Leah's Seduction: 1 (Gianni and Leah) (3 page)

BOOK: Leah's Seduction: 1 (Gianni and Leah)
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Chapter 4

Fashion Week was a major event in New York every February. Hundreds of shows took place—some at luxury hotels, others at smaller venues. There was no way Leah could go to all of them, but she wasn’t going to miss the one at the Plaza Hotel.

Kyra was swept up in preparation for modeling the latest fashions. But Leah had been to her apartment a couple of times in the past few days to decide what to wear, plus to learn some makeup and hair techniques. Yet, even with all that, she couldn’t decide if her appearance measured up.

Leah knew she looked different. The long-sleeved dress hung to just above the knee, and had geometric patterns in white and pebble gray, with a bit of black for accent. It was a creation from a popular designer, and draped over her figure in an alluring way. The effect was neither too bold nor too conservative.

It was an improvement, and the soft leather heels matched well. The hairstyle was more of a problem. It was supposed to be in big, soft curls. And Leah had practiced with the curling iron under her friend’s direction. But with all the curls, her hair looked huge, like she was standing in front of a fan. There might have been something Kyra had told her to do to finish the look, but she couldn’t recall what it was.

The makeup directions were easy enough to follow, and Kyra had tested the look just two days before, assuring her it was perfect. However, alone in her apartment after applying the dark eye shadow and black liner, and putting on the foundation precisely as she had been instructed, Leah thought the heavy makeup overpowered her.

But then, she wasn’t used to it. She needed to trust Kyra’s judgment. After all, clothes, makeup, and hair were her business. Her whole career depended upon appearance. That was what Leah reminded herself when she stepped out of her apartment on the way to the show, feeling completely ill at ease with her new look.

Entering the Plaza Hotel made her forget all about her awkwardness. The high ceilings with enormous crystal chandeliers and the plush carpets with deep colors were a statement in luxury. The alabaster columns and stained glasswork in the ceilings were regal. Leah was unable to fully take in the beauty. It was just too amazing.

Though her manager and Mason Barrington, the company owner, were attending, they had come separately. Leah would have found a way to refuse to ride with Vadim even if he had asked. And Mason was a VIP, and would attend with others in the industry. Her duties could be handled solo. And she was glad.

The fashion show was exciting, and she didn’t want it ruined with having to deal with Vadim. She would do her job, but she would enjoy the event, too. On her own, that was possible. And she’d connect with Kyra at some point.

She found the show in an enormous ballroom. The noise level was loud and crowds milled about. Some had found their seats, and others lingered, talking to friends or business associates. Leah looked around, trying to spot celebrities.

Leah recognized a few famous people, but was distracted when she saw Gianni standing in front of a seat on the other side of the catwalk. He wore a blazer that was tailored to his body like a glove, over a white shirt open at the neck, with no tie. The look was elegant enough for the event, though casual, and Gianni exuded confidence.

And he was sexy. Assuming she was hidden behind the crowds, Leah took time to watch him. Next to him was another man, muscular but dressed in a sort of uniform, and he pressed a finger to his ear as if listening into his earpiece. Then he nodded at Gianni and turned to make his way through the crowds.

No eligible bachelor as gorgeous as he was would be alone for long. And he wasn’t. Not one, but two beautiful woman came up to him. Gianni smiled politely but didn’t seem attached to either. And as soon as the women left, they were replaced by others.

And so it went. Gianni seemed to have a small group hovering around him at all times. Some were male, business connections or friends, but many were female. Which Leah found annoying. Though she tried to stay calm. She was just observing, after all.

Feeling as though she was spying on him, Leah reluctantly pulled away to find her seat. Gianni was in the VIP section in one of the front row seats, and her seat was not nearly as close to the catwalk.

She sat a few rows back on the other side of the runway. But her view of Gianni was not blocked, which meant she could look at him during the show. It was going to be a great show with a view like that.

The lights went down and the professionally made-up models strode up and down the walk. Leah knew the show was more than just seeing the clothing. It was a performance, and the stunning look each model displayed was as much art as fashion.

As a row of models walked by, Leah spotted Kyra, although she barely recognized her in the outfit she wore, and makeup that altered her appearance radically. But she strode with confidence and spun around at the end to walk back. Keeping her balance in the high-heeled shoes was remarkable, considering the pace at which she traversed the catwalk.

For a bit, Leah was caught up in the show, dazzled by what she saw. When the lights shifted and a couple of spotlights were aimed at the proceedings, she looked up to see Gianni staring at her. Her gaze locked with his, and she flushed.

That he had even noticed her was amazing. Then she cringed, thinking of how she must look. With her hair so wild and her makeup so dark, possibly he didn’t recognize her. Or thought she was weird.

But as his eyes pierced into her from across the room, Leah knew that wasn’t the case. It was as if he saw her clearly even at a distance, and the electricity that radiated between them was undeniable.

Leah licked her lips, her mouth suddenly dry. She thought she saw a tiny smile on Gianni’s lips, but surely she was imagining it. The way her body responded, she might as well have been naked and in his arms, because any semblance of composure was lost to her.

The spotlights angled in a different direction, and the main room went dark. The brightly lit catwalk gleamed above. When Leah’s eyes adjusted to the light, she glanced at Gianni, who was watching the models above him walking by. But she could swear he was aware of her.

It was unnerving. Just when she thought his attention was diverted, Gianni would look over at her again. He knew exactly what he was doing. She was sure of it. And what was it he was doing? Flirting?

With her? No, that wasn’t it. It was more. There was something more in his look, and in his expression. It was palpable even in the semi-dark. And it turned her on. Leah dreaded intermission, fearing that he would come over and say something.

She had no idea what she would say to him, or how to act normally after how he had been looking at her. It would be best if she could avoid a confrontation or being embarrassed by responding to him. There was no doubt he was playing some game, and the instant she acted like she thought he was interested, Leah knew she would be the fool.

Intermission came, and the lights went up. Gianni was instantly swarmed with people, and not far off the man he’d spoken to earlier hovered. Leah decided he must be a bodyguard. Wealthy people had bodyguards, so he would too. Both the hotel and the event had security, but some high-profile personalities brought their own protection as well.

Leah wound through the rows of chairs and people to get some air. She accepted a glass of champagne from a tray of one of the servers and took two big gulps. Then she stepped outside into the cold air and breathed deeply.

She wrapped her coat around her and finished the champagne. Holding the glass in one hand, she closed her eyes. The thought of leaving the event crossed her mind. That would be twice Gianni’s presence had freaked her out sufficiently to make her run.

But before she could seriously consider it, his deep voice startled her back to alertness. There was no mistaking his voice. Leah had listened to it during his presentation at the symposium, aroused by him throughout.

“Leah, isn’t it?”

She paused, grasping at how to respond. It was a simple question. All she had to do was say hello to him. They had met. It wasn’t so odd. But she was trembling, and any words she thought to utter stuck in her throat.

Gianni came closer and stood in front of her. In the corner of her eye, Leah saw his bodyguard waiting silently in the doorway. “Do you remember me?”

Leah looked into his eyes, not knowing for sure what she saw there. “Of course I remember you. You’re not a man to forget.” She wished she hadn’t said it as soon as the words spilled from her mouth. It gave too much away.

Without even smiling, Gianni conveyed delight at her response. It was all in his eyes, the way they gleamed. “I’m glad to hear that.” He paused. “Anyway, I think they’ll be starting up again in a minute. I’ll be attending a party later and wondered if you would go with me.”

If Leah had maintained a shred of self-composure, it was shattered at his request. It wasn’t possible to comprehend that he was asking her to go to a party. Not when he had his choice of women, from wealthy socialites to supermodels.

She took a breath, feeling like she might faint if she didn’t. It had to be business related. Somehow Gianni knew she was in marketing. He was a heavy hitter in New York fashion. There probably wasn’t much he didn’t know. He was being nice, including her in his world.

Taking her silence as a yes to his question, Gianni offered his arm to guide her back inside. “Good, then I’ll find you when the show ends, and my driver can take us.”

Leah put her arm through his, and it felt better than anything she had experienced. Feeling his strength, and letting the scent of his cologne waft over her, was exhilarating. Magically, she found her voice.

“Yes, that will be fine.” The words seemed to come from elsewhere, and the sound of her voice was unfamiliar. Being on Gianni’s arm—and the prospect of going anywhere with him, much less a Fashion Week party—was unreal.

Leah sat through the rest of the fashion show in a state of electrification, and the way Gianni kept glancing over at her made her wonder if he knew how uncomfortable she was. Social events were awkward enough, but the prospect of tagging along with Gianni to one was overwhelming.

Thank goodness Kyra had helped her dress right. Although it did little for her confidence at that moment. How she would pull this off, Leah wasn’t sure. Hanging out with famous and wealthy people was so outside her comfort zone it was painful.

But the chance to be with Gianni was worth all the torture. She just prayed she wouldn’t blow it too badly. One night with the heartthrob who seemed to consume her would be a memory to cling to.

If Leah got though the evening without disappointing him, it would be enough. She wanted to please him, more than she cared to admit. Gianni was a man worth pleasing, if only for a few hours. Somehow she had to calm down, and keep her heart from beating out of her chest, if she had any hope of acting with decorum. Maybe this time she would make a good impression. But then, that might be too much to wish for.


Chapter 5

When the lights came up, Leah texted a congratulations to Kyra for her catwalk performance, and to let her know she was leaving. Though she would have hung around until her friend changed and came out to the floor, Gianni had altered her plans. The models attended parties anyway, so she wouldn’t be missed.

She didn’t mention Gianni’s name, knowing it would raise too many questions. There would be time later to tell Kyra about that, and to fill her in on the details of the party that was yet to come.

Attendees swarmed past as they made their way to the exit. Leah wasn’t sure where to wait, and didn’t see Gianni. Then the bodyguard she’d seen before the show appeared beside her. She could see then that he wasn’t in a uniform, but wore a navy cotton shirt under a matching blazer.

He didn’t smile, and his imposing presence gave the impression of invincibility. “Miss Ivers?”


Without batting an eyelash, the buff guard stated his purpose: “Mister Rinaldi would like you to join him in his limo. I believe you have an invitation to his party. I’m Dawson Bennett, his bodyguard, and I’m here to escort you.”

“Okay, hello, Dawson. Shall I follow you?”

Leah thought she saw a hint of a smile on the man’s face. He just nodded and motioned for her to head in the direction of the main entrance. She began to walk with the guard close at her side. He was at least six inches taller than she was, and with his solidly muscled form, Leah felt protected in a way she hadn’t before.

Outside he walked her to a black limo and opened the door. Leaning down, Leah could see that Gianni was already inside. She slid in beside him, and Dawson shut the door securely behind her. The sudden realization that she was alone with Gianni in the back of a car made her heart leap.

“Hello, Leah.”

The way Gianni said the words, there was more meaning than just a polite greeting. But Leah couldn’t have said what. The tone was unmistakably sexual, yet he had not behaved in any improper way.

“Hi,” she said. “I’m surprised your guard left you alone to go get me.”

Gianni’s eyes gleamed, as though something about her delighted him. If so, it was a good start. “I got out quickly before too many people stopped to talk with me. This is a bulletproof vehicle, so I’m sure I was safe.”

“You’re playing with me?”

The look in his eyes caught her attention. It was as though she’d said something that struck a chord. “No, it’s true. My precautions may be excessive, but I do tend to err in that direction.”

Leah couldn’t imagine him making an error of any kind. He looked perfect sitting beside her in his white shirt, now clinging to his shoulders and arms. “It’s probably wise to be cautious.”

The limo pulled out and slowly made its way through the traffic. Leah had no idea where they were going, and it struck her that she instinctively knew Gianni was safe. Sort of. In a different way, he was intimidating. It was the power he exuded.

He revealed no emotion. “Do I frighten you?”

Leah rubbed a finger along the hem of her dress. “Not you, really. I just didn’t expect an invitation from you. And I’m not used to fashion parties. Are you sure you made a wise choice in asking me to come with you?”

Gianni’s lips thinned but he didn’t quite smile. “You’ll learn not to question my judgment.”

That gave her pause. Leah decided to change the subject. “Where is the party?”

“Le Bain.”

“I haven’t been there. But from what I’ve heard about Le Bain, it should be quite a party.”

“My parties usually are.”

“It’s your party?”

“Yes, with a few friends and business associates. I’ve been to many Fashion Week parties. I just wanted something a bit more intimate.”

. The word lingered in the air between them, and Gianni’s eyes met hers.

“Why me?” Leah blurted. “I mean…there were women swarming around you back there. Why invite me to your party?”

“You interest me.”

He said it in such a definitive manner that Leah wasn’t sure what to say. She looked down at her lap, although all she really wanted to do was keep looking at Gianni.

His look burned into her, and Leah glanced over.

“I tend to be blunt.”

“Yes, well, I don’t,” she said. “You’ll have to elaborate, because you have me in mystery.”

Gianni’s expression lightened. “That’s fair. Well, you strike me as an interesting woman. I don’t think it should surprise that I noticed. But you seem uncomfortable in the cocktail dress and makeup. Like someone else dressed you. It’s not really you, is it?”

“That’s very perceptive. Actually, a friend of mine helped me. I’m not talented with hair and makeup.”

“Yes, I did take note of that the other day.”

So far Gianni’s explanation of why he picked her over the multitudes of women he had to choose from was unsatisfactory. But Leah decided not to press the point. They were on the way to a party that she had no doubt would be amazing. She decided to try to enjoy herself.

Le Bain was a trendy rooftop club at the Standard hotel, in the heart of the Meatpacking District. It had an open-air terrace plus an indoor club below. The most amazing part was the view of the Hudson River, Lower Manhattan, and New Jersey.

It was the perfect place to watch the sunset, and Leah went out to the terrace to get a better view. The sky was orange, and a semicircle of the bright yellow sun sagged slowly below the horizon as though sinking into thick molasses.

Gianni stood beside her. “I chose this place for the view.”

Leah couldn’t take her eyes off the sight. “A view like this could grow on a person.” When she turned to look at Gianni, he had a slight smile. It was the first time she’d seen him smile, and it warmed her heart.

“I’ve heard this is a great place to dance the night away.”

Gianni raised his eyebrows.

“My friend, Kyra Walsh, told me,” she said. “She likes to dance and goes to lots of parties.”

“And do you like to dance?”

She glanced away. “It depends. I’m not as graceful as Kyra, so I’m more selective about who I dance with and where.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

Leah looked around at the white chairs, the dim lights on the ground, and the fake grass. Brazilian music was playing through the speakers on the rooftop. “I like the music,” she said.


“Yes, I learned to samba when I was younger. I’ve always loved the Brazilian culture.”

“Ever been there?”

Leah shook her head. “I grew up in Portland, and New York is as far as I’ve been.”


“Why is that?”

“I can tell you are a woman who would appreciate other cultures, and travel.”

“You seem to know a lot about me for someone who doesn’t know me.” Gianni looked away from her, and Leah was inclined to ask him for his thoughts. She wasn’t brave enough yet. “But I think you are right. I’d like to try, anyway. I’m hoping that being part of the fashion world will give me that chance…one day.”

Gianni studied her. Leah looked out at the water.

“What would you like to drink?”

She looked up. “Suggest something. I like trying new things.”

He nodded and flagged a waiter. “A cosmo for the lady, and I’ll have a whiskey sour.”

Leah liked the flavors of cranberry, lime, and orange. She just hoped the vodka and triple-sec combo wouldn’t be too much. Maybe she should have thought that through. “I’ve had cosmopolitans before. But they are pretty good.”

“You haven’t had them the way my bartender makes them.”

The drinks arrived swiftly and Gianni motioned for her to take a seat. With the outdoor heaters the temperature was pleasant, and it was so much nicer than being inside. Other guests milled about, drinking and talking, sometimes glancing in Gianni’s direction. But no one bothered him.

Inside there was loud music, and Leah was sure the dancing had started. She preferred to relax with her drink and avoid people she didn’t know. Gianni seemed aware of that, and didn’t press for them to go inside. The first few sips of her drink relaxed her, and Leah began to talk more freely with the handsome man she barely knew.

Even as they talked, Leah noticed the bodyguard not far off. He was unobtrusive, and after a while she forgot about him. Gianni seemed to have no interest in anyone at the party except Leah. It certainly boosted her ego to have such a desirable man interested in her.

The conversation covered various fashion world topics, nothing too personal at first. But Leah had a feeling Gianni wouldn’t settle for idle chatter. The way he looked at her and reacted to her gave Leah the impression he wanted to know about her on a much deeper level.

It wasn’t anything he said, exactly. It was his attitude, his attentiveness, and his interest in what she said that seemed sincere. He revealed little about himself, although he did tell her more about his business. But only tidbits that didn’t give anything proprietary away.

Leah knew, even as the alcohol clouded her senses, that Gianni was sharp. Possibly, he was too sharp, and he was maneuvering her. But she didn’t care. Her attraction to him overcame any reservations she had. She was certain he didn’t intend to harm her, so she let him guide the conversation.

“So, who do you work for in your new marketing coordinator position?”

Without hesitation, Leah filled him in on how that all happened. “Well, I had graduated but didn’t have much response to the resumes I sent out. It’s very competitive, which I’m sure I don’t have to tell you.”

Gianni took a gulp of his whiskey sour.

Leah continued, “I met Kyra Walsh at a fashion show, and we became friends. In fact, she says she knows you.”

“Yes, she modeled at my showroom several times.”

“Anyway, she gave me a good recommendation at one of the other showrooms. From modeling, she knew the owner. Not well, but I guess they were looking for someone. Lucky for me, they took her suggestion, and I did well in the interview. So now I work at Barrington’s.”

Leah thought she saw Gianni’s jaw stiffen, but if so it was momentary. Then he relaxed again. “Mason Barrington,” he said tersely. “I know him.”

They were interrupted when a woman slightly younger than Leah came out to the terrace and walked right up to Gianni. She had dark blond hair and lovely hazel eyes. Even in her high heels, she was petite, and probably wasn’t taller than five feet four in bare feet.

“Gianni,” she said.

He stood and gave her a hug. “Were you in there dancing?”

She pulled back and nodded.

“This is my sister, Daniela,” he said. “Daniela, meet Leah Ivers.”

Daniela took her hand for a quick squeeze and then started walking away. “Anyway, just wanted to let you know I made it here okay.” Then she was gone.

“You have a sister,” Leah said, just realizing that family hadn’t been a topic of discussion.

“Yes, she’s our baby sister.”


“I have three brothers. I’m the only one in New York right now, so I look out for her.”

“Is she in the fashion industry?”

“Yes, she is a makeup artist. She’s quite good.”

Leah noted the fondness with which he spoke of his sister. It was a new side to him. He was a confident, successful businessman. But it was good to know he had a softer side. “She’s lovely. I’m glad I got the chance to meet her.”

Gianni suggested they go inside for some food, and Leah didn’t object. She had just finished her second drink on an empty stomach. They sat at the bar and a server put platters of food in front of them. There were various kinds of crepes, grilled shrimp, and other delicacies. Leah helped herself to some of everything.

While eating, drink refills were served. Leah felt pretty good, and was having too much fun to slow down. It was too loud to do much talking, but once they ate Gianni motioned toward the dance floor. He stood and put out his hand, which Leah accepted.

Her reticence about dancing faded in the wake of three drinks, and she let Gianni guide her over the polished floor. It was crowded enough that no one either saw or cared how she danced. Which was good, as it eliminated her natural shyness. When Daniela spotted them, she waved, and Leah waved back.

The music shifted to a slow song, and Gianni took her in his arms. Feeling him close was sobering. The hardness of his body and his male scent went straight to her head, faster than the alcohol had. Guiding her smoothly, he held her tight, and Leah felt warmth spread through her. It was a magical night, and she didn’t want it to end.

When the song ended, Gianni took her hand and guided her out of the crowd. He turned down a hall as if he knew where he was going. Though the noise still boomed behind them, around the corner it was silent, and darker, in contrast.

He grasped her wrists and looked into her eyes. Leah felt giddy. She wanted him to kiss her, and she wanted so much more. But she dared not move. His breath grazed her cheek, and she wanted to taste the whiskey still lingering on his lips.

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