Landing the Air Marshal (Snowpocalypse) (10 page)

Read Landing the Air Marshal (Snowpocalypse) Online

Authors: Jennifer Blackwood

Tags: #contemporary romance, #brazen, #Sexy, #erotic, #erotic romance, #Jennifer Blackwood, #air marshal, #One-Night Stand, #one night stand, #stranded, #uniform

BOOK: Landing the Air Marshal (Snowpocalypse)
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Abby looked up at him with those big eyes, and his resolve crumbled to snow flurries. What was it she’d asked? He was so focused on thinking of every which way he wanted her once they got back to the hotel that the question hadn’t registered.

“One more thing and then we can leave.”

“What’s that?”

“We haven’t finished what’s in the bag. We still have one more New York specialty.”


He pulled out the container of chocolate-covered strawberries. “These are the best strawberries in the city.”

She narrowed her eyes suspiciously at the package. “And what makes you say that?”

“Because they’re about to be touched by your lips.” That one might have laid it on a little thick. But Gage was telling the truth. Anything would be lucky to get the gentle caress of Abby’s lips.

“That is quite a line, Mr. Michaels.”

He ignored her comment and opened the container, grabbing one of the strawberries by the stem and guiding it to her mouth. She opened and he watched, mesmerized as her teeth bit into the chocolate and fruit. A trail of juice trickled down her bottom lip and made it halfway down her chin before Gage swept in and caught it with his tongue. He dropped the other half of the strawberry to the ground and threaded his fingers through her hair, unable to go even a full minute without touching her. He pushed her down into the snow and climbed on top of her, prying her legs open. Abby was warm and soft, and every bit as tempting as a chocolate covered strawberry. His hand smoothed up her stomach, under her coat, and palmed her breast. His thumb circled over her hardened nipple, and she arched her back, pushing into his palm.

His tongue swirled with hers, tasting a mix of chocolate and champagne and Abby. The tastiest mixture he’d ever encountered.

A shiver racked her body, and he cursed himself for pushing her into the snow if she’d already been cold. He’d never forgive himself if she actually got hypothermia. He grabbed the blanket from the ground and wrapped it around her, pulling her close. “How about we get back to the hotel? I bet we can flag down another sleigh.” There had to be a ton of them out, especially since that would be a safer mode of transportation than driving on the icy roads.

He picked up the bottle of Dom and the bag of food from the ground, and they headed back in the direction of the hotel. He’d show her the New York experience, hopefully one she’d never forget. Because he wouldn’t be able to get this out of his mind. Ever.

Chapter Ten

By the time Gage and Abby made it back to their high-rise, the snow had started coming down in a blast. The door to the building was open and the lights were dimmed to half-mast. The doorman gave a tight smile. Never a good sign.

“Power’s out. The backup generator is on, but the elevators are out of service,” he said with a shrug.

“Oh.” Abby said and glanced down at her heels. They’d walked a good portion of the night and Gage bet her feet were killing her, especially while walking on uneven snow. Shit, his sister whined after twenty minutes during Friday night dinners that her heels were uncomfortable. Then again, that might also be a genius excuse to leave dinner early. Jill was always looking to spend as little time with their mother as possible. Not that he blamed her, with the way their mom always treated her like she was Emily’s age.

There was a slight limp to Abby’s gait, and he cussed under his breath. He should have asked her to put on more practical shoes to begin with. Damn those insanely hot heels. Now they’d have to make the forty floor trek up the stairs.

As soon as they made it through the doors to the stairwell, he offered, “Hop on my back.” It’s what a gentleman would do. Although, he’d been anything but a gentleman all weekend. Something about her brought out a primitive side that made him want to beat his fucking chest and throw her over his shoulder, and dominate her.

Her brow rose. “I’m fine on my own,” she said, but Gage couldn’t help but notice the wince in the crease of her eyes after each step. She was a stubborn one, he’d give her that. Maybe that was what attracted him to her in the first place. He always did like a challenge.

“Right.” He gave her a speculative look drawing out the word.

By the time they’d made it one flight, she’d slowed her steps, and he could see clear discomfort on her face. Enough was enough. Pride be damned, she’d just have to suck it up, because he wasn’t going to let her suffer up thirty-nine more flights. He grabbed her fireman style, and she began to yell.

“Let me down. This is ridiculous.” Her feet flailed in front of him, and Gage had to push back the chuckle that started low in his belly.

“Not as ridiculous as you walking up forty flights in heels.” He gave her ass a swat for good measure, and she let out a groan and writhed against him. If his hand snaked up her skirt, he bet the flimsy fabric of her thong would be soaked through. She made another useless attempt at wiggling free. What was she, a buck ten?

“I told you I can manage on my own.” She smacked his back, and it only made him smirk. Abby was a feisty one—had enough fire in her to incinerate the whole damn hotel.

He held her tighter as she continued to wriggle around. Suffer over thirty floors in those sexy but completely impractical heels? Not happening. “Where I come from, we have manners. I see someone in distress, and I need to help.”

She scoffed. “I’m not some damsel in need of saving. Let me down.” She kicked her legs and pounded on his back.

Dammit, that attitude of hers drove him mad. Absolutely insane. Made him want to tear his hair out and take her hard up against the wall all at the same time. “Or what?” His fingers gripped the backs of her legs. She had stockings on today, and he felt the beginnings of a garter belt. Fuck. Once they got back into the room, he definitely needed to take everything off but the garter belt and fuck-me heels.

The hem of her skirt had worked its way up her thighs, and if he pushed it a little farther, he’d be able to sneak his fingers under those delicate lace panties of hers. Was she as wet as she’d been this morning? The responsiveness, the way she looked at him with an insatiable hunger, it made him want to bury himself to the hilt in her tight little pussy. He wanted his cock slamming into her, skin slapping against skin, the decadent sound of their sweat-slicked bodies tangling together. The thought made him momentarily lose a step, but he caught both of them before he could stumble up the stairs.

“I don’t know, but I’ll come up with something,” she said, her voice resolute.

This time he couldn’t hold back his laugh. Did she understand how incredibly adorable she was? Infuriating as hell, but adorable. That, mixed with the sexy side in the bedroom, nearly knocked him on his ass. “Real good comeback, sweetheart.”

“At least let me ride on your back. This is uncomfortable.”

Right. It probably didn’t feel good having a shoulder bone jutting into her stomach. When he’d played football in high school, shoulders to the gut were a common but aggravating occurrence. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her—that defeated the whole purpose of attempting chivalry. “Fine.” He grunted and let her down so she could climb up on his back.

Instead, she sprinted up the next flight of stairs, throwing a haughty look in his direction. “Ha ha, sucker,” echoed through the stairwell. She cackled as she made it halfway up the next set of stairs. Gage stood there, momentarily stunned. Who the hell was this woman?

He ran after her and caught up before she made it the whole flight. “I need to watch out for you, don’t I?” He pinned her against the wall and ran his palms greedily over her curves. Normally he could keep his hands to himself with women. He respected them, worshiped them. But Abby’s body called to him, begged for his hands to explore every inch of her. Those supple curves, the way her back arched when he rolled his tongue over her nipples, everything was a damn homing beacon for him.

She swallowed hard and closed her eyes, her throat working. “I’m not into that whole chivalry thing. It’s only good in movies. Anything else just feels very chauvinistic.”

He blinked hard. “You’re saying me being a gentleman is piggish?”

“Yes. It’s like saying that I’m not capable enough to do things myself. Goes against everything I believe in.”

That…was not how he viewed her. Even though he’d only known her the span of two days, she was clearly more than capable of handling herself. That didn’t mean he couldn’t treat her with respect and help out a person in need. “So, I should just let you suffer?”

“Yes.” Her breath still held a hint of strawberries and chocolate, and it took all his willpower to keep following the conversation and not ravage her mouth.

“Not going to happen. Not on my watch.”

“You’re really not going to let this go, are you?” She huffed and put her hands on her hips. She was so fucking hot, with that California attitude. It hit him square below the belt, and damn if he didn’t want to take her right here.

She blew out a sigh, and her bangs fanned across her forehead. A resigned look filled her eyes and her lips twisted into a smirk. “Fine. I’ll take a piggyback, but let it be known that I could have walked up all forty flights.”

He crouched down, putting his arms behind him, ready to grab her when she jumped on his back. “Noted. And we’ll put it on the record that you did.”

She hopped onto him and wrapped her arms around his neck. The heat of her breath traced hot across the back of his neck, and he tightened his grip on her legs. His thumb stroked over her tight ass and she squirmed under his touch, her breath picking up in pace.

They made it another few flights in silence. No one else was in the stairwell, everyone smart enough to stay inside on a blustery night like tonight. His footsteps echoed in the space, and each step he took, his cock hardened. That damn mouth of hers, paired with a tight little body—fuck, she’d be the downfall of him.

“You know you’re a pain in the ass,” he said, trying to lighten the mood.

“Hello, pot. Meet kettle.”

“That mouth of yours drives me insane.” His words were playful, but there couldn’t be more truth to his statement.

“Well, I’ll be out of your hair by tomorrow.”

A hint of sadness laced her words. She was right, though. After tomorrow, the airport would open flights back up, and they’d be on two separate sides of the country. All the more reason to savor this quick breath of a weekend with her, every goddamn minute. And he was going to start now, because thirty flights seemed too far to wait to have her. He quickly flipped her around so that her legs now straddled his stomach, and her mouth parted in surprise.

“What are you doing?”

“I don’t want to waste any more time I have with you.” His lips were on her neck as he pressed her up against the wall of the stairwell. Her head fell to the side, giving him better access as he ran his tongue lightly against her chilled skin.

“We still have thirty more flights,” she said.

“I don’t care.” He ground into her, his hard cock finding the space between her thighs.

“What if someone sees?” Her eyes darted up the stairs, but there wasn’t as much hesitation coming from her as he’d anticipated.

“Do you ever stop worrying?”

She raised a brow. “No.”

“Well, then I’m not doing a good enough job to ease your mind.” His hands greedily roamed over her body, and he lost all self-control when a little exhale filled with a moan escaped from her lips. Would he ever tire of that noise? No. A part of him, one that he’d be smart to ignore, wished he could just hole up in the penthouse with Abby for an entire year, maybe more, because he wanted to know her, every bit about her, more than just the physical. But they didn’t have that luxury, so he’d take what he could get.

“I can be bold.”

“I’d like to see that.” He smirked.

She slid off him and gave him an appraising look. For a second, he thought she was going to forget the whole thing and leave him hanging for the rest of the forty-floor trek. Instead, she looked up at him with piercing blue eyes that sent a jolt straight to his cock. She licked her lips, and a smile curled in the corners.

“You obviously haven’t challenged a business woman before, have you, Mr. Michaels?”

She skimmed her hands over the bulge in his pants, and a growl ripped from the back of his throat as she worked her way up to his belt buckle. Fuck, those hands were a goddamn weapon.

She removed the belt in a painfully slow fashion, and he knocked his head against the wall and worked at keeping himself calm. He was collected, nothing unsettled him, especially not anything involving the bedroom—or stairwell, for that matter.

When she finally undid the belt, she looked up through long lashes as she slowly unzipped his pants. He sucked in a breath as she grabbed his cock and pulled it out from his boxer briefs.

This weekend put a lot of things into perspective for Abby. First, she was missing out on the whole sex thing, like, whoa. Second,
holy crap
she’d need to invest in some sex toys after this weekend. Guess she knew what she’d be researching on the flight to L.A. Porn on the way to New York, vibrators on the way back—her life had taken a turn for the way more interesting. Third, being around Gage turned her into a different person. She thought on that for a second. Maybe not different, but he exposed traits she’d never seen in herself before. This desire for him flowed through every crevice of her body and put her in a constant state of want and need.

Like the need to switch roles and take the lead, because Abby enjoyed having power over Gage, to have his pleasure tied directly to hers. His knees buckled as her fingers folded around his hardened cock. Well, almost all the way around. Definitely a two-hand job. No pun intended. His legs spread wider as he leaned against the wall and knocked his head back. Never in her life would she have thought she’d be doing the good ol’ five-finger shuffle in a stairwell, but Gage messed with her hardwiring. Something about the way he carried himself, so full of assurance and confidence. It made her realize just how lacking her sex life had been. And damn, she’d really been missing out on a lot of fun all these years.

His hooded eyes regarded her with worship. Gage was right—she wasn’t some damsel in distress in regard to the bedroom. She needed to be the kind to climb her own hair and get out of this rut for good. And she wanted to. Badly. Starting with teasing Gage. She was off to a good start if his shaky thighs were any indication.

She ran her hands up his muscular quads and kneaded her thumbs into his thighs as she inched closer to his cock. She thought back to earlier when her lips skated along his well-endowed shaft with a feather light touch. Gage was the first guy she’d been with that bothered to do a little manscaping. Which was probably why she was feeling a bit better about sticking her mouth there—nothing was worse than a mouthful of pubes.

He sucked in a breath through his clenched teeth and his fingers found their way into her hair. “Fuck. You’re driving me insane, babe.”

“I think I like it.” And she did. She freaking loved it.

As her fingers slid down his shaft, his chest rose and fell heavily, his muscles straining against his jacket.

“Okay, time’s up. My turn.”

Like she weighed nothing, Gage reached his hands to Abby’s sides and picked her up and whirled her around so her back was now pressed against the wall. His fingers dug into her hips, and he let out a low growl in her ear.

His lips were on her neck, kissing, sucking, nipping, completely merciless. A shudder rippled down her body, and she held on to him tighter, feeling as if she was losing her grip on reality. He dipped his hand into her skirt and slipped his finger along her panties. “You like turning me on?”


“You going to do something about that?” He nodded down to his very prevalent erection as it pressed into her stomach.

“Maybe. You stopped me before I could get going, though.” Who the hell was she, that she was completely down with sucking a guy’s cock and giving him a handy in one day? This obviously must be an illness. Sex sickness. That was a real thing, right? It had to be, or else she’d gotten a little haphazard on washing her hands while traveling and was now infected with a brain-eating bacteria that turned her into a sex fiend. That was…less likely. Whatever it was, she couldn’t bring herself to care, because all she wanted was Gage’s hands on her, and for him to fix the need that ached between her thighs.

“And what did I say before?”

She thought for a moment, her brain still fuzzed over with
must have Gage. Need now
. “That you’re in charge?”

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