Last Kiss (3 page)

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Authors: Dominique Adair

BOOK: Last Kiss
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“See how he eats her alive?”

She focused on the couple. The woman sat astride the man, her fingers tangled in his blond hair as she rode him with short, jerky movements. His hands grasped her voluminous breasts through her open dress-front, nimble fingers flexing her white globes as they ate at each other’s mouths.

Elaine winced. The man’s grip looked painful to her, but his partner didn’t seem to mind.

“He’ll leave marks on her flesh.” Alexei said.

She swallowed. “His partner doesn’t seem to notice.” Her voice came out low, husky, and aroused.

“No, she doesn’t seem to care.” His lips brushed her neck and her eyes slid shut as a gush of warmth flooded her vagina. “When we make love, I’ll not treat you in such a cavalier fashion. I’ll handle you as one would a prized possession. You are a woman to be worshipped.” His lips moved up her throat to tease the skin just behind her ear, sending shivers down her spine. “Every inch of you, I shall explore and cherish with all of my body.”

She barely managed to contain her groan as powerful images washed over her. This dark Russian in her bed, his hands on her body, as he made love to her. It was all so…familiar. She bit back a moan as his right hand moved to her stomach, his pinkie following the waistband of her panties through her dress.

“For hours, we will delight in one another as we explore our deepest, most carnal fantasies.” His teeth grazed her skin. “Time will be of no importance, for lovers such as we shall have eternity.”

Her eyes opened slowly, her blood sluggish with desire. She licked her lips. How well she knew the bondage of time. She’d been fighting it for years and, now, she was almost out of it. While he might have an unlimited supply of time, she did not.

She turned in his arms, leaning into him, relishing the feel of his strong body against hers. His arms slid around her, nestling her breasts against his broad chest. Her gaze met his as she leaned in to brush her mouth against his lips. She caught the feverish glitter of his eyes shadowed by the mask as she repeated the motion. This time, his mouth opened, his tongue teasing the seam of her lips, requesting entrance.

Her fingers curled over his shoulders as a sigh slipped from her and she opened to him. His taste, potent male, forbidden desire, exploded in her system as their tongues curled around one another. His grip tightened as the kiss turned urgent. She moaned as he sucked at her tongue, sending shivers of delight through her body. Her breasts ached and she shimmied against him, trying to appease her hunger, relishing in the groan sounding from his throat.

His hands slipped to her hips, pulling her tight against him as they feasted. Her fingers tangled in the silk of his hair as he nibbled on her lower lip before kissing the corner of her mouth. She tipped her head back to give him better access as he seduced her chin.

Dimly she was aware of sounds coming from the other couple as they reached completion. Their ecstatic cries mingled with the rapid beat of her heart. His hand cupped her breast, his thumb brushing her beaded tip eliciting a sigh of pleasure. She’d felt desire, even love, in her life. But never had she felt anything like the white-hot, fast burn that was consuming her now and she never wanted Alexei to stop.

Her limbs were leaden with desire as he nibbled a path of awareness down her throat to nuzzle her collarbone. His lips were heated against her skin; the rasp of his faint beard teased her senses and stood her hair on end. The edge of his mask brushed her neck, shattering the illusion of intimacy and bringing her back to earth with a thud.

What was she doing making love to a stranger in public? She couldn’t relinquish herself to a complete stranger within moments of meeting him, what was she thinking?

Wasn’t that the reason you attended the party?




Shaken, she pushed out of his arms, staggering as he freed her to stand on her own. Their gazes met and she saw desire change to concern.

“What is it, Elaine?”

“I-I-I think we’re moving too fast.” She stepped away from him while her mind screamed for her to take a leap of faith and beg him to make love to her. She ran her hand over her hair, unable to met his gaze. “I realize that this is the norm for a party such as this, but—”

“Shhh, no explanations are necessary.” He straightened and reached for her, one finger tipping up her chin. “Perhaps we’ve been a bit hasty, and this after I told you I would worship you as a prized possession.” He chuckled. “Yet I find that I can’t keep my hands off you. I’ve behaved no better than that lout inside.”

She smiled as a sense of calm descended. He understood at least and for that she was grateful. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

The deep chime of a gong sounded.

“Sounds like we are being summoned. May I escort you to dinner?”

She ran a shaky hand over her stomach and tugged her shawl back into place, trying to cover as much skin as possible. “Yes, I think I’d like that very much.”

He took her hand, their fingers lacing together as if they’d walked as such a thousand times before. Upon entering the gallery, Elaine was pleased to see that the couple had left, leaving behind only a white silk garter on the floor as a silent testament to their passion.

Chapter 3

Nothing could dim his awareness of her. Now that they’d kissed, her taste resonated through his body to tease nerves he’d thought long dead. It was a painful process, this reawakening, and he relished every moment of it.

The thrill of victory ran through Alexei as he watched Elaine chat with Dirk and the lovely Veronique. It was her, his love reincarnated. While he still didn’t have concrete physical proof, he didn’t require it when his heart was telling him what he already knew.

During dinner he’d sat by Elaine’s side, pushing unwanted food around his plate as he’d inhaled the scent of her perfume. She’d driven him crazy as she’d laughed and flirted shamelessly with another guest who’d been old enough to be her father. He’d barely managed to quell the urge to smash his fist into the other man’s face when he saw the interest clearly written there.

It was accepted—even expected—that the men and women who attended these parties entertained multiple partners, but Elaine was his and his alone. She just didn’t know it yet.

As dinner wound down, he’d escaped outside for a few minutes to pull himself together. He didn’t want to frighten her with the savagery of his feelings. He must move cautiously if he hoped to win her once more. He’d spent the past fifty years looking for her, and he was determined not to lose her by being impetuous.

On the balcony overlooking the ballroom, he watched her from afar. The subdued lighting gleamed on her thick hair, contorted into a sleek twist with soft tendrils escaping into ropy curls long enough to brush her bare shoulders. His fingers itched to release the silken mass from its torturous arrangement. He longed to see it spread across his pillows as he seduced her into mindless abandon.

At some point she’d lost her shawl, exposing a large expanse of her back to his gaze. He would kiss her curving line from nape to tailbone before taking her from behind, spreading her thighs and entering her with a slow thrust.

He contained a groan at the thought of her nude body beneath him. Lust gnawed at his zipper as his cock swelled and he silently cursed the tight pants. Damn things were in danger of emasculating him if he kept imagining making love to her much longer.

He turned away, his breathing harsh as he struggled to control his desire. He wanted her as he’d never wanted another woman and once would never be enough. If they spent the rest of this weekend in bed, it would be but a start. He would settle for nothing less than eternity this time.

He walked to the stairs, taking them in an easy stride to the main floor. Ignoring the interested glances from women and even a few men, he set his unwanted drink on a tray and advanced across the room to claim his woman.

Her laughter sent a trickle of awareness down his spine as he reached her side. Placing a hand on the small of her back, he caught the tremor that rippled through her as he dropped a small kiss on her bare shoulder just above the painted rabbit.

“Miss me?” he asked.

She smiled and he noted the flush that swept across her skin, her desire as tangible and heady as her perfume. “What do you think?” her voice was low, husky.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” He gave her a small smile.

“I wondered where you’d wandered off to,” Veronique said. “Dinner was over and you escaped like a man released from jail.”

Her tone was questioning, but he ignored it. Veronique was a great friend and a shameless gossip. “I stepped outside for a smoke.”

“Are you still smoking those Greek things?” she asked.

“I have Turkish with me this weekend.” He didn’t miss the gleam of interest in Veronique’s eyes. He withdrew a silver-plated case from his pocket. “Would you care for one?”

“I’d love one.” She accepted his offering, then linked her arm through Dirk’s. “Come, lover, let us slip outside and indulge in an illicit smoke.”

”Take good care of Elaine, she’s very dear to me.”

Alexei looked down at the woman in question, amused to see her accepting another glass of champagne from a waiter. Her gaze was locked on the young man’s toned backside as he turned to offer a glass to someone else. He glanced back at Dirk. “And to me as well.”

The other man gave a solemn nod before allowing Veronique to steer him toward the terrace doors.

“What was Dirk talking about?” Elaine asked, raising her glass to her lips.

“You, my dear. We were talking about you.” Her eyes widened and she took a gulp of her drink. Unsettled was she? Good, he wanted her off balance when it came to him. “Shall we dance?” He reached for her glass. “It’s been over two hours since I’ve held you in my arms.”

She flushed again and he wasn’t sure if it was from the alcohol or his words, but he hoped it was the latter. Wordless, she nodded and gave him the glass, which he abandoned to a table in favor of escorting her to the dance floor.

As she moved into his arms, he released a breath that he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. They were well matched with her head coming to his chin, her soft curves melting into him without urging. She felt natural, familiar in his arms. He rubbed his cheek against her soft hair, wincing as the soft strands caught on his faint beard.

“I fear I shall have to shave,” he said. “I wouldn’t want to mark your tender skin.”

She tipped her head back, her eyes glittering behind her mask. “Aren’t you presuming a bit?”

“I don’t know.” He raised his hand and drew a finger down her jaw, marveling at the softness of her skin as he traced the curve. “Am I?”

“You might be—”

He leaned down and brushed his lips across hers, halting her words as he fought the urge to devour her. A soft sound escaped her as his tongue slipped out for a taste of her, sending a surge of lust to his loins that threatened to curl his toes. He smiled as she turned her head slightly, his offering landing on the corner of her mouth. He nibbled on the fold as a shudder ran through her body. She was still shy, but soon enough she’d feel at ease in his embrace as if she’d been there forever.

He raised his head, taking in her beautiful face—what wasn’t hidden by the mask—and her dazed expression. “So, what do you think so far?”

She blinked, her desire-laden gaze clearing. “What do I think of what?”

“The party, this weekend.”

“Well…” She glanced about the room, then leaned in to whisper. “It isn’t quite what I’d expected.”

“How so?”

“I think I expected…more.”

“More of what?’

“Sex.” She ducked her head, unable to meet his gaze.

“You expected an orgy, you mean?”

She nodded and he bit back a shout of laughter. “And you came anyway? How very brave of you.”

She tipped her head back, her brow raised. “I’m more adventurous than I might seem.”

“I’m sure you are.” He drew his thumb along the curve of her lower lip. “In fact, I’m counting on it.” He dropped his hand to her waist, pulling her snugly against him where she belonged. “Are you disappointed in the lack of an orgy?”

“No.” She laid her hand over his heart. “I just didn’t know what to expect.”

“Well, I can’t say that it’s never happened, but group sex isn’t a regular occurrence. However,” he dipped his head, his lips brushing the delicate curve of her ear. “You might want to knock before opening closed doors. You could very well walk in on more than you bargained for.”

She chuckled. “How many of these parties have you attended?”

“Too many. Veronique invites me every time and I can’t refuse her.”

“You have a problem saying no to a beautiful woman?”

“I make it a policy to never say no.” A soft blush spread under her skin and he wanted to press his mouth to the telltale warmth.

“So why did you attend this weekend?” she asked.

Why did he attend? Could he tell her he’d seen photos of her in Dirk’s office and he’d been obsessed ever since? Pumping Dirk for information had led to nothing fruitful, so he’d decided to stake out all of Dirk’s parties. If they were really close, as close as Veronique had implied, he’d known that sooner or later she would turn up and he’d been right.

“I came to find you.”

She lifted her head, her gaze startled, then she smiled. “You’re teasing me.”

He fought to keep his expression grave. “I would never tease about a matter as important as this.”

“I’m serious.” She shook her head as if she couldn’t figure him out. “Why would you attend something like this? You’re obviously handsome—”

“Thank you.”

“You have an accent that could melt butter on a cool spring day. I can’t imagine you having problems finding female company under normal circumstances.”

Suddenly uncomfortable, he shrugged. “I have many reasons for attending this weekend. But, regardless of what brought me here, I’m delighted to have you in my arms. That’s what counts. Right here, right now, and not what brought us to this moment.”

Her expression turned serious and he caught a glimpse of sorrow in her gaze before it was quickly subdued and she gave him a brilliant smile. “You’re right, nothing else matters now.”

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