Authors: Paul Horgan
Hatch, General Edward
Hayden, Mother Magdalen,
Mary Magdalen, Mother
Hayes, President Rutherford B.
Hayes, Thomas
Hayne, Mrs Julia
Hermosillo, Machebeuf at
Hidalgo del Parral
Hilaria, Sister, and the Devil
Holy Week, observation of
hospital, in New Mexico, Salpointe and; in Denver and Leadville; vegetables for
Hotel de Dunk
Hotel Française, Talbot at
Howlett, Father W. J.
Huerfano River
, Machebeuf party on
“Indian War, The,”
Indians, burial mounds of; fear of, and raids of; Catholic; and churches; and New Mexico; and Lamy; and missions; votes of; of Taos; and Chateaubriand; and Machebeuf; and Eguillon party; and emigrants to West; and Civil War; in Colorado; and Sisters of Charity; and art;
see also names of tribes
Infallibility, issue of
Innocent VI, Pope
Ireland (Irish)
Irrizarri, Don Manuel
Isleta del Sur, on Rio Grande
Ixtacamastitlán, Lamy in
Jackson, Andrew
Jacob's Well, Lamy at
James, Henry, and Pius IX
James, St, of Compostela
Jemez, Pueblo school at
Jesuits; Gallegos and; and Sonora; Lamy and; and Arizona and New Mexico; mission of; schools of
John, Gospel of
Joinville, Princess de
Jojita, Lamy at
José, Juan
Josephine, Mother, Lamy and
Jouvenceau, Father, and Lamy's death
El Paso
Juárez, Benito
Juilliard, N.
Julia, Mother
Juvenceau, François, joins Eguillon
, Lamy party on
Kansas, and Kansas City, description of
Keams, Thomas V., and button
Kearny, Stephen Watts
Kenrick, Archbishop Francis Patrick
Kenrick, Archbishop Peter Richard; Lamy and; council under; and Pike's Peak; and Vatican Council; and jurisdictional dispute; and Santa Fe
King, Clarence, and diamond swindle
La Bajada
La Conquistadora
La Fonda
La Mesilla,
La Mesita
La Ysleta
Laguna, Pueblo school in
Lamy (railroad station)
Lamy, Anthony (nephew)
Lamy, Etienne (brother)
Lamy, Hippolyte (nephew)
Lamy, Jean (father)
Lamy, Jean (nephew)
Lamy, Jean Baptiste, to Paris; and parents; illnesses of; birth of; childhood and education of; and Our Lady of Good Tidings; description of; and missionary life; ordination of; to America; and language problems; in New York; in Wheeling; and Cincinnati; at Danville, Newark, Mt Vernon, and Mansfield (Ohio); churches of,
see also names of;
financial problems of,
Society for the Propagation of the Faith; and report of Machebeuf's death; self-searchings of; and sick calls; and anti-Catholicism; and Sandusky; death of father of; becomes citizen; and father's estate; trips of, to Europe and return; errands of, for Machebeuf and Purcell; and Irish immigrants; becomes vicar apostolic of New Mexico, and Bishop of Agathonica; consecration of, in Cincinnati; journey of, to Santa Fe; in Galveston; and
wreck; in San Antonio; pastoral visits of; feelings of, and comments about Santa Fe; and New Mexican architecture and art; and Calhoun; early days of, in Santa Fe; suspensions by; and request for new diocese for; pastoral letters and circulars of; and accusations against Machebeuf; confirmed as bishop of Santa Fe; and ritual demonstrations; and Gallegos house; gifts to; attacks against; to Taos, re Taladrid and MartÃnez,
see also
MartÃnez; support of; Otéro and; excommunications by; petitions to, re Machebeuf; and Avel's death; sends Eguillon for recruits; and Pike's Peak; as colonist; and Civil War; Talbot and; trip of, to California and Arizona; and hospital, and Spalding; Christmas Eve threat to; and industrial home; report of capture of; and Indian attack; and Sister Mary Alphonse; and Machebeuf consecration; and vicar apostolic for Arizona; and Salpointe; ordains nephew; and France at war; vestments of; and separation of Santa Fe from St Louis; silver jubilee of; as archbishop of Santa Fe; investiture celebration for; and Lew Wallace; and President Hayes; visits Purcell; and coadjutor for Machebeuf; requests third vicariate apostolic; petition of, for coadjutor; garden of; and gold mine; library of; characteristics and human relations of, in later years; sermons of; resignation of; and Bourgade consecration; as Archbishop of Cyzicus; and pension; last days and death of; and jurisdictional dispute,
ZubirÃa, Barnabo, Ortiz, Rome; and native clergy,
clergy, native;
see also
Machebeuf, Purcell
Lamy, Louis (brother)
Lamy, Margaret (sister)
Lamy, Marie (niece); Lamy visits in New Orleans; to enter Loretto convent; becomes nun; reunion of, with brother; becomes Mother Superior; and brother's death; and Lamy illness; and Lamy pastoral letters; letters to, from uncle; and Lamy's death
Lamy, Marie Dié (mother)
Lane, Dr. William Carr
Langue d'Oïl
La Salle, Robert
Las Animas
Las Animas River, and Mora
Las Cruces; and jurisdictional dispute; and papal decree; Lamy at; Fathers Lassaigne and Bernal at; residents of, petition Rome; as proposed bishopric
Las Vegas
Lassaigne, Father
Latrobe, cathedral of
Leavenworth, Lamy party at
Le Cendre
Le Corbusier
Le Mans, priests from
Le Puy, Machebeuf at
Lemitar, N. M.
Lempdes; Lamy visits; Lamy consecrates church at; architecture in
Leo XIII, Pope
Lettres Edifiantes
see also
Lincoln County, N. M.
Lincoln, Abraham
Lincoln County War
Lindell, Dr, and Lamy's last illness
Loretto nuns; Lamy and; trip of, to Santa Fe; chapel of; motherhouse of; Machebeuf and; schools of; as chapel sacristans
Lorme, Philibert de
Los Alamos, schools in
Los Amoles, and jurisdictional dispute
Los Angeles, Lamy to
Los Medános
Louis Philippe
Louisville, Ky.
Lower Sandusky,
Sandusky, Ohio Loza, Bishop Pedro
Lucero, Father Mariano de Jesús
Lujan, Father José de Jesús
see also
Society for Propagation of Faith
Machebeuf, Joseph Priest, to Paris; and parents; description of; compared with Lamy; and missionary life; ordination of; to America; to Dieppe; accidents to, and illnesses of; in New York; in Baltimore; in Wheeling; and Cincinnati; and language problems; and Far West; visits to and from Lamy; letters of, to father; and Irish; churches of; financial problems of; letters of, re U.S.; letters of, to Purcell; and Sandusky; self-searchings, of; to Canada; letters of, to sister; and Methodists; and father's illness and death; trips of, to Europe, and return; audience of, with Pope; and French royal family; becomes Lamy's vicar general; journey of, to join Lamy; and slaves; at San Antonio; pastoral visits of; and
; and native clergy; reports to Lamy; and Mexican art and architecture; and house for nuns; meets Lamy at Red River; and Father Lujan; accusations against; takes over for Lamy; and Christmas celebration; and organ; and Willow Springs; at Vaur funeral; assigns new priests; journey of, to collect nuns; and
Casa Americana
; visits sister; responds to attacks; brings Roman news; MartÃnez and; and excommunications; as possible successor tò Lamy; to the Mississippi; baptism of troops by; and Avel's death; and RamÏn Ortiz; and Bishop Loza; and rumor of war with Canada and England; and Sisters of Charity; as first bishop of Colorado; as Bishop of Epiphany; vicar apostolic of Colorado and Utah; and France at war; quarrel of, with nun; and separation of Santa Fe from St Louis; as Lamy suffragan; and Lamy investiture; visits Salpointe; ásks for coadjutor; burning of luggage of; methods of; and Sister Blandina; and Bourgade consecration; Salpointe to, on investiture; golden jubilee of; and Lamy's death; death of;
see also under
and references to under persons, places, and subjects throughout
Machebeuf, Marius (brother)
Machebeuf, Michael (nephew)
Magdalen, Mother,
Mary Magdalen Magdalena, Machebeuf at
Mallet, François, and Lamy nephew
Mansfield, Ohio
Manzano, Anthony Lamy at
Marie Amélie, Queen, and Machebeuf
Maricopas, Jesuits and
Marra, J. M.
Marryat, Captain Frederick
Martin, Abbé
MartÃnez, Father Antonio José, opposition of, to Lamy; description of; and tithes; admonition to, from Lamy; accusations of Machebeuf by; and resignation; and Taladrid; and Penitentes; oratory of; suspension of; excommunication of; and Eulógio Ortiz; death and will of
Mary Alphonse, Sister
Mary Augustine, Sister
Mary Francesca, Sister,
Lamy, Marie
Mary Magdalen, Mother; becomes mother superior; letters of; and Santa Fe reception; and Lamy homecoming; and Lamy illness; and Civil War; donates to cathedral; and new academy; resignation of
Masset, Jules
Matagorda Bay
Matilda, Sister, death of
Matz, Father (later Bishop) Nicholas
Mazatlán, Machebeuf and
McCarthy, Widow
McCloskey, Archbishop John (later Cardinal)
McClosky, Mr
McCloskey, Father
McFerran, Captain
Medina, Don RamÏn
Mesilla, rancho of; and interchange of names; and jurisdictional dispute; and election; and papal decree and ZubirÃa; and Gadsden Purchase; Bishop Loza and; and Confederacy; Lamy at; Salpointe and; Salinas and
Messea, Father
Mexicans, description of, and life of; in New Mexico; in Texas; in Santa Fe; and saints; and Mass; pride of; school for; art of; Lamy compares with Americans; Lamy and; Machebeuf and;
see also
clergy, native
Mexico, U.S. war with; cessions of, to U. S.; conditions in; and religious jurisdiction,
see also
ZubirÃa; dislocating events in; description of; Lamy in; Juárez and; Buchanan and; Salpointe and Salinas and;
see also
Gadsden Purchase
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Mexico City
Miège, Bishop J. B.
missioners, and America; need of; to Asia; duties of; problems of; Machebeuf and; and annexation of Texas; Lamy and; and country parishes; and church-building; brought by Ussel; join Salpointe
Mohican, Ohio, Lamy and
Mojave Indians
Monk, Maria
Mont-Ferraud, seminary of
Montana, as suffragan diocese
Monterey, request for see in
Montreal, Machebeuf to,.
Moquis, and education
Mora, N. M.
Mora, Louis, Lamy gardener
Morford, Henry
Mouly, Antoine
Mouly, Projectus
Mount Chiricasca
Mt St Vincent, Lamy at
Mt Vernon
Mousset, Abbé, gift from
Munnecom, Father, and Avel's death
Murphy, Father
Murphy, Messrs John
Museum of New Mexico
Napoleon III,
Navajoa, Sonora, Machebeuf at
Navajos, raids, and threats of raids by; missions for; and Welsh; defense against; on reservation
Nerinckx, Charles
Nerinckx, Ky., Larny at
New Mexican
New Mexico; capture of; becomes U. S. territory; boundaries of; moral and religious conditions in, and civil and religious jurisdiction of; vicariate apostolic for; hard times in; church properties of; people and homes of; and politics; rebellions in; history of; in autumn; Penitentes in; and tithes; and Episcopal See; and railroad; legislators of, and Lamy and Machebeuf; Machebeuf and; and Civil War; Indian campaigns against; reservations in; compared with Colorado; Catholics in; separation of, from Arizona;
New Mexican
article about; Protestants and missions in; Pueblo life in; Lamy, and architectural style of; hostilities in; as health resort; antiquities in; education in,
education; Indians and,
Indians New Orleans
New Orleans
Commercial Bulletin
New Orleans
New York
New York
New York
, and massacre
Newark (Ohio)
Newman, John Henry Cardinal
Niagara Falls, visits to
Nicholas, Czar
Noel, E.
North American College
Norwalk (Ohio), Machebeuf at
Notre-Dame de Bonne Nouvelle
Notre Dame de Port
Nuñez, Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar
Odin, John Mary (later Bishop); and Lamy travel plans; and Texas towns; and
San Antonio
O'Donnell, John
O'Leary, Father, and Sapp's
Oñate, Juan de
Ortiz, Father Eulógio
Ortiz, Monsignor Juan Felipe; and Lamy appointment; and Lamy arrival; vs Lamy; scandalous behavior of; and ZubirÃa; and nuns; and rectory; and church properties; offered new parish; to replace Lamy; vs Machebeuf; suspension of; death of; sister's donation to cathedral
Ortiz, Father José
Ortiz, Don Mateo
Ortiz, Father RamÏn
Otero, Antonio, resignation of
Otero, Miguel A.
“Our Flag,”
Our Lady of Light;
see also
Loretto nuns
Out of His Head
outlaws, danger of
Paguate, Pueblo school at
Palmetto, S.S
Paris, Purcell in; Machebeuf in, and Lamy in;
see also
Society for Propagation of Faith