Let Sleeping Dogs Lie (13 page)

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Authors: Rita Mae Brown

BOOK: Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
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As he said that, Pookah, Parker’s sister, nose down, started trotting. Pansy, another hound from Sister’s “P” lineage, followed right behind her. Within a few minutes the whole pack, twenty-five-couple strong this weekend, kept moving—but silently.

Hounds are always counted in couples, a practice going back thousands of years to ancient Egypt.

Sybil, on the left, picked up the pace as did Betty, on the other pasture.

Ardent, a hound with a deep voice, one of Asa’s get, boomed out,
“Hot, hot, hot!”

All at once it was as though someone put a blowtorch to the earth, for the scent lifted right off, filling those hound nostrils. Everyone spoke in unison.

On the road, Sister trotted, then galloped. She wouldn’t jump in at the coop in the middle of the field until she knew where the pack would head. It was just as easy to make the wrong decision as the right on a day like this but she made the right one today, for hounds took the coop instead. Flying over in tandem, one by one, they jumped the facing coop into the right field to fly straight for Betty and Tootie, who adjusted in hopes they didn’t cross the line of the scent. If they did, two sets of hoofprints could only do but so much damage.

Hounds headed due west to the edge of the pasture where two jumps formed a right angle. Betty took the western one, landing on a well-cleared path. Tootie followed. Shaker was soon over, then the entire field.

Mostly hickory and oak, with branches bare, these woods provided good views. The occasional oak had the old leaves, dried out, still attached. A steady wind, about nine miles an hour, kept up a light rattling sound. In a few dry places sheltered by rock outcroppings, the leaves underfoot crunched, but by February all the exposed places had the leaves squashed down, turning into the beginnings of soil.

The fox, a gray called Grenville, led them to a steep incline down to a narrow but deep creek. Hounds clambered down, then swam the few yards across to the other side and struggled up. Old tree limbs hanging out of the creek bed gave the place a sinister air. Sister picked her way along the edge to the crossing, walked across, then moved out.

A true February run lasted one hour and twenty minutes until Grenville returned to his den not far from the old mill and not far from a red fox’s den. Try as they might, the hounds had lost the scent.

As the trailers were nearby, a few people, winded, decided to retire.

Sister rode up to Shaker. “Let’s go to Shootrough.”

A twenty-minute hack down that same farm road took them all the way to the back of Mill Ruins, where there was once a large shooting preserve. Walter dutifully kept it planted with millet, Alamo Switchgrass, and stands of corn here and there. He himself didn’t shoot but he liked feeding the birds and, of course, the foxes, too.

The minute the hounds cast into the millet, they roared through. For two more hours, hounds would find a fox, run it, lose it, find another. Many days in hunting, especially in November, are trying. Once out of the November doldrums, however, one can expect a good run or two. Usually the great runs are from mid-January to mid-March, with February holding pride of place.

Sister had no proof of this other than her own memory and the memory of other old foxhunters. Maybe they told themselves that to make up for the bitterness of February, but she swore by it, and now she hadn’t enough breath to swear because she and Matador, her former steeplechaser, had just jumped a wide ditch, and took two long strides on the other side to clear a long line of boxwoods. Peter had planned these jumps and, of course, during his lifetime the boxwoods had grown. Being American boxwoods, they were looser than the English variety. She could hear the
swish, swish, swish
behind her.

A long, long expanse of pasture confronted her, and she could just see her whipper-in and the huntsman and pack. Everyone was flying and Sister thanked her lucky stars for riding a great horse. Other riders were pulling up. The pace had been too fast for too long for many riders. Sister thundered on, the panorama in front of her swerved right. A storage shed, a formidable seventy by forty, was on her right along a deeply rutted farm road. She stayed in the pasture, even as the pack was now out on the farm road, for Sister thought she knew this fox. She figured he would duck right into the shed, where Walter stored some seed as well as old pallets—always useful.

He did. Hounds dug at the side of the metal shed. They sang
out in both triumph and frustration. Even though they couldn’t get to the den, they had put their fox to ground.

Shaker slid off Gunpowder, a Thoroughbred he loved, walked up to the entrance dug by the fox and blew “Gone to Ground.” Hounds hearing this distinctive call, not like any other, wriggled in delight. He praised them. Betty and Sybil, now alongside the hounds, remained mounted.

Shaker swung back up in the saddle effortlessly, which Sister envied as it was no longer that easy for her. Tootie stood on the other side of the shed, just in case the fox popped out.

Walter had just ridden up to the scene. Clemson lacked the speed of Sister’s Thoroughbreds, but what the horse lacked in speed he made up in good sense.

“Hell of a run,” Walter breathed heavily.

“The best. Just the best.” Sister looked down at those glorious hounds, full of themselves.

“We can do more,”
Trooper promised.

His brother, Tattoo, agreed.
“We can run all day. Really.”

Sister asked Betty, on one side of the pack, “Where’s Tootie?”

“Behind the shed, just in case.”

“Let’s call her to us. Shaker, I think we’d best head for the trailers. What do you think, Walter?”

“I think if we continue I’ll wind up with some new patients.”

They laughed and headed for the mill, walking along slowly. Took a half hour, and the wind came up, as did an unexpected rain; light though it was, it was steady and cold. Snow can be warmer than a rain in the high 30°Fs or low 40°Fs. By the time everyone reached their trailers, they were happy to dismount. After wiping them down and then throwing on a sweat sheet, most put their horses on the trailer. The heavier blanket would be thrown over soon enough when the sweat sheet was taken off.

Phil said to Mercer as they walked to Walter’s house, “Think there’s any food left?”

“If not, we’ll make those that came in early go to Kentucky Fried Chicken.”

“That will take an hour.” Phil knew how far the franchise was—too far when one is hungry.

Fortunately, the table was filled with hot meats, salads, corn bread, macaroni and cheese, jams, and far too many desserts. It did not disappoint.

Too tired to stand, people found places to sit, some even repairing to the old country kitchen. The bar got a good workout, too.

Mercer, Ronnie, Xavier, Phil, and Freddie Thomas, a very attractive female CPA, sat at the kitchen table.

Phil leaned toward the voluptuous Freddie. “May I get you another drink?”

“Phil, if I have another drink you’ll need to carry me out of here.”

“That’s the general idea.”

Xavier raised his eyebrows.

“I am shocked. Truly and deeply shocked.” Freddie never was averse to male attention but then what woman is?

“Did you view?” Mercer asked everyone in general.

Seeing the fox, always a thrill, was believed to bring good luck.

“No, I was too far back. Halfway through the hunt, I knew Diva and I”—Freddie named her mare—“needed to rate ourselves.”

“Yeah, me, too.” Ronnie nodded. “We started out with a great run, and then it just never stopped except for the hack to Shootrough. What a day!”

They replayed the hunt. Kasmir stuck his head into the kitchen and smiled. Someone called his name and he closed the door.

“You know, I don’t think anyone viewed because I never heard a ‘Tallyho,’ ” Mercer said.

“You’re right,” Phil agreed. “I didn’t either.”

As the food settled a bit, warmth crept into their toes, and the liquor added to the high spirits. They chattered away, people coming in and out of the kitchen, some sitting for a spell. The breakfast would be remembered as fondly as the hunt itself.

Freddie had a question for Mercer. “I know you’re a bloodstock agent, but I don’t really know what you do. I mean, do you sit and study bloodlines on the computer?”

“I do, but I’m fortunate in being able to see so many horses now and over the years. I go to Kentucky about once every two months and I’ve added Pennsylvania and New York to the list. About once every two years I’ll head down to Louisiana, too. You’d be surprised at how many good horses are down there. Florida, of course. Florida horses around Ocala have the advantage of limestone soils but no one has the advantage like Kentucky.”

“Really?” she asked, interested.

“Don’t get me wrong. Virginia can still breed great Thoroughbreds, along with some of our neighbors. You’re sitting next to one of the best.”

Phil slightly tilted his head to one side in acknowledgment. “Freddie, we now have so many supplements that we can give growing foals an advantage similar to Kentucky, but there they just turn them out. We have to spend extra money on supplements. You only get one chance to ensure a horse has strong, strong bones.”

“I never thought about that,” she said. “I just hop up on Diva and well, like I said, I never thought about it.” Freddie smiled, then added, “What did people do before supplements?”

Phil leaned in closer. “Broad Creek Stables was started by my great-grandfather back in the 1870s in a state wrecked by the war, no young men, no money, amputees in the streets. It must have been awful, win or lose, too many damaged people. Well, I’m off the track, literally.” He laughed. “But I think about Old Tom and then his son, Roger; they had to have had it really tough. But what they did and what Broad Creek did was to haul mares to Kentucky by
train to foal. This way they got the same head start that a Kentucky horse did. We often used our own stallions and we built our reputations on them. Navigator being the first really great one. We’d bring the boarders back as yearlings or two-year-olds and so we got great bone in them.”

“And my family was part of that, my great-grandfather and grandfather,” Mercer interjected. “They loaded horses on the boxcars with stalls, traveled with them. Grandpa studied what was in Kentucky. He made suggestions to the Chetwynds that put Broad Creek Stables on the map, so to speak. My grandfather got Old Tom to purchase Navigator. I think Roger was studying at the University of Virginia then. Grandpa bought a few horses for himself. You know, a good horseman can usually survive. He might not always make money but that’s the thing about bloodline research, I don’t need to buy horses. My job, let’s say you want to get into the game and you tell me you have twenty thousand to spend on a yearling. That’s nothing, but I can set you up. Anyway, for a percentage, small, I will find you the best twenty-thousand-dollar yearling possible and since I have so many contacts, a lot of times I can get you a really good horse right out of the pastures. Avoid the auction. All I need is gas money, my computer, and my notebook. My overhead is low. Phil’s skyrockets but his profits are greater when it all works. I can put you in a syndicate, too, but that’s another story.”

Freddie listened intently to Mercer. “You love what you do, don’t you?”

“I do. My fear is that Kentucky will just blow itself up with this gambling mess.” He then explained to her how one could only wager on horses at the tracks, nothing else.

“But why would that hurt you?” She reached for a napkin.

“Freddie, people will go out of business. Horses will be dispersed to states where the legislature invites horsemen and gamblers alike. That means a lot more travel for me and having to make
more contacts. Not to brag, but I know just about everyone in Kentucky. You have a mare who was bred to a son of A.P. Indy, take your pick, she delivers a foal and I call and ask about the foal or I send an e-mail. I know who I’m talking to and they know me. Besides, I can read between the lines. And remember, Kentucky is the heart of the Thoroughbred business. Destroy that business and you really take something from America. It’s part of our history.”

“True enough.” Phil agreed.

Feeling a bit sleepy, Xavier murmured, “Mercer can put you in a syndicate, too, like he said. You know, where a group of people own a horse together? This defrays expenses but allows people from all kinds of jobs to play. Some people love racing like we love foxhunting, but it’s costly. Syndicates open the door for more people.”

On and on they chattered until finally Freddie looked at the wall clock. “It’s four o’clock!”

They all turned around to look at the big round wall clock. “Time flies when you’re having fun.” Ronnie smiled, rose from the table, clearing everyone’s plates.

Once home, Sister, Gray, and Tootie took showers, then collapsed in the living room, fire crackling in the large fireplace.

Gray sipped his scotch while Sister and Tootie stuck to hot tea. They also replayed the day.

As though out of the blue, Sister said to Gray, “Honey, does your family keep scrapbooks?”

“No. Why?”

“Just wondered.”

He swirled the scotch around in the heavy glass. “We weren’t really a close family. My sister spent more time with Daniella, her aunt, my mother’s sister. Dad worked all the time. Mom basically turned us out of the house to do whatever while she did whatever
she did. A lot of housework, I think. We were glad to get out of that. One of us would come back bloodied. Sam and I fought like roosters. I don’t know how we lived.”

“Worked out.” Sister smiled.

“Daniella might have family pictures but I don’t think any of them were too close, except for her and my sister. Also Daniella had too many marriages. High drama. My sister’s just like Aunt D.” Gray still could be irritated by his sister. “I will admit my mother, Graziella, could get just as uppity about our dash of Italian blood but Aunt D can outsnob everybody. She met Eleanor Roosevelt once and ever after referred to her as ‘My dear friend, Mrs. Roosevelt.’ You get the picture.” He rolled his eyes.

“I guess Mercer’s a bit of a snob,” Tootie blurted out. “He’s fun, though.”

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