Landon's Desire (Book Three of The Pulse Series 3) (28 page)

BOOK: Landon's Desire (Book Three of The Pulse Series 3)
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“I want to ask you something,” he said.

“Wait,” Carl stopped him, covering Landon’s mouth with his hand.

Getting down on his knees at Landon’s feet, Landon’s eyes widened as he grabbed the shoulder of Carl’s shirt and tried to tug him to his feet.

“This isn’t the time, Carl.”

“I have no intention of giving you head, listen for a minute,” Carl broke free and reached into his pocket.

Landon reached into his pocket at the same time and pulled out a simple white gold band as his eyes spotted a white gold band pinched between Carl’s fingers.

“Will you marry me?” Carl asked, with a huge grin.

“If you’ll marry me,” Landon said, with a grin to match.

“Yes, I’ll marry you,” Carl laughed, slipping the band over Landon’s finger then giving it a kiss.

“And I’ll marry you, I love you so much,” Landon said, fumbling with the ring as Carl assisted in getting it over the knuckle of his finger.

“Holy fuck!” Landon yelled, sweeping Carl into his arms, swinging him in the air. “This is the best fucking birthday ever.”

“Let’s go tell everyone,” Carl whispered against his lips.

“Wait a minute. I want to enjoy my fiancé’s sweet lips for a while.”

Ten minutes later they walked into
with smiles that couldn’t be slapped off their faces and shushed the crowd.

Their friends stood quietly waiting, while they had Rex fill champagne flutes and hand them out. When ready, Landon draped his hand over Carl’s shoulder and held up both their ringed hands to show everyone.

“We’re engaged!” they said together.

Kisses and hugs, congratulations accompanied by handshakes and best wishes, were all interrupted as a scream echoed over it all and everyone turned to see Mikala standing staring down at a small pool of liquid at her feet.

“Fuck me, my water broke,” she looked up and laughed and then burst into tears.

Landon stormed over to her side as did Mason and Carl.

“That’s it Kiddo, make Uncle Lando proud and don’t keep us waiting too long?”

“From your fucking lips,” Mikala panted, holding the base of her belly and hunching over in pain.

“Mommies going to work real hard at cleaning up that mouth of hers,” Chase said, and winked as Mikala flipped him the bird.

“Shall we take this party to Massachusetts General?” Mason asked, lifting his wife into his arms and heading to the door.




“Emma Elisabeth Grace,” Mikala said, holding her tiny new daughter in her arms. “I want you to meet the most important people you’re going to have in your life, besides mommy and daddy of course.”

She tipped the baby up slightly, tucking the soft pink blanket under her chin and pointed to each person as she introduced Emma to her surrogate aunts and uncles.

“This is Uncle Chase, he’s going to spoil you rotten and mommy’s not going to be able to stop him. Suck up to him real good and I bet he’ll buy you a pony.”

Chase smiled, as he stepped forward and touched his finger to her tiny rosy cheek. “Hello little girl, I’ll buy you two ponies if that’s what you want.”

“This is Auntie Eden, mommy’s best friend she’s kind of tough, she’ll teach you etiquette and all that shit. Oh, and she’s gonna make sure mommy doesn’t swear around you,” Mikala laughed.

“You’re so beautiful little one, Auntie Eden’s going to take you shopping and help Uncle Chase spoil you.”

“This is Uncle Carl, he can be grumpy sometimes,” she looked up to see Carl scowl at her as he walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. “But he’s a very smart man and knows all kinds of neat stuff, he’s going to help you with your homework and make sure you get into the best college.”

“She’s so tiny, she’s got your red hair,” Carl attempted to swirl up a curl on her head. He kissed the tip of his finger and touched it to her forehead. “I may be a prick sometimes baby, but I’ll always be there for you.”

“And last but not least, Emma, this is your Uncle Landon, the one that’s been talking to you
every day
. Uncle Landon…well, he’s real special.”

Mikala held out Emma and transferred her to Landon’s arms. She practically disappeared in his huge arms, as he cradled her and walked over to the window.

“Emma Elisabeth Grace,” Landon said her name and she opened her eyes, as if she knew who he was. It shouldn’t have been a surprise since he had talked to Mikala’s belly on a daily basis at least once a day, for nine months.

“Happy Birthday, Sweet Pea. I’ve been waiting an awful long time to meet you. When you were no more than a blue streak on a test strip, I knew you were going to be someone special. You’re the luckiest little girl in the world to have all these people that love you.”

Emma scrunched her face and stirred in his arms and he grew anxious for a second until she settled.

“Whew, I thought you were going to show me up and start crying. Give me one more minute, and I’ll hand you back to mommy, deal?” he asked, placing his finger to her hand for a pretend shake, she grasped hold of his finger and he smiled.

“That’s my girl,” he cooed to her. “Mommy and daddy don’t know it yet, but me and Uncle Carl, we’ve got that education thing covered. We started a college fund, our birthday present to you.”

Mikala opened her mouth to protest and Carl stopped her, nodding in Landon’s direction silently.

“I haven’t had a lot of experience with babies, so you’re going to have to be patient with me, I’m going to try and be the best uncle I can. I want you to know you can come to me with any questions, any problems and tell me anything. And just so we’re clear, Sweat Pea, Uncle Landon’s going to screw up sometimes, say the wrong things, do the wrong things, I’m going to come across all gruff and demanding, but always know that I love you. I’m your
go to
uncle, I’ll protect you and support all your decisions, and I’ll listen when no one else will, because I love you more than anything, Sweat Pea…oh, and I’m going to teach you how to kick ass like I taught your mommy.”

Landon placed a soft gentle kiss on Emma’s forehead and carefully handed her back to Mikala, who was wiping away tears as was everyone in the room.

“Hey! It’s
birthday what’s with the tears?” Landon laughed.

Wiping away the remnants of a tear on Mikala’s cheek, Landon leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “You did great Princess she’s beautiful, I’m so happy for you.”

“I’m sorry I ruined your party,” Mikala said, touching her hand to his cheek.

“You didn’t ruin jack shit, Princess,” Landon said, gently tapping the tip of Emma’s nose. “You gave me the best birthday present ever. You made me an uncle to the most gorgeous baby girl on earth.”

A nurse dressed in scrubs patterned with baby bottles and rattles, came into the room with a tray and smiled. “Feeding time for mom and I’m going to take baby Reed back to the nursery so you can get some rest.”

She compared the bracelet on Emma’s wrist to the one on Mikala’s and then lifted her from Mikala. “Bye for now mommy, we’ll be back for feeding time. Make sure you eat it all and get some rest Mrs. Reed.”

“I think that’s our cue to hit the road,” Eden said, giving Mikala a hug.

“I love you guys,” Mikala said, wiping away more tears.

“She’s a bit hormonal,” Mason offered, as an explanation.

“I’m fucking happy. Fuck you and your hormone bullshit,”

“There’s that mouth,” Chase chastised. “We really have to work on that, now that you’re a mother. We wouldn’t want Emma’s first word to be fuck.”

“You squeeze something the size of a watermelon through something the size of a quarter and tell me you’d be worrying about how you speak. Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she uncovered the tray of food and scowled. “Fuck, what’s this shit?”

“We’re out of here. I’m taking the birthday boy out for breakfast.” Carl said, slipping his hand into Landon’s.

“You two want to join us?” Carl asked Eden and Chase.

“No thanks, you two go celebrate your engagement alone, enjoy the day!” Eden said, with a wink. “We have some shopping to do.”

“I’m going to go broke today, I can feel my credit card screaming in my wallet,” Chase laughed. “Get some rest Mik, we’ll come visit later.”

As the room emptied, Mikala called out to Landon and he came back into the room and sat on the bed. She took his hand in hers and held it up so she could see his ring.

“I never got a chance to tell you how happy I am for you and Carl.” She smiled up into his face. “Be happy, you two deserve it.”

“Thanks, Princess, we are happy, he’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” Landon laughed. “Besides Emma.”

“Go be with him, I love you.”

“I love you,” he said, and hugged her carefully.

Carl was standing playing with his phone in the hallway with one foot propped against the wall and a huge grin on his face. Landon narrowed his brow and stood beside him, looking to see what had him so enthralled.

“My new wallpaper, I’m going to put it on every device I own.”

It was a photo of Landon holding Emma at the window, at the very moment Emma took hold of his finger and stole his heart.

“I vote we go have something to eat and then we go buy Emma the biggest pink teddy bear we can find,” Carl said. “And something pretty for Mik too, can’t forget mom.”

“Sounds perfect,” Landon agreed. “Then I want to go home and make love to my fiancé.”

Landon closed his mouth over Carl’s, kissing him slowly and gently before taking him by the hand and leading him down the hall.




Carl was squatted over Landon’s hips as Landon drove into him from below. He leaned back and turned his head to lick across Landon’s lips and pepper him with kisses.

“Ace,” he panted


“I want to be inside you.”

“I want that too,” Landon hummed. “Suit up.”

While Landon watched Carl slide a condom down his length and apply a healthy layer of lube, he bit into his bottom lip and leisurely stroked himself. “Do you know how fucking beautiful you are?”

“Lay back and I’ll show you something beautiful.”

“Grrr…” Landon growled.

Carl placed his palm on Landon’s forehead and shoved him back, lying between his thighs grinding his cock against Landon’s. Their mouths opened and tongues smashed together as they devoured each other’s mouths and moaned loudly. Quiet sex had never been something they could manage or desired, the more vocal the more they got off.

Fisting his cock, he held it at Landon’s puckered opening and teased him with the head, rubbing it lightly over and over until Landon grasped Carl’s hips and dug his fingers into his flesh.

“Do it already, don’t be a fucking tease.”

“Yes sir,” he giggled. “I remember not long ago when my man enjoyed the anticipation.”

“Anticipation be damned,” Landon snarled. “Make love to me, Babes.”

Entering him slowly but not stopping until his swollen head passed through the tight ring of muscle, he smiled into Landon’s face as he cried out and gripped Carl’s hips tighter.

Carl pried Landon’s fingers free and lifted his arms up over his head, weaving their fingers together and setting a brisk pace, while circling his hips and grunting with each forward thrust. He had gotten much better at holding off, Landon had taught him well how to make it last and for this reason, their love making sessions could last all evening if so desired.

Tonight was one of those long lasting nights.

“Say my name.”


“Say it again,” Carl demanded.


“Tell me what you want, because I can’t last much longer.”

Landon ran the tip of his tongue over his teeth and nipped it with a teasing glare. “I want you to make me cum.”

His pace increased as beads of sweat dropped from his forehead onto Landon’s chest. He watched as Landon grasped his own cock and stroked it violently, his eyes closed with a painful look on his face as his mouth formed the delicious O that Carl loved to see, knowing that he was the one that put it there.

“Harder, I’m going to cum,” Landon cried out as his hand stroked fiercely, the veins in his arm bulging at the surface of his skin as if ready to burst.

Several hot spurts of cum shot across Landon’s chest, glistening against his already sweat covered skin, he laid his head back and touched Carl’s cheek tracing his jaw with his thumb.

“Cum for me, Babes,” Landon coaxed him on, squeezing his muscles around Carl’s shaft.

Carl’s head fell back as he groaned. “Do that again, that was fucking amazing.”

Landon pretended not to know what he was taking about. “You mean this?” he said and squeezed his interior muscles as Carl’s chin hit his chest and he let out a strangled ohhh!

“Oh, fuck yeah, that, keep doing that,” he pleaded as he drew closer to the edge, releasing Landon’s hand and clamping onto Carl’s thighs, pushing deeper and growling.

“I’m cuming, now, right fucking now, ohh…” Carl emptied his load with his teeth grit together, he then fell onto Landon’s chest while they caught their breath.

After pulling out and discarding the condom, then wiping their chests clean, Carl snuggled into Landon’s side, enjoying Landon’s embrace.

“Hey Babes, are we going to use those things forever?”

“What?” Carl asked, on the verge of sleep.

“Are you completely committed to me, I mean, completely one hundred percent committed?”

“Ace, you know I am,” he said, drawing lazy circles on Landon’s chest. “I love you.”

“And I love you,” Landon said. “It’s not like we have anything to worry about, I’ve been tested and so have you. Wouldn’t you like to know how it feels to go bare back?”

“You’ve never?”

Landon shook his head. “Never, but I’d like to.”

They lay silent as they both considered the idea.

“What do we do now?”

“We relax,” Landon whispered and rolled onto his side, draping his leg over Carl’s thighs. “There’s no rush. Maybe next time or the time after that, we’ll play it by ear.”

“Hungry? Because I could eat an entire cow by myself,” Carl asked, running his hand up and down Landon’s thigh and then crawling from under him.

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