Last First Kiss (24 page)

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Authors: Vanessa Devereaux

BOOK: Last First Kiss
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“I want to do something to you I’ve never done to another woman,” Wade whispered in her ear.

“Now you have me intrigued
Sophie nibbled on his ear as they fell onto the bed together.

“I don’t know if this will be a first for you
but I don’t want to know, okay

Sophie nodded. He didn’t even know if he’d be any good at it
but he hoped so.

He slid off the bed onto the floor and got hold of Sophie’s ankles and pull
her toward him until her butt was resting on the edge.

“Wade, what are you doing?”

see. Now lie back and close those pretty blue

He spread her legs and rested them over his shoulders, opening her up as much as he could.

He spread her pussy lips wide apart with his finger and thumb. A bead of moisture clung to the inside of one of her folds
and it was beautiful. He wiped it with his finger, watching as another
bead seeped out
. He put his tongue on it and licked. Sophie’s body quivered.

“Wade,” she whispered.

, Soph, no talking now
. Just

He put his hands on her thighs and tapped her clit with his tongue. Her thighs
and he hoped that meant s
he liked it. He flicked as fast as his muscles would allow
hearing Sophie grasp and moan louder on each one.

momentarily glanced up to see
her suck
ing her finger as she rolled
her head from side to side.

She pushed her hips up allowing th
e top of his tongue to brush her
swollen nub. He felt
it harden
and swell under his
tongue and then heard her cry out.

“Wade, oh my god, Wade, what are you doing to me?”

“Taking you to paradise.”

Wade’s cock twitched as he saw a steady stream of cream run from her slit. He so wanted to be inside
enjoying the slickness and heat
but he wanted to give her more
with his tongue first. He slid it inside her and lick
and suck
ed and flicked again.

“No, Wade, I don’t think I can take it.”

“You can
. L
et me take you where you want to go.”

He pushed his tongue back inside and pushed upward, feeling her inner pussy wall gri
p it. He flicked, feeling like
his tongue was about to snap.

Sophie called out
and he was sure the whole of
must have heard her.

She took deep breaths
as he stood, pulled her legs toward his chest
, rested her feet flat on it,
and was inside her.

Wade held her legs, pumped at her as har
d as he could with Sophie raising
her little ass off the bed to me
t with each of

Her cry filled the room again
and this time he exploded inside her. He clung on to her legs, dug his fingertips into her soft skin, feeling her drain and milk him. He slid out and set his body down on the bed beside her.

They faced one another.

“I love you,” she said stroking his face.

He took her hand and kissed its palm.

“And I love you. So how
about marrying me?


Chapter Twelve


Sophie hadn’t seen i
t coming.

asked her three minutes and thirty seconds ago
and here she was still looking at him with her mouth open.



“Is that yes
you’ll marry me. Or
yes, I heard you?”

She put her arms around him. “It’s yes
I’ll marry you.”

“You’ve made me the happiest guy on the earth.”

just in the state of


“Wade, we haven’t even thought that I live in
and you live here.”

“Soph, I take it you’ll come back to

She didn’t answer.

“Is that going to be a problem?”
asked Wade.

She shook her head. “Not as long as you let me give the town a makeover.”

He smacked her on the bottom. “You know you can’t do that
but I think you could run a design studio from here. So when do you think we should tie the knot?”

“Let’s wait until Grans gets all the legal stuff sorted out.”

“Yeah, I think that’s a good idea. I’d hate to have that hanging over our special day.”

“I still have the curtain ring
you gave me when we got married in the barn.”

Yep, she’d said it
he was probably about to
laugh his head off at her
but she wanted him to know she’d kept it all these years.

“I have mine

So it’s not just me who’s a sentimental romantic

“You didn’t throw it away when…”

He put his finger up to her mouth. “In my heart I always thought we were supposed to be together
and that
n some strange way we’d find a
way back to


Sophie looked across the table at her grandmother. She’d spend the night with Wade
again and had returned at 10
that morning when Wade h
ad headed for the airport to go
to check on his leads.

“I know you’re bursting to tell me something,” said her grandmother not looking up from the book she was writing in.

“Wade and I are getting married.”

There i
was out.

“Well, you two didn’t waste any time.”

“We’ve wasted too much of that already.”

“I agree. Now will I have time to get my hair done before the wedding?”

“Grans, of course. We’ve decided that we’ll wait until all this mess with you is sorted out.”

“Yes, I’d hate to go to my only grandchild’s nuptials with a monitor on my ankle or worse still
police escorting me there.
I saw that
episode of the Sopranos.”

Sophie smiled. She couldn’t imagine Grans watching a show like that.

“Don’t worry
Wade’s gone to
and he’ll do some digging around.”

“I know he’ll do his very best for me. And Sophie?”


“I’m very happy for the both of you.”

Sophie stood and planted a kiss on Grans’

monitor or not I’m going into town to get my hair washed and set. You think I should chance using Cathy’s salon
or is that push
ing my luck
she’ll take revenge
my hair fire engine red


Wade got into the car he’d rented
at the airport and readjusted
the seat and mirror. He’d stil
l been trying to reach C
athy all morning.  He’d give it
one more try
. This
at the beauty salon. He pressed in the number, hoping she was there because he didn’t want her to hear about
and Soph’s engagement through a third party
which was often the case in

He tapped the steering wheel as the number rang.

“Moran’s Beauty Salon. Nadine speaking.”

Nadine, it’s Wade Linley
Cathy would
ppen to be there by any chance, would she?”

she just got back from her doctor’s appointment

“Great, could I speak with her?”

Wade checked
the buttons on the
dashboard as he waited.

“You have a lot of nerve calling me,” said Cathy.

He took a deep breath. “I know
and I can’t tell you how sorry I am.”

“I thought we had something special going here. I mean I don’t go away on weekends and do that sort of stuff with just any guy.”

Wade felt himself coloring up. “I know yo
u don’t
and I never thoug
ht that poorly of you, really I didn’t.
It’s just that Sophie
and I
have a long history.”

“Didn’t she dump you for some city slicker? You don’t think she’ll do it again?

“No, no I don’t. And
I wanted to tell you
before you heard it elsewhere that…”

“You’re getting married.”

News did travel fast around


“I think you and I need to have a chat before you do that.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Can you meet me at my place tonight?”

I’m in
for the day

, you’re joking, right? What the hell
are you doing there?”

“Some business connected with Emily Richardson’s case.”

“How did you get involved with that…don’t tell me, Sophie.

“Nope, Emily’s
like my surrogate grandma. Someone hurts her, and they hurt me.”

“Wade, did you ever stop to think that she really did kill than poor man?”

“I don’t believe that for a minute.”

“If you say so
don’t be upset if it turns out of be true
. Now
can y
ou be at my house around 7 p.m.?”

“I should be back by then
but if not I’ll stop by tomorrow. You sure you can’t tell me about it over the phone?”

“Nope, has to be in person.”

the call
and Wade looked at his phone as if that would give him the answer as to why
she needed to see him in the flesh

He’d worry about that later
but for now he had some snooping around to do.


His ex
wife was pacing the floor. She always did that when sh
e was nervous. She used to smoke
but since becoming a mother, she’d paced. This time he wondered if she’d wear out the floral pattern on the carpet in his motel room.

“I can’t trust you to do anything right,” she said.

“You wanted to take care of Ambrose?”

“No, but…”

“But what?”

She slumped down on the bed. The very bed
they’d lost their senses six weeks ago and resorted to having sex.
Sex with your ex was as good as people said and even better.

“How the hell did Ambrose find me here?”

“I don’t know
but you don’t have to worry about him

“No, but I’ve got Wade Linley to worry about in his place.”

“What that he dumped you?”

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