Laney (2 page)

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Authors: Joann I. Martin Sowles

Tags: #Romance, #fantasy, #General, #Fiction

BOOK: Laney
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“Oh…uh…hi,” I stuttered. “I’m Laney. Laney Alexander.” I took his hand. His grip was firm and his hand was cool to the touch. There was something tugging at the back of my mind, something familiar. I looked up into his eyes and started to lose myself in that sea of green, causing me to abandon my previous thought.

His voice stopped me from falling into the depths of his eyes again. “It’s nice to meet you, Laney.”

“You, too.” I smiled, feeling my cheeks warm. “Oh, and thank you for helping with Kiera.”

“You’re welcome,” he said, letting go of my hand and flashing that dazzling smile.

He shoved his hands in his pockets and walked beside me through the campus back to our English class. A couple of times, I worked up enough courage to glance over at him and every time he flashed me a slight half-smile you could die for. My heart rate would kick up a notch and blood would rush to my cheeks. Other than that, it was a quiet walk back to class.

When we reached the door of our English class, which was almost over, he said with his beautiful smile and voice, “It was really nice to meet you, Delaney.” I smiled and felt myself blush again as he slipped past me into the classroom. I stood there for a moment collecting myself and realized he had called me “Delaney” instead of “Laney.”
That’s weird; I know I introduced myself as “Laney.”
I shrugged it off. Professor McBaldy Bald had taken attendance—that must’ve been it; teachers are the only ones that called me “Delaney” anymore.

I snuck into the room unnoticed by the professor. He was busy lecturing with his back to the class while writing on the board. I quietly grabbed our things and headed back to the nurse’s office—but not without sneaking one last glance at Oliver. He gave me a quick half–smile. I blushed and quickly left the room.
Dang, he’s gorgeous
. He filled my thoughts as I headed back to Kiera.

Chapter 2 - Mortified

Kiera was conscious and sitting on the edge of the bed, nervously swinging her feet, by the time I got back to the nurse’s office.

“Hey,” I said quietly. “How are you feeling?”

“Like I want to go home.” Her tone made it obvious that she was embarrassed.

She hopped off the table and grabbed her bag from my hand as she passed me. I followed her out to my car. I hadn’t thought she was serious about going home. That was really quite unusual for my pixie little, bookworm friend. She waited by the passenger door, not looking at anything but her feet.

The ride home started out very quiet; then, in the softest voice, she asked, “What happened?” and I told her. She listened without saying a word, just staring out the window. I glanced over when I finished and I could see that her cheeks were a dark shade of pink. She sighed and said nothing else.

We’d been home about thirty minutes, all of which Kiera had spent alone in her room, when she called my name. I was in my room, which was just a bathroom away from Kiera’s, so I heard her clearly.

I walked the few feet from my room to hers and peeked around her door. She was sitting up on her bed, snuggled under the covers. She looked at me, shyly smiled, and patted the bed for me to come and sit. I did.

“So, what you’re telling me is that I passed out in class and Mr. Hottie Hotness carried me to the nurse’s office all the way on the other side of the campus?”

“Yes,” I said quietly, tracing the pink, cherry blossom patterns on her brown bedspread.

“OH MY GOD!” she screeched, which startled me and I jumped. “How humiliating! I am so mortified!” Kiera screamed, pulling the covers over her head as she threw herself down onto the bed. She did sound truly mortified.

“I’m sorry, Kiera. What else was I supposed to do?” I almost pleaded.

It wasn’t like I called him over.”

No sound came from under the covers.

“If it makes you feel any better, the world’s hottest guy was very chivalrous and he saved you. See, chivalry isn’t dead, after all,” I said, trying to be lighthearted about it.

Still nothing.

“Seriously, Kiera, what did you expect me to do? Dump you out of your seat and drag your ass across campus by your ankles? I think that would’ve drawn more attention, don’t you?” I was beginning to get a little frustrated. This was a bit dramatic, even for Kiera.

This time a little giggle escaped from under the covers. “Thanks, Laney.”

“Anytime,” I smiled at the covers and my frustration faded, “but I imagine there are better ways to meet boys.” That got her to pop out from under the covers and throw a pillow at me.

“Well, I think I’m going to go spend the rest of the day on the couch,” I said, getting up to leave her room.

All joking gone, she said, “What do you mean? Aren’t you going to the rest of your classes?” Always the perfect student, that Kiera. I bet it was killing her to miss school, especially the first day. She probably thought it would set a precedent for the entire semester. Come to think of it, it could have possibly been the first time she had ever missed school. It was not the time to tell her I only had one more class that day. Unlike Kiera’s four classes a day, I was taking four classes total that were spread out through the week. She wouldn’t approve.

“No way. What if I have whatever you have? Who’s going to get the cute boy to rescue me when I pass out?” I said in my most serious voice. She wasn’t buying it; she knew I wasn’t a huge fan of school.

I giggled. I couldn’t help myself. Kiera couldn’t hold back, either. She laughed so hard she snorted, which made me laugh even harder.

Holding her stomach, she asked through her giggles, “His last name is really Knight?”

“That’s what he said.” I stifled a giggle and straightened at the thought of him.

“So, does that make him our Knight in Shining Armor?”

“I don’t know about the armor, but his teeth were definitely shiny!” That sent us into another round of snorting giggles. There must have been something wrong with us. We weren’t usually that easily amused.

Chapter 3 - Surprise Appearance

While Kiera slept off whatever she had, I spent the next few hours lying on our large, well loved, brown couch in my jammies, flipping through channels, but not really paying any attention to what was on. My every thought was consumed by the mesmerizingly beautiful Oliver Knight—his gorgeous green eyes, perfect smile, fantastic wavy hair, and those strong arms that had carried Kiera to the nurse’s office.
Who says there’s no such thing as perfection? That was proven wrong today

I fantasized about what it would be like to wrap my arms around his chest, to feel his strong arms around me, and to kiss his perfect lips. That’s when I realized that my imagination—and possibly my hormones—were seriously running away with me and I started trying to focus on the TV. It didn’t work.

At around six o’clock that night, Kiera finally emerged from her room, looking like her regular self, and announced she was hungry.

“How about Chinese?” she asked, stretching and yawning.

“Sure, but only if I can have it delivered,” I said with a smile. Kiera’s not a fan of delivery because she doesn’t want to pay the delivery charge. Me, on the other hand—I’m a huge fan as long as I get to stay in my jammies. Plus, I’m the one with the car; I’d be the one driving. So, she gives in to delivery a lot.

“That’s fine, but you have to call it in. You know what I want. I’m taking a shower.” She disappeared into the bathroom.

About thirty minutes later, as Kiera was coming out of the bathroom, there was a knock at the door that we assumed was Jack, the Chinese food delivery boy. Yes, we were on a first name basis with the Chinese food delivery boy; we saw him regularly.

“Hey, Jack,” I said, as I opened the door just enough to peek around it and hand him the money. But, instead of meeting Jack’s hazel eyes, I saw those stunning, emerald-green eyes again.

I let out a little scream that startled Kiera, both boys outside my door, and me—yes, there were two boys there—and then I bolted for my room, leaving Kiera staring after me.

While searching frantically for something to put on, there was a little knock at my door.

“Who is it?” I yelped. I straightened, covering my body with a handful of clothes from the pile on my floor that I was digging through.

Kiera’s voice answered, “It’s me.”

I unlocked the door and opened it about an inch. Since my bedroom was just off the living room, it was just enough to see that the guys were now in our apartment.

“Laney, let me in,” she whispered.

I hid behind the door while she came in.

“What is wrong with you?” She turned to me as I quickly shut the door behind her.

“Look at me!” I said, gesturing to myself. I was wearing baggy boxers and a tank top with no bra; my hair was matted to my head from lying on the couch all day.

“Laney, since when do you care what you look like?” she said, rather confused, looking me up and down.

“I…um…” She had a point. I had never really cared what anyone thought; but it was him, Oliver Knight, at my house with our neighbor, Carter.
Why was he with Carter?
“Why is Oliver here with Carter?” The words tumbled out of my mouth.

“I’m not sure. I haven’t had a chance to ask. I’ve been too busy trying to figure out what’s up with you,” she answered, eyeing me curiously.

“Um…well, I need a minute to change,” I said and I returned to digging through the clean pile of clothes I’d left on the floor.

“No way, Laney. Could you possibly have a crush on the Knight with Shining Teeth?” she said with a cheerful and mocking tone.

Her words made me bolt upright and I turned to face her. “Kiera! That’s ridiculous! I just met him.” I was completely appalled and felt myself begin to blush.

“That’s why I said a ‘crush,’ not ‘in love.’” She elongated the last word—I’m pretty sure just to see if the pink in my cheeks would get darker. It did.

“Whatever! Get out so I can change,” I said, a bit exasperated. I stared at my feet.
Oh, my God. She was right.
I did just spend the last few hours daydreaming about him. Or was that fantasizing? Is there a difference? You don’t typically have those kinds of thoughts about people you don’t like.

“About time,” she giggled. “In all the years I’ve known you, I’ve never seen you act like this over a boy.” She was right and my stubborn side didn’t like it. I shot her a dirty look and she giggled again. “Now, hurry up. I’m starting to feel weak again and I need to eat.”

She left the room while I hid behind the door. I found something to wear—jeans shorts and a plain black T-shirt (with a bra, of course) would have to do for now. I didn’t have time to put any thought into it. I looked in the mirror and stared for a moment at my dark brown eyes. I did my best to quickly untangle my long, chestnut-brown hair.

When I emerged from my room, I saw no one else but Oliver and my heart picked up at the sight of him. His eyes met mine and it seemed like his face lit up. I had to have imagined it. He stood from where he had been sitting in a swivel chair in the living room, smiled at me, and said in that magnificent voice, “Hello, Laney. It’s nice to see you again.” He was still wearing the same jeans, the plain, snug-fitting, black T-shirt that showed off just how perfect his body was, and his classic Converse shoes.

“You too, Oliver,” I managed to say. My cheeks warmed and my heart kicked into high gear.

Another voice reminded me that there were other people in the room. It was Carter Thomas, the boy Kiera had had a crush on since she first laid eyes on him in Kindergarten.

“Hey, Laney. I heard all about the exciting day the three of you had. I have to admit I was a little jealous to be left out,” he said jokingly—at least I hoped it was a joke.

I had to pry my eyes away from Oliver’s. “Hi, Carter. Believe me, it’s nothing to be jealous about,” I said in return, trying to sound playful.

Kiera was sitting on the floor at the coffee table, her back to the couch, already eating. The Chinese food must’ve come while I was in panic mode in my room. She was eating like she was ravenous. I hoped she wasn’t planning on making any fantastic impressions tonight. I sat down on the couch just beside her and my eyes met with Oliver’s again as he sat back down in the chair. It seemed like the rest of the world disappeared. He smiled a faint smile and I felt myself blush again. I’m pretty sure my heart skipped a beat. I was just working up the nerve to ask what he was doing there and how he and Carter knew each other when Carter’s panicked voice ripped my eyes away from Oliver’s.

“Kiera! Are you okay?” He was frantic as he jumped up from the other side of the couch.

“What’s wrong?” I said, springing to my feet. I moved around to see Kiera’s face; she was pale again and looking faint. Her body began to slump, her eyes started to roll, and her head swayed to the side. Next to me, Carter put his hand to his head like he was woozy and reached his other hand out to steady himself against the couch. I turned to Oliver. His brow was furrowed, looking from one of us to the other. He jumped to his feet faster than should’ve been possible, told Carter to have a seat, which he did, and scooped Kiera up and off to her room. I tried to follow, but he was back before I could get past the couch. He rushed past me, grabbed Carter by the wrists, jerked him off the couch with little effort, and pulled him to the door.

“It was nice to see you again, but I don’t think Kiera is up for company just yet and it seems Carter might not be well, either. I hope to see you again soon,” he said calmly. He gave me that amazing smile and shut the door behind them.

I watched them pass outside our front window. Oliver supported Carter as he stumbled toward his apartment. I stood there in the middle of my living room, wondering what the hell just happened.

“LANEY!” Kiera screamed from her room a few minutes later, startling me. I jumped and I think I caught some air.

I rushed to her room. She was sitting on the edge of her bed looking at me with pure humiliation across her face. Other than that she was looking better already; her color had returned. “Are you okay?” I asked, as I crossed the room to sit beside her.

“Other than being rather embarrassed? Yeah, I think I’m fine.” She paused for a moment then said, “You are right; his teeth are shiny.” She smiled and all of her embarrassment drained away. “He’s going to be fighting the girls off with a smile like that. He’s gorgeous,” she said, giving me a knowing smile—or was it a “You better act now before someone else does” smile?
Like she was one to talk.
“So, what just happened?” she asked.

“I have no idea.” I shook my head and then breathed a sigh of relief, knowing she was okay. “Oliver just took Carter home because he started acting like he was going to pass out, too.”

“That’s really weird,” she said thoughtfully. “Maybe you’re right. There must be something going around.” She paused for a moment, deep in thought. “I think I’m going to stay home tomorrow, maybe give myself a day to recover.”

I looked at her surprised, my mouth dropping open. “Wow, you really must not feel well.”

“I feel better now, but I really don’t want to pass out in front of everyone again,” she sighed. “Will you get me the phone so I can call my parents? They’re going to freak and blow this out of proportion,” she sighed again. She was right, her parents were very overprotective of their only child and they blew pretty much everything out of proportion. Okay, everything.

“Sure,” I said, with an apprehensive smile. “Oh, hey. Why was Oliver here, anyway?” I asked just before I left her room.

“Oh, he’s Carters new roommate,” she said, cheering up and giving me a big smile. “Guess that means you’ll get to see him all the time.”

“Oh…OH!” That news brought an uncontrollable smile to my face. The fantasies came rolling back.

After eating what little was left of the Chinese food and getting ready for bed, I decided I should call Aunt Lilly. My aunt had raised me and we were really close—I imagine what sisters would be like, but I’m just guessing since I have no idea. She had a really hard time with me moving out on my own during the middle of the last school year. I was tired of driving back and forth from school to her house, which was on the outskirts of town. It took about thirty minutes to get out there and I really wanted to be out on my own.

However, living with Kiera wasn’t much different than living with Lilly; they were pretty similar. They were both neat freaks, always nagging at me to put my clothes away, make my bed, and so on. Why? I was just going to wear the clothes and get back in the bed. I just didn’t see the point, but every time I said that, they both just told me I was impossible.

I snuggled into my bed, pulled my aqua and white star-patterned comforter over myself and dialed Aunt Lilly’s number. After two rings, she answered. “Hi, Laney Jo.”
Gotta love Caller ID.
“How was your first day of school?”

“Well, it was kind of weird.”

“Why? What’s up?”

I told her what had happened with Kiera and that I had missed all day. She wasn’t thrilled about that, but she was understanding.

We chatted about a few other things and then she asked the question: “So, Laney, did you meet any cute boys, or any boys worth talking about?”
Always with the boys. She’s going to love this…

“Well…” I hesitated.

“There’s a well? Come on; spill it!” I could hear the excitement in her voice. I sometimes thought she was living vicariously through me, just a little. She had given up everything to raise me. I admired and appreciated her dedication to me, but I also felt a little guilty, especially now that I was out on my own. I felt like she didn’t know what to do with herself anymore, but that wasn’t something we talked about.

I continued. “I did meet a really cute guy today. It’s the boy that helped take Kiera to the nurse’s office.”

“Oh, my. Are you into the hero type?” she giggled.

I ignored that and said, “He could possibly be the most beautiful boy I’ve ever seen!” I wasn’t able to contain my excitement any longer.

“Come on. I want details.” My excitement had spilled over to her.

“He’s tall.”

“Taller than a tree? ‘Tall’ is a pretty vague description. Or is he a leprechaun? In that case, does he come up to your knee? That makes him tall for a leprechaun, right?”

“Whatever.” I rolled my eyes, though she couldn’t see that. “I think he’s about six-foot or a little taller. He’s perfect and he’s drop dead gorgeous.”

“Mmhmm. He sounds dreamy.” I could hear the humor in her tone. She was finding the “Laney having a crush” thing rather amusing.

I tried to ignore it and continued giving her details about Oliver. “Wavy brown hair, the most amazing smile in the world, and the most stunning emerald-green eyes I have ever seen.”

Silence on the other end.

“Hey, you still there?”

Clearing her throat, she said, “Yeah, I was just taking a drink of water. Does this
have a name?” Her voice had lost its hint of playfulness.

“Of course,” I said. “It’s Oliver.”

She didn’t say anything and that surprised me.

“Lilly?” My voice was quiet.

“Yeah, Sweetie?”

“Is something wrong?”

“Oh, Laney. I am excited for you; I really am. I’m just surprised. That’s all. You’ve never really liked anyone the way you seem to like this boy.”

“Okay, but you seem upset.”

“I’m sorry, Honey. I think it’s finally hitting me that you are all grown up. It’s harder than I thought it would be.”
Great! More guilt for me to deal with.

“Oh…I love you, Aunt Lilly,” I said in a very sweet voice.

“I love you, too, Laney Jo. Now get to bed so you will be rested for an
day of school tomorrow. Goodnight.”


I sighed and put the phone on the nightstand. It had been a weird conversation. I didn’t know what I had expected, but it wasn’t that.

I lay there replaying the day’s events in my mind. He had said that he hoped to see me again soon and that made me smile. I drifted off to sleep thinking of Oliver and his heart-melting, beautiful smile.

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