Leon | a Bad Boy MC Motorcycle Club Romance (14 page)

Read Leon | a Bad Boy MC Motorcycle Club Romance Online

Authors: Rose Cody

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Suspense, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Leon | a Bad Boy MC Motorcycle Club Romance
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Chapter 14



  Lily kicks up her feet against the spare chair beside her as he lazily places bud on the scale, weighing it out before breaking off a small piece of another flower and dropping it on the metal plate.


“Kinda over, whatever. My treat.” She says to herself as she picks up a small, plastic baggie before placing the nuggets inside.


  She drags her fingers over the zipper, sealing the weed inside before dropping it into the green plastic tub beside her chair.


“Busy?” She hears, as someone knocks at the door to the basement office before opening it up and stepping inside.


“Yeah, you got me working so hard, baby.” She giggles, glancing up and smiling softly as Jason walks towards her before pushing her feet off the chair and sitting down.


“Too busy to count this?” He asks, reaching into the inside pocket of his heavy, leather jacket before pulling out a stack of cash.


“You know…” She says, grabbing the wad from him and fingering through it. “You really should teach me your ways…”


“I’ve tried.” He says, leaning into her face before pulling the money out of her hand and tossing it onto the table. “It’s just too bad that you make a better stripper than pot dealer.”


“Too bad for who?” She asks, smirking as she gets up from her seat before stepping over to him and sitting down on his lap, one thigh on either side of him.


“You’re right.” He says, resting his hands on her lower back. “That’s not bad for me at all.”


  She giggles out as she feels his fingers slide up her back before unhooking her bra and letting her breasts fall forward inside of her t-shirt.


“Oh…” She moans out under her breath as she feels Jason’s hands brush up her sides before he pulls them forward and cups her breasts, massaging her nipples between his fingers before pushing her shirt and bra up, the cold basement air chilling her and perking her pink nubs.


  Jason pulls her closer, sucking one of her nipples into his mouth before swirling his tongue over the very tip as he slowly rocks his hips back and forth under her, his cock stiffening and beginning to tent his jeans.


“Get up…” He whispers harshly to her before she steps off of him.


  He gets up from the chair, pushing her back over to the desk before swiping his arm to clear it off, pushing the pile of bud to the side and laying her down, back against the surface of the desk.


  She gasps as he hikes her legs into the air before hooking his fingers into the waist band of her shorts, pulling them, along with her panties, down her thighs and over her knees before dragging them along her calves and off her feet before tossing them against the chair he was just sitting on.


  He kneels down in front of her, spreading her legs before resting them on his shoulders as he kisses up and down the insides of her thighs.


“Jason…” She groans as she feels him pull her pussy lips apart with his fingers before pressing his flat tongue against her soaking wet entrance.


  He licks up, moaning as he tastes her sweetness before sucking her tingling clit into his mouth, his lips slurping as he pulls on it harder and harder.


  She bucks her hips as she feels one of this thick fingers press into her entrance, sliding past her soaking walls as he pulls it in and out before he adds another, spreading her further and sending a shudder throughout her body.


“Oh…” Jason moans, licking his lips as he gets to his feet before unbuckling his belt and unzipping his zipper.


  He sinks his hand inside of his boxer, dragging his wet fingers over his stiffness before pushing down the waist of his jeans, letting his rock hard cock bounce free.


  She holds her breath as she feels him rest the tip of his cock against her entrance before he slowly pushes in, spreading her as she slides along his shaft.


  Lily rests her head against the desk, her breasts bouncing freely up and down as Jason slowly pumps his cock in and out of her.


“Yes…” She moans as she feels the pad of his thumb press against her aching clit before swirling around in a circle, in time with their crashing hips.


  Jason moans out as he feels the tender walls of Lily’s soaking wet sheath begin to squeeze around his shaft as her whole body begins to stiffen.


“Faster…” She grunts out as her hands ball into fists and her toes curl.


  She yelps out, her chest heaving as she gasps for air, her pussy spasming around his thick cock as electric jolts of pleasure flow through her limbs.


“Oh, I’m gunna cum…” Jason moans out deeply, his voice trailing off as he pushes her knees back to her chest, his cock bucking into her even deeper as it swells inside of her and begins to twitch.


  Lily sighs out as her still spasming flower is filled with his thick, creamy seed as he groans on top of her before letting his sensitive cock slide out from between her dripping lips.


  He lets go of her legs, letting her get more comfortable before he wraps his arms around her waist and lifts her up, their chests pressing together as his tongue explores the inside of her mouth.


“See?” She asks, still out of breath as her heart races in her chest. “I can more than make up for the other areas I may lack in…”


  He rests his forehead against hers, smirking as she brings her hands up to hold him on either side of his cheeks.


  Jason drags his fingers along hers, pausing as he reaches the golden ring on her middle finger.


“Lily,” He says, kissing along her chin before whispering into her ear. “I think it’s time we get you a ring to go beside this one, don’t you?”




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This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental. All characters are over the age of majority and all sexual acts are completely consensual.




(A Bad Boy Mafia Romance Novel)




First edition. June 18
, 2016.

Copyright © 2016 Rose Cody



Written By Rose Cody

Chapter 1



“Well, this was a mistake.” Jennifer Scott whispers to herself as she enters her old high school gym.


  She stops, hesitating in the large double doorway as the magenta light reflecting off the silver disco balls hanging from the ceiling shines on her, bringing out the slight sparkle in her little black dress.


  Her stomach flips as she walks to the side, her heels clicking on the gymnasium floor as she settles herself against the wall, trying to regain her comfort.


  Jennifer never actually thought she would ever step foot inside of her high school reunion. Even before she graduated she was a peace with never having to step foot inside this awful place ever again.


  She was never very popular and honestly, more of an ugly duckling than she’d like to admit. Not
, necessarily, but high school is a tough time for girls and being a late bloomer didn’t help any. And what
didn’t help any was striving to be the top of her class. Being a shy, underdeveloped nerd will only get a girl so far.


  Not to say she’s never had friends. She left this place behind with two of the best friends anyone could ask for, but nearly ten years, two weddings, four kids and thousands of miles between them kind of left Jennifer in the dust to fend for herself.


  When she got the invitation, her first reaction was that, surely, this was probably a joke. There was no way anyone remembered Jennifer Scott enough to search out her address and send her an invitation. It’s not like anyone would notice if she didn’t show up.


  And she wasn’t going to. At least not at first. But as the weeks went on and the date of the reunion got closer, she became more and more curious.


   After all, high school was ten years ago and surely her classmates have matured a little bit. She sure has.


  Jennifer looks around the gym, chuckling to herself as she watches grown men fist bump each other like they’re still on the football team.


  Maybe there hasn’t been any maturity gained after all.


  She fixes the thin black shoulder strap of her dress, pulling it square back on her shoulder, as she takes a deep breath, filling her lungs with courage before she makes her way between the stackable tables to the punch line.


  Even if there’s nothing else to gain from coming here, at least there’s free punch and potato chips.


  She fills her plastic red cup, spooning the brightly colored beverage to the top before picking up a little plate reading “
Welcome back Eagles!
” and covering the lettering with a handful of BBQ ruffled chips. 


  Jennifer shyly makes her way back to the back of the gym, looking down to avoid eye contact with her former peers. Maybe she’s not really ready to be back yet after all.


  She sits herself down at an abandoned table, relieved to finally be settled before placing a potato chip in her mouth and looking back up into the crowd.


  She sighs through her nose, reaching back up to her shoulder to re-fix her strap as she relaxes into her chair before reaching for her drink and bringing it up to her lips to take a small sip.


“Hey, you!” She hears a voice come from the right of her and she turns to look at the person responsible for the call as she places her cup back on the table, shifting the plastic table cloth a little bit.


  She clears her throat, flashing a small smile at the tall, thick like ham bearded man, instantly recognizing him.


“Dennis Fink…” She says, nodding her head sarcastically as she watches him walk over to her table and sit herself down. “What a surprise.”


“Are you really surprised? We went to the same high school, of course I would be here.” He says, grabbing a chip off her plate.


“No, actually, I’m not at all.” She says to him, leaning away from him as crosses his arms over the table top and leans towards her. “Not surprised you’re wearing a letterman jacket in place of a suit jacket either.”


“Oh, come on, Jennifer, you don’t like it?” He asks, lifting it off of his chest. “How else are people supposed to recognise me?”


“Oh, you’re plenty recognizable.” She says, letting out a low giggle.


“Haven’t aged a bit, right?” He says, leaning back and tossing a chip into his mouth.


“Well, I didn’t say that…” Jennifer whispers under her breath as she looks around the gym, hoping to find someone, anyone, to be her excuse to leave.


“I almost didn’t recognise you, though…” He says, trying again to lean in closer to her. “When I did finally figure out who you were, I gotta say, I was pretty shocked.”


“Okay.” Jennifer mumbles, biting her lower lip as she reaches for her red plastic cup.


“Lighten up a little, I’m saying you’re beautiful.” He says, reaching over and resting his arm on the back of her chair. “I was like,
wow! Is that actually Jennifer Scott? No fuckin’ way! What a babe!
I can’t believe it.”


“Well, some of us grew up.” She says, shooting him a sarcastic, closed lip smile.


“Yeah, some of us sure did.” He says, turning towards her and resting his hand on her thigh before sinking the tips of his fingers a little deeper between her legs.


“Excuse you…” She says, pushing him away.


“What? Isn’t it every nerdy girl’s dream to get with a stud like me?” Dennis says, leaning in even further to whisper into her ear.


“Hey, dude!” A man says behind them, distracting Dennis just enough for Jennifer to stand up and scurry away.


“What’s your problem, man?” Dennis asks, standing up, too, before taking a step forward. “Why you gotta interrupt me and my lady friend like this? You got nothing better to do?”


“Oh, fuck off, dude.” The mystery man says, waving him off. “She obviously doesn’t want anything to do with you. Take a hike.”


“Are you going to come with me, Jennifer, or what?” Dennis asks, throwing up his hands as he turns to her.


“No, not in a million years.” She says, squinting her eyes.


“Well, then, fuck both of you.” He says, flipping them his middle finger as he walks away. “Your loss, bitch.”


  Jennifer sighs, smoothing her fingers over her eyebrows as she walks back over to her table. She glances over at her saviour, smiling softly at him as she sits back down in her seat.


“Thanks by the way.” She whispers to him softly, as she nods her head towards Dennis’s now empty chair. “You can sit down if you want.”


  He walks over, sitting himself in the chair before turning to her and resting his elbow on the table.


“Seems like Dennis Fink never stopped being a fucking tool, huh?” He chuckles, smiling at her before looking around the room. “Wow, and there he goes again…” He says, pointing as he watches Dennis sit down at another table. “I bet the guy hasn’t been laid since high school. Probably been jacking off to the same girls for years.”


“Oh, please, no.” She says, giggling as she covers her eyes, her cheeks flushing red at the thought. “Why did you have to go and say that?”


“I know, right?” He laughs. “As soon as I said it I threw up in my mouth a little bit.”


  She shakes her head, picking up her drink to take a little sip before placing it back down on the table and running her fingers over the plastic table cloth to smooth it back out.


“I’m Jennifer, by the way.” She says, turning up her lips slightly as she glances back over at him.


  He nods, flashing his pearly white teeth as he leans back in his chair before looking over to her.


“Yeah, I know.” He says, looking off into the crowd of people.


  He chuckles to himself before leaning a little closer to her.


“I can’t believe I’m going to tell you this…” He starts. “Because I know you have no idea who I am at all…”


   Jennifer bites her bottom lip embarrassed as she brings her hand to rest on her chest just under her neck.


“But I had a huge crush on you in high school.” He says, sitting up and straightening out his back as he rubs the palms of his hands over his dark suit pants as he shakes his head. “We had the same home room for all four years. I never got the courage to say anything to you, though.”


  Jennifer smiles, blushing as she brings her hand up over her mouth before letting out a soft giggle.


“Andrei Vitale.” He says, reaching out his hand.


“Oh! My! God!” She laughs, grabbing his hand to shake it. “Little Andrei Vitale…”


  She takes another sip from her drink before blushing as she looks him over.


  He’s sure grown since the last time she’s seen him. Who would have guessed that the runt of the class would grow up to have such sculpted, sharp features.


“You sure filled out.” She says, leaning into the gap between them. “I would have never guessed…”


“Yeah, I get that a lot.” He says, smiling as he looks down, a dark lock of his hair falling in his face away from the rest of it. “So, you know what? I’m just going to ask…” He says, taking a deep breath. “How about Jennifer Scott gives a guy like me a chance? Let’s get out of here, what do you say?”


  She glances around the room, trying to hide her eagerness. She looks over to Dennis, who is once again striking out, before looking back at Andrei and shrugging her shoulders.


“Sure… I guess.” She says, biting her bottom lip as she tries not to smile to largely.


“Alright then, cool.” He says, getting up from his seat before offering her his hand. “I know just the place.”


  She reaches out to grab his hand as he helps her up to her feet. At least she can’t say nothing came from this reunion.

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