up alongside Willie. Connor looked over at me, smiling.

“That trail was kind of scary, I know,” he said. “But some things are worth the risk. Look at this view.”

The clouds in front of us began to clear, revealing the most amazing view I had ever seen in my life. As far as the eye could see there were rolling green hills, and beyond the hills was a large mountain range, which stood proudly against the skyline.

“This is beautiful,” I said in awe.

The view was absolutely mesmerizing from where we were standing. It was so peaceful there, too. There was hardly a sound, besides a light breeze and the horses breathing.

“You like it?” Connor asked, as he reached between the horses and placed a hand on my knee.

“I love it,” I responded.

I drew in a long breath, letting the crisp air enter my lungs. Then I slowly exhaled.

“Come on, let’s walk around,” he said.

We dismounted and tied them up to a nearby tree.

“I can’t tell you how happy it makes me that you’re here right now,” Connor admitted, as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

“Well, I’m happy to be here,” I responded.

Maybe I should just ask him about the accusations and get it over with.

I turned to face Connor. His cowboy hat was tipped slightly to the side and his blue eyes glowed in the afternoon light. Everything about him seemed so kind and it made me question his so-called “criminal past” even further.

“God, you are so beautiful,” Connor said, as he gazed into my eyes. “How did I get so lucky?”

I smiled at the compliment, but didn’t really know how to respond. Was it actually luck that brought us together? I didn’t believe in luck. Nothing in life ever happened out of pure randomness. I had always believed that every little event had a purpose.

“I don’t know if luck has anything to do with it,” I responded. “Maybe it was meant to be.”

Connor took my hand and we walked across the top of the mountain. Suddenly the wind picked up and dark clouds began to creep over the mountains. I felt the temperature drop as a storm front moved toward us.

“I should have brought a jacket,” I noted.

Connor rubbed his hand up and down the outside of my arm, holding me close as he said, “You know, maybe we should get going. Those clouds are moving fast and these afternoon storms can bring a lot of lightning.”

The wind picked up even more and the clouds loomed over us. I couldn’t believe how fast the weather had moved in. Just minutes before it was sunny and nice. And then suddenly the sky was dark and ominous.

“So we need to leave this second?” I asked.

Connor looked at the horizon. A concerned expression crossed his handsome features, but after a moment he shook his head.

“I mean we might have a few minutes before the weather turns bad,” he said. “But why do you want to stay? We should head back.”

It may not have been the best time, but I decided I was going to ask him about his past. It was on the tip of my tongue anyway and I figured I might as well just let it out.

“Connor, there’s something I need to talk to you about...”

As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I regretted ever bringing them up. Connor cocked his head to the side and asked, “What is it, Emily?”

Though when I opened my mouth to speak, a giant bolt of lightning struck a tree nearby, lighting up the air in purple, and the subsequent peal of thunder sending a shockwave of energy through both of us.


“Shit!” I cried.

Connor grabbed my hand. We ran to the horses and quickly untied them from the tree. Then we both jumped up into our saddles and grabbed the reins. “We have to hurry,” Connor shouted, over the sound of rumbling thunder. “It’s about to get really bad up here.”

Adrenaline pumped into my blood as the ground shook from more thunder overhead. Connor whistled loudly and started riding hard down the trail. Nelson followed closely behind. The wind continued to pick up and then the rain came. We made our way down the rocky trail as fast as we could manage, each step bringing us closer to safety.

The storm stayed on our tail the whole time. Once we were off of the steep trail, we picked up speed. We ran full gallop, wherein I hung on for dear life and let Nelson have his head, until the farmhouse was in sight. I glanced behind us, where the dark clouds hung over the hills, devouring everything with their lightning.

“Oh, my God. That was way too close,” I whispered.

Then I faced forward once again and followed Connor the rest of the way to the barn. I couldn’t wait to get back to safety so that I could remind myself to breathe again.

Chapter 5


nce we put the horses away in the barn, we quickly made our way into the house. It was such a relief to be home safe. My hands were still shaking from the adrenaline rush, but I was finally able to catch my breath.

“That was a close call,” I said as we stepped into the house.

Connor took off his cowboy hat and tossed it onto a table near the front door.

“Yea, it was,” he muttered. “I’m sorry about that. These summer storms can get out of control. I’m just glad we got out of there when we did.”

“Me too,” I responded. “I don’t think I’ve ever been that close to lightning before.”

Connor’s eyes moved down my body as I spoke.

“Looks like we both got kind of wet out there,” he commented, innocently.

I hadn’t even realized it because of the adrenaline, but my clothes had gotten soaked in the rain.

“I have a change of clothes in my car,” I said.

Then I turned around and looked out the window, where the rain had turned fierce. It was a total downpour.

“I don’t think either of us are going out in that,” Connor said. “Just give me your clothes and I’ll throw them in the dryer.”

As he spoke, Connor slipped off his shirt and bundled it up in his hands. His skin was shining, reflecting the light and accentuating the muscles of his chest and abs. My eyes moved downward, where the lines of his hips disappeared into the waist of his jeans. My lips parted and I breathed in quickly as my pussy ached.

Oh, God... he’s so hot.

Connor smiled at me and reached a hand out, waiting for me to hand over my clothes. I felt a bit nervous undressing in front of him, but I also didn’t want to sit around in wet clothes all afternoon. So I smiled coyly and then grabbed the bottom of my shirt, pulling it over my head. As I finished taking the shirt off, I noticed that Connor’s gaze had moved toward my bra-covered breasts.

“Connor!” I chastised, covering myself up with one hand.

He just smiled and brought his eyes back up to my own.

“Sorry,” he responded. “You’re just so goddamn hot.”

I blushed at the compliment. “Well, thank you,” I said, throwing him my shirt. He caught it with one hand and tossed it over his shoulder. He then quickly unbuttoned his jeans. He slipped them off in front of me, letting them fall down to his ankles. His black boxer/briefs were revealed, along with his muscular legs, which I had not seen before.

Goddamn. Is there anything about this guy that isn’t sexy?

It was like I was standing in front of an underwear model. It almost didn’t seem real. Connor noticed me staring at him and then immediately gave me flak about it.

“Emily!” he cried, as he playfully covered up his chest. “You dirty dog, you! Stop staring at me!”

I started laughing as I shook my head. “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” I responded.

Then I reached down and unbuttoned my own jeans, carefully slipping them off so as not to accidentally slide my underwear off with them. The wet denim clung to my skin but was I able to get them down without my panties coming off. Once the jeans were down to my ankles, I stepped out of my shoes and my jeans at the same time. Connor walked over and picked my pants up from the floor. Then he stood up, sliding his gaze up and down my body.

So there we were, standing inches from each other in nothing but our underwear. I could feel the sexual tension thrumming in the air. My body tingled and my pussy began to throb as I looked at my cowboy stepbrother who stood before me, looking as sexy as ever.

“You are fucking perfect,” Connor exhaled slowly.

This is bad news, right here. I’m going to get into a lot of trouble.

Connor drew in a long breath and then stepped close to me, placing his hands on my hips and pulling my close. My crotch pressed into his and a moment later, I felt a bulge began to grow within his boxers.

Any and all thoughts of Connor’s past flew out the window. My instincts were taking over and all that I could think about was having him. In that moment, I didn’t care what he had or hadn't done years before. Not surprisingly, the gorgeous, half-naked man in front of me caused me to lose my senses.

I stood on my tiptoes and pressed my lips against his. Our mouths opened and our tongues began to caress against each other’s. The kiss turned me on even further and I moaned softly as I leaned toward him.

Connor slid his powerful hands up my sides. Our naked skin was pressed against each other’s as we kissed. I had had a feeling that when I came back to the farm I’d end up fooling around with him, but I had no clue that it was going to happen so quickly.

I reached my hands up and placed them over Connor’s muscular shoulders. Then I gently pulled away from our kiss and looked him in the eyes.

“Didn’t you say something about throwing our clothes in the dryer?” I asked, playfully.

Connor chuckled and shook his head.

“I did,” he responded. “But I think that can wait. There’s something much more important in front of me right now.”

Then he leaned forward and kissed me once again. This time, though, his hands dropped and he grabbed my ass, lifting me off of the ground. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he held me there as we kissed.

We made out for a moment and then Connor broke our kiss. Without saying a word, he carried me across the living room and into his bedroom. He gently laid me on the bed and then resumed our kiss as his body loomed on all fours over mine.

Oh, God. This is so bad. But I’ll be damned if it doesn’t feel right.

My legs were still wrapped around Connor’s waist and as he leaned forward, it caused the bulge in his crotch to press against my pantie-covered flower. A burst of pleasure shot into my body as he bucked his hips forward, creating a gentle friction.

God, yes...

My hands moved up and down his back and, within a second, I found myself bucking my hips forward as well. The friction increased and along with it, so did the pleasure. After a moment, Connor pulled away from our kiss. We gazed into each other’s eyes for a brief second and then I watched as he moved his face downward toward my cleavage.

My mouth opened and I leaned my head back as Connor began to kiss the top of my breasts. It had been so long since I had been touched like that and I had forgotten how badly I needed it.

Connor growled possessively into my chest, then he lifted one of his hands up and undid the clasp in the center of my bra. The bra popped open immediately, releasing my breasts to the air.

This is really happening.

It was hard to believe that it was real. My stepbrother, the most gorgeous man I had ever met, was on top of me in bed. We had the house to ourselves and our parents were miles and miles away. We were totally free to do whatever we wanted. It was perfect, really.

Connor cupped my naked breasts in each hand. Then he leaned forward, gently placing his mouth over one of my nipples. He began to rub at it with his tongue, causing it to grow firm in an instant. My body shuddered as a wave of pleasure coursed through me.

“Oh, God yes,” I whispered, as I closed my eyes and let the sensation flow through me.

Connor licked circles over my areola and then immediately moved his face to my other breast, giving it the same attention. After a moment, he gently pulled his face away and continued his journey downward, kissing along my stomach and all the way to my belly button.

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