Last of the Cold War Spies (62 page)

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Abt, John

Acheson, Dean

American Civil Liberties Union

Adeane, Michael

Adler, Solomon

After Long Silence

Alsop, Joe

offices raid

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

American Federation of Labor (AFL)

American League against War and Fascism

Americans for Democratic Action (ADA)

American Veterans Committee (AVC)

American Youth Congress

Amnesty International

Angleton, James

Anthony Blunt, His Lives



Ariabella: The First
(Nina Straight)

Ash, Maurice

Astbury, Peter

Auchincloss, Nina Gore.
See also
Steers, Nina

Baker, Alan

Baldwin, Joseph Clark III

Baldwin, Roger

Barkovsky, Vladimir

Barnato-Walker, Diana

Barr, Margaret

Basoff, Sergei

Bend, Beatrice

Bentley, Elizabeth

Beria, Lavrenty

Berlin, Isaiah

Biddle, Livingston L.

Blaine, Anita McCormick

Blaine, Nancy

Bliven, Bruce

Blunt, Anthony as art critic background betrayal of Straight Burgess/Maclean defection death of espionage and espionage/desire to leave exposure of homosexuality of interrogations of King’s mission of Korean conflict and monarchy protection of recruitment/influence on Straight Straight/Barbara Rothschild and Straight’s explanation of links to student trip to Russia suspicions about visits with Straight

Blunt, Wilfrid

Bohr, Niels

Borovik, Genrihk

Boyle, Andrew

Brezhnev, Leonid

Bridges, Harry

Browder, Earl

Bruesse, Hans

Bukharin, Nikolai

Bullitt, William C.

Burchett, Wilfred

Burgess, Guy at the BBC controlling of Dartington visit by defection of espionage and fascists and homosexuality of illness/death ofinfluence on Straight Korean conflict and postwar work Straight’s recruitment and Straight visiting (1949) visit to Straight/Washington Wallace and

Cairncross, John

Cambridge ring autobiographies of defections of Sino-Soviet alliance and Stalin’s fears about
See also specific individuals

Cambridge Spies, The

Cambridge University 1937 class reunion student trip to Russia

Cambridge University Socialist Society



Carter, Jimmy

Carter, Miranda

Chamberlain, John

Chambers, Whittaker

Champernowne, David

Charles, Noel

Chekhov, Michael

Chiang Kai-shek

China communism and Korean conflict nuclear weapons and

Churchill, Winston

Citizen Kane

Climate of Treason, The

Cohen, Ben

Cold War beginnings



Communism China and FBI/Hoover and in U.S. (1937)

Communist Party of Great Britain

Communist Party of the United States (CPUSA) destruction of Hollywood and Moscow’s hopes for Mundt-Nixon Bill and outlawing of

Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)

Conrad, Joseph

Coplon, Judith

Corcoran, Tom

Cornford, John death of fascists and Straight and

Costello, John

Cot, Pierre

Cox, Eugene

Crazy Rhythm

Croadsell, Gerald

Croly, Herbert

Crompton, Belinda (Bin) divorce from Straight psychiatry studies psychoanalysis/espionage information Straight’s pursuit of Straight’s secret work and tuberculosis and wedding/marriage

Crompton, Bronte

Curry, W.B. (Bill)

Czechoslovakia 1948 coup Soviet Union/1968

Daily Worker, The

Dallin, David

Dartington Hall communism and education description Elmhirst/Straight purchase of history of late s-present Straight’s childhood at

Deutsch, Arnold

Devon Press

Dewey, John

Dimitrov, Georgi

Dobb, Maurice

Dobert, Eitel/Marguerite

Dolivet, Louis

Domville, Sir Barry

Doolittle, James

Douglas, Paul

Duggan, Laurence

Duke of Windsor (Edward VIII King)

Dulles, John Foster

Dunn, James C.

Duran, Gustavo

Edward VIII, King (Duke of Windsor)

Einstein, Albert

Eisenhower, Dwight

Elkins, Katherine

Elmhirst, Dorothy concerns over Straight death of finances/trusts of Hoover attacks/FBI files on ties to Roosevelts wedding
See also
Dartington Hall; Straight Dorothy; Whitney, Dorothy

Elmhirst, Leonard Knight after Dorothy’s death background Roosevelts and Straight’s return to U.S. and
The New Republic
See also
Dartington Hall

Elmhirst, Pom

Elmhirst, Ruth

Elmhirst, William (Bill)


Ewing, Oscar

Exile, The

Facing Reality

Feis, Herbert

Fermi, Enrico

Fifth Man, The

Fletcher-Cooke, Charles

For Noah, His Uncles, His Aunts, and All His Relations

Foundations investigations

France student/worker pseudo-revolution

Franco, Francisco

Frankfurter, Felix

Franklin, Zalmond David

Freud, Sigmund

Fuchs, Klaus

Fuller, Helen

Furtseva, Yekaterina

Gardner, May

Garment, Leonard

Gayn, Mark Julius

General Theory on Employment Interest, and Money

Ginsberg, Samuel.
Krivitsky, Walter

Golitsyn, Anatoli

Gordon, Hugh

Gorsky, Anatoli

Gould, Katherine

Green, Michael controlling Straight and exposure of Sino-Soviet alliance and Straight contacts/initial Straight contacts/second tour

Greenberg, Michael

Greene, Graham

Hanks, Nancy

Happy and Hopeless

Hardt, Paul

Harriman, E.H.

Harriman, Mary

Harrison, Gil

Heard, Gerald

Hearst, William Randolph

Heinemann, Margot

Henderson, Loy

Hesse family

Hickerson, Jack

Higman, Howard

Hiss, Alger exposure as spy as spy Straight and

Hitler, Adolf King Edward VIII and suicide of

Holmes, Oliver Wendell

Home for the Rehabilitation of Prostitutes

Hook, Sidney

Hoover, J. Edgar communism and Krivitsky and Straight and

House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) espionage investigation by Straight’s appearance at (Mundt-Nixon Bill)

Housman, A.E.

Humphrey, Hubert

Humphrey, John H.

Humphrey, Leslie

Hungarian Uprising in Budapest

Huxley, Aldous

Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR)

International movement/internationalism

Janeway, Eliot

Javits, Jacob

Jewish Defense League

Johnson, Lyndon

Kearney, Bernard

Keele, Harold M.

Kennedy, Jack

Kennedy, Jackie house of

Kennedy, Joseph

Kennedy, Ludovic

Kennedy, Robert

Keynes, Maynard Straight and views of

KGB, “new” vs. “old,”

Kheifetz, Gregory

Khrushchev, Nikita

King, John Herbert

King, Martin Luther, Jr.

Klugman, James

Knight, Amy

Koral, Alexander

Korean War

Krivitsky, Walter assassination attempts/threats on death of defection of information from Reiss’s murder and

Kubrick, Stanley

La Follette, Bob

La Follette, Suzanne

Laski, Harold

Lattimore, Owen

Laughlin, Clarence

League of American Writers

Lee, Jimmy FBI and as Straight’s playmate

Lerner, Max

Let This Be the Last War

Levine, Isaac Don

Lewis, John L.

Liddell, Guy Maynard

Lillienthal, David E.

Lippmann, Walter

Little Red Book

London School of Economics (LSE)

Long, Leo

Lopokova, Lydia

Lothian, Lord

Lowry, Helen

Loyalty program

Lozovsky, Solomon

London School of Economics (LSE)

MacArthur, Douglas

Maclean, Donald Cambridge ring of spies and defection of Korean conflict

Madge, John

Maisky, Ivan

Malkin, Maurice

Malta tensions

Maly, Theodore espionage and execution of recruitment and

Manhattan Project

Mao Tse-tung

Marmont, Geoffrey

Marshall, George C.

Marshall Plan

Martin, Arthur

Martin, Reverend J.S.

Mask of Treachery

Maverick, Maury

May, Allan Nunn

Mayhew, Christopher

Mayor (Rothschild), Tess Brian Simon and espionage and Straight and

McCarthy, Eugene

McCarthy, Joe

Meaning of Treason, The

Mebane, Daniel

Metropolitan Street Railway Company

Meyer, Cord AVC and Hungarian Uprising and Straight and “World Federal Organization,”

Meyer, Frank

Meyer, Mary

Miler, Newton ("Scotty")

Milovzorov, Ivan

Milton, John

Mindzenty, Josef

Mink, George

Mitchell, Jonathan

Modin, Yuri as controller testimony of

Molotov, Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich

Morgan, Edwin V.

Morgan, J.P.

Morrison, Herbert

Morshead, Owen

Moscow film festival (1969)

Mundt, Karl

Mundt-Nixon Bill

My Silent War

Nash, Kathleen

National Endowment for the Arts Straight/Kennedy administration Straight/Nixon administration Straight’s removal from

“Nationalists” (Spain)

National Resources Planning Board (NRPB)

Newman, James

New Republic, The
beginnings of contributors to

New Republic, The
/Straight after selling “anti-communism” and Asia/communism attacks on FBI/Hoover, beginning at magazine as cover criticism of Straight finances and Hoover attacks/FBI files on Krivitsky’s death and nuclear energy information in searching for buyer Straight’s return to U.S. military information in

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