Knowing You (The Jade Series #2) (6 page)

Read Knowing You (The Jade Series #2) Online

Authors: Allie Everhart

Tags: #New Adult Romance, #College romance, #Contemporary romance

BOOK: Knowing You (The Jade Series #2)
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“Never.” I flip around and let go of the pool, quickly grabbing his shoulders so I don’t sink since I’m too short to touch the bottom. But now my legs are dangling awkwardly and I’m having a hard time holding myself up. Garret notices and casually puts his arms around me, pulling our bodies together.

My heart is beating wildly but I try to keep my breath steady to hide it. “When are you gonna admit I’m a better
than you?”

“I’ve already admitted that. I’ve told you that several times. I’ll say it again. You’re a better runner than me. Now do you have anything to say to me?”

“Hmm.” I pretend to think. “Nope. Nothing.”

He smiles. “You just can’t give me a compliment, can you?”

“I give you compliments all the time!” I wrap my legs around his waist. He doesn’t even react.

“Like what? Because if you gave me one, I totally missed it.”

“I don’t know, but I’m sure I’ve given you one.”

“I’m sure you haven’t.” He keeps his eyes on mine, barely blinking.

“I told you how much I liked those lights you gave me for my birthday. That was kind of a compliment.”

“Not really.” He slides his hands down under my thighs supporting my weight. It allows me to loosen my grip on his shoulders but it also makes me completely breathless. “Jade, is there anything I do that you like? Anything you think I’m good at?”

I know what he’s implying and yes, there are many things he does that I like. And he’s definitely good at them. Like the way he’s holding me right now? Definitely good.

Before I can speak, he slowly licks the water from my lips until they part, then slips his tongue in my mouth. I wrap my hands behind his neck as his tongue explores my mouth in a way that gets my body so scorching hot that even the water can’t cool me down.

After a few incredible, mind-blowing minutes, he slowly pulls away.

“Do you like it when I do that?” There’s that cocky smile I know and love.

I smile back. “I’ll admit you’re pretty good at that.”

“Finally! A compliment.” He lets me go, forcing me to grab the edge of the pool. He sets himself up in the lane next to me like he’s preparing to swim laps.

“Hey, where are you going?”

“I have to practice.”

“So we’re just done here?”

“We haven’t even been on a date. I was only kissing you because I was trying to find something you thought I was good at. And I did. So we’re done.”

He takes off swimming, leaving me wanting more. Much, much more.


I watch him go back and forth in the pool like the kiss never even happened. Like it wasn’t the greatest kiss ever between two people. Maybe it wasn’t for him. But it was for me. And then he ended it, just like that!

“Who’s in there?” I hear Blake’s voice echoing in the room. “Garret?”

Garret stops swimming. “Hey, Blake.”

Blake saunters over to the edge of the pool, staring down at me. “Ohio, what are you doing here?”

I can’t stand Blake. Since the day we met, he insists on calling me Ohio, despite the fact that he knows my real name and he knows that I’m from Iowa, not Ohio. He’s also rude, disgusting, and almost always drunk. And he wears this woodsy-smelling cologne that makes me want to gag.

Today is the first time I’ve seen Blake sober. I thought that maybe he wouldn’t be such an ass if he wasn’t drunk, but that was wishful thinking. He’s only been here a minute and I can already tell that he’s still an ass.

“Jade’s just hanging out here while I swim,” Garret answers for me.

“Are you a swimmer, Ohio?”

“No. I was just doing some laps.” I avoid looking at him. I have absolutely no desire to see his gross, lanky body in swim trunks.

Blake jumps into the pool right next to me, splashing water in my face. “Shit! That’s cold.”

Garret swims over to me.

“What are you doing, Kensington?” Blake asks. “Afraid I’m gonna try to steal Ohio from you? I’m just saying hello.”

The thought of Blake even considering that I would go out with him makes my skin crawl.

“Just leave her alone.” Garret gets in front of me, blocking me from Blake.

“Are we going out tonight? Decker’s having some people over. I’m sure we’ll be bored off our asses, but we could check it out and then head somewhere else. He’s stocked the bar, so we could at least get a buzz going.”

“No, I’m busy.”

“You’ve got nothing going on. You’re going out.” Blake bobs up and down in the pool. He’s one of those people who’s constantly fidgeting. It makes me nervous.

“I told you. I’m busy. I’m going out with Jade.”

Blake swims around Garret to glare at me. Blake hates me about as much as I hate him. Ever since I came along, Garret stopped drinking, even at parties, and it totally pisses Blake off. He wants his drinking buddy back.

“You go out with Ohio all the time. And if you don’t hang out with me tonight I’m sure your dad would love to hear why.”

Garret blocks me from Blake again. “It doesn’t matter anymore. My dad doesn’t care about Jade and me.”

“Yeah, right.” Blake dips his head in the water, then brings it up again, shaking it like a dog. “I’m heading to Decker’s place around 9 before all the good liquor’s gone. What time are you going?”

Garret sighs. “For the last time, I’m not going.”

“You’re ditching me again for that bitch?”

“I told you never to call her that!” For a second, I’m sure Garret’s going to hit him but he doesn’t.

“Why are you wasting your time with her? You’re not even fucking her.”

“Real nice, Blake. Like I’d really want to hang out with someone like you. Jade, let’s go.” Garret turns and gives me a look to get out of the water.

Blake continues to talk as Garret and I get out of the pool. “Hey, Ohio. Has he told you about all the girls he’s been with?”

“Ignore him,” Garret says quietly to me. “Go change and I’ll meet you outside.”

“Garret’s been with at least 10 girls,” Blake says. “Maybe more. I’m sure he hasn’t told me about all of them. And with that record, you know he’s not sitting around waiting for you. He’s getting it from somewhere.”

“Just shut the fuck up!” Garret yells it at Blake from the edge of the pool.

Blake keeps quiet, but I feel him watching me as I walk over to get my things. It makes me sick to think he’s checking me out. I quickly grab a towel and cover myself, then go into the girls’ locker room. I’d planned to shower, but now I just want to leave. I change into my clothes, then take a few minutes to dry my hair.

Garret is waiting outside, his hair still wet.

“Garret, it’s freezing. You should go dry your hair. You’re going to have ice forming on your head.”

“I’ll be okay. Let’s just get out of here.” He’s so angry. Garret is almost always in a good mood, but Blake always finds a way to put Garret in a bad mood. It’s another reason I hate him.

“Does he usually swim at that time?” I ask as we’re walking back.

“He usually doesn’t swim at all on Saturdays. I don’t know why he was there.”

We don’t speak again until we’re back at my room. I’m so pissed at Blake. He ruined everything. Now Garret’s in a crappy mood and I’m left thinking about what Blake said about all of Garret’s old girlfriends. I hope Blake was exaggerating. I don’t want to believe that Garret has slept with 10 girls by the age of 19. Or more than 10.

“I guess I’ll see you later,” I say going into my room. “So what time tonight?”

He stands in the hallway, not responding.

I nudge his arm. “Garret? Are we still going out tonight?”

“What? Yes. Of course we’re still going out. Why wouldn’t we go out?”

“You seem really mad, so I wasn’t sure if you still wanted to.”

He sighs. “Sorry. Blake just really gets to me sometimes. I can’t believe the shit that comes out of his mouth.”

“Yeah. He’s not my favorite person.”

Garret puts his hands on my shoulders. “I swear to God, Jade, I was ready to beat the living crap out of him for calling you that again. And for saying all that shit about you. And us.”

“It’s okay. I wasn’t even paying attention to what he said.”

“Yes, you were. And now you probably think I tell him stuff about us. But you know I’d never do that, right?”

“Yeah. I guess. I mean, I don’t know what you two talk about.”

“We don’t talk about you and me. I don’t tell him anything about you. Or us.”

I lower my voice as a girl from my floor walks by. “Then why does he think that we aren’t, you know, doing stuff?”

“I don’t know.”

“Yes, you do. You’ve known Blake for years.” I pull Garret into my room and close the door. “So why does he think that about us?”

“Because he asks me and I don’t say anything. So he just assumes we haven’t.”

“What does that mean? Did you tell him about all the other girls you were with?”

Garret gives me a look that I should already know the answer to that.

“Well, yeah, I know he said that you did, but I didn’t know if he was making that up. I mean, he also said you’d been with at least 10 girls. So how do I know if he’s telling the truth?”

“I don’t want to talk about this. It doesn’t matter. I told you. I don’t tell Blake anything about us. Even if you and I
having sex, there’s no way I’d ever tell him. And he knows that. Which means he’s just saying that shit to piss me off. And you.”

“I’m not pissed off. I mean, yeah, I didn’t like what Blake said but I’m over it now. What I’m mad about is how you’re reacting. You’re letting him ruin our entire day and probably our night.” I reach for his hand. “I want the old Garret back. The one in the pool before Blake walked in. That’s the only Garret I’m going on a date with tonight. So if he’s not available, then I’ll be staying here.”

Garret finally smiles. He leans down and kisses my cheek. “You’re right. I shouldn’t let him get to me. I’m back now, okay? So don’t try to cancel on me for tonight. I’ve been looking forward to this bowling thing all day.”

“Yeah, I’m sure you have.” I laugh as I turn him back toward the door. “Go upstairs. I need to take a hot shower. I’m freezing. Just tell me what time we’re going out.”

He walks out into the hall. “How about 5?”

I glance at the clock. “But it’s already 4:30.”

“Yeah. So what’s the problem? You always get ready in 10 minutes. Now suddenly 30 minutes isn’t enough?”

“Um, no. I can be ready. But isn’t 5 kind of early?”

“I’m taking you to dinner first.”

I look at him, confused. “Are you trying to get the early bird special?”

He laughs and I can tell the old Garret has returned. “Fine. We’ll eat after the bowling.”

“Okay, but I still don’t know why you want to leave so early.”

He smiles. “Because I want this first date to last. I have a feeling I’m gonna really like this girl and I don’t want it to be over in two hours.”

His comment takes me by surprise. He always says these really nice things out of the blue and I don’t know how to respond. So then I say something stupid. “Oh. Well, you should have said that before. I really thought you wanted the early bird special.”

He walks off. “Five o’clock, Jade. Hurry up.”


Even though Garret and I hang out all the time, I’m beyond excited about this date. Maybe because this date means we’re officially going out and no longer have to hide our relationship. Or maybe it’s because I’m hoping Garret will finally act like we’re more than just friends after tonight.

I take a quick shower, then put on jeans and a black shirt. I blow out my hair and straighten it, then sweep some blush on my cheeks and apply some mascara. Given that it’s our first real date, it would’ve been nice to have a little more time to get ready, but whatever. I’m anxious for this date to start.

Garret shows up right at 5 wearing jeans, a button-up shirt, and really expensive looking leather shoes along with his even more expensive leather jacket. As usual, he smells amazing.

“Are you ready or do you need more time?” he asks, kidding with me. He knows I pride myself on getting ready fast. I race back to my desk to grab my key.

“I’m ready,” I say, locking the door.

We walk out to his black BMW. He opens the door for me, as he always does.

“I had to look up where the nearest bowling alley was,” he says when he gets in the car. “The closest one is about a half hour from here.”

“That’s good. It will give us a chance to get to know each other,” I say, pretending we’re actually on a first date.

Once we’re on the road, he reaches over to hold my hand.

“What’s this?” I ask, glancing down at his hand on mine. “We’ve only been on the date a few minutes and you’re already holding my hand?”

“Sorry.” He smiles and takes his hand back. “I won’t do it again.”

“Well, you already did it so you might as well just continue now.”

“Nope. I don’t want to offend you on our first date. You may never go out with me again.” He places both hands on the wheel. I suppose that’s a safer way to drive, but I really want his hand back. And now he’s promised not to hold my hand for the rest of the night. Way to go, Jade.

The bowling alley looks really old and in need of repair. The neon sign on the building is broken. It just flashes B, O, N, and G. The rest of the letters don’t work.

Garret shakes his head as we pull in. “Great. I’m taking you to the bong alley for our first date.”

I laugh. “I’m sure it’s better inside. Those neon signs never work.”

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