Lessons of the Past (12 page)

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Authors: Chloe Maxx

BOOK: Lessons of the Past
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“Yum,” Amy commented. “Professor Rodriguez is every girl’s fantasy.”

Of course I agreed, but I shrugged, saying, “He’s okay, I guess.”

“Okay? He’s the star of my dreams.”

I laughed, Lane scowled, and Courtney pretended to be lost in her own world. I knew it had to hurt to see Lane with yet another girl.

My phone buzzed from my pocket.

Javier: Because I was too busy spending time with my sexy girlfriend.

“What are you smiling about?” Courtney questioned.

“Just something Rebecca sent me,” I lied, stuffing my phone in my bag.

She eyed me for a moment. “Yeah. Sure. Whatever.”

“Anyway,” I prompted, “Amy, what is your major?” It was a lame question, but I couldn’t think of anything else to ask.

“Education.” She took a sip of her drink. “I can’t wait to teach kids one day.”

“So, early childhood? Not high school.”

Shaking her head, she said, “Fuck no. High school boys are way too immature.”

“Says the girl who has sex dreams about her professor,” Courtney pointed out.

“Court!” Lane yelled as my mouth dropped open. I then had to bite my lip to keep from laughing. Served her right for thinking about my man in a sexual way.

“What? I was just pointing out that her behavior is pretty immature, too.”

Lane shook his head as Amy said, “It’s okay. Really.”

I stood up, wanting to leave before Courtney said anything else to really tick Lane off. “I’m going to get a burrito and head to class. See y’all later.”

“It was awesome meeting you,” Amy exclaimed.

“You, too.” I walked away and ordered a burrito from the taco shop, then went to my next class.


Popping a mint into my mouth, I knocked on Javier’s office door. It was normally open, so I assumed he was speaking with a student. I backed away from the door and leaned against the wall to wait.

A couple minutes later, the door opened and the same slutty girl from my Calculus II class walked out with a smile on her face. I trusted him, I really did, but I still felt sick looking at her satisfied smile.

She let out a light giggle as she walked away and I stepped inside the doorway. “Hi,” I greeted.

“Ms. Wilson,” Javier said, straightening his tie. “Why don’t you close the door and sit down?” He sounded business like, not at all like my boyfriend.

After shutting the door and locking it, I sat down like he’d asked. “You wanted to speak to me about my quiz, Professor?” I questioned, using the same professional tone. If he wanted to play that way, I could too.

Javier’s blue eyes narrowed as he ran a hand through his scruff. “What the fuck are you doing, Alexandria?”

“I’m not doing anything.” I bit my lower lip to taunt him. “You told me to shut the door and sit. I complied.”

“Come here and give me a kiss.” His voice was warm and demanding.

I stood up and rounded the desk. “Is that why I’m here? A kiss?”

He grabbed my hips and pulled me down on his lap. “Unfortunately, no.” His lips brushed mine. “We really do need to talk about your work. But first things first,” he whispered before taking my mouth with his in a kiss that made my nipples harden and my sex wet.

I pulled back. “We better stop unless you plan on fucking me on your desk.”

He nibbled on my ear. “I like the sound of that.”

“Mmm,” I moaned as he kissed the spot just below my ear that made me weak. His fingers made quick work of my button and zipper. I placed a hand on his cheek and captured his lips just as his fingers moved my panties aside and pushed inside me. I was already wet, but the feel of his fingers inside me had me growing wetter by the second.

A loud moan broke from my mouth as his two fingers found my G-spot, massaging it. “Yes,” I cried, grinding against his hand.

“You like that, baby? You want me to make you feel real good and use my cock instead?”

“Yes, please.”

Javier pulled his fingers free, then placed them in his mouth. “Mmm.” He stood in one swift motion and turned me around. “Hold on to that windowsill.”

“What?” I asked. I didn’t want everyone outside to watch me get fucked.

“It’s mirrored. You can see them, they can’t see you.”

“Oh,” I replied as I moved to the window, my jeans around my thighs.

I looked out the window, seeing other students walking across the lawn and sidewalks, headed to classes, dorms, and other destinations. Some were alone, others were with friends, talking and laughing, oblivious to the fact that I was about to be fucked by one of the math professors.

Javier’s hands grabbed my hips and his cock began stroking between my ass cheeks. Something inside me flipped and more pressure began to build in my core. He continued stroking, and it felt amazing, but I needed him inside me. “Do you like that?” he whispered in my ear, and a moment later, he was inside me. “Or do you want this?” He nipped my ear and pulled out before slamming back inside me, grinding against my ass.

I whimpered at the feeling of his big cock stretching me. “Javier,” I breathed.

“You like that? You like being fucked while watching them? Knowing they have no idea I’m slamming my cock into you?”

I hated to admit it, but the truth was, I did like it. I liked it a lot. “Yes,” I breathed, then immediately cried out when his finger began stroking my clit.

“Mmm,” he panted. “You are so beautiful. I love your ass.”

Javier continued to fuck me with a hard rhythm, nipping at my shoulder and kissing my neck.

Pinching my clit and slamming into me, I exploded in orgasm, forgetting we were in his office. He placed his hand over my mouth, muffling the sound. I bit down gently and he groaned one last time before coming inside me.

He placed his head on my back as we both tried to catch our breath. “Fuck, Alexandria. What the hell are you doing to me? We’re in my office.”

“Don’t blame this on me.”

He handed me a tissue, placed a kiss on my back, then rose and began putting his clothes back in place. I reached down and pulled my pants up, buttoning and zipping them, before I walked back to my original chair. I sank down, and said, “The quiz. We should discuss it.”

“Yes. Good idea.” He rummaged through some file folders and pulled one out. “As you know, I don’t normally do this, but I’ll make an exception for you.”

“Like you do for the girl that just left?” I had no idea where that even came from. I knew he was joking, referring to when he had first helped me, and I trusted him. Well…at least with other students.

He cocked his head to the side and his lips thinned. “What the hell is this, Alexandria?”

“What?” I asked. “I’ve seen her in here before. And I saw the huge smile on her face when she left.”

“You are acting like a child! I’m Mia’s professor, and I have to do my job.” His voice was hard, cold.

“But you just said you don’t normally do this…and you call her by her first name? Where is the
. when referring to her?” I
acting like a child, but hell if I could stop.

“What? Do you think I’m fucking her?” Javier’s voice radiated anger.

“No. I trust you.” I concentrated on my thumbnail, not looking at him.

“Then what are you doing? You know what, forget it, fucking fail the class.”

“No!” I shouted. “I’m sorry. I’m being a bitch to you because I don’t like her. And because she’s beautiful and you’re sexy and…I’m just insecure.”

He sighed. “And you’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen. You have no competition.”

I smiled at his words. They touched me in a way he’d never understand. “Thank you. I’m sorry. Now, can we discuss how much I suck at calculus?”

“Yes,” he replied before going over the module we’d been studying.

After an hour of listening to Javier explain himself over and over again, I managed to somewhat understand. He was patient with me, but I knew he had to be annoyed by my stupidity.

“Think you got it?”

“I think…I’m meeting up with Emily this weekend during her shift. Hopefully, that will help.”

“This weekend?” he asked.

“Yeah,” I said. “Around ten on Saturday morning.”

He nodded. “Amy and Caroline are going to her parents’ house for the weekend. I was hoping we could spend it together.”

“That sounds amazing.”

“They leave Friday. I thought you could spend the weekend with me. Meaning, I want to stay at my house. I want you to see how Amy and I live, how you have nothing to worry about.”

“O-kay,” I said, thinking it over. “I…yeah, maybe it will help. I don’t know.”

“I don’t know either. But I thought it might make you feel better.”

I nodded and hitched my bag over my shoulder. “Are you coming by tonight?”

“I don’t know. I’ll see what time I get finished with some work I have to do.” He stood and offered his hand.

I slid my hand into his and got up. “Sure.” I gave him a swift kiss on the cheek. “I’ll see you in the morning on the beach.”

“Sounds like a plan.” He released my hand and I stepped toward the door. “Oh, before I forget. I have a conference to attend in Dallas the week after finals. I want you to come with me.”

His eyes were shining with hope and…affection. “I’d love to.”

“Good,” Javier said, walking toward the chair behind his desk. “I’ll be able to treat you the way you deserve.”

I smiled and left. It warmed my heart that he was making such an effort to reassure me of his feelings. He wanted me to see the other side of his life. I just wished he didn’t
another life.

Chapter 15

I took one bite of my microwave dinner and gagged. It tasted like wet cardboard. After tossing it in the trash and my fork in the sink, I texted Courtney to see if she’d be up for McDonald’s. Of course she texted back immediately with a yes. She was a McDonald’s addict.

After slipping on a SUBC hoodie and yoga pants, I stood in the lobby of my building to wait for Courtney. She pulled up a few minutes later and I ran to her car as fast as I could since it was raining.

“Hey!” she greeted as I sank down in the seat.

“Hi. Ugh! I’m soaked.”

“At least you put your hair up.”

I patted my messy bun to make sure it was still in place. “Yeah. I would’ve looked like a wet dog if I hadn’t.”

She wrinkled her nose. “I don’t think you could ever look like a dog. You’re way too gorgeous.”

“Whatever,” I disagreed, rolling my eyes.

She pulled out into traffic. “I’m so glad you texted. I was starving.”

“I tried to eat a microwave dinner, but it was disgusting.” I pulled my phone out and checked to see if Javier had texted me. He hadn’t.

I wasn’t a needy girlfriend—a requirement of being the other woman, I guess—but he normally texted me in the evening and he hadn’t. I put my phone away and turned my attention back to Courtney.

“What was up with the bitchiness today at lunch?”

She turned the car down a street and narrowed her eyes. “You know why. I just couldn’t help it.”

I nodded. “I know. If it helps, she sounded kinda ditzy.”

“You think? He deserves better.” She shook her head and pulled the car into the McDonald’s parking lot. “I have to tell you something after we order. I need food first.”


We got out of the car and ran inside the building. The rain was pouring down in sheets, and I was grateful for my hoodie. Courtney’s t-shirt was soaked. We ordered our food and slid into a booth. “So, what do you need to tell me?” I asked.

Courtney popped a fry into her mouth. “I slept with Lane!” she blurted, and covered her mouth.

My eyes rounded. “What? When? Where?”

She sighed. “Okay. So, I went home after my last class and tried to forget about him. I knew I had acted like a bitch and it was wrong, but I want him so bad.”

“Tell me,” I prompted before taking a huge bite of burger.

“Okay, okay.” She took a swig of her drink. “So, I was working on homework when I heard a really loud knock on the door. I opened the door and Lane barreled his way into my apartment. He was pissed and ranting and roaring about me needing to know when to shut my…” she trailed off as she focused on something behind me. “Holy shit!”

“What?” I turned around and almost choked on my fry. Javier was at the counter ordering with a little girl standing next to him. I recognized Caroline immediately from the night I had seen them at dinner, and the multiple pictures he had shown me. He was a very proud dad, which made him even more attractive.

I checked to see if his wife was with him, but didn’t see her. Taking a deep breath and putting on a neutral face, I turned around to face Courtney. “What?” I asked again.

“Are you fucking blind? The fucking hottie with the black hair and black t-shirt.”

“Oh, him?” I took another bite of my burger.

“Yes him. Fuck!”

I shrugged. “He’s my calculus professor.” I sipped my drink. “Now, tell me about you and Lane. I have to know how it happened.”

She pointed toward Javier. “He’s your calculus professor? Fuck. How do you concentrate?”

“Can you stop saying fuck every two seconds? He has a kid with him and she could hear you.”

“Oh, right. Well…he’s, shit…he’s hot.”

I rolled my eyes. “Lane! Tell me about Lane.”

“Right, sorry.” She shook her head to rid her thoughts of Javier. “Lane. So, he’s yelling and I was just standing there letting him. After he finished, I asked if he wanted a drink. He did, and anyway, we wound up sitting on the couch.”

She was still speaking, but I couldn’t concentrate. My spine was tingling with awareness of him. If I looked toward where Javier had sat down, I knew he’d be looking at me.

I nodded at Courtney and turned my head. I had been correct. I was in his direct line of sight as Caroline sat to his left. His blue eyes were sparkling as he stared at me, and I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face.

“…and the next thing I knew, we were kissing. Are you even listening to me?”

I snapped my attention back to Courtney. “What? Yes! You started kissing. What happened after that?”

“I’d be pissed, but that guy is hella good looking, so I’ll let it go.” She tried to look irritated, but her gaze darted in Javier’s direction. I couldn’t blame her for looking—he’s amazing to look at.
If only she knew what was under the shirt.

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