Read Let It Snow Online

Authors: Suzan Butler,Emily Ryan-Davis,Cari Quinn,Vivienne Westlake,Sadie Haller,Holley Trent

Let It Snow (3 page)

BOOK: Let It Snow
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“Bri, honey,” he whispered against her ear. “We’re here.”

She moaned sleepily and stretched out, her sweatshirt lifting with her shoulders to reveal her toned tummy. He couldn’t resist. He splayed his hand over her abdomen and tickled her. She shrieked and sat up. “Garrett!”

The glare she leveled at him should have made him explode. He laughed and got out of the car. She pushed her door open and the two of them grabbed a bag each. Hers was bigger, probably filled with her three tons of skin care products,  so he took it from her as they walked up to the door and knocked.

Leo’s face lit up as he opened the door and saw the two standing there. “You made it!”

“Barely,” Garrett grumbled. “She tried to kill us.”

“Oh, shush!” Bri smacked his shoulder. She wrapped her arms around Leo’s neck. “How are you, Leo?”

She kissed his cheek as he pulled her into the cabin. Garrett followed and dropped the bags by the door as Leo held out his right hand.

“Sorry about the mess, guys.” Leo said as he shook Garrett’s hand and then pulled him in for a one-armed hug. “I was going to clean but then I took a nap.”

Garrett inhaled, smelling the cinnamon scent that was unique to Leo. He wore a soft terry cloth bathrobe that felt as soft as one of the washcloths Bri insisted on using.

They separated, but Leo’s eyes lingered on Garrett’s just a little longer than he’d thought they would.  His heart pounded with the knowledge of what they were doing there, both dread and anticipation roaring through his veins. Leo had no idea what was in store for him. As they stepped apart, Garrett looked at the main living area with disgust. “Mess?”

“Yeah,” Leo pursed his lips in mock offense.

The room was wall-to-wall hardwood flooring with area rugs under the two couches. Wood paneling covered the walls, which were lined with Leo’s hockey pictures. The couches were black leather and surrounded a dark cherry coffee table that probably cost more than a small car. The only thing that disturbed the cabin-esque atmosphere was the surround sound home entertainment center.

Again, the space was very Leo. But a mess? There was not one scrap of trash in the place.

“It’s lovely, Leo,” Brianna said, always the peacemaker. “You’ve redecorated since the last time we came up here.”

She glanced around, her eyes landing on the one corner of the cabin that Garrett had known they would—the corner with the tree. A soft smile crossed her lips. He’d never been huge with the holidays, but Brianna loved every second. He hated the pine needles on the floor. He disliked the multitude of annoying commercials on the TV. She said the pine needles gave the holiday authenticity. But she was like that with everything. A breath of fresh air and positivity.

“Yeah,” Leo said. He caught her wrist and held it up, the silver watch reflecting the light of the cabin. “What’s this? Shiny.”

“Like it? Garrett bought it for me.”

“Oh?” He grinned as he looked at Garrett. “You piss her off?”

“Fuck off,” Garrett growled. “Our tenth anniversary was last week.”

“Oh.” Leo seemed disappointed it wasn’t something to pacify Brianna’s very hot temper. “I guess we’ll need to have a celebration in honor of the ten years you’ve had to put up with Garrett. That deserves a fucking medal.”

Brianna giggled. “It does, Leo.”

Bri took his arm and led him over to the kitchen, where he proceeded to tell her about all the new recipes he’d learned and what he planned on cooking for Christmas dinner. 

Garrett wandered around the living room. The door to the main bedroom was open, and probably spotless since that was where he and Bri usually stayed when they came out. The guest room was across the house from the main room, which was where Leo usually slept. He was hoping that room didn’t get used. He wasn’t sure how Leo would take the news, or if he would even want to fall back into old habits. But the man hadn’t said anything about a girlfriend, so they had to assume he was single… and had those feelings towards Garrett.

Garrett let out a breath as he turned back to his best friend and his wife. Bri had hooked her arm in Leo’s and leaned her head against his shoulder. Her boob brushed against Leo’s upper arm every once in a while, which Garrett thought might have been purposeful on her part. What would Leo say when they laid their intentions on the table? Would he be cool with it? Would he be all in? How hot would it be to watch Leo thrust his dick into Bri, to watch her as her back would arch and her teeth clench from an overload of pleasure? He hadn’t realized how much he’d missed watching Leo work a woman. And this wouldn’t be any woman. This was Brianna. Would Leo lose it when Bri’s pussy clamped down on him?

Fuck. This was already killing him. He looked up to make sure they weren’t watching and adjusted his hardening dick. He hadn’t thought he could get it up so soon after their fuck on the side of the road, but the idea of Brianna and Leo just did him in.

 “The hockey season is on Christmas break so I have the next four days off,” Leo was telling her as Garrett rejoined them. “So this week I’m all yours!”

Bri’s eyes shot to Garrett, so full of desire that he wanted to take her right then. It was lucky that he’d already come once today or otherwise he might have. She tucked her black hair behind her ears, a soft pink tint on her cheeks. God, she was adorable.


Brianna sequestered herself in the shower as soon as she was able to, leaving Leo and alone with Garrett in the living room. He knelt by the fireplace to put another log on. Watching the glow of the fire made his face warm, a sharp contrast to the biting, cold snow falling outside.

He knew Garrett was behind him even before he sat down on the rug. His whole body was attuned to him, the fine hairs on his body standing on end. Garrett’s hands rested on his shoulders. After ten years, there shouldn’t be this awkwardness he felt around his best friend.

“You all right?” Garrett’s voice was like a purr across his body. His muscles relaxed. Years of taking his aggression and resentment out on the ice vanished in light of that single touch.

“I’m good.” His breath shuddered on the exhale. 

How long had it been since he’d been so close to Garrett? It was since before Brianna. Ten years? Eleven? They’d not dated long before getting married.

Leo had stepped aside, let Garrett have the fantasy life he so deserved. The hockey community was not as forgiving of his bisexual nature anyway, and they liked infidelity even less.

“Liar,” Garrett replied softly, his breath hot on Leo’s neck.

“What are you doing, Garrett?” He didn’t turn toward the man, because seeing him would have done him in. He’d made the choice long ago to let Garrett go.

“Remembering what I want,” the other man replied. Leo groaned when Garrett’s lips touched his neck, a war brewing within him between what his body wanted and what his mind could handle.

He wanted Garrett as soon as the couple had walked through the door. But he didn’t want to hurt Brianna. He respected her too much for that.

“We can’t do this, Garrett. Brianna—”

“Brianna knows,” his best friend replied. Leo frowned and tried to move away. She knew, and she was okay with this? What exactly had Garrett told his wife?

Garrett palmed Leo’s cheek and turned him until they were face to face. Leo’s heart pounded, his breathing shallow. Garrett leaned forward and took his mouth, no hesitancy, no restraint. He would have let him keep going, pressing on, but Garrett broke the kiss, like they had all the time in the world. His arms trembled as he leaned away from Garrett. 

“This isn’t right, Garrett,” he whispered. “Even if Brianna knows…”

“It is right. Brianna wants this, too. I’m hoping you’ll realize that this week.” Garrett pressed his lips to Leo’s briefly before standing. What did that mean? Was he saying that he wanted it to be like old times, with the woman in the middle? It seemed that was the only way he and Garrett would ever be together now. Did he dare even ask the man what he was thinking?

Leo stared at him. He wanted that man more than he’d ever wanted another human being, ever. He wanted him to speak so his voice could sink into his blood and his bones, to memorize every inch of his face, from his bright eyes down to the dimples on his cheeks.

He stood up carefully, still shaking like crazy, and stumbled over to the kitchen bar. He picked up the glass of wine he’d left there and downed it in one sip. When he looked back at Garrett, the man’s eyes were focused on his mouth, following his tongue as he swiped it across his lips. His eyes were hot and filled with desire. Oh, this is not how he’d expected to spend the first night with his best friends this year.

“Brianna knows about this?” Leo asked, his voice stronger than he’d thought it would be. He waited for his friend’s nod before asking, “What did she say?”

“Why? Do you really want to know if my wife is okay with this,” Garrett approached him, and leaned into Leo’s ear, “or do you want to know if she’s interested in you?”

Leo stared at him in surprise. Was Garrett really asking him if he had a crush on his wife? What had gotten into him? Garrett closed the remaining distance, which wasn’t much at all, and barricaded Leo in with his thick, corded arms.

Leo knew half a dozen ways to break through, thanks to the MMA classes he’d taken to be a better fighter on the ice. But he didn’t use them, because really, he didn’t want the man to leave him. In his arms, surrounded by hot-blooded man, he felt safe, and strangely enough, loved, though he knew that was a crock of shit.

Garrett leaned in, the kiss deep and full between them. His eyes closed, his dick hardening. The slip of his robe made him open his eyes. Garrett’s hands splayed against his chest, and slid down to his hips.

“Garrett…” Leo pleaded with him. He didn’t have the willpower to deny his best friend, and when Garrett’s hand wrapped around his cock, he groaned into his mouth. He was almost lost when he heard the shower shut off.


“Stop, Garrett.”

Fuck. He was messing with someone who was taken. But the way he was stroking him made his logical thought leak out his ears.


Why? Leo pushed his friend away from him, panting heavily, his lips bruised by the intensity of that last kiss. “You’re married, Garrett.”


“No.” He put up a hand, shaking his head. “Don’t. Your wife is about to come out of that bathroom. I love you both. I won’t be a party to breaking up your marriage.”

“But Leo, you don’t understand.”

He didn’t want to hear anymore. He was both furious and devastated. He’d waited so long to feel those lips on his again, but the ship had already sailed. He was a public figure that couldn’t afford to be seen as gay. And… he was no home wrecker.


Brianna knew as soon as she stepped out of the bathroom, something had happened. The entire living room area was sexually charged, so wound up that a single match striking would ignite the room. Leo looked guilty as hell.

She glanced to Garrett. “Are we good?” She wondered if Garrett had spoken to Leo.

“Not quite,” Garrett replied softly.

“I’m going to go take a shower now.” Leo announced. Brianna blinked, and watched him run from the room.

As the door to the bathroom slammed shut, she frowned and looked at Garrett. “You didn’t talk to him?”

“I may have gone about it the wrong way.” His expression was pained, his eyebrows furrowed and his lips pursed.

“Oh, Garrett.” Her heart went out to him. Her chest hurt as he ran a hand through his multi-colored hair. She had thought she’d have to push a bit more to get them together. It was strange to see that Garrett hadn’t needed pushing, that he’d just jumped off the edge on his own. It made her wonder just how close Leo and Garrett had been before her.

“I pushed too hard, B. He thinks I’m cheating on you.”“I bet he does.” She let out a long sigh. “Come to the bedroom with me.” She took his hand and led him into the next room. It was Leo’s bedroom.  The walls in here weren’t wood paneled, but a pale teal color. She loved this room. It was warm and welcoming. So like its owner. Well, when its owner wasn’t hiding from them.

Brianna let go of his hand and pulled off her yoga pants slowly. Hunger in his eyes burned for her, tracking her movements as she lay back on the bed, the sheets smelling faintly of cinnamon and cigars. She turned her face toward the comforter, letting her ebony curtain of hair fall over her face, and inhaled lightly. It smelled of Leo, spicy and masculine. The idea that they were there to seduce Leo heightened her senses and made her insides clench with aroused anticipation.

“Are you trying to make me jealous, doll?” Garrett appeared anything but jealous as she glanced up at him. His smile forced out his dimples, the ones that made him look years younger than thirty-four, as he stalked closer to her.

“Oh, baby,” she said, and placed her bare foot on the edge of the bed. She moved her knee outward so that he had a good view of her soaked pussy. “You know you’re the only man I want to watch me fuck his best friend.”

“Damn. I need that on a T-shirt.” Garrett groaned as he touched her raised knee, his fingertips lightly sliding across her leg. She resisted the urge to shudder. His thumb brushed the inside of her thigh, up by the apex of her thighs, so close and yet not touching her hot center. She bit down on her lower lip to keep from moaning. His touch drove her higher, and he wasn’t even doing it in an erotic fashion.

“You are a little vixen,” he said as he knelt on the floor, between her open legs.

“So you keep saying,” she said.

“Take the sweatshirt off, babe.”

It took a hot second to whip off the sweatshirt, leaving her in the spaghetti strap tank she’d started out the day with. Her breath caught as he kissed the inside of her knee, then brushed his lips along the inside of her thigh. His hot breath touched her core, and she arched her back in response. She planted her hands behind her, pushing out her breasts. She wanted—needed—him to touch her again. The side of the road wasn’t enough.

“You were a naughty girl in the car,” he said, in a low rumbly voice. “But a very good naughty girl.”

BOOK: Let It Snow
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