Learning to Be Little Again (2 page)

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Authors: Meredith O'Reilly

BOOK: Learning to Be Little Again
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I shook my head, knowing that now was not the time to have those thoughts. I had to be completely professional today. Otherwise, Juliana would probably never go back to a doctor. Sitting down in my chair, I turned my computer on to update some of my files. There was nothing more that I could do except wait for my little patient to arrive.

Chapter Three



I walked into the doctor’s office with Mark right behind me. I was so anxious for this appointment that I felt like I was going to be sick. I was all set to turn around and tell Mark I was sorry, but that I was not going to do this, when suddenly I spotted the coolest thing I’ve ever seen. Across the waiting room there was a huge aquarium filled with colorful fish!

Walking over to it, I immediately looked at all of the fish inside. After a few seconds, I noticed that the fish matched the fish that were in Dr. Sherman’s office in
Finding Nemo
. I greeted each fish by name and just watched as they swam around. I was so enthralled with my new discovery that I didn’t hear Mark or his doctor friend come up behind me.

“I’m glad that you like the fish, Juliana. Very few people actually recognize what movie they’re from.”

My focus left the fish and the ball of panic that had disappeared when I saw the fish came back, but this time it felt twice as big. I just stood there, not wanting to move.

“Juliana, aren’t you going to turn around and say hello?” Mark asked, and I could tell by the sound of his voice that he was getting frustrated.

I was about to turn around when I felt Robert’s presence by my side.

“It’s alright, Mark. I can understand why looking at fish is more appealing than saying hi to me. Look at Bloat. He’s such a silly fish,” Robert said, pointing to the glass as Bloat did what looked like a summersault. Robert and I watched the fish together for a little longer until he finally said, “As much fun as this is, I think it’s time that we get that exam started.”

I slowly turned to face him and Mark, and I just nodded.

“Would you like Mark to come with us, or not?”

I thought about it and then I shook my head. That would make this entire visit even
embarrassing than it was already going to be.

“Okay, let’s go on back then.” With that, Robert turned and slowly started to walk back to where the exam rooms were.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you, Juliana?”

“Yes,” I answered, and then followed Robert. He led me to a small room that had yellow walls with sunflowers painted on them. I instantly fell in love with the room. Yellow was my favorite color, and sunflowers happened to be my second favorite flower. Yellow roses were the first.

“Take a seat on the exam table, please,” he said as he sat down on the small rolling chair and turned his computer on.

I did as I was told and sat on the exam table. The paper crinkled as I sat, making so much noise in the silent room. Robert tapped away on his keyboard for a few minutes. Then he stopped, grabbed a cup on the corner of his desk and wrote something on it. As he was writing, ink splattered on his hands.

“Ugh! Why does this always happen to me?” he muttered, as he threw the pen into a wastebasket. “I’m sorry, Juliana, I have to go wash my hands. The sink in here isn’t working as of yesterday, and since it was New Year’s Eve, a repairman couldn’t come out until tomorrow. I should also grab another pen, so I’ll be back in a moment.” He stood and left the room.

As I looked around the room, I had to admit that nothing looked too scary. It was a regular doctor’s exam room. Robert also didn’t seem to be a bad guy.

He walked back into the room, grabbed the cup he left on his desk, and said, “Alright, Juliana. So today, I’ll be giving you a physical. Do you have to go to the bathroom now? I’ll need a urine sample to test.”

For a moment, I just stared at him. His dirty blonde hair and light blue eyes just captivated me. His eyes reminded me of how the sky would look on a fresh spring day. But I was shaken out of my captivation when the thought that he’d be touching me soon entered my mind.

“Juliana?” he asked, his eyebrows furrowing as if he was worried.

“I… ummm… n-no. I… I don’t need to go…” I said, bowing my head and looking at my hands.

“Juliana, listen to me. I know that right now, this is probably one of the last places you want to be. I get that. Please remember though, I’m trying to help you. If you feel uncomfortable at all when I’m examining you, tell me and we can take a break.”

“Promise?” I asked, looking up at him.

“Yes, I promise,” he said, the corners of his mouth turning up in a smile.


“Good. Now, let’s start off with the easy stuff. Could you please step off the exam table, take your shoes off, and place your heels against that measuring tape on the wall?” he gestured towards the wall at a bright yellow measuring tape.

I did as I was told and he looked at the wall. “You’re five feet exactly. Only fifteen inches shorter than me,” he chuckled. “Now, can you please step on the scale?”

I did and watched as it read ninety pounds. I could tell from the scowl on his face that he was unhappy about that. Thankfully though, he didn’t say anything.

“Okay, Juliana, please take a seat back on the exam table.” He sat back down on his chair and typed my weight and height into the computerized chart. When he finished that, he took my blood pressure, my temperature, checked my eyes, ears, and throat. He even checked my reflexes. I was finally starting to calm down, realizing that he was keeping this exam one hundred percent professional.

The exam was going so well, I should have known the other shoe was going to drop.

“Alright, Juliana. Now, I need you to remove all of your clothes and change into this gown. Make sure that the opening is in the front. I’ll leave the room to let you change and I’ll knock before entering again. Okay?” he asked, handing me the light green cloth gown.

I nodded and took the gown with shaky hands, watching as he left the room, closing the door behind him. I didn’t like this. Even though I would have the gown to wear, it was so thin, and he could come in here and do whatever he pleased. I closed my eyes and began to imagine.

I sit on the exam table, wearing nothing but the transparent gown. The door opens, catching me by surprise as Robert walks in.

“Sorry to startle you Juliana,” he says, closing the door and walking over to me.

“It’s o-okay,” I say, looking up into those gorgeous eyes of his.

He flashes that million dollar smile of his. “Please lie down and we can begin this exam.”

I slowly lie down, nervous to be in this position, but there’s something about him that I just trust.

“Comfortable?” he asks, brushing a strand of my hair off of my face and behind my ears.

“Yes,” I squeak out.

“Listen to me, Juliana. There is nothing to worry about. Now, I’m going to do a breast exam,” he says, slowly opening my gown.

I begin to panic. This isn’t right. I’m about to tell him that I can’t do this, when he gently traces a path down the center of my breasts and then around each of them.

I sigh and ease back slightly. That felt good.

“Just relax. I’m not going to hurt you,” he says as he cups both of my swollen breasts. “Hmmm… these feel perfect to me. Now let’s test those nipples.” He runs his thumbs over them and they instantly bead up, sending a shock to my core. “Perfect. Now let’s move on to the rest of your body.”

For the next several minutes, he checks my entire body. With each caress, more tremors are sent to my pussy, making me start to squirm.

“Now, I just have to do a vaginal inspection. If you could please rest your feet on these stirrups?” he says, guiding them to their intended spots.

I take a deep breath in as he pulls a light to the end of the exam table and clicks it on.

“Good color, easily wet.” He starts to trace his finger on the outside of my labia, making my pussy quiver and drip. “Very sensitive. Now all that’s left to do is check your orgasm response.”

“My what?” I begin to ask, sitting up, but falling back as his fingers touch my swollen and sensitive clit.

I try to fight the orgasm, not wanting him to think poorly of me for being so turned on by a little exam from an attractive doctor.

“Don’t fight it, Juliana. Come for me,” he demands, and my treacherous body listens, forcing an orgasm through me after months of never coming.

I was pulled out of my fantasy when I heard knocking at the door. “Juliana? Are you okay in there?”

It’s at that moment that I realized my right hand was drenched in my juices as my body continued to feel small aftershocks from the orgasm.
How did I not notice my hand was in my pants?


“I… yes. One more minute!” I said, hurrying to finish undressing and to get into my gown. I quickly folded my clothes, making sure to hide my panties at the bottom of the pile because they’re drenched.

I sat on the table and tried to catch my breath. This was so embarrassing! I hadn’t been able to orgasm for months, and suddenly my mind decides to take control. I was going to be humiliated if Robert came in and knew what I just unintentionally did.

“Juliana, are you ready now?”

“Yes,” I squeaked, hoping he wouldn’t be able to detect the scent on my panties since they were at the bottom of the pile.

The door swung open and Robert stepped inside and then closed the door behind him. When he turned to face me again, he sniffed the air, and then gave me a confused look, closely followed by a smirk.

Within seconds though, his face was blank as he said, “Alright. Now, I’m going to just do a quick exam of your body to make sure everything feels right, and then I’ll do a vaginal exam. Sound good?”

I nodded, hoping he wouldn’t be able to tell what I’d just done.

“Lie back, please.”

I did, trying to relax. Having a fantasy about a hot doctor was one thing, but now that he was going to actually exam me, I began to panic. He walked closer to me until he was right at the side of the exam table.

“Juliana, I’m going to untie your gown and do a breast and abdomen exam. Tell me if you’re uncomfortable
at all.”

I nodded and then he untied the sash of my gown. I closed my eyes as I felt his hands gently grab and squeeze my breasts. He did that for about five seconds on each one, and then he moved down and felt my abdomen. I opened my eyes to see that he was just staring at the wall. He wasn’t even looking at me. That made me relax slightly.

Then he took a step back. “Okay, Juliana, you can close your gown now.”

As I did that, he pulled out two stirrups from the bottom of the exam table.

“Okay, Juliana, please place your feet in these,” he said, pulling a light towards the end of the table.

Placing my feet in the stirrups, I watched as he grabbed some lube and spread it on a speculum. Just like that, the small amount of calm I was beginning to feel was forgotten and it was once again replaced by a large helping of fear.

He sat down in his chair and rolled over to my open legs. “Okay, Juliana. All I want you to do is just relax. If you feel at all uncomfortable at any time, let me know right away.”

“O-okay,” I said, lying back. I felt so open and exposed to him, and I wanted to laugh because this was just what I had fantasied about. But now that it was actually happening, I was ready to run screaming for the hills.

I felt the first tear slide down my face as I closed my eyes, waiting for the exam to begin.

I waited for what felt like an eternity when Robert said, “Baby girl, open your eyes.”

I did and saw him staring down at me, a look of concern in his eyes. I didn’t know why, but the look on his face made me cry harder.

“It’s okay, Juliana. You’re okay,” he said, wiping the tears from my face with a tissue. “Don’t you remember, I told you to tell me if you were uncomfortable.”

I nodded my head.

“Well, you should have told me and we could have taken a break, or I could have talked you through what’s going to happen.”

“S-sorry,” I said, beginning to cry a little harder. I couldn’t believe how much of a fool I must look like.

“There is absolutely no need for you to be sorry. Here, why don’t you have a juice box and hold this teddy bear I got for you,” he said, first handing me an apple juice box that already had the straw in it and then handing me a teddy bear.

I took both and hugged the teddy bear close, then started to drink. I don’t know if it was the sugary taste of the juice or the soft bear, but I started to feel better. I stopped crying, then momentarily closed my eyes and tried to take some deep breaths to calm down.

“There you go, sweetie. Try keeping your eyes closed, and I’ll tell you a short story while I continue your exam.”

I nodded, not opening my eyes as I pulled the teddy bear closer to me.

“Once upon a time, there was a princess. This princess was beautiful, with black curly hair and rich chocolate-brown eyes. She had such an adventurous spirit. She liked to ride her horse, Marcus, all over the land that her parents owned. She loved the feel of the wind in her hair and the freedom, as though nothing could control her. But one day, she fell in love with a knight, who was actually an ogre in disguise.”

As Robert was telling me this story, I pictured the princess in my head. I imagined that she wore a dress just like Belle from
Beauty and the Beast
. As I was picturing the dress, Robert gently pulled my legs apart.

“This ogre ended up hurting the princess a great deal, and the ogre made the princess lose her courage. Since the princess lost her courage, she didn’t ride her horse anymore because she was too afraid. That made both the princess and Marcus very sad.”

I felt horrible for the princess. I could understand why she was afraid, but she should get over her fear. She couldn’t let the mean ogre get away with making her scared for the rest of her life. I winced, feeling an uncomfortable feeling in my pussy, but ignored it as Robert continued his story.

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