Knockdown (12 page)

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Authors: Brenda Beem

BOOK: Knockdown
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Then silence, except for the static from the radio. Nick reached over and flipped it off.

I lay back on the cabin floor and looked up. Water covered the skylight above me. Air bubbles floated toward the surfac
e. I gasped. We were under the water.
had gone down. It was over.

We were going to die.

I wept.

All our work.

All for nothing.

The boat shuddered and shook. I glanced around at the walls and hatches, crying in despair, waiting for water to spew in. Even if she held together, we couldn’t swim to the surface. Not in the icy water. And we’d run out of air if we stayed below.

I worked my foot free and crawled to the galley, and Cole. He moaned as I rolled him over to check his breathing. He was alive, but a large welt was forming on his forehead. I cradled him in my arms and waited to die.

The boat rocked.

“Look!” Takumi pointed at the skylight.

I shook my head.

“Come on, Toni. You have to see this.”

?” Nick asked. Jervis disappeared into Angelina and Makala’s room. I heard Angelina tell him they were okay as Makala sobbed.

I hugged Cole tighter. Didn’t they realize we were all going to die? I closed my eyes and let the tears fall. We were under the ocean. Who knew how far down we’d gone. It was hopeless.

Dylan emerged from the bedroom. He ran to Cole and me. “What happened?” he asked.

Takumi explained how Cole hit his head.

“I’ll get Zoë.” Dylan raced back to the bow.

Soon a disheveled
Zoë emerged, supported by Dylan.

Takumi knelt
beside me. “Toni, please. Come look.”

“Go with Takumi. I need t
o check Cole’s head,” Zoë ordered.

“Go away!”
I cried. It was too late. Why wouldn’t they leave Cole and me alone?

“Toni, get out of the way.” Dylan pu
lled me away from Cole.

I struggled against him. “We’re going to die. Don’t you see?”

“I see my brother hurt and Zoë can help him. Go with Takumi.”

I shook my head.

Takumi wrapped his arm around me and helped me stand. I gave up and leaned into him, balancing on one leg, grimacing when I put pressure on my ankle. I took a deep breath and wondered how many I had left.

We carefully crossed the main salon until we stood under the skylight.
Nick was beside us. I glanced back at Cole and hung my head.

Look up,” Takumi said.

“I can’t,” I whispered.

He lifted my chin. “Toni, it will be all right. Trust me.”

I studied his face.

He smiled. “Trust me,” he said again.

raised my head. It was dark, but droplets of water bounced off the glass. I squinted. That was odd. Water doesn’t bounce when you’re under it. I wiped my eyes. Was I looking at strange air bubbles?

The boat bobbed. The droplets ran in rivers off the glass.

I glanced at Takumi.

“That’s what I wa
s trying to show you.”

Small sparkling dots appeared, blurred in the tiny puddles. The boat rocked again. A bright orb of light sho
ne down from above. We were looking at the stars and the moon. We’d floated to the surface.

Nick gave me a hug and left for the aft cab
in. I began to tremble.

I threw my arms
around Takumi’s neck and cried. He held me close. My tears turned to laughter. We gazed into each other’s eyes. Our lips met and we kissed. It didn’t matter that we’d just met that morning.

We were going to live.








Cole groaned. I ran to check on him. He lay stretched out on the floor of the galley. Zoë was taking his pulse.

Takumi pulled me back into his arms. “He’s going to be okay.”

My cheeks burned and I pulled away. “I need to help.” Hopping on one foot was difficult. I had to maneuver around the mess. Floorboards, cushions, and plastic kitchen glasses littered the floor.

“How is he?” I asked

“His eyes are dilated. Probably a concussion.” She looked at me. “We need to get him to a hospital.”

I glanced at Dylan and saw fear in his eyes. The boat headed up a swell. I grabbed hold of a hand rail and tried to think of what Dad would do.


I swiveled to Dylan. “It isn’t over yet. Remember what Dad said in the note? There might be more than one wave.”

ou’re right.” Dylan cried. “Everyone, get to a bed. We have more waves coming.” He lifted Cole by his arms and dragged him to the bow berth.

Takumi grabbed Cole’s feet.
They hoisted Cole in the air and carried him across the salon.

Nick stood with hands folded. ”What are you talking about? The tsunami’s over.”

“No! Get on a bed,” I screamed. The boat began to rise.

Makala and Angelina ran. The boat tipped to the side.

Zoë squeezed past Dylan and scrambled across the v-shaped bed. “I can’t do this again,” she whined.

guys dumped Cole on the mattress. Zoë scooted to the very end of the ‘v’ and brought her knees up to her chest. Dylan wedged himself between Zoë and Cole, pulling him close.

The roller-coaster ride was beginning again. We we
re heading up. I dove to the bed, next to Cole.

Takumi stood in the doorway.

“Hurry,” I screamed.

“No room.” He braced himself in the door frame.

“Move.” I shoved Cole onto his side. He moaned. I rolled over, facing Cole’s back, and wrapped one arm around him. Takumi slid in behind me and braced his feet against the wall. His arm came across my side, pinning me to the mattress.

listed hard to port. We now stood, leaning on the bed behind us. Our feet were planted on the side of the berth. My ankle was killing me, but held. I heard screams from the aft cabin.

It didn’t take as long to reach the top of the wave this time. As before,
steadied, righted herself, and then dropped.

We tilted to the starboard side as we fell. Now we were upside down, our hands over our heads to keep from jamming into the storage cupboards. Dylan and I held Cole in place to protect
his injured skull. Zoë screamed.

We crashed to the bottom.
shook. The sound of wood cracking and splintering echoed throughout the boat again. I didn’t know how much more of this
could take.

Once more
I waited for water to rush in.

Dylan sat up. “Is everyone okay?”

Zoë sobbed but leaned over and checked Cole’s eyes. He was awake.

Jervis. Girls. You all right?” Dylan called out.

Jervis squished me,” Makala sniffled.

Jervis said.

“Everyone stay
put.” Dylan shouted. “If Dad was right, even the after waves could be big. Stay where you are until we’ve gone at least an hour without heeling over.”

“I have to go potty
!” Makala cried.

“You’ll have to wait
,” Dylan answered.

“My legs are cramping.”
Zoë fidgeted.

Dylan sighed.

“Takumi and I can change places with you. But be quick, before the next wave.” I grabbed Takumi’s hand.

“Fine,” Dylan said. “But Cole stays put. We’ll climb over him.”

When I came face to face with Dylan, he mouthed, “You and Takumi?”

I shrugged. My face grew warm. Why was I acting like
this? As if Takumi and I were now a couple? He’d only kissed me because I happened to be there.

The boat rose and started to list. My thoughts turned to surviving and protecting Cole.

Two more waves hit. Neither was bad as the first and being on a bed in a tight cabin helped. Zoë screamed with every wave. Cole became more aware. The sea grew calmer and
listed less and less. Soon we simply rode gentle swells.

I was exhausted and
curled around Takumi, my head on his chest. I figured if he only kissed me because I was handy, I could snuggle with him because he was convenient. I fell asleep listening to his heartbeat.

Makala’s sobs
woke me.

“It’s okay
, baby...” Nick said. “You told us you had to go.”

“I’m not a baby,” she cried
. “I tried to hold it.”

“You’re right. You are not a baby.”
Jervis said. “I almost peed the bed myself. Worse, I almost pooped.”

Makala giggled. “No you didn’t.”

“Did so.”

“Did not.” Makala giggled again.

It was still dark. I checked my cell. It was four in the morning. It had been almost an hour since the last wave.

Cole groaned and Dylan kissed

Cole, how are you doing?” My head still rested on Takumi’s chest. We were packed in the bed like sardines. There was nowhere for me to move to.

Peachy,” Cole answered.

umi caressed my hair. “You okay?”

.” My hair had gone all day with chlorine in it. It must have felt like straw. I laughed at myself. We almost died and I was worried about my hair?

“We made it.” He snuggled me closer
. “The worst is over.”

“I need out.”
Zoë shoved Dylan, who rolled into me.

“I do too.
” I threw back the covers.

mi looked at me strangely, then rolled out of bed.

There was a line for
the bathroom. I showed Zoë the toothbrush we’d found and cleaned for her.

reat. A used toothbrush.” She grabbed it and returned to the bathroom.

Everyone but Cole gathered in the main salon and
gazed up at the skylight. The moon and stars were gone. The sky was dark and covered in a heavy layer of clouds. But the wave was over.

I hobbled around the cabin, putting back the floorboards. Takumi and Nick picked up cushions and broken plastic glasses.

“Are we going on top to check the damage?” I asked Dylan when he came out of the bathroom.

Cole sat up in the bed and groaned.
“No. Dad told us to stay closed tight for a day. The volcanoes might cause earthquakes and they’ll make even more tsunamis.”

“So why did we come out here?” Nick snarled.

“Earthquake tsunamis should flow right under us. We might not even feel them. But it’s better to be safe.” Cole clutched his head and collapsed on the bed.

, then. We should all get some sleep.” I nodded at the group.

“What should we do with the broken table?”
Jervis lifted the table top off the floor.

Mom loved t
hat table. It was solid teak. An inlay of white birch made a compass design in the middle. I pulled the dining bench out, turned the seat into a double bed, and pointed to the space beneath it. “Put the table under here.”

I threw
extra blankets and pillows on the bed and cleared my throat. I patted the double bed I’d just made. “Nick and Takumi, you will have to share this bed.”

“When we race, we sleep feet to head
,” Cole said.

I ignored Takumi’s eyes and
took the back cushions off the couch. “Jervis, you can sleep here.” I handed him a comforter and pillow.

I held onto the overhead hand rails and we
nt to check on Cole. “You should stay in bed here, so Zoë can keep an eye on you.”

“You’re not the boss of me
,” Cole grumbled.

I smiled at his use of my favorite chi
ldhood phrase. He couldn’t be hurt too badly.

Makala and Angelina
sat at the chart table. “Girls, okay if I join you in the aft cabin?”

“Do you have extra sheets?
” Angelina asked, then came out with her large backpack and handed it to Makala. I helped her strip the bed. Makala stayed at the table, clutching the pack, tears streaking her cheeks.

didn’t want to dirty our cloth towels on the wet mattress, so we used the last of the paper ones, and dried the spot as best we could. We flipped the mattress over and remade the bed.

guys settled into the makeshift beds. I crawled into the queen-sized berth and the girls joined me. Angelina sat her pillow back on top of her pack.

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