Laura Possessed (11 page)

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Authors: Anthea Fraser

BOOK: Laura Possessed
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‘Yes, I'd forgotten that point. Look, Edward, one thing's obvious. We must get her away from this house. For some reason it seems to be harmful to her.'

‘My God!' Edward said abruptly.

‘Now what?'

‘I'd forgotten all about it—I only put it down to weakness at the time, but the day she came. I had a hell of a job to get her inside the house at all.'

The other two stared at him. Caroline said slowly, ‘I remember now, you did say something about it.'

‘Tell me exactly what happened,' Richard demanded.

‘Well, she was all right in the car, right up to the time we got out. I took her arm and opened the front door, and suddenly without any warning she went rigid. Then she started to gasp and struggle and fight to shake me off, for all the world as though I were trying to inflict some ghastly injury on her. I could hardly control her. After a minute she simply went slack and I carried her in.'

‘And that was all?'

‘Isn't it enough?'

‘It certainly is. That settles it. We'll take her back with us. She certainly mustn't stay here.'

said slowly, ‘I doubt if she'd go. If you'd come a week ago, she'd probably have leapt at the idea, but now that she's got her head full of this book—'

‘At least I can try. I must admit I'm consumed with curiosity about this man. Is there any chance of meeting him while I'm down? I'd like to watch their behavior towards each other, for one thing. Quite apart from anything else, she's in a vulnerable condition emotionally and I feel we should vet anyone she comes into regular contact with.'

Caroline said evenly, ‘Then you'd better vet that obnoxious young schoolmaster, too.'

‘And who's he?'

Edward started to explain and Caroline stood up abruptly. ‘If Richard's really set on meeting them, we'd better have them in for drinks on Sunday, and a few other people too or it will seem rather odd.'

‘Right, fix it, will you, Caro?'

She went into the hall, closing the door behind her and leaning against it for a moment. Of all the ridiculous nonsense—but at least it would give her a chance to phone Lewis and warn him that she wouldn't be able to see him the next day. She hesitated by the phone in the hall and then ran lightly up the stairs to the bedroom and closed the door. Her fingers were trembling as she started to dial. ‘Lewis?'

‘Hello, there.'

I'm terribly sorry, tomorrow is out.'

‘Caroline—what are you trying to do to me?'

The receiver was wet and slippery in her hand. ‘I'm sorry, I just can't help it. Edward's brother and his girlfriend have arrived almost out of the blue. I thought I could still get away for a while, but Edward's decided we should all go out for the day tomorrow, so there's no chance.'

‘How most inconsiderate of him!'

‘Yes. However, we are having a few friends in for drinks at lunchtime on Sunday. Will you be able to come?'

‘And gaze on you from afar like forbidden fruit? I'd hoped we were past that stage.'

‘Please, Lewis,' she said with difficulty.

‘All right, I'll be there. I must go. Harry's standing here with his tongue hanging out and it's nearly closing time! See you.'

He rang off and she was left wondering rather uneasily just how much of the conversation Harry had overheard. Hurriedly she phoned Paul Denver, Tom and Patty Howard and two other couples. As she emerged from her room, Gillian was coming out on the landing, closing Laura's door behind her, and they went down the stairs together.

‘They can all come,' Caroline told them as she and Gillian rejoined the two brothers. ‘Lewis, Paul Denver, the Howards, the
and the Lakes.'


Richard reached out a hand to Gillian. ‘Come here, moon of my delight, and convince me that all is not lost!'

‘And what does that mean?' she asked with a laugh, but she went across and he pulled her down onto his knee, twining the fingers of one hand into her shining, tattered hair. Caroline carefully looked away. She was convinced that this open display of affection was designed solely to embarrass her and she was determined not to let Richard know that it had succeeded.

‘I rather think, if you'll excuse me, that I'll follow Laura's example and go up too. I didn't sleep well last night.'

Edward looked up and she knew he was remembering, perhaps guiltily, the strained atmosphere that had been between them.

‘I won't be long, darling. I'll be up just as soon as I've packed off these two lovebirds.'

‘Don't let us keep you. We're quite happy!' Richard said lazily, and with deliberation he turned Gillian's face toward him with one finger and began to kiss her with unhurried thoroughness.

Edward gave a snort of amusement.

‘Good night,' Caroline said stiffly, to no one in particular, and thankfully left them to it.

* * *

except Caroline seemed to enjoy the day out. At last the long, cool spring was warming into summer and Laura's sleeveless dress pitilessly exposed the thinness of her arms. Even Gillian had forsaken her brown shroud in favour of an ultra-brief, exotically coloured shift which had the effect of making her look like a precocious twelve-year-old. Caroline wondered how old she really was. With all that carefully understated but skilfully applied makeup it was impossible to guess. She could have been twenty as easily as thirty.

Richard, in brilliant pink shirt, skin-tight trousers and open sandals, looked impossibly handsome and Bohemian and set off amiably along the country lanes with Laura on one arm and Gillian on the other, leaving Caroline to bring up the rear with Edward and Peter. It was a warm, balmy day and the meadows were lush with late lambs and buttercups, but she refused to let them delight her. She should have been spending these hours of drugged sweetness with Lewis, and her longing for him had materialized into a dull, dragging ache inside her. She replied to the comments of husband and son with scant attention and longed impatiently for the day to be over.

Sunday dawned even hotter and Edward carried out the garden furniture, arranging small tables and chairs in groups along the terrace which ran down the side of the house
the sitting-room's French windows.

Caroline listened to the joyful pealing of the church bells as she prepared the canapés beside Mrs. Baines, and was aware of a rising tide of excitement. Perhaps after all they might manage a moment or two alone. Laura, humming gaily, had already laid out crisps and dishes of nuts. There was a quiet, contented expectancy about her which helped to soothe away the extraordinary doubts that had been expressed on Friday evening. Her day out yesterday had washed her pale skin with its first touch of gold and her cheeks were flushed. She looks almost pretty again, Caroline thought with surprise.

Richard and Gillian didn't appear downstairs till after eleven. Caroline said briefly over her shoulder, ‘I'm afraid you're out of luck if you're looking for breakfast, but you can make some coffee if you like. I haven't time to stop now.'

‘Dear Caroline,' Richard remarked in tones of mock-sadness. ‘So transparently disapproving!'

‘Does it worry you?' she snapped.

‘Not at all, fair sister; not at all!'

Mrs. Baines came back into the room. ‘Ready for your breakfast now, are you, Mr. Richard?'

Richard threw Caroline a glance of malicious delight. ‘I've just been told I'm not to have any, Bainsy, as a punishment for
up late. But I'd love some coffee.'

‘The tray's ready for you to take in, Mrs. Baines,' Caroline said rather loudly.

‘It's all right.' Gillian's quiet voice was in marked contrast. ‘I've already put the kettle on. I'll do it.'

Furiously, Caroline felt they were all treating her like a spoilt, spiteful child. She maintained an angry silence while Gillian opened various cupboard doors in search of cups and saucers and Richard perched himself on a corner of the table and opened the Sunday paper. Then, the last of her preparations completed, she left the room and went to change.

After the first couple had arrived, the later arrivals, seeing the groups in the garden, walked along the terrace to join them without ringing at the front door. Consequently, Caroline was not aware that Lewis had arrived until she came out of the French windows to find him talking to Laura and Richard.

‘Hello, Lewis,' she said lightly. ‘I see I'm too late to introduce you to my brother-in-law.'

‘Yes, we sorted ourselves out. How are you, Caroline? You look very cool and elegant.'

‘Caroline's always cool and elegant!' Richard remarked, managing to rob the compliment of its value.

‘Really?' Lewis murmured, his eyes full of amused disbelief, and she excused herself hastily to greet Tom and Patty Howard. But as
stood chatting and smiling with them, she was still listening closely to the continuing conversation behind her. Laura, she noted, was voluble and laughing, seeming more at ease than she had since her arrival over three weeks ago. No doubt Richard would now dismiss any doubts he might have had and feel quite justified in leaving her at Four Winds. Caroline was unlikely to be free of her after all.

Edward had apparently just joined them with a plate of savouries. She heard him say, ‘I came straight to you with these, Laura, I know they're your favourites!' and Laura exclaimed jubilantly, ‘Smoked salmon! Hallelujah!' Simultaneously, Caroline felt a sudden violent movement from Lewis immediately behind her, and the drink in her glass spilled down her dress.

Tom Howard caught her arm to steady her, and, with a murmur of concern, began to dab ineffectually at the stain with his handkerchief. Caroline brushed him aside with scant ceremony and spun round to see what had happened. Lewis's face was livid, a horrible, greenish pallor, and the others were anxiously enquiring what was wrong.

‘Nothing—really—I'm so sorry. It's only my ankle. I twisted it the other day when I slipped off a ladder during the decorating. I must have put uneven pressure on it, that's all. Was that you I knocked, Caroline? I am terribly sorry.'

took his arm. ‘Are you sure you're all right? At least come and sit down and rest your ankle.'

He let her lead him towards a chair. ‘Is Laura coming? We were in the middle of—'

‘I'm right here, Lewis.'

Caroline glanced from one of them to the other with faint perplexity. As she helped Lewis down into the chair, his colour was beginning to come back, but his breathing was still fast and shallow.

‘Can I get you a cold-water compress or anything?' She was reluctant now to relinquish her charge of him, but his eyes were on Laura and he answered her almost impatiently, ‘No, no, I told you it was nothing.' And, as an afterthought, ‘Thanks.'

‘Laura, perhaps you'd pass some things round?' Caroline suggested, striving to steady her voice, but Lewis laid a hand quickly on the girl's arm.

‘Not at the moment, please, Caroline.'

With head high and eyes stormy she had no choice but to move away and leave them together. She almost cannoned into Paul Denver before she saw him, but she greeted him with more enthusiasm than she ever had before.

‘Paul! Just the person I want! I have to keep moving about among my guests, but would you do something for me? Go and sit with Laura and keep an eye on her. I'm worried about

‘Of course.' He moved off with alacrity and Caroline forced herself to chat lightly to John and Philippa Lake. Philippa was one of her bridge friends from the Ledbrook Club and John occasionally played golf with Edward.

Philippa seized her arm effusively. ‘I was saying to Valerie only the other day that I haven't seen you for ages. We must fix up a four for bridge.'

‘I'd love to. Since Laura arrived, things have been a bit complicated.'

‘How is she now? She looks rather fragile. John was just remarking what an attractive little thing she is.'

‘You think so?' Caroline turned to John in surprise.

‘Oh, certainly. A bit under par still, obviously, but that will-o'-the-wisp quality is irresistible, you know. Makes a man feel strong and protective!'

‘Really?' said Caroline thoughtfully.

Pride kept her away from Lewis for the rest of the party, but from time to time her eyes went to him of their own accord. Each time, he was earnestly engaged in conversation with Laura, his eyes on her face with an odd, almost hungry intentness. Over their heads her eyes met Richard's, and he lifted his shoulders in a non-plussed shrug.

Caroline developed a raging headache. Nothing had worked out the way she had
Although it was ridiculous to be jealous of Laura of all people, there was no doubt that at the moment Lewis appeared to prefer her company to Caroline's, and Paul's stiff presence at the table had done nothing to interrupt their concentration on each other. Resolutely she kept on smiling, and at last people began to leave.

As Paul took her hand, she said quickly, ‘How does she seem to you?'

He shrugged. ‘It's hard to say. Bright—almost feverishly so.' He gave a short laugh but she could tell that he was hurt. ‘Actually, she hardly seemed aware of my existence. Neither of them were.' His eyes challenged her. ‘I didn't know anything about this book they're planning.'

‘It was only decided on the other day.'

‘If that's the effect it's going to have on her—' He broke off, flushing a little. ‘Anyway, it's none of my business. Thank you for a pleasant party, Mrs. Hardy. I'm sorry I wasn't more help to you.' He moved away, leaving her to wonder if he had seen through her excuse in asking him to join them.

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