Leader: Book Three (Princes of Prophecy 3)

BOOK: Leader: Book Three (Princes of Prophecy 3)
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Princes of Prophecy

Book 3







L. Ann Marie


What ‘All In’ means to Ben Knight:

Support your Brothers,

Lift up your women,

Do better for more.

Disabled is not in his vocabulary,


ll never give up and never give in.

Ben Knight is not only All In,


s Badass personified,

He is the Leader.




*Content Warning: includes graphic language and sex. Intended for mature audiences 18+


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved.


Princes of Prophecy: Leader Book 3

Copyright 2016 © L. Ann Marie

              Published by: L. Ann Marie


              Editor Steph Nordstrom

Cover by Lori Birkett

Period Images®


ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from L. Ann Marie, the author / publisher.


For our homeless military who deserve so much more than we ever give them. For the men and women who work to fix that. For the newly educated that will now look for a way to help, support, and thank the women and men who worked so hard to be our heroes. Thank you!


s Who



s Who MC:

Ben (Pres)-
– *Jessie

– Rich

Danny-Kate – Devan

*Darren, Victor, Aaron

*Ally & Alex


Danny-Ben-Kate – Brenna


Steve (VP/Knight)-Jess – Little Ben, Elizabeth


Tiny-Nancy – Sandy

*Sheila, Ricky, Jason, José, Billy, Diego


Rich-Tess-Patches – Blaze, Blake, Zeke


Cloud-CJ – Mase

*Jeremy, Jacob, Brantley, Joey, Taylor, Christian, Terry


Bob-Amanda – Harley, Colt


Geek-Marty – Aubrey, and Riley, Kyler




Ricky Callahan – Prez of Little Brothers/KC


Chet – HS


Racks – Car lot, Security when needed



s Who Baxters:

Jamie-Mitch-Kevin – Jess, Jared, Kaleb


Ben – Mitch

s third partner


Jake-Samantha – Luke Rayne


Rayne – Carolina


Zack – Baxter trainer, married Lori Baxter


Jerry – HS IT

Red – Mitch and Jess

s handler

Bumps – International pilot




Princes of Prophecy Officers:

Prez – Little Ben Knight

VP – Darren LaPonte-James

Sergeant at Arms – Jessie LaPonte-James

Secretary – Dakota

Eagle Eye


Trainer- Taylor Blackhawk

IT – Brantley Blackhawk

Treasurer – Joey Blackhawk

Covering Everything – Sheila Callahan

Aerial and New Technology – Jared Baxter

HS IT – Brantley Blackhawk

Security IT – Bull

Nomads – Jax

Medical – Nick

Prospects – Lee

Clubhouse – Chris

Other Officers – Driscoll DeMello. - Chief of PD, Chevy

Second Tier Officers – Sebastian, Shilah, Josiah, Aaron LaPonte-James


Princes Families

Jess-Dakota-Jessie – Justice, Aquyà


Other characters

Brenda – Lily

s sister, Casper

s daughter

Hyde – HS

Shelly – MC whore

Aiyana – seer on RI Reservation

Nunánuk – grandmother to Steve Knight and Cloud Blackhawk

– Ligĥtfoot Security second

Ramsey – Princes Security/ comic relief

Anita – Women

s Center Assistant director in MA then with Princes

Strapper – Driscoll

s second

Tom Martin – Town Manager for 2 towns

Mayor Garrett

Abel – Pilot

Spot – HS22

Mr. Petit – Town Manager

Micky – New town Mayor

Dell – IT for Connecticut Chapter

– Security

Lex – Manages Manufacturing Plant

Brody-Pamela – Dakota

s Parents



Dogs (because I wasn

t happy with just people)

Prince – Alex

Alpha and Omega – Little Ben and Lily


Need to Know Abbreviations:

HS – High Security

PAL – Police Athletic League

FS – Family Security

KC/KClub – Kids


BS – Baxter Security

NH – New Hampshire


Three years earlier

“She’s mine Uncle Danny. She just doesn’t know it.”

He smiles. “She knows LB, she just can’t admit it yet, give her time.”

I look at the water. Fuck, she’s so close and I have to give her time. “She puts up a wall every time I’m close to her. How do I get through it? She won’t come here for parties, even weddings. I know she loves everyone, but she won’t set foot on the compound.” I keep my eyes on the water. I don’t want him to see how much that bothers me.

“Then you go to her and keep going to her until she’s ready. Do the things she likes, then show her who you are. The normal shit you do. Tell her your concerns and listen to hers. If she’s the one, she’ll get it. Give it time, but don’t let her think she’s doing it alone.”

We’ve been taught to think before we make decisions, but this feels right. “I will. Thanks Uncle Danny.” I stand.

“This isn’t a quick fix LB. Christian doesn’t see you with anyone yet.”

That’s what I was going to do next, see Christian. I throw him chin and walk out the back by the water. “I’m heading home and will be staying in,” I say to Chet and walk toward the house. I never thought it would be this hard. She’s mine, she’s always been mine, now I have to convince her.


Two and a half years earlier

“Come to the party. Everyone will be there.” She shakes her head no. Jesus; one fuckin’ time it would be good to have her close. I nod. “I’ll pick you up Wednesday.”

“Brenda is bringing me.” She won’t give me a fuckin’ break here.

I nod. “I’ll see you there.”

She’s watching me and I wonder if she’s starting to see me. The real me. “You never get pissed at me or act like a two-year-old having a tantrum.”

“No.” I need to get to Security, but I can’t make myself leave with her finally ready to talk. I am not touching my phone and distracting her.

“When do you get pissed and do stupid shit?”

“I do plenty of stupid shit, but not usually when I’m pissed. When I’m pissed I hit a wall.” I smile at her thinking I’ve done that a few too many times.

She doesn’t believe me. “What stupid shit have you done? I’m a mess here and you’re always so...together.”

She’s a mess? “What do you mean you’re a mess? You’ve grown into a confident and determined woman Lily, how do you get to mess from there?”

She makes a snorting noise and looks away. “My whole life is a mess. You know exactly what you’re doing and how you’ll get there. I can’t see past this semester.”

“What are you talking about? You know what you want and you’re working to get it. Kate said you’re doing Security too. That’s not someone without a goal and motivation to reach it.” What the fuck is this? She’s never let on that she’s unsure of her path.

“Forget it. I’ll figure it out.” She turns and starts walking away.

I walk beside her. “When you’re ready, I’m here.”

She stops and turns toward me. “You’re always fucking here! I don’t have a chance to screw up my damn life without you watching! Go home Little Ben. Go save the fuckin’ world with your calm. Give me a minute to breathe without you right here!” She’s pissed and I’m fuckin’ relieved.

“No. You are mine! You want to know what I do that’s fuckin’ stupid. I scalped a guy for trying to shake me down. I didn’t think, I was pissed and did the stupidest fuckin’ thing I could think of. My life isn’t road mapped for me. I deal just like everyone else. If you spend a fuckin’ minute thinking about what I’ve shown you, you’d see it. Talk to me Lily. What the fuck is going on that you keep pushing me away?”

Her tears fall. “Why do you keep coming back? My mother doesn’t even want me.”

Fuck. I pull her to my chest knowing this is where she belongs. “She feels guilty for what she’s done. That’s not on you Lily, that’s all her. You are a smart, compassionate, confident woman and she’ll regret the years she’s missing out on. Despite being taken away, you found your way back and you’re working toward the future you want. There are people that love you so close Lily. Let them in. Let them show you that love you’re missing.”

She looks up at me and her face is a mess. I hate all the makeup on her. She’s beautiful without it. “You’re right.” Thank fuck! “I’m not doing too well on my own. Everyone’s always been supportive and I keep walking away from it.”

“Give them the chance Lily. They won’t let you down.” I want to tell her to give
the chance, but I don’t think she’s ready.

She gives me a shy look that I haven’t seen before. “Can you pick me up Wednesday?”

Finally! “Yeah. I’ll be waiting outside your last class.”

She hugs me and walks up the stairs into the dorm. I watch the door close and turn for my bike. Six months and I’m hopeful over a hug. I have a feeling I’ll need more fuckin’ help here. Maybe it’s time to talk to Kate and Tess.


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