Last Rites (17 page)

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Authors: John Harvey

Tags: #Mystery & Detective, #General, #Suspense, #Fiction, #Police Procedural, #Traditional British

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A waiter wearing regulation black and white, his apron, unstained, tied high above his waist, moved to intercept Resnick and addressed him by name. “Your friend, she is already here.”

Resnick followed him past the entrance to the kitchen, along a little dog-leg corridor and up another short set of stairs into a second room.

Chairs were stacked on all the tables save one.

“Charlie, good. You found it, then. I was just beginning to wonder.” Helen Siddons, hair pinned up, little makeup, a shirt buttoned to the neck, gestured toward the empty chair and as Resnick was sitting, filled his glass. “Barolo. Not bad for the price.”

Resnick nodded and, shrugging off his suit jacket, hung it from the back of his chair.

“It was good of you to ring me.”

He shrugged. “I thought it was the way you wanted it played.”

“Even so …” Half smiling, she swiveled the single menu in Resnick’s direction. “Why don’t we order first? It’s all pretty much your bog-standard Italian. But if you value your lower bowel, steer clear of the prawns.”

Once the waiter had disappeared, Resnick told her about Valentine and Gary Prince.

“That’s it?” she said when he’d finished. “Beginning to end, that’s all you’ve got?”

“So far.”

Siddons shook her head. “Rumor and conjecture, Charlie. And not a lot of either.”

“But if we can link Valentine through Prince to the gun …”

“If. If. The last I heard, the gun was still missing.”

Resnick leaned closer. “We have to work with what we’ve got.”

“You’ll turn Prince over?”

“First thing.”

Siddons lifted her wineglass. “You might strike lucky.”

“If we can link Valentine to the weapon that shot Johnson …”

“Big if, Charlie.”

“Johnson’s just about fit enough to answer questions.”

“And you think he might dump Valentine right in it?”

“If someone had just put a bullet through my head, I think I would, don’t you?”

Siddons cut into her veal. “That would depend if I thought he was going to do it again.”

For some minutes, they ate in silence.

“Those two girls,” Siddons said, “Jason’s sister and her mate, did you ever get anything out of them?”

“A lot of abuse, not much else.”

“They’re not still in custody?”

Resnick shook his head. “Didn’t seem a lot of point.”

Siddons pushed her plate aside and lit a cigarette. “There’s more?”

Resnick drank some more wine and told her about Paul Finney. She liked what she was hearing, he could tell. A Drug Squad officer on Cassady’s payroll and Cassady providing security for clubs where so much illegal drug activity went down: it was a start, a way in, a weak link in the chain.

“Anything else, Charlie? Coffee, dessert?”

“I’ll have an espresso, double. Thanks.”

“Join me in a brandy?”

Resnick shook his head.

Fifteen minutes later, Helen Siddons slid her credit card between the folded halves of the bill. “Your shout next time, Charlie, okay?”

The youth and his dog were curled against each other, sleeping in the doorway.

“Poor bastard,” Siddons said, nodding in the boy’s direction.

“Amen to that.”

“Got your car, Charlie?”

Resnick shook his head.

“Come on then, mine’s just round the corner. I’ll give you a lift.”

As they turned on to the Woodborough Road, Siddons leaned a little to the left and rested her hand on Resnick’s knee. “I know you could have gone elsewhere with this. Norman Mann, for instance. You’re pals. I know that. And I’m grateful. I’ll not forget it.”

Resnick sat there wondering exactly what his friend Norman would think of this particular evening’s work. Siddons changed gear sharply, signaling right. Maybe it was the brandy, but whatever the reason, she was driving too fast. Probably she always did. In just a few minutes, they were pulling up outside Resnick’s house, its shape bulked dark against the night sky.

Resnick opened the door and got out on to the pavement and, with a pert trill, Dizzy jumped down off the stone wall and trotted toward him.

“A sight more than some of us get,” Siddons said wryly, “someone to greet us at the front door when we get home of a night. Even if the first thing they do is stick their arse in our face.” She laughed. “Sweet dreams, Charlie. Have one on me.”

Resnick raised a hand as the car pulled away from the curb and then, bending low, he listened until the sound of the engine had faded beneath Dizzy’s insistent purr.


Gary Prince was awake early, as it happened, needing the lavatory shy of five and then deciding to stay up for a while, fancying a cup of tea and a smoke; something distinctly savory about sitting up to the breakfast bar he’d had installed in his own kitchen, while the gorgeous woman he’d been shagging less than half a dozen hours before lay upstairs sleeping in his bed. Though in truth, technically speaking, it had been Vanessa who’d been shagging him. Now he was a little older, Gary found he liked it that way. Preferred it even. One of those welcome signs of maturity, he reckoned, along with his first gray hair and moving out from his mum’s.

Yes—Gary stubbed out his cigarette and, without thinking, lit another—about the best thing he’d ever done, buying this place. Nothing fancy, not one of those fake Tudor places out at Edwalton some he knew aspired to as soon as they’d got a quid or two in their pocket, a few TESSAs in the bank. This place was nothing flash, discreet even, unlikely to draw the unwelcome attentions of Resnick and the like, well within his means.

Though if things progressed with Vanessa the way he thought they might, there’d have to be improvements made, money spent.

Vanessa was currently sharing a flat in the Park with two pals in the same line as herself, corporate videos, a little photographic modeling, sales promotion. Gary had first met her, in fact, when she was using her leopard skin bikini to show off the lines of the new Sierra in the forecourt of the Broad Marsh Centre. Gary himself there on security duty thanks to his pal, Cassady; stop any bastard scratching the paintwork, kids running off with scads of brochures, only to toss them over the balcony like overweight confetti. They’d struck up a conversation over something Gary couldn’t remember and before you could say prawn cocktail, steak and chips, he’d been asking her out to dinner.

He’d dropped one or two hints about her chucking up her flat, moving in full time, but so far she hadn’t bitten. What he ought to do, Gary reckoned, get her more involved in his plans for the house, that way she’d come to see it more as something they shared. And besides, a girl like Vanessa, she’d have ideas about style, color. All manner of things. Adding a conservatory, maybe. Patio doors.

The tea was stewed, but he squeezed out another cup anyway. Someone like Vanessa moving in, that would really say something about him, add a definite tone. A dog, too, Gary thought, he might get one of those. A pair of them. Alsatians. Rottweilers. Living where he was, St. Ann’s, you couldn’t be too careful.

Gary thought he’d go back up and see if Vanessa was anything like awake, but when he stripped down to his boxer shorts and slid back under the covers she was stretched out at an angle across the bed, mouth slightly open, snoring gently. He wriggled himself close against her and, not thinking he would actually go back to sleep, closed his eyes. When the noise woke him, almost an hour later, his first thought was that it was burglars, but not his second.

Bastards! He knew if he didn’t get down there double quick they’d have the front door off with a pair of sledgehammers.

“Gary Prince?”

“What about it?”


There were three of them; two fast in his face the second he opened up, sports gear, trainers, so pumped up he could smell the adrenaline. The third one, older, a little mustache, sports jacket and slacks as if he were taking a morning stroll. Standing there in his boxers, Gary was feeling decidedly underdressed.

“How about the thieving bastard formerly known as Prince?” Ben Fowles said. “More your fancy?”

“Fuck off!”

“Not bloody likely.”

They went past him, the first two, like they’d just heard the pistol at the start of the hundred meters.

“You’ve got a warrant?” Gary asked.

Millington grinned a particularly malicious grin. “More warrants than you could fit up your arse between now and Sunday.”

“You’ll not find anything, you know.”

“Oh, well, least it gives the lads a chance to chuck things about for a spell. All good practice.”

A muffled shriek from above told him all the racket had hauled Vanessa out of bed.

Gary was on his way when Millington detained him with a hand tight on his upper arm. “Gary, Gary, no sense going off at half cock.”

“If they lay a hand …”

“Don’t worry. House-trained the pair of them.”

A succession of sharp thumps seemed to give the lie to that, drawers being pulled free, their contents tumbled to the floor.

“Gary,” Vanessa called, “whatever’s going on?”

“Pack her off into the kitchen,” Millington advised, “tell her to make us all a nice cup of tea. Unless yours is one of them liberated relationships, of course. Non-gender specific in the domestic-task area—I think that’s what the wife calls it. In which case, Gary, mine’s Yorkshire if you’ve got it, common or garden PG Tips if you’ve not. Oh, and one sugar, easy on the milk.”

“Bollocks,” Gary said, halfway up the stairs.

“Ah, it’ll be the little woman then, after all.”

The little woman, all five feet nine of her, was standing at the entrance to the master bedroom, wearing a pair of high-sided lace briefs and the residue of last night’s Obsession. Ben Fowles, in the hallway directly in front of her, was doing his level best not to stare.

“If you’d like to get dressed,” he said, “put something on, like, we need to get into the bedroom.”

“What for?”

“We have reason to believe a considerable amount of stolen property is on the premises,” Fowles said, eyes flickering nervously in the face of the most perfect set of breasts it had been his good fortune to encounter in the flesh.

“Gary,” Vanessa said, as he arrived at Fowles’s shoulder. “What’s all this about?”

“Nothing, nothing. It’s all a mistake.”


“Look,” Gary said, backing her toward the bedroom, “maybe you should get yourself covered up, yeh? And then … well, you don’t suppose you could slip the kettle on …”

“Fuck off, Gary,” she said and slammed the door in his face.

Ben Fowles snorted with laughter and went off to help Naylor going through the treasures of the spare room. Whistling while he worked, Millington sallied off in search of the kitchen; if they were going to be there a while, he might as well mash the tea himself.

At Gary Prince’s lock-up, Carl Vincent and Sharon Garnett stared into a twenty-four by seventeen meter space liberally filled with boxes, while two uniformed officers made a detailed inventory of sundry cordless telephones, compact disc players, carefully bubble-wrapped and probably imitation Rolex Tudor Chronograph watches, and what looked like several hundred copies of the new Madonna CD. What they had not found, any of them, was a lethal barreled weapon of any description from which any shot, bullet, or other missile might be discharged, nor, Robin Hood territory or not, a single item relevant under the Crossbows Act of 1987.

“You reckon he’s got receipts for this lot?” Sharon asked. Standing a little way off, she took a pack of Marlboro Lights from her bag and offered one to Carl before lighting up herself.

“Bound to,” Vincent said with a wry smile. “VAT invoices, the lot.”

Sharon shook her head. “You imagine the work involved, checking this lot against stolen property?”

Vincent shrugged. “At least we’re not coming away empty-handed.”

“You think that’ll sweeten the boss’s temper?”

“I doubt it.”

Sharon drew on her cigarette, released the smoke slowly and smiled. “You want to give him a call, or shall I?”

Resnick’s stomach was noisily reminding him that, two cups of coffee aside, he’d skipped breakfast. Millington, who’d feasted on two Shredded Wheat with an added sprinkling of wheatgerm and bran, didn’t look any happier.

“We got nothing,” Resnick said. It wasn’t a question.

Millington’s jacket smelled faintly of dry-cleaning, his trousers, pale-gray, had a definite crease down the front. Casual but smart. Resnick was reminded of the men he saw in the Viccy Centre on Saturday mornings, waiting patiently outside Jessops or Boots for their wives. “I wouldn’t say altogether nothing.” For once, he wasn’t looking Resnick squarely in the eye.

“Nothing that links Prince with the gun, any gun.”

A quick shake of the head. “No.”

“So your pal, Forbes …”

“Arthur Forbes is going to be meeting his maker a lot sooner’n he wants when I’ve got shot of him.”

“And we’re no closer to Valentine.”


Silent, they were conscious of the constant thrum of traffic on the Derby Road, the shrill sigh of brakes as lorries slowed for the long left turn around Canning Circus.

“There is all that stuff in his lock-up.” Millington said. “Even a good briefs not going to talk him out of that. You never know, pile up the questioning, he might let something slip.”

“Yes,” Resnick said. “Happen he will.”

Neither of them believed it.

Outside, in the CID room, telephones rang and were answered, rang and were not.


Sometimes, Maureen thought what her sister-in-law needed was a good seeing-to. Someone to get a firm hold of her and shake all that mardiness out of her, once and for all. A quick slap around the face, even, if that was what it took. She smiled at herself in the bathroom mirror. She couldn’t exactly see her beloved brother being the one to do it, not Derek: to Maureen’s way of thinking, her brother, now and from an early age, was a wimp. Lorraine has a headache, isn’t feeling too grand, getting her period, whatever—don’t worry, love, you rest, lie down, go back to bed, I’ll take care of the kids, do the shopping, run the car to the garage, mow the lawn.

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