Learning to Heal (40 page)

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Authors: R.D. Cole

BOOK: Learning to Heal
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"Well, hello to you too Derrick." I answer in a cocky tone.

Even though Derrick and I met a few weeks ago, we’ve built a bond of friendship as though we’ve known each another longer.

"I sure as hell don't know what you’re talking about. Aren't you using the hammer dude, its right there? Besides take a break from being Mr. Fix-It and grab some of this shit so it goes in the right spots this time.”

“I’m just trying to finish off a couple of things Chloe and I had planned when we bought this house. Now since she has picked up and moved straight cross country, I have to finish what we started.” Derrick says in a pissed off tone.

Damn Derrick, what the hell was this guy doing to his house? He’s been a real mess since I met him a few weeks ago. I moved here to avoid drama, not live with it again. After my parent’s death and my sister’s refusal to talk to me, I don't see a need to surround myself with people who are crazy.

I busted my ass for six years after college helping dad build up the contracting business. We were damn good too. It’s amazing how one week and a bastard for a brother-in-law can ruin your life; taking hard work and dreams away.

The abrupt decision to move from North Carolina to Massachusetts may have been a dumb idea. With no family left and losing my job I figured hell why not. After all, I’m a huge Red Sox fan.

Thank god I was lucky when I came up to visit the city of Boston a few weeks ago. I met with Derrick after seeing an ad on Craig's List for a roommate. He had a place to live that cost little in rent, allows me to keep my dog and is in a small town not too far from the city limits. It was a perfect fit to start my new life.

So I moved in a few days ago.

Without a real plan or career direction, I packed up my loft apartment, loaded up the Durango, and hit the road with Manny my bulldog.

After Derrick and I bring the bags into the house, I start to put shit away. Now that everything is in its place, I decide to help Derrick find the tools he needs for the latest house project.

Derrick appears to be a smart man. He’s a junior partner at a prestigious law firm, but to be honest I don't know how handy he is in the home renovation department. From what I gather, he is trying to upgrade his new house little by little. Good thing he has a craftsman and building contractor living under the same roof.

After we found the tools Derrick was looking for, I decide to take a seat on the couch. I watch as he attempts to hang a set of shelves next to the TV. The man doesn't seem to be struggling, so I figure why bother offering my help.

I ignore him and the offbeat hammering, kick up my feet, scratch Manny behind the ears, and turn on the tube. The Red Sox are playing the Phillies, not a chance in hell the team will lose this game. Come to think of it, I need to get my ass to Fenway to watch the team play in person. Hell yea, adding that to my Boston to-do bucket list.

The decision to move was good; a change of scenery was what I need. Derrick and I mesh well; we’re two peas in a pod. The house gives enough room to have privacy when needed and Manny is happy to have a huge backyard to run and be a dog.

Things were starting to work out. Life is good...for now.


Table of Contents
























Chapter Twenty-Three










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