Knight's Mistress (33 page)

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Authors: C. C. Gibbs

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Knight's Mistress
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‘My pleasure, Liv. Now tell me, who needs convincing to take out their chequebooks?’

As Olivia began to run through a list of people, Dominic nodded from time to time, commented on one or two, asking for particulars, emptied his glass, casually held it out for a waiter to take from him without shifting his attention from Olivia. ‘I think I have it. A hundred grand from the two ambassadors and the Principessa, fifty from Ng, Chen, Tsui, Dan Lee, Malcolm, the Dunhams, Schultz, and ten from all the rest. You’re going to take in a haul tonight, Liv.’

‘That’s the idea.’

‘I hope this won’t be too boring for you, Katherine.’ His voice softened, his gaze for her alone. ‘If it is,’ he said, suddenly speaking in a conversational tone as though he’d not just made her blush, ‘go upstairs and make yourself comfortable. You can’t be expected to talk to all these strangers. I’d prefer not talking to them, but’ – a shrug, a quick grin for Olivia – ‘I’m happy to help you out, Liv.’ He took Kate’s hand. ‘Promise you’ll leave if it gets tedious. But not for too long. I’ll go into withdrawal.’

Her blush deepened. ‘I promise,’ she said, a slight tremor in her reply. ‘Don’t worry.’

‘Hey.’ He dipped his head, held her gaze. ‘Are you all right?’

She dragged in a breath, smiled tightly. ‘I hadn’t thought about all the people – looking and staring. Until now that we’re actually here.’

‘How about a breath of fresh air? If you’ll excuse us,’ he said without looking at either Max or Liv. ‘Come.’ He began to move away, gently drawing Kate with him. ‘We’ll check out the stars from the terrace.’

‘Well, well, well,’ Liv said on a slow exhalation as the couple walked away hand in hand. ‘Katherine’s definitely more than a playmate, considerably more. ‘I’ll go into withdrawal. Really?’ There’s no doubt in my mind that she’ll be leaving with Dominic on Tuesday. And Antonia’s going to be really pissed when she sees that shocking display of affection. I’d better see that Penzance does his duty to crown and country because Dominic might very well be rude. He can be.’

‘You think?’ Max had seen him tear competitors to shreds with a few razor-sharp remarks. ‘Although he did promise to be nice enough to Antonia to get your donation.’

‘I’m not sure he’s capable of such guile tonight. He’s like a changed man. He was never like that even with Julia … protective and solicitous, guarding that young girl against the cold, cruel world. Do you think that’s her appeal. Her naivety?’

‘I doubt it. Miss Hart is pretty no-nonsense and assertive.’

‘I didn’t see that.’

‘She can be.’

‘Just like he can be a huge prick but he’s not with her. I don’t know, Max. I think we’re seeing something astonishing. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s in love with her. She certainly is with him.’


‘For heaven’s sake, Max. You men never get over the terror of that word.’

‘I beg your pardon.’

‘I don’t mean you don’t love me, darling. I just mean Dominic is going to call his feelings everything and anything but love. And his little Katherine will try to disguise her feelings because, as you say, she’s not stupid. Dominic would bolt.’ She uttered a little trill of laughter. ‘What fun it will be watching them tonight.’

‘Or watching Dominic fend off Antonia in order not to anger Katherine.’

‘Plus we’ll be taking in a few million for a good cause.’ Olivia threw her arms open wide in playful drama. ‘Won’t it be grand!’

Dominic had taken off his jacket and wrapped it around Kate’s shoulders before they walked outside. Holding her close, her back to his chest, his arms around her, they stood in the lee of the wall, the sparkling lights of Hong Kong harbour and the mainland laid out before them in a radiant panorama.

‘I didn’t think about all the people staring. I thought it was enough to stay away from you,’ he said, his chin resting lightly on her head. ‘I don’t know what I was thinking. Any little bit of gossip always stokes them.’

‘Don’t worry.’ She didn’t want to be ungracious or difficult. ‘I’ll manage just fine. I’ll ignore the stares and mingle.’

‘I don’t want you to mingle. Jesus,’ he grumbled, ‘that’s the last thing I want you to do. Every man here is going to hit on you.’ His arms tightened around her. ‘Stay by me, we’ll deal with the gossip.’

‘That’s stupid and you know it. For you, for me, for your philharmonic friends who will be delighted to spread salacious rumours.’


‘Is that a promise?’ she teased.

‘It’s a goddamn guarantee. In two hours. Oh, shit.’

‘I felt that.’ She rubbed against his rising erection. ‘Ummm … nice. I remember him well.’

‘I’m going to see that you don’t forget him. Damn, I wish I could have refused this reception.’

‘You couldn’t, it’s important. Thank you for bringing me.’

‘As if I wouldn’t.’ He spoke as if it were the most natural thing in the world for him to bring his current playmate to a public function. When he never had. No more than he ever questioned his actions. ‘Although I warn you, if I see anyone looking down your dress, I’m going to punch him out.’

‘Don’t you dare. It’s your fault I’m wearing this bra. Not only is it white, but it’s cut too high … so if I move even a little the wrong way it shows.’

‘Then don’t move the wrong way,’ he said gruffly, ‘or I’ll spank you when this party’s over.’

‘In that case …’

He groaned. ‘I haven’t felt like I was sixteen since, Christ – even when I was sixteen, ready to fuck every second, ready to fuck
every second.’ He blew out a disgruntled breath. ‘It’s going to be a long two hours.’

But once they returned to the reception rooms, time passed swiftly, the crowd descending, as predicted by Max, earlier than seven, the noise levels escalating as the liquor flowed. The rich, powerful, beautifully dressed and bejewelled people milling through the enfilade of magnificent rooms, air-kissing each other, exchanging gossip only those in the small incestuous world of moneyed Hong Kong were privy to, taking our their chequebooks in response to either Liv’s or Dominic’s smiles, doing their duty to the cultural universe.

Kate deliberately stayed in the background, or at least tried to. But dressed as she was, beautiful as she was, men converged on her like bees to honey. She looked up from time to time from one inconsequential conversation or another, saw Dominic watching her and, if possible, discreetly met his gaze.

It wasn’t always possible. She’d see him frown and her body would begin to heat up, as though his authority
reached across the room, imposing its will, expecting compliance. She’d quickly look away, force herself to ignore the tumult warming her senses, concentrate on whomever was talking. She could have left; Dominic had offered her that option. But she didn’t – jealous, perhaps, of all the women besieging him, filled with doubt and suspicion whenever he smiled at one of them. Then he’d catch her eye and grin and everything was beautiful again.

Like him.

He was, literally, the handsomest man in the room.

But the women surrounding him all wrote cheques or had their escorts write cheques while Dominic charmed and flattered them with hugs and kisses, a light arm around their shoulders, a whispered comment in their ear – before politely moving on. He was truly masterful, Kate thought, faced with the stark reality of Dominic Knight’s seductive charm. Each discarded female was left with a smile on her face.

Something to file away in her mental database.

Well into the second hour, Liv hove into view carrying a fresh drink for both of them, shooed away Kate’s admirers and handed over a gin and tonic. ‘Dominic follows you with his eyes when you walk around the room,’ she said with a smile. ‘I find it quite lovely.’

‘Hardly,’ Kate shrugged faintly. ‘He’s just a control freak.’

‘Heavens, no. Not in public like this. Beyond the superficialities, he’s indifferent to women.’ She smiled. ‘Present company excluded.’

‘He doesn’t look too indifferent right now,’ Kate murmured, eyeing the crowd of women vying for his favours.

‘Nonsense, my dear. He’s always polite but totally disengaged. It’s habit, of course. There’s been so many.’ Liv’s pale hair swung on her shoulders as she glanced at Dominic, her diamond earrings caught the light. ‘Although you can see why. He’s outrageously good-looking.’

Olivia spoke in an offhand way, Kate decided, as a friend, not an admirer. ‘I agree, he’s definitely dazzling.’

‘You’re good for him, you know.’ Olivia half lifted her glass in Dominic’s direction. ‘I haven’t seen him smile like this for’ – she shrugged – ‘since Julia’s death.’

Kate was momentarily speechless.

Olivia seemed not to notice Kate’s lack of response; perhaps she’d had more than one gin and tonic. ‘Julia challenged Dominic to think about more than just himself. Made him better for it. She was deeply committed to her charities and causes and she adored adventure sport as much as Dominic. They holidayed in the most dangerous locations. They climbed Everest together – he actually met her on that trip. She was unstoppable. That’s why it was so crushing for him when she died so unexpectedly.’

‘A traffic accident, wasn’t it?’ Kate found her voice because she desperately wanted to hear more, why he loved his wife, how much he loved her; she wanted to know everything about him. And until tonight she’d had no one to ask. Dominic had offered her a temporary place in his
life a short time ago, but that didn’t mean he was going to immediately bare his soul to her after only a few days. He was the most private person she knew.

‘A completely unnecessary traffic accident. Julia wasn’t even in a car. She was standing in line at Starbucks when an elderly man stepped on his accelerator instead of his brake, drove through the front window and ran over Julia and two other people.’

‘How awful.’

‘Dominic fell apart. He withdrew from the world, spent a year sailing from one port to another. In fact, Max met him in Cape Town where Dominic was having a mast repaired. It was all quite sad.’

Kate couldn’t visualized Dominic incapacitated. He was so powerful, commanding, assured. ‘He must have loved her very much,’ she said, a painful anguish settling in the pit of her stomach.

‘They were inseparable. It was a beautiful marriage; they were partners.’ Olivia smiled. ‘I don’t suppose you’ve seen any pictures of her. Oh dear, forgive me. How rude of me. As if you want to talk about Dominic’s wife when he’s so enthralled with you.’

‘No, I’d like to know. He doesn’t talk about his life. Not that I know him very well.’ She blushed furiously. ‘I mean I’ve only known him for a few days.’

‘He adores you. Don’t blush. I think it’s sweet. And to be perfectly honest, it’s wonderful seeing him smile again.’

‘I have seen pictures. His wife was very beautiful.’

‘Julia was almost as tall as Dominic. They made a stunning couple.’ Olivia slapped her hand over her mouth. ‘Stop me. I’ve said enough.’

‘No, really, you’re the only one I can ask.’

‘Dominic doesn’t talk, does he? Julia complained about that. His childhood was very unhappy, apparently. Max said you’ve met the mother so I don’t have to tell you much more.’

‘I didn’t get the impression he’s close to his father either.’

Olivia snorted a fine mist of gin and tonic. ‘The understatement of the millennium. Dominic despises his father. He won’t stay in the same room with him. Max said they walked into a private club in London not too long ago where the elder Knight was having dinner. Dominic made a scene. He told the steward that either his father goes or he would. It was a simple decision for the club steward. Dominic has so much more money than his father. And his father isn’t a poor man.’ She paused, shot a quick glance towards Dominic before turning back to Kate. ‘What I’m about to say is probably the result of one too many gin and tonics, but I was wondering if you’re aware of Dominic’s … well – there’s no other word for it – vices.’

Kate’s cheeks flamed bright red.

‘I see you are.’

‘I researched Knight Enterprises before my interview. It’s standard operating procedure. I found a video. He’s since had it taken down.’

‘I just didn’t want you to be surprised. And men will be men. I’m no prude.’

‘I found it a little shocking at first.’ Kate kept it simple, but she could feel her face heat up again.

Fortunately Olivia’s attention had been drawn away. She swung back and smiled. ‘See Dominic over there, see that woman clinging to his arm? You might want to go and save him. The Principessa thinks she has special rights to Dominic because they were friends once.’


Olivia shrugged. ‘Whatever Dominic calls them.’

‘Maybe she does have special rights.’ Dominic had been surrounded by women all evening and he hadn’t seemed unhappy.

‘No, she doesn’t,’ Olivia firmly said. ‘In fact, Dominic told Max to save him from Antonia if necessary. She can be difficult. But I don’t see Max. He must be in another room. Would you like to intervene or should I?’

‘Are you sure?’ Kate quickly glanced towards the group of people, the woman hanging on Dominic’s arm movie-star glitzy. And he didn’t look like he was fighting her off. ‘I don’t want to embarrass anyone.’

‘Well, first, you can’t embarrass Dominic. Second, Antonia doesn’t know what the word means. She stole her current husband from under his wife’s nose at Cannes two years ago, without so much as a blush. And third, if you ask me, Dominic looks as though he’s trying his best to ignore Antonia, her silicon-enhanced breasts jammed
into his arm notwithstanding.’ A faint lift of her pale brows, a flare of her aristocratic nostrils, a teasing smile. ‘So either you or I have to ride to the rescue.’

Dominic glanced up as Kate approached, although he continued listening to an older man who was the centre of attention in the small cluster of guests. Save for Antonia, her adoring gaze was fixed on Dominic.

There was no question why Dominic had been interested in the Principessa, Kate decided. She was flawless from the top of her glistening black, carefully tousled hair, past her dark-kohled eyes and full-lipped pouty mouth, down her tall, shapely body to her long, sleek legs and perfectly manicured toes that were slipped into expensive Louboutin heels. Only a few inches shorter than Dominic in her spike heels, she was glamorous with a capital G.

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